New! Convert your trades list directly to relevant games informations (lowest price, cards, bundle, ratings...) on : https://gameslisttosteam.freedom-substitute.fr

Last course: Comparative: GET vs POST methods in PHP

Today I'm here to introduce you a website that I'm currently running: "FREEDOM SUBSTITUTE".

We are actually 3 people working on it (Two French guy, and one Scottish guy) and we are open for recruitments if you want to help us managing/improving/translating/post on the website (most post are still translated by a bot).

Here is a little summary of what we can offer you:


  • Buy games for free (yeah that's paradoxal) with a points systems (that you win also for free like when you visit the website)
  • Participate to giveaways every week on the website
  • Regular giveaways on the Steam group
  • Win points by trading Steam items (rate = selling value * 0.80 = points)
  • There is a lot of others ways to win points, just visit our website to know more about it!


Learn IT courses about:

  • CMS
  • Hacking and how to prevent being hacked (social engineering, flaw, deep web...)
  • Games (in C# for example)
  • Hardware
  • Programming (mainly C#, HTML5+CSS3+JS, PHP, SQL and Batch)
  • Internet & Networks (VPN, Proxy, DNS, IP Addresses...)
  • Security
  • OS
  • Utilities
  • ... and more!



  • Here it's a pretty new section managed by the Scottish guy, he's posting his action/hacking books every weeks!


► Website: https://www.freedom-substitute.fr/
► Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/FREEDOM_SUBSTITUTE
► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FreedomSubstitute/
► Twitter: https://twitter.com/FSubstitute



Dernière mise à jour : Vous gagnez désormais des points de fidélité à hauteur de 20% du prix d'achat (échangeable).

Dernier cours : Comparatif : GET vs POST en PHP

Salut !

Aujourd'hui je vient vous présenter un des sites que je gère actuellement : "FREEDOM SUBSTITUTE".

Nous sommes actuellement 3 personnes à travailler dessus (deux français et un écossais) et nous sommes ouverts à toutes demandes de recrutement que ce soit pour nous aider à gérer/améliorer/traduire/poster sur notre site.

Voici un petit un résumé de ce que nous pouvons vous offrir :


  • Acheter des jeux gratuitement (ouais, c'est paradoxal) à l'aide d'un système de points (que vous gagnez aussi gratuitement quand vous visitez le site par exemple)
  • Participer à des tirages au sort chaque semaines sur le site
  • Tirages au sort réguliers sur le groupe Steam
  • Gagnez des points en échangeant des objets Steam (taux = prix vente réél * 0.80 = nbr de points)
  • Il existe beaucoup d'autres manières de gagner des points, visitez notre site pour en savoir plus !


Apprenez des cours d'informatique autour de :

  • CMS
  • Hacking et comment se prémunir de certaines attaques (ingénierie sociale, failles, deep web...)
  • Jeux (en C# par exemple)
  • Matériel
  • Programmation (principalement C#, HTML5+CSS3+JS, PHP, SQL et Batch)
  • Internet & Réseaux (VPN, proxy, DNS, adressage IP...)
  • Sécurité
  • OS
  • Utilitaires
  • ... et plus encore !



  • C'est une section toute nouvelle gérée par l'écossais, il y poste chaque semaines des chapitres de ses livres d'action/hacking!


► Site : https://www.freedom-substitute.fr/
► Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/FREEDOM_SUBSTITUTE
► Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/FreedomSubstitute/
► Twitter : https://twitter.com/FSubstitute

7 years ago*

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Reserved for updates, I'll delete the old ones (>1week) so that it don't take too much places.

7 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

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C'est contraire aux guidelines, non ?

7 years ago

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Il est vrai que ce dernier article est à la limite mais en soit ce n'est pas du piratage, ça peut le devenir uniquement selon l'utilisation de la personne sur les sites présentés dans l'article. En aucun cas je partage directement des fichiers piratés donc je ne sais pas trop à quel niveau ils jugent que c'est du piratage. Par précaution je vais quand même supprimer les références à cet article.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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A new 60$ giveaway is beginning on https://www.freedom-substitute.fr/giveaways-steam/ ! (more might be added).

7 years ago

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U need a translator? maybe i can help.

7 years ago

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Hello, well I don't know if you saw but our post are translated by a bot and thus, it's in a bad english and that's why we are looking for people to check all the sentences to see if it makes sences, sound english etc... So if you are interested, we can speak about it :D

7 years ago

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yeah, i can help with that if u want. let me know how.

7 years ago

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Well I see that you already have a FS account so all what I have to do is to promote you to the editor role, with that you are only able to edit post (you can't delete or publish anything).

And to make things easier, when you will be connected with your editor account you will see a "Edit" button under the name of any post (like in the homepage of the website) you just have to click on it, check the text and save the draft (because you can't publish). So after translating any post, just tell me to update it and that's all! I think that I might give you some points for each translations, I have to think about it :D

If you are good with that, I'll change your role :)

7 years ago

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ok, je suis d'accord :)

7 years ago

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Not interested, but WOOT SCOTLAND GUY! ( Unless he's from the East Coast, then boooo! )

I always feel we're so isolated, we're never really mentioned outside of our local press/web, so it always makes me happy to see a Scot out there, getting things done.

7 years ago

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Hi! Well, I don't know remember exactly where he lives but I think it's near "Stirling"... I'll have to ask him again :D

7 years ago

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Ah, he told me he lives near Edinburgh! :p

7 years ago

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I can help translate/spell check, if I'm not too late

7 years ago

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Hello! It's never too late, we are not going to close the website that soon and we will still produce content so... the more translators we have, the faster it will be translated! :D

Can you add me on Steam, so that I will tell you how that works and how you can help us when you will be available? :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Well, I can help you translating to spanish that site if you want, but I'm not as good as I want speaking english or français. xD

Good luck with it! You deserve it.

7 years ago

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Thanks a lot for your support! :D

Well, as I already said to another person, I don't think that we'll translate it in another language for the moment because it takes too much time just for one language and the english version is not yet "stable" (there is too much to translate, that's why I was looking for some translators).

But it's not just a articles translation issue, when we create a new language we have to manually translate every category, pages, plugins and other "strings" used in pages that can't be translated like on the subscription page, so to fix this we are currently showing both languages in the same page but we won't be able to do this for 3 or 4 languages it will be a mess ^^.

But anyway thanks for your help! :D

7 years ago

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I will have a look, thanks for Info

7 years ago

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Thanks! If you need anything, feel free to ask!

7 years ago

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Your website looks cool.But i would love more unique landing page instead of blog style page.

Good work so far. Added you on steam in case i get free time to do some translations etc.

7 years ago

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Hey, thanks for the advice, a month ago the homepage wasn't like that, it was just a slider on the top and under it there were all the last post, but no category or last giveaways part so... I decided to build that homepage. I'm still thinking about changing the theme again so it may change again soon!

Regarding the invitation, I did not received any? But any help is still helpful, even more theses days because the english bot translator is not working anymore (reached the limit of words) so I'll have to find another way...

7 years ago

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Ok so... a little bit late but we were working on a total renew of the website and now we have what I think you asked for : a more unique "landing page"!

For that new theme, we have to convert all post into "courses" and thus it can take some times but we are working on it.

For the moment there is only a google translate plugin, because the other one can't work anymore so.. for the moment it's better than nothing. :)

7 years ago

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It looks pretty neat now. Keep up the good work!

7 years ago

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Thanks! The next step now is to convert all posts into courses... it's going to take some time^^, btw did you had any trouble to use the new version, with the lack of real translatation etc. ?

7 years ago

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Where is free Witcher 3?

7 years ago

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In the shop, by free I mean that you don't have to spend any $ to get it, just earn points, I wasn't having enough place in the title to place everything that I wanted to say so... :D

7 years ago

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"Earn point and get Witcher 3 for free" or something like that

Because current title seems misleading

7 years ago

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I tried that but there isn't enough space so I replaced it with "Free games via Shop blabla..." and reduced the end of the title by using "IT". Thanks for the suggestion :D

7 years ago

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Salut, ça me tente vraiment, je vais essayer votre site :)

7 years ago

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Ça marche ! Si tu trouve quoi que ce soit à améliorer n'hésite pas ! :)

7 years ago

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I suprised there is Polish language, but kinda needs some corrects there. Kinda good idea, but how i suppose get those games?

7 years ago

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Well there is all languages that google can support because it's a google translate plugin, in the past I use to use two versions of the website, one english one french but it took too much time and ressources to handle but also we had to pay to continue using the plugin that was helping us to do this so... we came back to easier solutions and if the translation is not better, at least it can translate all what is on screen not like in the past!

Otherwise to get games you just have to use the website for its purpose, I mean when you subscribe / read post / course / comment / invite friends / add a picture..... you get points and with theses points you can buy games in the shop without having to pay a single $.

There is a FAQ here (use translator) : http://www.freedom-substitute.fr/comment-gagner-des-points

7 years ago

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using facebook to sign up does not work. also turkish translation really really sucks which is obviously being translated by something like google translate

7 years ago

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I've tried a few minutes ago and a few people did it also, it seems to work, can you try again please? And yeah we're using a translator, I explained it at the above comment ^^

7 years ago

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It still doesn't do anything, do i have to remove it's permissions and the app from my facebook settings?

7 years ago

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Alright so I tried myself and it seems to work but anyway I choosed to change the plugin for social login, now you can try again, instead of clicking on "Facebook" click on the subscribe button and then you will see a lot of ways in the top of the page to subscribe / login.

7 years ago

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it works like a charm, merci

7 years ago

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Ah, cool! I made change the UI of the login and fixed some bugs regarding the social networks so now it should be better than yesterday :D

7 years ago

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Internal Server Error pls

7 years ago

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Yeah my bad, it's because I was making too much modifications in the same time, it should be ok now or in 2 minutes if not, the time that the RAM usages get lower.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Hi! Thanks! :D BTW if you want to try your luck we lunched a few days ago a new giveaway (Wolfenstein TNO + 25€ of games) at :: http://www.freedom-substitute.fr/giveaways-steam/

7 years ago

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Already in but thanks bruh! Keep up the good work!

7 years ago

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Yeah, well theses days it's a little bit hard for me to work on the website and make new courses because I have a lot of works :/

7 years ago

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Um .... wasnt gleam stuff kinda banned here :) ?

7 years ago

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Well we are using it only for big giveaways it's not our common way to give games,some games can't be given on SteamGift giveaway system so to pick a winner I havn't found a better solution. The common way is by using the website to get game from the shop for free or even with SteamGifts giveaways. I want people to have benefits for using the website, the gleam giveaways is a occasional "bonus" and I'm sure that the winner will be happy to get Wolfenstein :D

7 years ago

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Yeah but still ...

Anyway since the topic is still up I guess support think it's okay

7 years ago

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Well I hope it is, I know that gleam have bad reputations on some websites but I already looked for another solution on WordPress plugins but I found nothing more complete than Gleam so... I'm open to any suggestion if someone have one aha

7 years ago

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Translations are still broken?

7 years ago*

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By broken you mean bad translation (google translation) ? Because it not, it seems to work for me.

In the previous version of the website we had a dedicated english version but it was taking too much ressources (it was a shared host).

So now that we are on a VPS that solution may work again but I'm not sure if it will be compatible with the course module, that's why while I was configuring the website I added a google translate widget instead of just giving the french version. I know it's not the best thing to use, but at this time I'm still wondering what to use to translate the website, we already spoke about it with the team and it's something we have to do in the future.

7 years ago

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could you pls work on the translation, that would be very nice.

7 years ago

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Hello! Yes, you are not the first one that want a full english version, I'll work on that this afternoon. The problem with the previous translation is that everything could not be translated so I'll have to find a way to translate everything without having to pay a too expensive subscription

7 years ago

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Advertising is not allowed. If you'd like to advertise in your giveaways, that's perfectly allowed. This topic however, is not.

6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by Keohookalani.