I like it. I think it was long overdue to have more modern UI
As far as any issues that have come out of it - of course Valve should work and fix those so usability is not affected. Any complaints about design are pretty much just personal preference and always come up when anything changes. A year will go by and I bet 90% wont even be able to tell how the old one looked like.
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Agree. It absolutely needs some polish (lot of bugs, bad performance) but in general it's a step forward as far as I'm concerned. Most criticism I heard so far is about bugs, rather than actual UX. Personally I'm most positive about the new in-game overlay and few things from SteamDeck UI, like storage manager (god bless anyone who designed that).
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i personally dont like the notifications alert at the top right.
the new one doesnt tell me i have messages in the chat. i only saw i had any because i saw i had some when visiting steam through a browser.
it didnt show them to me when i went to "view all" as well
EDIT: is it just me or ... whenever i click on communitiy at the top... im rerouted to the notifications screen... did i break it?
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I think clicking on community places you at the last community page you visited? Maybe notifs count to that? An example I get is being rerouted to my inventory through it.
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I guess it is, I assumed it was deliberate, but it does make more sense for it to be a mistake and be some sort of tag thing causing it
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Yeah, if you go to a game's store page, then go to your library, then click "Store", you'll go back to the game page, not the store home page. It works kind of like a tab system, where each big header is its own tab
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My main issue is that its now more cluttered and can only display up to 3 different items. Compare that to the olde one that the different compressed categories it made it way clearer where the notification came from.
The lack of notification count is also a loss.
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had a bunch of chat notifications that didn't show up at all until i returned to the old UI
heres how if you want to
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I usually hate new designs of anything. Youtube is a disaster every update, new Reddit is unusable and I still use old.reddit.com, I use a custom Firefox CSS since ~2016 and I curse Mozilla every time they break it. Steam is one of the very few where I looked at it and continued with my day, without having to get angry at the meaningless shitty 'improvements" that make using the product worse.
The functionality (apart from the overlay) changed very little, almost all the changes are small and cosmetic. The new notes in the overlay are really nice, I just wish there was a default layout feature, so you had the same windows open every time you launch a game.
I did use a custom skin (Pixelvision) and it sucks that it's gone, but I'll live. I remember reading from some of the beta users that it may be possible to edit the skins in the future.
What is absolutely abysmal and definitely a change for the worse is the screenshot viewer. Previously, you could choose any game you wanted and view a lot of screenshots at a time, arranged by date. Thousands of screenshots? No problem, you can scroll forever. With this new viewer, for some reason I can only view ~10 random games (not recently played or installed), you can only view a few screenshots at a time, and they're all grouped by date. I had it crash several times when trying to scroll down to view the older screenshots, and it uses up a lot of my CPU just to do that.
I also had the entire Steam crash a couple of times but I'm sure they'll fix that soon. That's a critical failure if they let it keep happening.
If they fix it or undo that screenshot viewer change, using the new Steam would be no different to before the update.
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I'm right there with you on using old.reddit , so much nicer then the 'modern' garbage UI.
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It is lovely how buggy the thing is.
Like the wallet balance, if you receive money that is on hold it actually shows whole balance in hold...
And then the notifications of wishlisted game sales. Good idea, but if you have more than 2 at time it goes to wishlist and not game page...
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Sure, but sales overlap. Weekend deals, weeklong deals, sometimes a daily deal. A notification about 4 games being on sale doesn't narrow it down when on my WL 23 are on sale when I check it. A notification that can't be followed up properly shouldn't exist. I'll just it off when the servers won't be busy and I can save my filters :P
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I agree, there shouldn't be notifications for sales. People will end up pressing "Mark All Read" and start to ignore notifications all together. They'll notice this some time even if not soon. :)
If they put an option on wishlist to which game should get a notification, now that would be wonderful.
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What I personally think it's missing is to set a minimum % of sale, since it doesn't do that and also shows when it's 5% off, I turn that whole notification off, it's a nice idea of them to add this but it REALLY needs either a % or a choice which games to show and which not or maybe even both, if they add that, I would be interested!
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Yeah that would be really nice and sale notifications would have a real meaning that way. I think adding an importance level to wishlist also could work and could be easier to implement. Like, only give notification if a level 1 wishlist game is on sale, kinda thing.
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Yeah , that would be a good first step for sure but even then, if a game is at a low discount, I still don't want to know since I won't buy it unless it has a steep one, unless it's a €1 game then I also tend to buy with a low discount since it's such a lower price.
With IsThereAnyDeal I don't get a message unless a game is at least a 75% discount, else I don't want to know since I have enough other games to play so I rather wait a bit longer and pay a low price.
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unless a game is at least a 75% discount, else I don't want to know since I have enough other games to play so I rather wait a bit longer and pay a low price.
I think that's the majority of us here, :)
To be fair something like IsThereAnyDeal would be great. Though by importance level I meant there are still games I don't want to wait too long, or there are games that never goes beyond 50%. And then there are games that goes 90% almost every major sale yet they're not so interesting so I still don't buy them. So I think it would be more practical. You mark your wishlist with 3 stars, 2 starts or 1 star etc and Steam will notify only when there is a 3 stars discount.
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Yeah I guess in that way I get it!
Like I said, for me there are cheap games that a low discount is fine and many games that I want a big discount and some games even at 90% discount I keep from buying for whatever (weird) reason so in the end it matters per game, on ITAD I also changed the 75% for a message from some games to a higher % and a few I even told it to stop messaging me, but for most games of the price range that I buy, 75%+ is a good point, but if it's an AAA game, even 75% off is still €15 or more which I find a lot for a game so for these I am looking for 80% to better yet 85% but I also know many AAA games never go that low...
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Exactly that. I guess there is no perfect solution but anything is better than blatant notifications. Currently IsThereAnyDeal is the best way, or just simply checking mails suffice. I hope Valve listen the community and find a real use for them.
For my wishlist, currently I just move the ones to the top if I plan to buy them in the next sale but if there was a rank system among wishlist I wouldn't need to bother with it. Also I'm mostly done with buying games but there are some that haven't updated prices so those are could be my last chance.
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Yeah, the way the wishlist notification is now it feels more like a spam then any use!
My ranking system is like this: I add a game and it goes to the bottom of the list and then I sort my wishlist to show highest discounts first!
*aka, I have no sorting at all XD
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Well, when you have too many games on wishlist it's quite normal I guess. :)
In the last 6-7 months I did some curating on my wishlist and it went from 300> to 130 (Thanks to BLAEO). I was deleting the games I don't like by Steam support and then it hit me when I delete a game I wishlisted once. If I might delete them why buy them, right? So instead I chose to crop my wishlist. Currently I "Follow" games if I find them interesting and I put them on my wishlist if I really want to buy them at one point. Basically I'm already on a 2-star system. :D
Best part, they don't send mails for followed games. I recommend it. :)
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I do that once in a while, I then check all games on my wishlist and remove all games I am not sure about anymore or games that got super negative reviews (and I agree with the negative points), etc. and so my wishlist should contain basically only games I am pretty sure about, also games I played and enjoyed the demo from!
Games I am not sure about or are not out and have too little info I put on my followed list, which I also check once in a while to see if I should remove games or move them to my wishlist, it's a bit more work but it keeps it clear to me how much I hope to enjoy a game.
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Great minds think alike. :P
I started doing that for early access games initially then I realized it's a great way to make a second inferior wishlist. And I agree, this way it's easier to clean them time to time. I also removed a couple of games because of the negative reviews, I believe that's also effective as leaving a negative review, at least for publisher's point of view.
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Haha nice!
I got the idea from someone from a Discord channel I chat a lot, he started doing that and thought it was a great idea since now I can keep an eye on newer games without having to clutter my wishlist :3
With reviews I always only check the negative since these tend to explain way more clearly why they give that review and if I agree a lot with the negative points, I ignore the game, but sometimes I read the negative points and am like 'nah, don't mind that much' and then I may get it anyway ^^
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I wish there were neutral reviews, I think those kind of reviews fall under neutral mostly though I agree that they are usually great way to see what's wrong with the game, even for mostly positive but barely over 70% games. I really wanted to buy World of Final Fantasy then I saw a lot of negative review talking about Square Enix's bullshit so I bailed out. I would probably get frustrated more than enjoy it.
Fewer backlog is better anyway. :)
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Yeah, had games where I was in the middle, reviews for that would really help!
I do own World of Final Fantasy, it's not bad but wouldn't call it a first class game either, it's a bit weird pokémon like game which I intend to finish one day... But reading negative reviews made me not get many games, if I regret it or not I would never know, but have enough games so it's fine ^^
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I also heard it's not a good port so the reviews made me more skeptic and I know I don't trust Square.
I think GOG has a better review system. I would rather give stars instead of thumbs up or thumbs down.
if I regret it or not I would never know
If you cannot decide about a specific game after reading reviews you can check gameplay videos too, I removed many games from my wishlist thanks to them. Sometimes the game can be good but the publisher's launcher or their always online DRM makes it unbearable. If the game is good and DRM-free or has a not-so-problematic DRM you can buy them I guess. I especially love those negative reviews that mention technical problems, I'm too old to waste my time with those games. :)
Heh, I also have enough games, with this pace even for 20 years probably. :D
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Yes, just a positive or negative is so... primitive and basic, a 5 star ( just a 1 to 5 number) would be so much more useful and accurate!
I tend to check gameplay videos on Steam, if their videos suck then I assume the dev doesn't care to bother enough and so neither will I so if they add a bad video and the game itself is much better, to bad!
If a game has a 2nd DRM next to Steam, aka Denuvo, needing a 2nd client, etc. I tend to skip it, if I buy a game on Steam I want to be able to play it on Steam without more restrictions than Steam gives!
I remember a point and click game that had negative reviews complaining about the walking speed being super slow, I checked the video and it indeed looked super slow, so I skipped the game, it's bad enough that there are games in which you can't speed up the talking speed, but a super slow walking speed, which feels that it's only done to make the game longer, it just not fun!
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Nobody likes Denuvo yet they still force it through people's throats. My favourite one is Kalypso's launcher. They make it mandatory on Steam (not every time though) and same game also on GOG, and surprise no DRM. It's like they trying to tell a joke. :)
Yeah, game design is the most important part of the game development and every indie dev should study the theoreticals. There was a quote about this, I think it was from one of the original developers of Age of Empires II, saying, if a game cannot make things interesting in the first 15 minutes, it'll most likely lose the player. Something like that at least.
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Sadly as long as people keep buying with these DRM, they will keep adding it so we are just stuck with it now, but DRM on top of DRM on top of DRM is just sad!
Well, for me it depends on the game, I did play games that had a slow start, but I do agree that many people tend to drop if it starts slow, like for example these games that start with a forced tutorial and you can't even go to settings until you are done, these kind of games basically ruin it before it even had a chance to show itself...
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Yeah I do remember playing games that force you to play as soon as you open it and don't let to you change settings until the first mission is done, and the game couldn't even detect my screen size and forced me to play at 1024x768. Ironically usually big studios do that.
Recently I played Spellforce 3 Fallen God and I almost drop the game many times in the first 4 hours. I'm glad I didn't because later the game blossomed into one of the most joyful campaigns ever. But it started sooo slow I get why so many people stopped playing shortly after they start.
There is a thin line between a good tutorial and a bore people to death.
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First thing I do in games is change language to English (when the idiots start in my main language right away even when Steam is in English...) also make it windowed, check the resolution and I mute the music since that is usually set way to loud.
If a game won't let me do that, chances are I drop it, I don't have the patience to sit through stuff that looks horrible just to sit through a tutorial before I can change stuff, no clue why anyone ever thought it was a good idea but it's not!
I think a tutorial is fine if they are a bit longer, but let me skip through it if I see fit AND let me change settings during it OR let me change settings before it starts, it's not that hard!!
I tried some demos of Visual Novels, problem with these is, if it doesn't pull me in within 10 or so minutes, I give up, some have so much useless text and nothing happens, that bores me fast which is a waste since maybe they are great later on, but if the start is boring and slow I don't feel like reading more... for games that are like 100h and it takes half an hour before it's really interesting then sure, but shorter games that start slow become a drag fast!
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Note to myself: Some people prefer to play games in windowed mode.
I also hate unskipable cutscenes especially when they are long, unless they are important part of the story, but still they shouldn't do that at the very beginning.
Huh, now I wonder how demos work for VNs since they're usually short already. (VN recommendation by the way, if you haven't played, Higurashi When They Cry series and they made the first chapter free so better than a demo.)
That boring useless text thing happened to me with Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII and couldn't even finished it, I loved FFXIII and XIII-2 was okay too but not this one, though it was not the only thing that screw the game. Make it optional, like books in some games, and if the lore is interesting to me, I would read them anyway, right?
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I started playing windowed many years ago when I always forgot the time and with windowed you can see your clock but also see your chat in case someone says something, I find it nice!
Visual Novel demo is hard, it's just the first part of the story so sometimes I just skip some text to see how it will be after some minutes since I don't care about the intro (or with other games, I try to skip the story) since I just want to know how the characters are, if they bore me or not, etc. but it's always hard to try these out...
and yes unskippable cut scenes or endless boring story can be very bothersome, just let me play!!
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I was ignoring low-statistics settings but didn't think something like windowed mode could be this important for some people, so thanks for the indirect feedback. :)
Yeah, not every VN has a fast start. I guess it's not super important for the game VNs but for plain text ones it's important to keep the player's attention just from the start. I would say a character sheet rather than a demo for short VNs could be more meaningful.
I usually run into that problem with otome VNs. I like reading them but some of them start so slow I just drop it the moment it feels boring. Perhaps the reason is I'm not an otome myself. :P
I guess those things also affect opinions people to people.
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Yeah I know enough devs don't add windowed, for some you can use alt+enter but often you can then not change the size of the window which means it's hidden behind the Windows task bar, it's great! Even own a few games I just never play because of the fact I can't even use alt+enter for it...
I think even when a VN game is longer, it should be sort of interesting pretty fast, you want people to get hooked fast since else they may drop it before it really began which is a shame.
Same as for me those VN that don't really show characters besides the few main ones and the rest of the game you are just looking at an empty background... as if I am talking to a wall... those need to have a great story for me to be able to get through them!
Problem with Otome games for me is that they usually make the main girl either an idiot or a damsel in distress, or both and usually the guys either are assholes and/or even try to sexually act inappropriate instead of just being nice, some are though, but they always have a few weirdos that I dislike doing their routes. There are some really nice ones though, they can just be a bit hard to find.
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I guess a 1280x720 windowed mode wouldn't hurt. If I find a way to autoscale UI, it's not much of a problem though, but it's not a priority. Anyway, a windowed mode also requires a good pause system. :)
If the story is good, I wouldn't mind if it's basically a light novel with a couple sprites On the other hand CGIs really spice up the experience, even better with voice acting.
Huh, apparently many otome share the same cliches. Yeah there are really good otomes out there though they are pretty niche on Steam, many of them are expensive too (maybe not as yuri VNs). Nowadays there are many useless isekais everywhere. Not sure if they plagued Steam yet. :)
Happy cakeday by the way. :3
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Yeah, can understand windowed mode isn't a priority for most, I would already be happy if I can use alt+enter and then resize with my mouse by dragging the sides, that would be enough for me, a real setting would be even better but still.
I had VN that could have been great story wise, but the art looked so bad, as if a little kid had drawn it, that I just couldn't accept it, it just looked so simple that it was just bad and well, if I wanted to just read I would have gotten a book, sadly I suck at reading books so I never do, I play a VN for a decent story with not TOO much text (like those text walls some have) and for the visuals.
Also, as you say, good VN games can be damn pricey!
And thanks :3
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Buggy and messy, and notification options don't save.
Really, software companies know very well since 2 decades ago that it's better to have a small testing team and let the thousands or millions of users out there to make the bug reports. They also know users will keep throwing money at them even if they don't fix a single report.
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Yeah the notification options don't save BUT it's also in the normal Settings and if you change it there it does save! (in case you didn't notice that) so not sure why the same options are on 2 different places and 1 works and 1 doesn't but well, it's Steam...
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Thank you very much, but I already noticed: https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/hfWH9fd
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Having to support custom skins is a nightmare for the developers, and by developers I mean the two interns in a dank office that have to spend most of the day running their assigned laps in the hamster wheel that powers the servers (allocating more budget would cut into the bottom line too much). The only reason they'd have for supporting this is "some people really like it", which hasn't been something Valve has needed to consider for a very long time, since their cash flow is pretty much secured.
In short, you'll get your new client and like it, and if you don't like it, then Valve will fully support you seething in the dark, but not much more. Even if they fix other nuisances, the custom skin stuff is almost certainly going the way of the dodo forever.
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how can i revert the notification back to the old one? i always hate this new notification system ever since it pops up in the new app.
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Uhh... is there no other way? That sounds overkill...
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thank you!! it's exactly what i need. i admit that the new update looks better, but i prefer the functionality of the old notification so much that i'm willing to sacrifice the new ui for this.
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The new Steam chat is a separate app from the regular Steam app.
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I think it's better than the old one. It's the same as the Steam client chat with the same functions.
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If I have the option to type on a real keyboard or my phone's screen, the keyboard is gonna win. So no, I never used my phone to chat while sitting at the computer. I do get why you'd rather use that setup if you're used to it tho.
And yeah, the fact that I now need a separate app on my phone in order to access the chat was kinda annoying at first, but I get why they wanted to split that part into it's own thing considering there's use cases where a user might want to just give a certain device access to the chat but not to the entirety of Steam. The two examples that come to mind are tablets and smart TVs, on those chat and game streaming make sense but the rest of the things the Steam app does (like authentication) don't.
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Wait, but typing on a laptop isn't all that different from doing it on a desktop keyboard, other than the keys being flatter. Or maybe it's just me getting too used to the smaller size keyboard from my old netbook, I still keep it despite being more than a decade old partly because of how comfortable it is for typing.
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This is such a silly argument. The new in-game overlay is 100x better than the old, simple as that. It offers more and looks better. Simple
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The changes to the client itself I could take it or leave it since the only parts of it I really use are the library and chat and those seem to have carried over with little difference, for everything else it has always been more practical to use Steam through any browser than the client itself.
To me the real improvement is in the in-game overlay, the old one was very janky and awkward to use while the new one seems a lot more user friendly so far, although I cannot find the battery indicator anymore which is a bummer.
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Can see some benefits but also some wasteful things and currently just giving me issues...
Small view mode is not that small anymore and it's less readable to what it was before.
They seem to have removed the way double click on the tray icon works, breaks my small mode if I double click, used to be able to set the default option for double click.
The settings window can't currently open if there's a game playing for some reason.
As for wasteful stuff... animated login screen and notifications when ingame? it's using 600+MB ram when doing nothing on the background and no games running atm for me.
Hope they fix some of those things soon at least but... I can't really see any benefit for new fetaures at least for me personally. Guess release is the real beta.
Anyway just not loving it so far :P
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Still no option to set game updates to default to only download when you launch the game.
I don't use custom skins anymore but I always modded the default skin to add a "restart" command to the menu. Can't do that anymore.
Don't see anything in the changelog about improved chat history. I want a longer chat history than two weeks or whatever it is. And/or they should let us save our chat history to local storage.
Unread steam messages probably still have the same two week period before they're deleted.
I'm sure there's a bunch of other things
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One very minor complaint: It used to be that when you tried to activate a key for a game that's already owned, you'd automatically get an installation pop-up, and that was usefull if you were not sure about what game that key was really from. Now you will only get a "Product Already Owned [...] Click Ok to proceed to installation", but there no "Ok" button, only a "Try Again" button.
So, the only other option that I'm aware now is to register the key via browser with the SteamDB extension installed.
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That was a useful feature, sad to hear it's gone now :(
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I'm so used to this I completely forgot I was in Steam beta and was very confused when people started talking about a new UI change and there was nothing different to me
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Im much much more in favor of the new UI.
Sure customization is always nice, but given steams limitations i was already using Playnite instead (also playnite makes it easier to launch games from other stores, everything in one place)
The new changes may make me go back to using steam to launch/browse tough. I still prefer playnite- i much prefer having a grid of covers+side game page overview, but the notes feature... ive already added a bunch of non-steam games on steam just to have the notes on overlay.
But thats the thing with steam customization- it was already very limited to begin with. No custom steam skin gave me a split view like in playnite, or the cool addons i love in playnite. They were stuck to steams very strict layout- if more was possible i can only wonder, because 90% of steam skins ive saw only changed a bit of theme/color, cover/thumbs sizes or reverted steam to even older layouts. And some i used were laggier then default.
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It's nice that they got rid of the window that automatically asks me to install the game after I activate it, but now I get an email with every activation which is kind of annoying. Hopefully that can be disabled somewhere.
Unfortunately it looks like we still can't remove the whats new section. I used to have it removed with a custom skin, but that stopped working a while ago.
The blue lit up news button is kind of annoying too because it looks like a notification that I need to look at, but it is just junk that I don't care about.
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Yup. I just activated a game today in the client and got an email confirmation.
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I checked the client settings and couldn't find anything, but I'm not sure if there are additional settings on the website, I haven't checked there yet,
Edit: I just looked through the settings on the website and couldn't find it there either. These are the only email preferences I could find and I already have them all disabled: https://store.steampowered.com/account/emailoptout
I did find this page which is new to me though. Lots more stuff to opt out of: https://store.steampowered.com/account/cookiepreferences
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That's weird. That was the first email I have ever received after activating a game. I have never used the website to activate a key, all my keys have been activated through the client.
From the comment above, it also sounds like PicoMan never got emails when activating through the client.
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32 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by despiesi96
4 Comments - Last post 6 minutes ago by despiesi96
40 Comments - Last post 16 minutes ago by Chris76de
1,962 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by MeguminShiro
15 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by dingbat
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161 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by wigglenose
141 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by ConanOLion
258 Comments - Last post 12 minutes ago by ConanOLion
904 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by Lugum
144 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by NoctuaVentus
57 Comments - Last post 41 minutes ago by carefree
9,611 Comments - Last post 42 minutes ago by CurryKingWurst
31 Comments - Last post 43 minutes ago by PapaSmok
"The recent patch also adds an overhauled in-game overlay with a modern design, new features, and more customizability. However, some are dissatisfied.
Steam ‘old UI skins’ removal after the latest client update draws criticism from users.
The latest update has also removed the option to use old skins or themes and introduced a new one. As per the company’s claims, this has been done with the aim of enhancing the overall user experience.
However, by looking at the reports (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) it appears this change has not been well received by several users.
And this is because they preferred the old aesthetic customization options. The recent change limits their ability to personalize the interface according to their own preferences.
The affected users are urging the developers to provide an option to revert the changes or allow them to rollback to the previous client version.
Rest assured, We’ll continuously monitor the topic where the removal of Steam ‘old UI skins’ has draws criticism from users and update you."
Constantly my name flashing in green.
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