I actually thought it looked kind of interesting, just something to wander around in for a little while and explore. I like trying new indie games like this. I have never idled a game or collected a game for cards.
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I just wanted the community to see the free copies before they run out because it sucks if you miss the free giveaway and then the game is removed from SG so there are no giveaways to enter either.
I don't see why it would violate any rules. There is no referral and I'm pretty sure it doesn't violate the link rule:
When posting links or content, that content should not force users, encourage users through reward, or primarily exist as a traffic source for users to perform an action for promotional, commercial, or monetary benefit. Such actions include but are not limited to clicking a referral link, liking a Facebook page, following a Twitter account, joining a Steam group, completing a survey, or making a donation
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I dont know why my thread was closed either, but here is another giveaway with this game:
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The link you just posted in this comment should be removed. It violates the rules here because it requires you to join a steam group and like a facebook page to get the key.
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Get license key button doesn't seem to work.
Has anyone else the same problem?
(78 keys left)
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There are a few comments on the giveaway page where people said they god duplicate keys. Someone from the site seems to reply pretty quickly there. They tell the people that got duplicate keys to send them an email from the "contact us" link on the bottom of the page. They will probably just email you a new key.
Or you may just be able to click the button again and get a second key, I haven't tried so I'm not sure if it limits you to one key per user.
Edit: I just tried to get another to see what happens. When I click to the button nothing happens, it just sits on the page, so it probably limits you to 1 per account. I would suggest emailing them and they will probably replace it.
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They take about 24 hours to reply but they did send a new key (which Steam didn't like, but it could just be Steam being goofy right now).
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They might be having problems with sending duplicate keys because as of now it looks like they ended the giveaway. Not sure if they are out of keys or if they just pulled it down temporarily to fix the problem with the duplicate keys.
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Thanks for letting me know, out of keys now hahaha! :|
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Now the site says there are no current giveaways. I don't know if they ran out of keys or if they were just having a lot of problems with people getting duplicate keys and maybe pulled it down temporarily to fix the problem.
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Yeah, they are probably trying to fix the problem of sending duplicate keys. I noticed it still says 78 keys left which it has said for the past 2 hours.
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I just got a key right now. They are going fast (40 35 left as of writing).
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Someone said something about the captcha not working in the comment and they replied saying they fixed it. If you didn't get a key, they are probably still putting more up every 3 hours.
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It seems to be a common problem. Others have emailed them and received a replacement.
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worked for me, but it also tried to download an executable about 3 times in the process, super shady
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actually 83 left after new batch in 2 or 3 hours.
Thanks i got a key.
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Yeah there seems to be a lot available now because they are stopping bots from taking them by making people complete the captcha and only allowing 1 per account.
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i made account with email and signed in, but it wont let me get a key unless i sign in with social media? :(
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Not sure, I didn't create an account there, I signed in through google. They seem pretty good about answering comments that people leave under the giveaway, maybe ask them about it there. It could be a problem they don't know about. You don't need to log in to leave a comment.
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Edit: It seems like they are having problems with sending people duplicate keys. Numerous people have reported getting a used key and they offer to send a replacement if you send them and email. I checked the site at one point and it said there was no current giveaways, but it is back up again so maybe they are trying to fix the problem.
I'm not sure why the other thread was closed (not created by me). There was no comment left to why it was closed and there isn't really any requirements to get the giveaway so I don't think it violates any rules. You just log in through your google account or your account on the site if you have one and click a button to get the key.
I just wanted to let people know that they are still giving copies away. They are releasing them in batches every 3 hours to try and make it more fair for people (I read this in the giveaway comments from who I believe is support). It looks like they are releasing 250 copies each time. Keys from this batch did not run out until 29 minutes passed, so people are not taking them that quick.
They release every 3 hours on UTC Time, so 12, 3, 6, 9 AM and PM. If you don't know what time it is in UTC, just type "UTC time" in google and it should show you on the top of the page. They have extended the time when the giveaway expires since I first saw it. At the time of posting this it says 54 hours, so I am guessing they have enough keys to give away 250 copies every 3 hours for the next 54 hours.
Also, when you click the first button to get the key some download shows up for an exe file. I don't know what this is, I scanned it and it didn't show as a virus, but I did not run it. Just refuse the download and click the button to get a key. It will ask you to complete a captcha and then give you the key on the next page (you will also get an email with the key, mine showed up in my junk folder).
I have never used this site before today and I don't know anything about it.
http://games.giveaway-club.com/ (giveaway)
Heaven Forest NIGHTS (steam page)
I hope this isn't violating any rules. If it is, feel free to close the thread (and hopefully forgive me for my sins :)
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