Hi everyone!

I am fairly new to the site and am trying to start my first giveaway.
As seen in the title its about the game Rocksmith. Its a steam gift.

My main goal is to give it to somebody who really is passionate about this art-form. As somebody who doesn't really have much money (lets be real im broke as f ;P) i know how good it can feel to give something for no reason but to give. I am learning the piano on my used musical keyboad, so i have no use for Rocksmith. Guitars are a tad bit to expensive for me right now.

So, how to enter...

Make a picture of your Guitar/Bass and put a post-it with your username on it. Post it in the discussion.
If i think you're legit you are good to enter.

The giveaway will start after the post has been up for a while.

I hope you all had a wonderful new years eve.


Here is a link for the cable that is needed to connect the instrument - https://www.wog.ch/index.cfm/details/product/30659-Rocksmith-Real-Tone-Cable-Ubi-Soft

There is a mode that allows for use without the cable, for additional info look here http://steamcommunity.com/app/221680/discussions/0/1843493219431330737/

7 years ago*

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PS: You all can thank tso184 for making me aware of the possiblity to do a whitelist/invite only giveaway ^_^ He has been very helpful!

7 years ago

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I remember that someone else did something similar once for a rocksmith giveaway, but I don't know how it worked out.
Well, anyway, welcome to the site and I hope your gift will go to a grateful winner!

Rocksmith is an awesome tool!

7 years ago

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I think that was one of the very few giveaways for it that got a winner who ended up using it :)

7 years ago

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Thanks for this very nice chance for guitar / bass owners getting a decent chance of winning some excellent practice software!

From our previous discussion, it seems like you really want this to go to a good home, and this increases the chances a lot compared to a general public giveaway, going by the play rate of precious Rocksmith giveaways.

I'm always trying to inspire people to play more and idle less of their wins (like in this thread), it would be nice to see a Rocksmith copy being given away to someone who is ready to get the cable and would use it.

As one of the (few?) guitar / bass owners on Steamgifts, I would love the chance to join in as well. I'll arrange with some pictures when I'm back home, maybe tomorrow if I won't have time tonight.

I guess most people will need some time to take and post the pictures of their instruments, but I'm sure the posts will come, good luck with the giveaway :)

7 years ago

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Hmm, didn't know you played, Tso. Learn something new every day. :3
I'm a drummer primarily, but also play guitar/bass (and piano, sax)

Not interested in the software, as I think someone else would get better use out of it, but here's my humble guitar set-up. :X

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Well, I used to be part of a semi-known (at least in Sweden) band until I started studying a few years ago. I could have posted some nice live pictures if they weren't published and easily reverse image searchable.

Weren't you a member of a band that used to tour? I think I remember seeing some post about that.

I'm a bass player, but I also have a guitar, and have been wanting to learn to play properly.

7 years ago

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Weren't you a member of a band that used to tour?

Probably not as big as you're thinking, but we played full-time. Put out a few CDs, had some record company interest, and then I had to quit to get help for drug/alcohol addiction. Now I just practice and play for my own benefit (a good love of music never dies).

Now you really have me curious what sort of music you played. I wouldn't mind hearing some sometime when you get the chance.

(from the Metro in Chicago)

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Doesn't sound too good with the addiction, hope everything got better!

It was in the metal category, but quite friendly for non metal fans too (that's one of the things that made me join the band, I hardly listened to any metal when I joined). Skilled fellow musicians, fun to play, songs that had the same structure as pop songs.

Hm, I don't think I would be comfortable sharing, since I enjoy my anonymity on the internet. Not that I'm famous or anything, but still.

7 years ago

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Hm, I don't think I would be comfortable sharing, since I enjoy my anonymity on the internet.

Nah, it's cool, I understand completely. Lots of weirdos out there. :)

7 years ago

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That are some nice guitars you got there! I wish I could afford a bit more expensive gear (my amp is semi expensive (600 euro or something) and that took me quite a while to get together)...

7 years ago

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Thanks. :3

It definitely helps to have friends who own music stores (drumsticks are outrageous), and one was a gift from a friend.
Believe me, drums are far worse. i.e. my ride cymbal alone cost me twice as much as my Ibanez. :X

7 years ago

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Are you serious? That's insane. O _ o

Isn't such Ibanez pretty expensive? I knew drumming was expensive, but that expensive...

I'm a bit curious btw, what style do you play?

7 years ago

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My ride cymbal was about $1000. I could probably sell it for twice that now, since they stopped making them.
My Ibanez isn't top of the line or anything (RG5EX1), think I picked it up for $400 or so.

I'm a metal-head at heart, but I've played a bit of everything.

7 years ago

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I'm a metal-head at heart

Not sure if I need to blacklist you now or not. I mean, white doesn't fit us metalheads at all. :p You are already on my whitelist btw, so no need to worry

My Ibanez isn't top of the line or anything (RG5EX1), think I picked it up for $400 or so.

How does it sound? I've been thinking of saving up some money for a higher end guitar then I have now (all I have are some clones). Ibanez is one of the brands I've been thinking about. If I can get one for about that price and it sounds good, that would be amazing (especially since the price I had in mind I would need is about twice that).

7 years ago

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I like it. The action's right about where I like it (pretty low), so it's a smooth and fast, but not over the top expensive, guitar.
The pickups aren't the best in the world (I'm always debating changing them out for EMG), but they sound nice enough when played clean, and definitely have a beefy crunch when distorted. It's definitely made for metal, as much as a Stratocaster is made for "clean" playing. The locking tuning nuts and trem system are just a bonus, and it holds tuning pretty well compared to others I've played.

I'd recommend stopping somewhere where you can try one out. There's a Guitar Center just up the road from me a bit, and I'm always in there tinkering around on the various instruments. :X

7 years ago

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I'd recommend stopping somewhere where you can try one out.

I'll definitly do that when I have the money for it. The only reason I haven't done that multiple times already is that the closest place is quite a while away (1.5 hours with public transportation, which would cost about 20 or so euro and a lot of time).

The pickups aren't the best in the world

Not my biggest concern. I'm sure they're better then what I currently have and pickups are not the worst thing to replace.

Thanks for all this info! You probably just saved me 500 euro. :p

7 years ago

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No problem, bro. :3
Rock on! \m/

7 years ago

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I think its awesome that this GA has started some instrument-music-based discussions ^^

7 years ago

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The bigger question is why have you not bought it yet?

7 years ago

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i have a semi-acoustic guitar. its an acoustic guitar with an electric output. would that work?

7 years ago

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Should work, if not with the cable then with the microphone.
Info link

7 years ago

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Own it already, but good luck finding someone and to those joining :D

Also it works with a microphone now, but I haven't tried it as I own the cable.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago*

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Real Tone cable is no longer needed since the last patch. You can use any input device.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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I tried it. When you launch the game it shows a list with all input devices and I was able to use the mic input from the soundcard.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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This mode is exactly the same as playing with their cable, so I don't get what you're talking about. Instead of using their cable, you can plug-in whatever you want in the input of your soundcard and it'll use that. The announcement talks only about USB microphone, but it takes mic/line-in too. Even stereo mix (or "what you hear") is in the input list you can choose from.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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first news for me. i have the real tone cable and never been offered a menu to chose other interfaces (I have a couple to chose from).

7 years ago

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Will there be lag if i connect it to computer with headphones jack from amplifier to line in on computer ?

7 years ago

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i think you'll need a "hack" for the game to even recognize a guitar that isn't connected via the real tone cable. Not 10% sure though

7 years ago

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Good luck to whoever wins it. I picked it up a couple of years ago for my bass, then ended up getting a guitar as well... and I have to be careful not to go broke buying songs for it. :)

Be aware, however, that it requires the cable to go with it if you want to use it on your computer. You should be able to find the special, proprietary cable at Amazon.

7 years ago

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I wanted this - but after reading the cable stories - about distortion and lag if you don't use the genuine article - I never bothered :(

7 years ago

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I've had my guitar sitting in my room for a while and I've been meaning to really get back into it. I really think Rocksmith would help me with that, I hear it's quite a good tool for practicing. I've actually been meaning to get it for a while but having to pay for the game + the cable + the eventual DLC just threw me off...

Here's my baby! (I call her Froosh) It's such a shame I'm letting her go to waste like this, I should start picking her up now and again, regardless if I win this or not :p

7 years ago

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Oh nice! I love the finish on that.
Your baby is sexy :3

7 years ago

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Hey don't you start flirting with my girl!

7 years ago

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Sorry, but for a musician, this thread is better than the selfie thread for stalking. ;_;

7 years ago

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Froosh sounds like a cool name for a guitar ^^ at least from a Suisse perspective ^^

7 years ago

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I name her after Frusciante cause I got her during my RHCP phase :')

7 years ago

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I want it :)
I only add the 666 if someone has taken my name already.


7 years ago

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i am not interested but i will bump for those who are.

7 years ago

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I'm not interested in Rocksmith, since I have it already (and don't use anymore), but if you want to see some nice pictures of guitars, the one in my profile pic is mine. \m/

7 years ago

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I'd really love to win, and even if i don't thats a really great idea so <3!
Here is my sweetie: http://imgur.com/dBZ3KAN
Also i have Real Tone Cable too, my bro got the first rocksmith years ago, but he didn't use it, so i borrowed it from him ^_^
DLCs would kill my wallet tho... :D

7 years ago

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Thank you so much for this GA mate! I would like to participate :)!


7 years ago

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We have the same guitar! `*fist bumps*

7 years ago

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already have Rocksmith 2014, this is awesome game for musician especialy guitar/bass player..

thanks for GA

7 years ago

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Are you also giving away the guitar? XD

No drums allowed then? it's unfair!! :P

Welcome on sg btw ^_^
thanks for being involved in the community right from the start, hope you'll enjoy your stay here :)

back to the games, you may want to have a look at Frederic ones since you said you play piano :)

7 years ago

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Aww thanks, mate!
And hanks for the recommendation! Will check it out ^_^

7 years ago

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The remaster edition is support using a microphone
I just plug the guitar 6.5 to 3.5 micophone headjack
However my win10 get the sound but canot tune in
I swipe to the mac and every thing just work fine for me.

7 years ago

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Hope im not too late. Just saw the post and quickly plop my guitar on my bed for photo.
edit: Aww i dont have that tone cable thing. Is the ga only for those that have it?
edit2: Huh read that second link, seems acoustic is useable.
edit3: https://gyazo.com/820908bf92c5042c970a628e922141b1

7 years ago*

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Best guitar practice software ever.
I'm training my 7yo on it (with her tiiiiii-nyyy Les Paul)

7 years ago

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Thats so adorable! ^_^ What a great way to spend time with your Child Have a nice weekend :D

7 years ago

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:) And we have TWO cables !
Competitive Misirlou if you see what I mean.
A nice week to you as well !

7 years ago

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As you will see on my steam profile i got the Rocksmith first version which make me probably out the requirements
anyway here is my favorite guitar
and i have a bass too

Enjoy your stay =)

7 years ago

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As i see you got 12 hours on record with the old version of rocksmith, i must say i'd feel better giving it to someone who doesn't have a copy of a rocksmith game in their inventory. Maybe if you would had more hours with it, wich would imply more interest in the software.
I hope you understand. ^^

Have a nice weekend :D

7 years ago

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Well i was fed up by the constant re-tuning on the guitar just after playing only one song (my guitar dont require anything like that ).
In the new 2014 version, i wont be the same, there will be no constant re-tuning and the non-stop option.

Anyway i understand your concern, i hope it goes to the best of "us" here ;-)
Have a nice weekend too.

7 years ago

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Thanks mate!

7 years ago

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Cool to see other guitarists here too. Here's mine: https://i.imgur.com/rE4onYT.jpg?1

It would be cool to see more software like Rocksmith. I'm a fan of Songsterr's tabs and something like that put as a game would be pretty useful.

7 years ago

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damn that one looks really sexy :3

7 years ago

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Always loved Candy Apple Red

7 years ago

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wow nice guitar =)
got a fender but not with such cool color =P

7 years ago

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As you can see my entire steam profile is based around guitars lol, thanks for making the ga and welcome to sg :D
I apologize for the crappy quality of the photo and also my crappy handwriting xD

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7 years ago

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These are my babies... nothing fancy but they give me lots of happiness :D

Not entering the GA because even though I'd love to play with this game, I am against Ubisoft DRM policy and lack of family sharing.

Thanks anyway, it's a great present for some lucky person :)

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7 years ago

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Rocksmith is an amazing "game" (it's more of a learning tool disguised as a game). I tried for ages to get Rocksmith to work with my external sound card since I didn't fancy buying the frankly pretty expensive cable when I already had hardware to process the input from the guitar, but nothing worked so I actually shelled out for the cable and it works great!

Good luck to whoever wins this, I hope they use it, and thanks to you OP for making the giveaway!

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by OzManicTaiga.