I can´t justify myself for being a bit stunned because of not sleeping very well but... I created a second giveaway with the same code... yeah forgot to copy the new code and paste same one.
So It would be very helpful to have this option and not wait until the giveaway ends for fixing that. But maybe the keys are locked on the "Giveaways Created" section (icon) for some reason Idk yet.
Or maybe there´s a way to modify It and I don´t know It since I´m still a big noob after a year here...

6 years ago*

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This has been suggested a few times already. Unfortunately, not yet implemented.

6 years ago

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I see...oh well.

6 years ago

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I don't see a problem with that.
Note down your mistake in the GA description and send the actual key through steam when the GA finishes.

6 years ago

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You can change the key when the GA ends before sending it. But you can't change/modify the key as long as the GA is running. The suggestion is to allow changing the key while the GA is running so you don't have to wait to fix your error.

6 years ago

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What at46 said. I messed up so I have to be careful when the giveaway ends. Imagine I forgot this again and hit send, then the user doesn´t let you know about It. SInce the key was already reedemed on the real GA. The user reports you for X reason.

I mean It´s not gonna happen, I´m gonna modify this at the end but still...

6 years ago

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You can always delete a running GA and make a new one. It costs you only 1 slot if you have fear that you forget about it.

6 years ago

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I saw that on the threads you posted but isnt that more work for support? I don´t even think I´ve done that in the past.
I wont forget this. It would be nice to be implemented tho.

6 years ago

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No, deleting a GA that hasn't ended yet is automatically accepted, so support doesn't have to view and approve the ticket.

6 years ago

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Good to know. Appreciate It.

6 years ago

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You can modify it when the giveaway finish, You have to "Send" the key when it finish but before that, look where it says Edit next to the key, you will be able to change it, happened to me last week.

PD: At46 won me for 14 seconds.

6 years ago

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I know, It´s the second time this happens...
Thanks m8.

6 years ago*

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Closed 6 years ago by JonathanDoe.