On this site, I have two settings set: do not display games I already own, and do not display addons for games I do not own.

I entered and won a giveaway for Trine 2 Collector's Edition. I could see it because not only do I not own any version of Trine 2, but it wasn't listed as an addon for Trine 2. HOWEVER... When I was given my prize, it turned out to be "Upgrade to Trine 2 Collector's Edition". This is an addon to turn the normal edition of Trine 2 into the collector's edition...and I wasn't given the normal edition of Trine 2 in addition to that.

The actual giveaway had nothing to ever indicate it was anything but the collector's edition in its entirety, and now I can't even do anything with what I've won unless I was to buy the normal game (though the giveaway creator told me I could do anything I wanted with the upgrade, even though that would be against SteamGifts rules). In addition, the giveaway creator has told me they would like me to mark the prize as received, but I do not believe I have received what I was told I was getting.

What do I do in this situation? Do I report the giveaway creator? Mark the giveaway as received? Give up and buy Trine 2 so I can use what I received?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I guess you should try and return it to the giveaway creator and inform them that it's against the rules to create misleading giveaways. You can't mark the game as received because you never received the game that was offered, and if you do mark it received without having it in your library it will put you in a potentially bad spot.

9 years ago

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Whatever you do, don't mark it as received unless the creator gives you the base game.

9 years ago

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check the steam link of the giveaway. if you're sure the giveaway is for the collection, return it and mark it as not received after a week. HOWEVER if it's for the upgrade, then ask the giveaway creator to reroll. i know you can't enter for the dlc for the games you don't own but there is a problem with that dlc. source: my own giveaway.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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What you should do:

1) Contact the giveaway creator and tell him or her that you have not received the game specified in the giveaway.
2) Wait seven days for the creator to solve the problem (i.e. get you your game).
3) If you have not received the game by the deadline, check the "not received" box, then report the giveaway to the Mods as "wrong game."

What you may choose to do:

1) You may keep any other games the creator chooses to send you, or you may give them back. If he/she asks for them back, I'd do that.
2) If you decide to keep the "other games," and the creator does not ask for them back, you may do whatever you want with them.
3) If the giveaway creator wants to solve the problem but needs more time, you may give him or her more time to "make it right."

9 years ago

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Okay so I did contact them, but there was a language barrier because they didn't speak English (my first and only language)... What they basically told me (from what I could understand) was a thanks for joining the giveaway and then to mark the giveaway as received, and to just use what I got however I wanted since I couldn't use it. That's all I heard from them.

The giveaway page specifically says "Trine 2 Collector's Edition", so I did receive the wrong thing (or at least an incomplete form of the thing I was supposed to get).

I'm going to mark as not received. Maybe then the giveaway creator will notice they've sent the wrong thing.

9 years ago

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Smells like someone attempting to abuse the system, so yes, that's a good decision.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Well, throughout our conversation on Steam (they friended me to send me the upgrade) it seemed like they were using Google Translate to even speak English...but their profile indicates their first language is probably Russian or Ukrainian...

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Really? Thanks!

9 years ago

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