***** Thanks everyone! learned about steamtrades and am now broswing that

the bundle. 16 items for $2.50.
4 items i want = $0.625
the waste walker dlcs minus the role playing game since i have no one irl to do tabletop things like that.

I could buy it, but i use credit card primarily for gas, groceries, emergencies and actual important things. Steam is the lowest of priorities. 2nd to me. (oh ho ho ho ho self depreciation joke :( ! :) :( :) XD :*(

I do however have some steam pennies. I can trade off a steam game of your choosing (less than $2.50) for you to use to giveaway, keep, retrade etc.

**ah fuck it i'll just buy the bundle, at least it'll let me make some GA that i haven't in a while.
and i cannot buy it as i am not the primary card holder social sec o.0 (family plan so probably dad\mom's ss# is needed o.0)

7 years ago*

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Steam group buys ?

7 years ago

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took me a moment to figure out what you were mentioning, checked up on them. none of them have gotten into this intermiller bundle

7 years ago

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did you delete the 'fuck it I'll buy it' post below because you changed your mind? - otherwise perhaps try steamtrades.com - steamgifts sister site for trading - as trading is not really allowed here any more :) hope that helps

7 years ago

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yup i deleted it, and put it in the above edit, since if a thread keeps getting more comments, who the hell bothers to scroll down and read so much?

ahhhhh, i never did bother clicking that trade icon way up high before. the search feature is funky though. when i typed 'miller' or 'waste' it would show me so many threads that are year+ old but still being updated to date o.0 which i am now learning most likely contains a wastewalker \ miller bundle game in it

7 years ago

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yeah takes abit of getting used to that's for sure :P

7 years ago

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Miller bundles have that effect on people :)

7 years ago

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wasn't sure about putting this in Deals or off topic

Neither. This is SteamTrades stuff...

7 years ago

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til steamtrades.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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XD like 99.9% of my things i get from friends n family. the other .1% is when i really, really let myself fall into temptation.
Butt man. does johnny bravos mouth drop remind me of steak\meat as well.

7 years ago

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