whitelist - 401 users.
wl giveaway - explained my name change (death in family made me want to, another misspelling of my name finally spurred it (again, no ill-will for that ccg)) - situation was only made fun of by those who gave enough of a shit to say something - quite impressive and depressing.
think i might be done here. no one's gonna give a shit about this post either. would say sorry (for cluttering the thread with another tantrum-driven-mass-deletion-goodbye thread) but i think i've done enough of that. am not doing this to make a scene, as i don't like or want the attention (despite me constantly having to self-bump threads) - recently buried my birthday gib in someone else's thread so - only post this so that when i delete my recently ended giveaways, maybe the winners will know wtf happened.
would go on a parting tirade but suffice to say (and i've actually said it before): self-congratulatory community that doesn't entirely deserve all of that praise.
to be sure, it is a good community for the most part and i am appreciative of the idea, (some of) the people and all of those who give (either gibs or words (if not empty)); have just had it proven that those i thought were special weren't as, which got me to say fuckitall.
think i had three winners of my wl giveaways add me as friends immediately after they ended - can be optimistic and think they saved me the effort but, considering everything, and the fact that iirc none of them said anything in the gibs, and that there would be no effort in adding them since have to send gifts from inventory anyway. smh.
just removed all my entries in gibs (7+ pages) - would remove everyone from my white and black lists but don't seem would be worth the time - did remove most SG related friends from Steam though.

7 years ago

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i can tell you that i've lost my father this year too and all i can tell you that it is a little better later and because of that one positive thing appeared, our family is a little closer now, knowing how evth can change in a few seconds.
Hopefully there will be some positives in your situations too, there must be just be aware to see them
I hate when people are not commenting in my only wl GAs too, but at least i can smile when others do. Wish you much happiness and smiles and skill too be happy from every little things in your life, that's all we can do but it really changes perspection

7 years ago

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Oh fuck, Ty. I remember seeing your new name and wondering "wasn't that Tynon before?" but failed to actually ask you about it - there are always so many things on our minds, right? Missed the gib with your explanation. Reading this now makes me really sad. I always appreciated your presence.
JustDucky said it very well: https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/gnJTN5Y ^^.
Take care, whatever you do, wherever you go <3

7 years ago

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I'm sorry about your loss and I hope my question about the all caps wasn't what/one of the reasons that made you leave, hopefully you'd change your mind in the future and decide to stay despite being disappointed or angered by the actions of certain users, there will always someone new to meet, you'll just have to move on and expect less of people, because being disappointed in people that "you thought were special" isn't actually their fault.
Good luck whether or not you decide to stay

7 years ago

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