last failed attempt was 3 days ago.....
obligatory giveaway

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4 months ago*

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im just gonna go crawl back into a corner and keep wishing i was dead... everything hurts..... cant even lie down without constant pain....should have boostered again. to be fair i did feel like this once before for a week, but i never tested positive.
fixed all the typos i head is on fire

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4 months ago*

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Get well soon!

4 months ago

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i wish you a speedy recovery. If it makes you feel any better the latest vaccine hit my mom like a truck

4 months ago

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People still take booster shots?

I think it is like 1.5-2 years ago that I saw anything about the boosters in the news to be honest.
I realise not everywhere is the same, but after 1.5 years I would have assumed stuff would have mellowed out.

4 months ago

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Yes, had my booster 14 days ago, both my husband and me. We are in Australia, most people are back to pre-covid behaviours but I am over 65 so ... I wear a mask when in public spaces that are confined, and so far, have not had covid as far as I know.
I would sum it up as live the way you want to - science gives me the option for some protection, I am happy to take it.

4 months ago

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Wish you the best and hope you don't have any hold overs from it. A colleague of mine is still dealing with after affects almost 2 years later.
Luckily he is almost completely fully recovered by now.

4 months ago

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Oh :/
I hope you get better soon, Vahid.
I'm unsure what else to say really. Stay strong.

4 months ago

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Ouch, I feel ya man, get well soon.

4 months ago

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That sucks, I got it for Christmas and I'm still coughing from time to time.

4 months ago

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Worst Christmas present to date

4 months ago

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I've got colonoscopy on Christmas one time. It was worse than Covid, if you ask me πŸ˜…

4 months ago

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It's sneaky, for me it found the single week last year when I wanted to go to a concert after years of not even wanting to go to any.
Hopefully it's like how it was for me and my colleague - one pretty shitty day, one or two feeling off, then mostly alright after that.

4 months ago

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Get well!

4 months ago

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I am sure you will not die as the medicine is ready, but please take care of yourself.
Once your symptoms have calmed down, I would recommend that you talk to your doctor about rehabilitation to improve your breathing.😒

4 months ago

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doctar? what is that? this is America. you get 2 days off and back to work with symptoms

4 months ago

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Symptoms of COVID-19 | CDC
Get Four Free At-⁠Home COVID-⁠19 Tests This Fall |
In any case you may have already used it, but I'll put this up.
Hope it doesn't spread similar medical conditions.

4 months ago

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during the start of covid lived near the CDC and knew two people who worked there. they knew people who worked the same job they did and thought covid was a hox for YEARS

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4 months ago

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i have poor peoples insurance that will cover 4 FREE 10$ visits to an online doctor over the course of a year. and wont cover a single $ until i spent 7500$ in a year. after that it should cover everything but you know they will pull out of network bullshit.
its about 50$ a month
its fucking worthless...... less than worthless...
fucked if i do and fucked if i dont.....

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4 months ago

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Honestly I would use one of the visits to the online doc to get a note for work and if you qualify for paxlovid (things like ADHD nowadays qualify, that's how I qualified) I would recommend getting it. It seems like pharmacists also can prescribe it so you can go to the pharmacy without seeing a doctor. Here's the qualifying conditions and here's a good source on how to get it.

I took it and the main bad thing was the nausea and the constant metal taste, but I had like 0 covid symptoms. I ended up getting zofran also prescribed but that might not be necessary. I am not trying to push drugs I just was really grateful to take it as I knew I wouldn't get hospitalized and it honestly helped with preventing long covid for me as well. It was my second time getting covid and the first time was much worse, I ended up getting tachycardia for weeks after getting covid but that didn't happen the second time.

4 months ago

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things like ADHD nowadays qualify

As someone who was formally diagnosed with ADHD early in life, how does having ADHD make one more qualified for paxlovid?

Also, is it just me, or are people lately talking about ADHD more and more as it's on the level of autism spectrum disorders (not you, but just in general)? That's kind of the impression I've been getting, and just feels kind of weird to me.

4 months ago

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It seemed strange to me initially, but there is a 2022 study:

We found that that having COVID-19 infection in patients with ADHD was associated with more severe symptoms and an increased rate of referral to hospitalization, even after accounting for variables known to increase the risk for both disorders. It is of note, that in this cohort, ADHD was as a strong predictor for COVID illness as diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases, and much stronger than obesity or asthma. It is suggested that ADHD is by itself a risk factor for severity of COVID-19 illness
4 months ago

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oh jeez, good thing I haven't caught the 'rona

4 months ago

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These months are terrible with all the sudden temp changes.
Get well soon.

4 months ago

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Get well soon

4 months ago

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Get well soon!
Thanks to rona I got a bronchitis afterwards. Altogether that dragged on for a pretty long time.

4 months ago*

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You managed to avoid it all this time? You are a legend.
Don't worry too much but take care of yourself. Drink plenty of fluids (I'm not kidding, half the pain is dehydration like a good hangover) and get some vitamins and magnesium as they are depleted by the virus.
Hang in there and let us know how you're doing please.

4 months ago

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Oh, crap. Here is hoping you fail again soon...

4 months ago

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Ooof hopefully it won't last too long :/ For me the worst was the coughing, I think I coughed more in that single week I had it than in the 10 years before it combined -_-

4 months ago

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Feel better

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Get well and bump!

4 months ago

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Get well soon and drink lots of water <3

4 months ago

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First time for everything i guess?

At its worse remenber that every pain, sick days and such you had in the past passed. In a short while they all become memories and dont look as back in retrospect. If it gets bad try some painkillers and sleep so this bad time goes a bit faster.

Wish you all the best

4 months ago

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I hope you feel better soon.

4 months ago

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wishing you a speedy recovery

4 months ago

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Don't stress on what you cant control. Get better.

4 months ago

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Hey at least you avoided the most dangerous forms. Congratulations for that!

Got the delta variant , and that was not a piece of cake.

Take care

4 months ago

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I never try this test.
I hope you feel better soon

4 months ago

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Man, this really sucks. You almost got away from it forever.

Now relax and take it easy. I had it twice myself and I felt like shit

4 months ago

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Ah this sucks. Get well soon

4 months ago

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