Some friends and i are creating a new game in Unreal Engine and i just wanted to get word out.
It will be an Open World, Co-op survival that includes 5 players. Each player has their own unique

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8 years ago

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This is deja vu, wasn't there a thread up like.. 5mins ago? :D
But best of luck with the game!

8 years ago

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yeah, i rephrased it so others can benefit from the thread :D

8 years ago

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Nice game! I like it!
The animations are awesome :)

I will write here something about my theorical project later.

8 years ago

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cant wait to hear about it :)

8 years ago

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I'm sure you will find It interesting :)

I have a whole different view about the virtual reality thing. I think It should be more complete. The players should sense more things, interact in more natural ways with the virtual world. Put away things, dig a hole, build a shelter or make traps like you do in real life. I don't think the today's technology would be the final version of virtual reality. A screen on your head, and two controllers in your hands. It's pretty dumb. Maybe it's not boring for now but it will be.

The whole thing would based on a whole new engine(written in the latest DirectX). I have a few ideas to make it more realistic. Multi layered textures. Full material control for objects(accurate center of gravity counting, realistic physics). Every sound generated with an algorithm so you will never hear the same sound twice. The zombies, characters, maps, people are randomly pre-generated(also a system to generate infinite maps). A simplified acoustics engine. Managing the wind and the temperature (which can feel the player). These are just a few of my ideas.

I'm sure you figured out It will have a hardware part. About that It would't be too big, It would need about 4 square meters of space from your living room. When you do move you should stay in one spot. My first idea was a two axis running pad but this wasn't enough. I came up with a new idea so with the current concept, you can climb, interacting with everything. Of course you should wear coveralls or something like that. I've found a way to track the movement without any light based sensors & cameras(those are slow and inaccurate, and you can't play with a paper bag on your head, It's important xD). I'm thinking about a machine to smell things in the virtual world. There are similar machines in the cinemas but It's hard to find anything about them. I made an experiment essential oil but these are expensive and i don't know chemistry to make synthetic ones. I want to track facial motion too but who would want to wear anything on his/her face. It should work optically (I really don't like it). I also have a few ideas for the headphone. Most importantly the whole thing would be full wireless and won't contain any batteries.

The game
I really like zombies. So my first big game would be a zombie survival game. The concept is simple: real world with zombies. Randomly generated zombies and and map. If you die in the game you can't return to the same virtual world again. The maps people everything would based on statistical data. The players could grab the hands of the zombies, can feel the bite, can smell the rotten flesh. You can also see how your mate turns into a monster. There will be a lot of zombie, players can fight against each other or work in a team, be the "bady guy" or help everybody.

The most problem with the whole concept it would be very dangerous. Just think about It what happens if a hacker can control your suit. Or somebody want to kill you in the game. It would be possible because the hardware should be strong enough for that. We should discover the temperatures in every body part which barely not damages your skin and causing permanent damage. And the maximal force which can be managed with an average human bone.

I'm sure the today's computers can't manage this load so I would have to implement some algorithm simplified. I know It sounds a bit more for an one person project. I want to recruit a team around myself. It's just a small part of the whole idea of course i don't want to share everything but if you wanna know something just ask :) It's the result of 3 years of research. I don't have too much done yet. Mostly because of I'm still studying (electronics, programming is my hobby),I'm not earning any money and I'm not 100% sure about anything.

8 years ago*

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that sounds...SOOOOOOOOO kickass

8 years ago

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not to mention expensive. I was thinking of something similar a while back. Well theorizing inside my head would be more appropriate. What you are suggesting would be way too expensive & most people probably don't have a spare room at the size you are suggesting or greater, let alone a spare room.

I've never actually tried using VR headset / goggle things but I can guarantee I wouldn't fair well with them. Personally I'd like to see a condensed version of what they had in the movie "Gamer". Maybe a small cylindrical screen with surround sound speakers & some kind of ball sensitive treadmill type thing. With tracking cameras placed strategically. I think something like that would be good enough to immerse ones self into a decent FPS game. I think they already have some of the technology for it no? The harness thing & floor stuff at least. Then again what would I know? I'm just a 2D point & click game developer. :)

8 years ago

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The current VR headsets are overpriced. I think i wouldn't be much more expensive then them. And of course the players can design a whole room just for this purpose. The only way to make It smaller is the Sword Art Online way, play the game while you sleep but it not seems possible yet.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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sounds interesting :D

8 years ago

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I'm just wrapping up development (debugging stage) of a demo for a traditional episodic based point & click sci-fi / comedy game. We have a Kickstarter campaign coming out for it sometime in the near future.

The game is called: "A Little Less Desperation", you can probably find it via steam greenlight or indiedb. Maybe a few other places.

8 years ago

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nice, im about to kickstart my game, prob this weekend

8 years ago

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I think we might be launching next month. Not 100% sure though as waiting on the other dev to finish working on his campaign video & texts / images for the campaign & some planning for content updates. I believe he wants each of the team members to record themselves a bit for the campaign video & also a video about what each person on the teams role is - was actually my idea for content update feature, but I'm dreading it as I don't even have my photo taken if I can help it.

8 years ago

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wow it looks good, and its already greenlit. thats amazing

8 years ago

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Yeah, I think we got greenlighted in a little less than 2 days after submitting it to greenlight I think - was something like that, I know it didn't take very long.

8 years ago

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anything else?

8 years ago

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i think you should change the name.
the blow job project is kind of misleading. ;)

8 years ago

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I think that's the company / dev name thing? Yeah... pretty amusing, but it's certainly not the sort of name you want to be developing / publishing content under.

8 years ago

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nope, bj project sounds like a cheap porn production company.

8 years ago

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"nope" what? I agreed with what you said. :D

  • edit: I think I misread your reply. The negative "nope" part threw me off a bit. If you'd started with "Yes" or "Aye", then my half asleep brain wouldn't have been befuddled!
8 years ago*

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i meant nope its not a name you would want to have.
agreeingly nopeing your statement.

8 years ago

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I edited my reply while you was typing your reply. You almost broke my brain... :(

8 years ago

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sorry i tend to do that sometimes ;)

8 years ago

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we did that for humor reasons, we dont know if we are keeping it or not

8 years ago

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you shouldn't.
even game development companies need to be taken seriously.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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you can be funny, but not dick funny

8 years ago

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it was kind of a coincidence, the creators name are Brent and Jeremiah, i wasnt added in the company name :( but yeah they took their first initials of their name and did that.

8 years ago

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I'm working on a game that features you stumbling on a town full of horrible looking mutated creatures (i'll post some of the designs later if you get interested) and going to their school to get some education. The thing is that one of the students randomly dies every two days. So, it's up to you to find out what the hell is going on and to make the people in town feel better by solving some of their problems! Or not!

Well for now, it's just designs and planning in my notebook, it didn't actually make it to the engine state yet. I envision it as a RPG like Earthbound or Undertale done in RPG Maker that's focused on interaction with people around you and their reactions to someone dying and capturing the feeling of being a part of a bit physically and mentally messed up class.

For now, I am the only one who's working on it and it would be awesome if someone of you guys join me, especially if you are a sound/music guy or you have some experience with Ruby language!

Also, good luck with your own project! It looks impressive so far!
As the guy above said, you really should think about changing that name. It can be really distracting to some.

8 years ago

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the movement looks awful , please do something about it

8 years ago

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you look awful, mate ;)

8 years ago

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That's the way to go

8 years ago

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what do you mean

8 years ago

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@ ghostdude: You really ought to consider adding a lot more content to your kickstarter campaign page. It's looking a little sparse & is lacking informative information in regards to your game, goals, ideas & about your team members & their roles, etc. The video is only one small part of a campaign. The rest is down to spamming & creating a fan base before hand. Also setting a realistic base target. Aim lower than you actually need. Watched loads of friends fail because they start off asking for too much money as base target when they are not a known name / established brand like Tim Schafer. The only friend I've known succeed & blow past quite a few of bonus goals too with his first campaign attempt, is Chris who developed "Stasis" an isometric point & click horror game.

8 years ago

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yeah i understand, thats why im working my butt of right now trying to get all of this together :)

8 years ago

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I'm starting something in Unity, but for now, it's just for fun. But if it turns out nice, I might develop it further to eventually release it.

8 years ago

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sounds good, we were thinking of making a pixel based game with unity

8 years ago

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