You have all probably seen this group "network" at some point. They send out invites to everyone. They giveaway bundle games here in mass quantities as part of their recruitment. They also advertise giving away AAA titles to whoever invites the most people to their groups. Sadly those giveaways are rigged, as they are not done on SteamGifts, but rather in his group's forum, and no winners are chosen truly at random as the system here allows.

But that's not what I'm here to tell you about.

First, let me show you exactly what I am talking about, in case you are unfamiliar with the OTG Network.

Original Traders Group
Original Curators Group
Original Giveaway Group
German Giveaway Community
Original Society Club
Duck Society

The above 6 groups are what's known as the 'Original Network'. It originally started as just the top group. It's recently expanded unnecessarily into the other groups. You can do everything the 4 groups do with one group, after all. The groups are also all populated by the same people, so don't let the numbers fool you. The Original Society Club is for the most loyal of his followers, where he supposedly does non-bundle game giveaways. Duck Society is...I don't even.

They are all run by a lovely fellow named SalzStange. His username here on SteamGifts is AngryErpel.
Confirmed with SteamGifts Support that this is not calling out..

SalzStange was recently outted on Twitter for trying to blackmail a developer for a free Steam Key. This kind of activity has been known to occur in this "network" but was covered up by his loyalists. When things like this happened in the past, or someone wrote a negative review for a game SalzStange obtained keys for, he would ask his loyalists to downrate the hell out of the review, which they sadly did. According to other 'victims', his loyalists were also asked to harass people that did not agree with SalzStange's methods or people who called him out on his bullshit. It's safe to say some are blindly following him in the hopes of free games. This is, of course, unacceptable, and since this was brought public, some of his loyalists left the group. Namely a few (most) of his admins and even a co-founder. He now has a new set of followers and Admins/Mods, and they are still up to the same routine.

SalzStange thinks giving away games is charity, and refers to his groups as "the biggest charity groups on Steam".
Charity is helping people who are less fortunate (IE Homeless, starving, etc), donating clothes and food to homeless people, or volunteering at a shelter....things of that nature. Not giving away games to privileged people on SteamGifts. He lists hundreds of giveaways for bundle games and games he's received from devs here on SteamGifts. The bundle games he asks members to donate to him so he can give them away here or in his group's chat (this has been confirmed by many former members). Either way, he is unfairly benefiting from contributor value here on SteamGifts because of this. He is currently a LV 9 contributor here on SteamGifts.

There is a reddit thread where a lot of people have come forward to share their experiences with SalzStange and his groups. and there is also a NEOGAF thread.

Proof, evidence, chatlogs, examples of his behavior and other things.
Take a look at these and find out for yourself what kind of person SalzStange is. Don't listen to his long-winded excuses or lies he's posted here and elsewhere.

2706 line OTG Group Chat Log
Full email conversation - This is the 'unedited' screenshot SalzStange provided that he claims absolves him of all accusations. It, in fact, makes him look worse.
My experience with SalzStange and his group
Chat harassment
SalzStange's SteamRep Report
SalzStange's "apology" to the dev he blackmailed
SalzStange thinks there's no proof
Valve is at least aware of this situation
SalzStange thinks those "against" him are all trolls
SalzStange denies allegations concerning his rigged giveaways, which were already confirmed as true
SalzStange's official statement after he was caught
Former Mod's response to his 'official statement'
SalzStange's post history on the Steam forums. A great example of his attitude and how he talks to developers
OTG Head Admin is okay with SalzStange's actions.
SalzStange has been permanently banned from SteamCompanion.
SalzStange calls those who caught him and spread awareness of his lies 'troll' and 'haters'..
SteamCompanion Group Chatlog where SalzStange was invited to discuss his ban

If you are still a part of this "network" I advise you all to leave to avoid being dragged down with him. It will happen eventually. WGN got shut down for doing less than this.

If you would like to combat this network and it's practices, there are a number of things you can do.
If you are a member of any of their groups, or any of the groups that SalzStange associates with (Such as Hookups where he is an Admin), simply leave them. You can also share this thread with people on your friendslists who are members of these groups and advise them to leave as well.


SalzStange threatened a dev, got caught, and is still trying to lie and cover up the facts, acting like he did nothing wrong.

He claims to be an adult, but is refusing to own up to his actions. Everything we do in life has consequences. It's time he faces them.

View attached image.
8 years ago*

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Left their giveaway group, thanks for heads up.

8 years ago

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Bout time ^.^ +1 to this post

8 years ago

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To celebrate such a grand occasion I award you Animepocalypse with this free game

The Journey Down: Chapter Two - CW2WV-4MIIF-60WCW

8 years ago

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Someone took it and didn't even say thanks.

I thank you for your generosity anyways. :)

8 years ago

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it was probably you know who : )

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Lovely... I threatened you, but didn't actually do anything... But still I did threaten, but no harm done right?

I wonder how much more is this kind of crap going on in groups.

And what is the effect of reviews and curration in first place...

8 years ago

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Duckie should be ashamed of himself. ಠ_ಠ I was part of those groups... Not anymore.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Really slimy behavior, totally unacceptable. I hope all his groups get shut down.

8 years ago

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He is a stain on the good name of ducks. But on a serious note, people who exploit the curation system to get free keys are not only harming the devs but us as well. Their fake bought reviews are what people see when they decide whether or not to buy a game. The fact is blackmailing and extorting a person to give you keys for a review that he did not ask for deplorable, but add to that you're purposely writing positive reviews for keys is even more disagreeable because many people depend on your reviews to make a decision. Needlees to say, I've left all your groups as I cannot be a part of something that I do not condone. Good luck at being able to get a semblance of damage control.

8 years ago

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Let's watch the world(well groups in that case) burn!!! will be funny!!

8 years ago

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WGN was shut down for way less than this...

8 years ago

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Well, here's their statement of reply:

For the sake of clarity, I'm not endorsing nor defending duckman's actions, but I just got this announcement in my feed since I hadn't left the groups yet, and thought it might be worth sharing.This guy seems like a terribly entitled person who let things go way too far and has paid the price.

8 years ago*

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oh tell me more - he never replied back to this topic after I encountered him with other email evidence at other matter - now when I did on reddit quoting directly this topic - suddenly my post started getting downvoted (went from 13points to 3 points in a matter of 3 minutes).

8 years ago

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Tell you more? I just stated above I have no stake in this, and certainly don't side with him. I just figured since most people had already left all the OT groups I'd post it here.

8 years ago

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"tell me more" is an ironic meme sentence, based on willy wonka meme, commonly used in english, sorry for misunderstanding ;)

I don't need you to tell me more, I know everything about his shady ways, mainly because I stunk in his groups for now for popcorn purposes :D:

8 years ago

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Oh I know the meme, just didn't recognize it without the pic facepalm . I'm a native English speaker so don't worry, I just wasn't thinking in those terms:)

8 years ago

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Thanks a lot for posting this information, Nerdhouse, I have personally left and I hope that these groups burn to the ground or get banned, whichever comes first.

8 years ago

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Well I got a random invite a while back and joined out of a lack of reasons to NOT.

Now I have a reason to not be a part. I'm out. Fuck this guy. I'm not backing anyone who's a blackmailing fucklord.

I'm going to positive-review just to spite OTG.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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He has several groups because he never leaves his house and needs to find ways to feel like he has friends.

8 years ago

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After finding out about this (which I did just now) I'm surely not gonna stay there one more second. I don't even care that he "apologised", this is still inacceptable!

8 years ago

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Against my better judgement, I joined the chat as a guest for the OTG. Here's what just happened:

7:15 PM Admin: i'm done arguing about this with the drama hunters in here..consider this closed
7:15 PM - The chat room has been locked by Admin.
7:15 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by Admin

8 years ago

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Hrmm... I'm soo confused :(

8 years ago

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anyone using reddit upvote this: - the f*cker after going silent after my comment on SG tries to pull the same bullshit excuse there as well, even worse get support (prolly from his key-paid reviewers) - comment went from +1X to +3 in a minutes after posting - he uses his followers to downvote any comments he doesn't like.

8 years ago

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I'd advise not to ask votes publicly, if you value your reddit account.

8 years ago

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as mentioned in link - I don't really ;) It's only 2nd time in 3 years since I created an account I posted anything ;p
Not a fan of reddit community, so I rather just read like 2 subreddits I'm intrested in instead of jumping into it ;)

8 years ago

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It goes up and down like crazy now :)

8 years ago

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a lot of newbies jjust click anything for free keys. at the start it was even more obvious. It was +13 at 2min after start. And went +3 (so min -10 unvotes) in 1 min. I guess it's not much to -1 sth you don't even read in eschange for a free key stolen from a dev...

8 years ago*

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Wow, what a winner. I went ahead and left.

8 years ago

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I was the former highest ranking admin for OTG and I can confirm to you he (Salz aka AngryErpel) is a closet nazi, rigs giveaways, pays for fake reviews and trades/sells the games devs give him. Several of us previous staff have loads of proof.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

8 years ago

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Bumpin a massive exit! Thank you!

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Wait a minute...Im going to get popcorn to watch this show! Hahah

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Hopefully both will...

8 years ago

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Yeah i know im late but i had better thing to do (I was working) So I saw this post few minutes earlier hehe

8 years ago

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Was once part of the group for 24 hours or less ... wondered how much spam/invites were going around and saw at once
what the point of the very group is - even tried to report it in steam as malicious spam user-net.

Not surprised in the slightest about the conduct - no one sane in their mind would lead such a group without agenda ...
This should get the attention of VOLVO as well, malicious led groups like those shouldn't be allowed in the first place.

8 years ago*

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Bump <3

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Yep, I had my suspicions a long time ago dude : )

8 years ago

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I appreciate all the evidence and hard work done in this thread. I won't comment any further at this time, but anyone interested in discussing this matter further is free to contact me.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Utter scum. People like this deserve nothing more than a really horrible future. But we all know he won't stop there. Kinda sucks really.

I've seen first hand how messed up followers can be. Once took down a scamming group, 6K strong, and the owner just made another alt and tried to make another group (Stopped that too, but you get the picture.)

So unless Valve implements bans on all alts of a guilty account, there is no hope of forever shutting down Duckhead.

8 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by Khalaq.