i was that one kid who grew up without a console in my home. i want to know which one i should purchase with the money i have saved up.

Edit: i already own a wii

8 years ago*

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Which do you prefer

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I would say check the internet for the exclusive titles of both consoles and then decide. I own both so i an no member of one of the Fan-Clubs in the eternal battle of consoles hehe. Both are good depending on which games you prefer over the others.

8 years ago

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It's all depends on which games you really want to play. I bought PS3 to play Heavy Rain, The Last Of Us, Uncharted series, Gran Turismo and other console exclusives like Marvel vs Capcom 3. Plus PS3 has nice indie library. You definitely should check each console's libraries on the web.
And don't forget to mention the Blu-ray drive. Not so important for some people, but I like to have a collection of classics in physical format :)

8 years ago

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Check the exclusives of the consoles; those are the only reason to even buy one. IIRC, X360 exclusives tend to be on the easy-to-play (or "dumbed down") FPS/TPS side, but if you want to play video games after a long working day, those may be better.

8 years ago

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As someone who has owned both systems, I'll say this, the 360 did have some better games early on as well as the better versions of some titles. It was the best choice early on. But at this point, don't even touch it unless you want the exclusives. I got burned hard with the 360 systems. Gone through two, and after I lost access to my original Live account with all my games and DLCs (including pre order exclusives) and Microsoft Support blew me off instead of actually helping, I can't recommend their systems to anyone.

PS3 has PSN sales with some great deals, some kick arse exclusive games of its own and free online.

Also, Wii is a good choice, get one as well. Nice and cheap, and some great games of its own.

8 years ago

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Take a look at the exclusives, those are the reason why you would pick one of those at this point in time. Which of the games that you want to play are not on PC?

Personally, if I were going to buy a last gen console at this point in time, it would be a Wii. Sure, it's weaker, and only having a Wii to play on is not ideal if you want to play a lot of games, but as a secondary system, it's great. Most of the first party Nintendo titles are great (with the Fire Emblem series being one of my personal favourites), and there are also a handful of great third party titles on it (Okami got its best version on Wii). The games it has to offer also offer a vastly different experience to the games you get on PC or the other consoles.

8 years ago

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see heres the problem i like the exclusives on both sides. im a huge halo nerd but the only ones i own are on pc.at the same time im a huge fan of infamous and uncharted.

8 years ago

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Bought an Xbox 360 first and loved it.

Made close friends from games like Halo, FEAR, Serious Sam, etc.
Played Rock Band/Guitar Hero with family and friends.
Everyone had a mic so the would be at least one person to communicate with.

Was persuaded to buy a PS3 because of their "best" exclusives. I sold my Xbox 360 for one and regret it since.

Naughty Dog, Quantic Dream, Guerrilla Games, Insomniac games were either boring or overrated.
Barely anyone has a mic.
Controller is trash.
UI is completely slow.
Bought a copy of Rock Band and a guitar to find out PS3 requires a dongle.

My vote goes to 360. It's has the best online experience for console, one of the most comfortable controllers, and more optimized multiplats.

Get a Wii if possible

8 years ago

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It's tough to suggest one because the better console usually boils down to...
a) which exclusives you prefer
b) what platform your friends have (because playing with friends will immediately make any game more enjoyable)
... both of which we can't really answer for you.

My personal preference would be the PS3. If you like a variety of games, you'll find far more variety in the Playstation exclusives, as well as quality. Games like Uncharted and Killzone are top notch shooters. God of War has been around for a while and is one of the best hack n' slash franchises money can buy (ala Devil May Cry, Darksiders, Castlevania LoS, etc). The LittleBigPlanet games are great platformers, especially if you have a few sparks of creativity and like making your own stuff. The Last of Us is just a remarkable game in all aspects. And you just can't find big-budget narrative driven games like Heavy Rain or Beyond Two Souls anywhere else. Gran Turismo for the racing fans, a series with decades of credibility. The Infamous series. Ni no Kuni. ICO/Shadow of the Colossus HD Collection. Journey. MGS4. Even the individual, non-series games... even the indie ones... are just flat out top notch games from developers and creative minds with pedigree.

With the Xbox, I had a real hard time finding much outside of games like Halo, Gears of War and Forza. I'm sure someone will reply "BUT WE HAVE AMAZING JRPG'S LIKE LOST ODYSSEY" and "PEOPLE SORT OF LIKED ALAN WAKE, A-AND CRACKDOWN" ... yes, that's true. You can find an odd game here or there that isn't a shooter and/or isn't crap... but that's basically what you have. A few big series and then just a smattering of individual titles of varying quality. Not many series, not much to really sink your teeth into.

Plus, if you're looking to save a little money, the free multiplayer has to be taken into consideration.

8 years ago*

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PS3 because it plays Blu-rays and that's all I use mine for (don't worry I didn't pay for mine but pieced together some broken ones). I also grew up without a console, the closest thing being a PSP in high school. I don't feel like I missed out on anything. PC for life.

8 years ago

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