Done, not gonna lie, took me a bit of effort and concentration to keep up with the text, wasn't that straight forward of a read for me, that might be mostly because English is not my main language. Also noticed a typo when entering in the answer after the text, mistake -> mistake(s)/mistakes.
You should consider using pre defined answers (like option A, B, C and so on with an answer associated with it) in the future for surveys, there is no stopping people from simply walking in and brute forcing the answers like putting a thousand typos were detected, which makes the survey questionable long term and well, people exploiting a loophole just to get the link to GAs. I've seen it happen before in this community, so i wouldn't be surprised if you get a good amount of people doing that here just to get to the giveaways.
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Thank you! I really appreciate everyone's comments.
There was actually a separate form with a timer where you'd do the task, but the google form add-on wasn't cooperating so that was scrapped. If people won't do the survey properly there really is nothing much I could do that I would be willing to spend on this one assignment 🙃.
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Are you sure that you don't need information about whether a participant is a native or a non-native speaker and about their level of education? Won't these be important factors, considerably more important than gender? Maybe it would make sense to analyze a more homogeneous group? Also, what about facial expressions? I mean, you aren't actually seeing our facial expressions when you conduct a survey online. And yeah, wouldn't an expression (if it's involuntary, of course) be a result of a person's cognitive processes and not vice versa? Or are you studying the influence of a voluntarily formed expressions on the level of attention (like that myth about forcing a smile and improving one's mood that way)?
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Thanks for your participation and comment!
About native/non-native speakers, I'll be honest and say that I didn't think about this. In my mind as long as you know how to read English, which you would have to be able to to even get in the survey, it'd be enough. There's a question after you finished the task that asks how difficult it was to understand the text and if you give this too low a score then I won't use the data.
As for your second point about voluntarily formed expressions, you're right on. I'm interested in people intentionally forming expression and its effect (in terms of modulating experience). Also, if you're interested and go time on your hand you might want to read this (for the last point about smile and mood).
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Done it, didn't know droning was a word tbh. Didn't know which was my group at first, so i did relaxed expression, went back to check my group( it was the focused group) so I did it again. No change.
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Damn, i didn’t even know there were groups, only noticed it now after i saw this comment i went back. I just focused on the main text 😅
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Interesting combination of SteamGifts and SurveySwap. I enjoyed it.
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I'm in need of participants for a short experiment/survey that will take around 10min. This is for an assignment in one of my undergrad course.💀
The survey is about facial expression (focus vs relax) and its effect on attention to detail. In it, you will be tasked with reading a (hopefully) not boring
500 words English passage and try to spot as many typos as you can. Think of it as a fun mini-quest with an interesting script.
There is no prerequisite for participants, everyone is welcome! Your information will be anonymous (I'm only asking for your gender and age besides the main experiment questions) with a chance of entering some giveaways as a reward as well as the moral satisfaction of helping out a poor struggling uni student.
If at any moment after entering the survey you feel uncomfortable, feel free to leave. But! Only those who completed the survey will find the reward.
Link to giveaway for Bomber Crew, Watchmaker, and King's Heros at the end of the survey (with no level restrictions).
Please participate, thanks:
Thank you to everyone who participated, the keys have been sent to the giveaway winners. Once I'm down with the project, I will update here again with the experiment result for those who are interested!
So the experiment actually looks at the facial feedback effect on the affective judgment. Basically whether making a focused face (which resembles frowning) actually makes you think the story is less enjoyable. The good news is that the result is actually statistically significant, meaning that is an effect, the bad news is that the result doesn't conform to any hypotheses I made (the focused-face people actually rate the story as more enjoyable...which is the opposite of what was expected) which basically means my experiment is busted somehow and a confounding variable messed up the data, but I'm more inclined to say that it was all due to chance since the participant number didn't reach the required amount anyway. So yeah! Hopefully, my report gets a good grade :P
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