you run into toxic devs for time to time, but i feel like its gotten much worse since the last update
this game dev is mass banning players for saying anything negative at all
they perma banned me from the forum for as they claim using this emoji to disagree with somebody :winter2019angrysnowman: it was an angry snowman
the only comment i have ever made in the forum. that was what they listed as the reason for my permanent ban from the pixel pirates forum.
from talking to other people they permanently ban anybody at all for saying anything at all negative about the game. white washing anything that makes the game look bad, even if its i cant get this thing to work, can somebody help me
made a ticket to steam support and they gave a worthless answer
We encourage developers to use extreme caution when moderating their communities, especially when considering bans.
we give devs control over their own hub, including discussions and user-created content.
no way you can trust anything said on the forums of steam games now

1 year ago

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Just put that dev on your blacklist and never buy or engage with their content, easy solution.

1 year ago

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happens all the time. gotta make sure nobody finds out 1, how shit their game is and 2, how shit their behavior is. easier than putting in more work, and it's a shame because sometimes the game itself could become decent. and as you said, steam 'support' doesn't give a fuck, 'encouraging' and 'suggesting' and other bullshit. and nobody reads the guidelines (regular users included, to be fair), where it says permaban shouldn't be used like this, but it's actually the default option, not a warning or 3 days or something, so again, instead of changing it with a click, they immediately go with it. fucking morons. they all obviously get blacklisted, retroactively even if I already happen to have some of their games unplayed.

1 year ago

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I was accused for buying stolen key by devs at one my recent review. I mentioned I bought key on Fanatical at sale and still wasn't worth. At least none force us buy games from such people, there is a lot to choose from.

1 year ago

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name of the game ?

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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that was what they listed as the reason for my permanent ban from the pixel pirates forum.

Maybe this game?

1 year ago

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1 year ago*

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Seems they like to complain.

1 year ago

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he plays 0.2 hours and doesn't like almost anything, looks more like a troll ðŸĪĢ

1 year ago

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Oof! They sure do! Man, gaming as a hobby while hating games must be tiresome.

1 year ago

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oh wow
Yeah I'm not touching this with a 20-foot pole!

I will say this though, I personally don't trust any review with as little play time as shown on these 'reviews.' That's just me though.

1 year ago

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Looks like award farming

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Could be, but I think community awards came in 2020, and there're reviews following those patterns predating that, so it looks like a troll more than not!

1 year ago

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I know points are basically worthless but why are people rewarding BS angry reviews like those, I'll never get it.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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aah yes pixel piracy, one of two game forums im permanently banned from.
the other is some nazi game with a racist dev

1 year ago

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No links, no screenshots, no details about who banned you from what, just a stream of barely coherent chest thumping indignation? Sounds legit!

1 year ago

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PUBG is banning players for telling how much cheaters they find

1 year ago

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That forum doesn't even exist. No such game on steam.

Also, you got blocked on some forum who knows where, by who knows who, so you decided to make a thread about it here, on a 1 year old account that joined 46 giveaways, won or sent 0. Either this is your alt and you don't wanna sound dumb on your main, or you are incredibly salty.

Not saying discussion forum devs can't be stupid, since valve doesn't hire them, and it's the game devs who pick their own moderators, of course it will be bad and full of entitled assholes. This happens everywhere in life you will go. In general, people in some position of power, are idiots and entitled pieces of shit who think they are all knowing and better than everyone else who are afraid to admit that luck played a huge part in where they are. If they had to add luck to their resume, it wouldn't mean so much anymore. It's standard for them to act like they need a spanking with a shovel. It's when you find kind people in a position of power that you should be surprised and those are to be celebrated.

It also matters what you said, because you might be omitting something, and it might have been well deserved.

1 year ago

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Yes. Name the horrible game and the toxic dev. Are we also afraid of their lawyers trying challenge your report with a libel lawsuit? Otherwise, your comment just promotes racism-type behavior: "A Martian once scammed me; so never I will never do business with a Martian again."

Also, I avoid forums because they simply encourage companies to ignore customer support and promote misinformation from clients trying to guess what is the problem.
(I am calling out YOU, Dell, for not responding for years to requests for firmware updates. Plus, Dell designs their computer cases so that you cannot upgrade with a standard video card.)

1 year ago

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Plus, Dell designs their computer cases so that you cannot upgrade with a standard video card.

off-topic but I bought a cheap dell and put in a 'standard' video card. it had to be single-slot, so limited options, but could squeeze it in.

1 year ago

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An ez your Dell problem solution xD

1 year ago

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can somebody help me


1 year ago

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also got perma banned from pixel piracy forums if that's what your talking about for pointing out a flaw in the game that had been in it for 5+ years. BOOP! banned for life!!!

1 year ago

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Welcome to the "Age of Disinformation"

I suggest you make alt accounts whenever you want to engage in "wrong-think" (acts and deeds that dont fit the narrative)

When being honest yet critical, always expect to be banned, canceled, censored, and/or ridiculed, for engaging in even a slightly negative way.

1 year ago

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