I am leaving for another country for two weeks and won't have an Internet access (even if I will, I will not enter my steam login and pass on those "public" computers). And here comes the question: if I win a giveaway during this period of time - is it OK if I won't be able to leave a positive or negative feedback about the key redeemability? How much time do I have to leave a feedback? (a week? 2 weeks? eternity?) before a giveaway creator makes a reroll?

Maybe it's somewhere in the FAQ but it didn't come up after my looking through it (Russian FAQ).

I also feel terrible that I will miss the summer sale (or most of it)... I was hoping for Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas discount...

Sorry, guys, no giveaway this time.

1 decade ago*

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You have one week to accept the gift before the creator has permission to re-roll it. So I would get on one of those "public" computers if you want your gift.

1 decade ago

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After 1 Week the Creater of the Giveaway may Reroll :)

1 decade ago

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Thank you guys... holy crap =(

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by EvilGod.