
A while back, I remember installing a Userscript or extension where you could basically track if you own or wishlist a game from a Bundle in the Deals section. Oftentimes, posted by our trusty sensualshakti aka πŸ’ Lilly (πŸŒΈβ— β€Ώβ— ).

Does anybody know what I'm talking about and has this userscript or extension? It was really useful whenever she would post because it would display owned games as Green and Wishlisted games would be set as Blue background or something from the bundle list.

PS: Shoutout to her for her hard work!

4 months ago*

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I would like to see some script that would say me how many users in group have game wishlisted when I create giveaway. Is there something like that?

4 months ago

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You can manually do it for each group by viewing the group page on SG, clicking the Wishlist button on the left side of the page, and then searching for the name of the game. I'm not sure if that is what you wanted though.

4 months ago

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Yeah, I know I can do that, I just thought it would be nice to see that number next to groups when selecting for which do giveaway. Like we already have there members, so maybe in () written how many has game wishlisted? Not sure how complicated it would be.

4 months ago

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That would be a nice feature for sure.

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Thank you, will take a look into it

4 months ago

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Which setting does it go by?

4 months ago

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ESGST would show the wishlisted/owned tags if you set it to do so.
augmented steam shows it on steam(using the colors you stated to)

I don't know of one that highlights the table on SG though.

4 months ago

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ESGST can also color the table row in tables if you enable that, the tags still there, though.

4 months ago

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I must have missed that setting, its definitely ESGST Vash is thinking of then(I just turned it on)

4 months ago

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What is Vash? Google told me that it is some Indian supernatural horror thriller film.

4 months ago

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Vasharal... aka the one asking the question.

4 months ago

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Vash or Vasharal is a nickname I created. It derives from Vash the Stampede. Although it might sound Indian, it wasn't at the time of creation. I found that later on. It has a little bit of a story behind it, so I don't wanna bore you explaining it.

Which setting from ESGST is it? I probably had it before and with the reset of ESGST I might have thought it was a different extension or userscript.

View attached image.
4 months ago

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I found it by just ctrl+f 'table' in the settings and turn on the 3 SG ones(5 total settings, 2 are for ST).

4 months ago

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Oh that's the one! Thank you!

4 months ago

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Oh my god Trigun, haven't watched that since I was a kid

4 months ago

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its got new adaptation recently to My animelist page

4 months ago

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Not sure what to think about it. I love the animations and the beautiful colors, but I'm concerned about his overall looks and story.

View attached image.
4 months ago

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Same. It's the one that inspired the name. Since then I always had something for the name "Ash" or "Vash". Before, I used to name my characters in MMORPG's as Shevarash (notice the ash at the end) as it was an Elven Deity of Retribution. Later after many years, the name was taken, by someone else in Black Desert Online or Blade & Soul, I can't really remember, and I decided to change my name and come with something different.

So, while for my Ranger/Archer Shevarash was the name, for my warrior, I would go by Rashagal. So, I combined Vash with Rashagal, and instead of being Vashagal, changed it to Vasharal.

And there you have it.

4 months ago

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I think it's called Bundle Helper Reborn - can't remember where I found it but it also works on Fanatical and other websites, including deal posts on here

4 months ago

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I do use something similar, but super interesting one.

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Thanks for that, very interesting to see that the this was a thing. It's possible it was either that or as many said a ESGST setting.

4 months ago

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Early on it was RaChart, but that's not available anymore. ESGST can do that for you.
Another solution would be SWI. It doesn't colour the rows, but adds symbols, works on other websites as well.

Edit: Okay, Nate even managed to find RaChart, but probably out of support, since Sighery left.

4 months ago*

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These are really cool. Any idea which setting is the one ESGST that I need to enable?

4 months ago

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Since I use SWI, I don't use this feature of ESGST. But it looks like Carenard was already able to help you. :)

4 months ago

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Yes, very thankful for that.

4 months ago

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Hi Vasharal.
You are talking about "Steam Web Integration". This script has been turned into an Extension by its original creator and can be found here: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/steam-web-integration/bcjlaaocogjkkhbmjhlhonmpnngnlogn

It is an essential extension for me as a game collector.

4 months ago

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No, it was a different one, but I'm pretty sure that one is great too! πŸ™πŸ»

4 months ago

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Closed 1 month ago by Vasharal.