Hey there, fellow SGers.

No hidden GA here, if you search for that.

Well... what I want to know is: Does anybody know anything about the game AI War: Fleet Command? I read an offical test, but I don't really trust them. Sometimes it's like the games they call bad, are actually really awesome and sometimes it's like "B3ZT GAEM EVUR" and it sucks balls.

But yeah... tl;dr: How's the game named in title? Should I get it?

1 decade ago*

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Its a dollar https://www.humblebundle.com/weekly

Just suck it and see

1 decade ago

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If you like elements of space/RTS/4X games you will like it.

IMHO it's strongest points are that the AI actually has distinguishable characteristics (i.e. it doesn't play like your typical RTS computer opponent - it has strengths/flaws you will learn to work with/around) and it is very asymmetrical (meaning that your units/strengths are very different from the AI units/strengths.)

Comes with 5 DLCs, it's a LOT of game for a buck, and you get a few other games as a bonus. ;)

1 decade ago

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It sounds great.. I think I will give it a try.

I love 4x/RTS/Space games. xD They are my favourite kind of games, I can spent hours in them and it doesn't get boring at all. :3

Thanks for taking the time to explain to me! +1

1 decade ago

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Great and unique Space RTS focused more on strategy than action.

Each DLC brings moddability to each game you create and totally changes the flow of the game. You can choose which to activate, and it is advised to deactivate them all when starting the game to get your hand on the basics.

1 decade ago

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I tried to play it for a few minutes but it didn't seem at all interesting. However, the music by Pablo Vega is great.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by United4Victory.