Hey all, heads up little less than 2 hours left on these giveaways!

Killergp123 Presents: Asuka's Nightmare Bundle!

So we decided to torture you all some...sorry...Each winner will receive a bonus copy of the opposite giveaway!

As of 4:08am CST this now includes Revelations 2012 as well! If you already have this and win either of the giveaways, you can give this game to a friend or even someone you hate as well :)

IE: You win Secret of the Magic Crystals and you get Horrid Henry as part of the bundle and vice versa.

If you already own the "bonus game" (not the one you entered for) you may choose someone to give it to spreading the torture!


Horrid Henry
Secret of the Magic Crystals


If you like randomness, games, and giveaways you should join The Streaminators! We have at least one stream each week (Thursdays) and random streams when we feel like it. Also betas that do not have NDAs we stream too :)

Gingcam + Ginger singing requests + playing bad games so you don't have to (Horrid Henry, Revelations 2012, Secret of the Magic Crystals as examples) = The Streaminators!

Karma says I hate you!

You Won: Secret of the Magic Crystals
Closed 44 minutes ago
8 Entries
It was 2 copies...Russian Roulette blew up in my face this time!


1 decade ago*

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soon the world shall end.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Hey all, heads up little less than 2 hours left on these giveaways!

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by killergp123.