is given for free for a while

I particularly don't care

7 years ago*

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not sure what you are after.

all games i've bought have been given away to someone. do you mean, shortly after i buy a AAA game i see GAs for it? wouldn't bother me at all.

7 years ago

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woah.. okay.. now it's changed to free that's a different ballgame... depends on the game and how much $ i spent on it though, but yeah that would certainly upset me more then just seeing GAs for it after a purchase..

7 years ago

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I don't think that ever happened to me.

7 years ago

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Well, I achived some game and developers says it's gonna be only achived game, not for sale, and about a year it's on sale.(

7 years ago

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Depends, if I owned it for more then 3-6 months before it went free I don't really care. If I bought it 1 week before it went free however...

7 years ago

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I do mind, but not when I buy it for myself.

Usually if I pay retail price or smaller discount price, it means I really have time and will to play it right away, so I don't mind what happens later. Or I want to support the developers, so I don't mind what they do later.

What I do mind about is planning to give away something that has a certain value to the recipient, and than that value is stripped away and my gift is left almost worthless, and instead of making someone really happy I end up giving them something they can get for a $1 on their own easily.

7 years ago

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I might be pissed but, Hey....i can't do anything about it....that money is gone and i have the game in my library already :D

7 years ago

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Really annoyed. I have 5 copies of Airscape - The Fall of Gravity that I can't give away because it was free at some point.

7 years ago

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I don't buy games, solved :3.

7 years ago

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Closed 3 years ago by shortcakey.