We're here to discuss Donald J. Trump! I've never met Trump, but I've heard he's a great guy, a great guy. He's a man that stands for his country and people in his efforts to make America great again! cue applause
Now, you know me, I'm a man of integrity and I share a lot with Mr. Trump. Mainly his view on meeting people. I've met over 1000 presidents this year alone and traveled millions of miles to do so. Yet I've never met my friend Donald. Now, you might be asking "Why is that?". Why haven't I met the man I so much admire. Well, the answer is simple. I haven't had the time to meet him. I've been busy looking at documents and then sometimes, not always, signing them. And that's for you, my American people! cue applause
Americans are known for their strength and integrity. Partly because I'm in power and believe me, my power's great. It's one of the greatest behind Billy Joel and Sesame Street. But we're not here to talk about me, we're here to talk of Mr. Trump. Even if there's so much to talk about me and my integrity and strength, physical and the brain one. I actually was contacted by the late Stephen Hawking just a few minutes before this speech and he said "My friend, you are really strong and you can stand for a longer amount of time than I do.". cue applause It truly was great of him to say that, it really was. take a sip of water by snorkeling it up your mouthhole
When I think of Mr. Trump, I think of you, the American people. You've always been so strong, through everything. I've actually heard from every leader I met, and believe me, I've met all of them, that you guys are the smartest. Maybe not as smart as me, but smart. You're tenacious, like when you fought off Crooked Hillary and suffered through Cheatin' Obama. And when the time came, you made the right decision. All of you, who voted for me. cue applause
Our people inside the government are working tirelessly to make your life better every day. These hard-working Americans, like you and me, are working to build our future. I will one day meet Mr. Trump and we'll have a lot to talk about. God bless you. Thank you very much. Thank you. cue applause
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Yes, they ruined feud by having him host it. He is such a smarmy little ponce, and his performance on feud was even more cringe worthy than he normally is.
I admit Hughsey has made me chuckle a couple of time doing standup, but he annoys the shit out of me, that voice and the way he talks! I want to grab my slippers and paddle his forehead and yell at him to talk out his mouth instead of his nose and stop dragging words out.
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I thought Pickering was a knob and that silly 'fluff news' show couldn't get any worse. I realized how wrong I was when they replaced him with that Waleed goose. It makes me laugh when he goes on his inane rants that actually bring nothing new or insightful to the argument at hand, yet everyone thinks he is a great and wise orator.
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In Brazil, the biggest idiot is "the people"...sadly, our government does what it wants and nobody cares. Anyway pal, seizing the opportunity...WhiteListed you...welcome to my 💙 Tobe.
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We are during the presidential elections and people are more insane than normal. However, this behavior is understandable. It is a very important moment for our country, because the last governments were terrible and a neighboring country of ours, Venezuela, practically broke ... There is hope, however independent of the result, my family and I intend to go to live in Europe, because we also have Portuguese nationality.
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Oh friend, a big amen to this. I am very grateful for your kind words and wishes. Peace and Love for you and for all. 💙
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I would say "Dilma Rousseff", the former president of Brazil (2011-2016). She always made public speeches saying phrases that did not make any sense and that ended up becoming memes here, stuff like:
"Let's not set a goal. Let's leave the goal open, but when we reach the goal, let's double the goal "
"So, here, today, I'm saluting the manioc, one of the greatest achievements in Brazil."
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U.S. has got every country beat! Maybe we have every star system in our galaxy beat! I will go out on a limb and say we beat the whole universe with the most BIGLY moron ever. D. Trump.
Not to say he doesn't have talents. He is a very stable grifter. Not sure I would say he is gifted at lying, he is pathological.
But he is good at whipping up his supporters with his lies and convincing them everyone else is lying.
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I really don't like Hillary, but most people agree she is very smart.
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that has nothing to do with the topic, but I do not care about personal issues. As long as a candidate is not breaking a law, no problem. I do not care who has sex with who.
But do you respect the many divorces by Donald Trump? do you respect Donald sleeping around on his wife Melania repeatedly? Do you respect D Trump admitting to sexual assault on tape?
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Trump is making America great again by making sure other nations do not take USA for granted and do trade business in a fair manner. This benefits Americans. A smart American will not care what he does in his personal life as long as he is a good president which he is.
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Sigh! Actually he's a Putin lackey. Or hadn't you noticed
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Ideally, yes. But what he's done is make almost all countries that relied on America in some way much more self-sufficient. These sudden tariffs showed them that America's not a good trade partner. Good trade partners don't increase prices and play around with people's needs just to make a point. I get the idea that America needs more money. But right now, all he's done is make people dislike him.
I was optimistic about him. Like, very optimistic. I thought that since politicians have been terrible at reducing the deficits of the country and the debts, that maybe a businessman-turned-politician would do that. But the truth is, I'm not sure that he knows that much about business anymore. His tactics revolve around demanding everything while giving little and strongarming his closest friends and allies. These tactics don't work with actual nations. This isn't some Trump Steak brand. He's even losing jobs inside the country, causing the GDP to dip even further.
The whole world could've benefited from someone like him, but currently, I can't see almost any improvement that he's made. :/
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Trump doesn't care about you. Trump doesn't care about his supporters. Trump doesn't care about the USA! Trump only cares about himself. And he is robbing the country blind for himself. He is the most corrupt President in the history of the U.S.
Trump with the help of the republican politicians are destroying the USA so a few billionaires can get tax cuts.
Educate yourself before it is too late!
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That's questionable.
Don't get me wrong, she would have been terrible, but I still believe she couldn't be as bad as the current clown. Voting in the last US presidential election was like choosing between the plague and cholera.
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This I can agree with. I didn't like Hillary, but we were forced to choose between her and Trump (and not enough people vote for third parties).
We would have fared so much better having to choose between Bernie Sanders vs. John Kasich, but the left felt Bernie was too old and too socialist, while the (hard-)right thought Kasich was so liberal that he made Hillary look more conservative in comparison...
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I'd kinda agree - Trump is a loose cannon and he and his lackeys are running our country into the ground...but I wouldn't say he is THE biggest idiot in the States. I think Michael Savage, Jeff Sessions, Matt "Video Games Are Evil" Bevin (and practically any other hard-right-wing anti-gaming pundits in public office), Kanye West, Beyonce, Jake & Logan Paul and all the Kardashian-Jenner sisters could probably all give him a run for his money in the stupidity department...(I'd also like to say Justin Bieber, but technically he's a Canadian, not an American...)
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We renounce ownership of Bieber. It's yours now, keep it.
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Doesnt our electing trump make all eligible voters the biggest fools? If you voted for trump you may be the biggest, but those that didn't are a close second.
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how do you know, what I consider my country? ( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)
and I agreed with his statement, him being biggest idiot in his country! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just because I like to agree with that young dragon
czytanie ze zrozumieniem! (ง ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)ง
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there are a lot, and they are all leftists. saverio tommasi takes the cake, but he has a lot of competitors.
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That's hard. I would say Jair Bolsonaro and his voters (also nicknamed "Bolsominions", since they defend him as if he was their father, 'cause they blindly believe he's truly honest and a patriot).
He is a radical Christian politician who has over 20 years of political career and almost nothing done. He only talks shit, offends people and keeps running from debates because he's ignorant as hell, and his staff knows that. Even so, conservatives like him because of his hate speech which says what they want to hear. They even asked for years to him to be candidate for presidency, and this year he was stupid enough to believe he could be elected (I don't believe he will, but if he wins, I think it will be fair enough, since we Brazilians are so stupid).
People say he's a kind of Brazilian Donald Trump, but I strongly disagree: Trump at least knows about something.
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I would say the biggest idiot in the United States is my great uncle Don, now deceased. He drank too much, thereby listing a most beautiful woman. He also lost his job. And he did not insure his house, so when he burned it down with a dropped cigarette, he lost everything. Plus he was looking mean and ignorant.
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||Φ|(|´|Θ|`|)|Φ|| It seems to be captured by humans.👽
Me( ・Θ・).;'.、
But wait?
It is not problematic because it lurks in the world, not the country.
by the way,The intellectual life forms are mostly extinct if they do not recognize themselves as "idiots!" Was good.
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"This is a tough hurricane. One of the wettest we've ever seen from the standpoint of ... water."
I rest my case.
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Haha, yeah... you could write several books of examples not even getting into the science denial and conspiracy theories.
And another series on a case study of narcicism, like when he said after 911 that now he again had the tallest building in new york...
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Politicians, Reiki Masters, Algemeen Wereldtijdschrift voor Financiën, Handel, Nijverheid, Kunsten en Wetenschappen sellers...there's an idiot for every occasion, heck, I play the lottery for 20 years now knowing I'd be much richer now if I hadn't..."Hoop doet leven, en gretig geven" (eat that Loesje!)
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I always assumed they are more the kind of people to not be married, just living together, with a kid that they're not both the parents of, living (happily) on welfare, drinking plenty of beer or smoking plenty of green, while talking shit about the neighbour of foreign ancestry when he doesn't hear it, but never in his face.
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Jan Böhmermann? isnt that the guy who insulted Erdogan in a song or poem or something? Well, if he works for public television in a way he is a tool for government media, rigth? :D
in the Netherlands I can't think of anyone who's really standing out...
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Yes, Böhmermann is the guy who insulted Erdogan. And plenty of other people too.
As OP thinks he is a "tool of the government media", he did not watch much of Böhmermanns productions, e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=853w0xpumTs (german only). Judging from OP's choice of words, I would guess he is more inclined to politically follow Alexander Gauland, Erika Steinbach and the like, who in my opinion are in a tight race for Germany's biggest idiot.
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Cant even count the +10000 I would want to give you
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Böhmermann is just a satirist who´s working for public TV. He makes jokes about everybody including our government. Seems like OP is one of those "i only believe what russia today tells me" dudes ;) Honestly if you think about the worst person in your country and the only one comming to your mind is a unimportant comedian then you better shut up and stop moaning about your first world problems :D
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He's a lot of things, but he's not stupid at all (unless you somehow think that he believes all this nonsense he says as a public clown, of course). He's been successfully working as a distraction and entertainment for many years, he's a head of a party with a guaranteed place in the parlament, he's got tons of personal fans, and something tells me he's not exactly poor. How's that stupid?
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We don't have any actual presidental candidats here except for Putin, everyone else (who were allowed to participate) are circus clowns. Don't declare a guy a moron just because he's perfect at playing his role.
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Hey guys,
just wanted to learn about more people being morons.
In Germany, it's definitely "Jan Böhmermann". He's a tool of the government media. He's like "Monkey see, monkey do". A big POS who'd be lost w/o his authors behind him.
Your turn now!
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