The game has been added to the official school reading list in Poland and is, therefore, free to download!

scroll down and click on the "POBIERZ GRĘ" button taking you to the download page

After downloading the 2.7GB file, you can install the game. Upon the first launch, it will be available in Polish, but the official files include a few localization packs. You might be able to apply them to your game and change its language.

"Gra „This War of Mine” jest dostępna tylko dla uczniów i nauczycieli w Polsce chcących skorzystać z gry na lekcjach języka polskiego, etyki lub wiedzy o społeczeństwie. Jakiekolwiek dalsze udostępnianie, odsprzedawanie, używanie w celach komercyjnych, umieszczanie na serwisach do udostępniania plików jest surowo zabronione."
The game "This War of Mine" is available only to students and teachers in Poland who want to use the game in Polish language, ethics or social studies lessons. Any further sharing, reselling, commercial use, or posting on file sharing sites is strictly prohibited.

1 year ago*

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1 year ago

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The site literally says that it is only for students and teachers in Poland.

1 year ago

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Game is made good to teach social studies lessons
Yes I like "war games" but is nice to play game as: you are civilian on warzone

1 year ago

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The developers of that game have been incredibly generous by offering 100% of sales to victims of war at different times. It's also been bundled so many times, so you can pick it up for peanuts.

According to OP, it is also on their site that sharing the link on places like this is strictly prohibited. Yet he does it anyway? Sigh

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Is there any certainty, that with this game, polish government won't install some additional stuff? I completely distrust them, so it's an honest question.

1 year ago

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polish version of a game bundled at least 19 times haven't most people in Poland already played it

1 year ago

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SG can be a really special place, people upset that a game l, that isn't even intended for them, is free in another country. .

1 year ago

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Never underestimate the lengths people on the internet will go to complain about everything :D

1 year ago

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if you mean i am upset because it's not for people in the UK -then no - i don't want it else i would have bought one of the 19 bundles it was already in - all i meant now is it's a bit weird offering this now older game which has been bundled a lot for schools - a lot of people would already have read/played it

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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It's to be used as a learning tool so they made it available to students and teachers for free. How many times it was bundled has no bearing whatsoever on how useful it is as a learning tool. And SG userbase is not representative of the general population. Tons of people don't even have a Steam account and even more don't know at all about bundles.

This offering isn't even aimed at you or me, frankly it shouldn't even have been posted here because of the disclaimer on the page.

1 year ago

Comment has been collapsed. jest chwilowo niedostępny.
Trwają prace nad jego przywróceniem.
Zapraszamy ponownie później. is currently unavailable.
We are working on it. Visit us later.

1 year ago

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если ты из россии и читаешь это, ты должен понимать что ты причастен к оккупации Украины. как бы там ни было. ты и твой народ враг для всего цивилизованного человечества.

1 year ago

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И что вы предлагаете? Я это понимаю. Уехать не могу. Остается только вариант суицида, но я вроде как после долгих размышлений пришла к выводу, что выпиливаться все-таки не буду, вот хрен им, они будут только рады, если все россияне, которые против войны, повыпиливаются. Я участвовала в протестах бесконечные 10 лет, а теперь я враг. "Как бы там ни было". И что дальше-то? Здесь все, у кого больше одной извилины и не атрофировавшаяся окончательно совесть, и так чувствуют себя виноватыми, а до остальных не достучаться.

1 year ago

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The game "This War of Mine" is available only to students and teachers in Poland who want to use the game in Polish language, ethics or social studies lessons. Any further sharing, reselling, commercial use, or posting on file sharing sites is strictly prohibited.

And here you are.

1 year ago

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I hope that the majority of people reading this thread understand that taking advantage of this offer is just wrong.

1 year ago

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It sounds like this shouldn't be promoted outside of the target audience, and I'm pretty sure most of us are not part of that target audience. Pretty nice of them tho.
BTW, why is a game considered reading material? It's not a visual novel or text adventure.

1 year ago

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As you so eloquently included in your post:

The game "This War of Mine" is available only to students and teachers in Poland who want to use the game in Polish language, ethics or social studies lessons. Any further sharing, reselling, commercial use, or posting on file sharing sites is strictly prohibited.

This isn't intended for the general public, and as such this forum isn't a place where it should be shared.

1 year ago

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Closed 1 year ago by Zomby.