Mafia II and Civ V have an asterisk, but it is not a bundle game.

"1.The first major change is the way contributor values are calculated. In short, the update limits giveaways that might have originated from a bundle to 20% of your total value (Note: Giveaways created prior to a bundle always receive full value). Please review the threads from earlier in the week for the full details. Keep in mind, we'll continue to improve this system as time goes on. "

Someone might argue "but you can get it free". So what? There are tons of games people can get for free when they buy certain other games or buy hardware. The rule is BUNDLE GAMES. One easy question, is it or is it not a bundle game? It is not. Unlike a bundle game, not everyone can get it, it is a limited availability promotion (only a certain number of keys. Currently, you can't even get onto the site to vote. The bundle rule was put into place because people abused the concept of "pay what you want" to load up on bundles. This is not the same thing at all, completely different premise.

Now, there will be a few people who can't handle a civilized discussion and will go off the deep end commenting on this topic. There will also be people who can take an intellectual view of the topic and offer counter arguments or supporting arguments. It is not a life or death issue, please discuss politely. Thank you, looking forward to the debate/ discussion ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Also, after commenting indicate if you got a free key. I did not. I have tried, can not get through the process. Thank you again for the polite and intellectual responses from those who respond in that manner.

1 decade ago*

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The reason free games have to be in the bundle list is to discourage people from trying to get a ton of them and give them away.

This is especially true if it's only available in limited numbers, since that means that without that rule, SG could end up encouraging people to claim some of the limited number of games being given away and give them away here, which nobody wants.

1 decade ago

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Not that they don't do that anyway :P

But mostly to put them on SteamTrades instead...

1 decade ago

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Because mafia is immortal, no bundle list can fix that.

1 decade ago

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ok, one more time for the special children:

games that can be easily mass exploited, get put on the bundle list. simple as that. you cant EXPLOIT free games that you get with hardware, because no one is going to buy 10 200+ dollar video cards just to scam some free CV. but you can enter and win many free mafia 2 copies, therefore exploitable, therefore bundle list, therefore god damn aliens.

1 decade ago

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Steamgifts is not dumb.

1 decade ago

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What was it, any game 95% off would be added to the list excluding price errors? Would be nice if they were removed from the list, lets say in 3 months or more, but who knows if people will save the keys or have multiples.

Oh and the whole argument of "that game came for free with a pre-order", well yes but the pre-order wasn't free. SHIV has a perfect argument posted not long ago.

I got Mafia 2 and redeemed it as I bought Civ5 during the summer sale.

1 decade ago

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It's aways funny see someone trying to be a smartass and teach the owners of something how they should direct their stuff.

1 decade ago

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so....because steamgifts wont let you make a 100 emails on GMG / CVG, and get a 100 free games to mad?

1 decade ago

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SG != stoopid

1 decade ago

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Have tried, have not gotten a key

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

1 decade ago

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It's easily exploited (and potentially multiple times, by unscrupulous users), without the necessity of spending even a single cent on graphics cards as per your example (or on anything else, for that matter). That's why these two games have to be bundled.

I don't think you have thought this one through.

1 decade ago

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it is a free game

1 decade ago

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OP is an idiot, all free games should count as bundle.

1 decade ago

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yay another argument about what should be counted as a bundle-non bundle games XP
seriously speaking: why not just removed the whole contribution as suggested so many times before? so that no argument, no whining, everyone is happy. Well, only if the contributors were giving away games from good will, or did they? ;)

1 decade ago

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I think that no one should post any giveaway on Mafia II and CIV V that you receive the steam keys on the CMG giveaway because you are simply abusing this website unless you gotten them elsewhere, which you need to state where you gotten them from.

1 decade ago

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That's silly... A free giveaway is a free giveaway, why shouldn't people here have a chance to win if they don't want to suffer the crappy server issues the voting website is constantly suffering? Just discourage farming by limiting the cv benefit, that's all that needs to be done

1 decade ago

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Should have clarified my post but I'm referring to posting on this website giveaways on Mafia II and CIV V.

1 decade ago

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I got 3 stuff for you.

  1. Exploiters are abundant and we don't need boosting here.
  2. The rule never stated bundle games. It has been for quite a while bundle and exploited games.
  3. Close the damn thread already. You clearly haven't been around long enough, so I recommend doing around 1 year before you start this thread again.
1 decade ago

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It's free, and it's not heavily limited (i.e. if there was a free game for, say, first 200 unique users who claim it, it wouldn't really justify making it a bundle here... but key supplies for this offer were actually fairly huge-to-unlimited).

Thus it's considered a "free" game pretty much like old Dota2 invites. That's it.

1 decade ago

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I feel ashamed (nah) when I look at this TXT file containing all the Civ5 keys I've farmed so far. The asterisks for these two games are justly dealt.

1 decade ago

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Congrats, you successfully put yourself on a bunch of blacklists.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Good thing they are on the list.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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sigh this is getting old, if you don't like something noone forces you to giveaway them, and if CV is all that you think about when making a giveaway, then I feel very sad for you. CV is something that comes beside giveaways, it's not the point of the giveaways, at least it shouldn't be.

And besides, you don't like it? Ohh, sure let's allow something that is easily abused per chance that someone won't abuse it. Lets allow drug use because 1 in 100 people won't abuse them.

1 decade ago

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IMHO these "should" be exploited for a time. Its only the 11th and the voting runs for another 9 days. I'm sure there will be people farming keys until/if they run out. I'm sure there are plenty of folks exploiting that fact. So OP you should, in my opinion, be grateful that SG only placed it on the bundle list so you can still get CV if you don't only drop 1$ bundle games.

I personally bought Mafia II from amazon last year and gave it away without installing it and bought Civ V as well. Great games need to be purchased so that publishers will continue to put out great games.... else we will soon be buried by more and more casual games with micro transactions. shudder

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Bigguns93.