1 decade ago*

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Cause i never win? /s

1 decade ago

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There're a lot of entitled people on Steamgifts. I dislike their attitude.

1 decade ago

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I like SG but winning odds are against us :)

1 decade ago

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Didn't get the chance to win :(

1 decade ago

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I hate the SG community because I once created a private giveaway group for cheap games, and when I announced it here in the forums, people instantly started calling me a leecher and a scammer. Such scumbags.

1 decade ago

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afaik you created a GA group with a rule that "every member who joins have to create GA right away, and you had not a single GA created b4 - so yeah, ppl had all the right to call you a leecher.

1 decade ago

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I hate some persons from here..
They aren`t so social as they say

1 decade ago

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I don't... but if I had to think of a reason, it would be that people who create giveaways could possibly be reducing the chances of everyone by not posting the sale (assuming it's still live). Ironically, this is based on somebody doing just that. They posted the Bioshock Collection, and a link to get it (both Bioshocks, 1 and 2) for $5. I immediately withdrew my entry and bought it.

So I think, when creating a giveaway, SG should ask if the game is still on sale, and if so, please provide a link to the sale and when the sale expires (if known). Then, when people see the giveaway, instead of seeing the Steam link, they see the sale link, and what they can get it for. I bet a few of them buy it rather than entering. And possibly buy more than one copy, and then gift it. And then we all win. Because even if you own a game, more giveaways means more people come to the site.

1 decade ago

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Every sale everywhere pretty much gets posted about in at least a half-dozen threads in the forum within a couple of hours after it starts. Anyone missing them has no one to blame but themselves for not even glancing at the forum or any other source for information on video game-related sales.

1 decade ago

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Bah, I can always blame someone else! I'm good like that! That rash on my ass? That's Jeff Goldblum's fault!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I don't :/

1 decade ago

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i hate moderation...u can have your account banned for stupid thing (forgot to activate a gift, an avatar that isn't "right",etc) without warning and than u are unable to do anything. U want ban me ? Good, disable my Giveaway system but let me access to account setting to have a chance to fix the issue...can't say better in english

1 decade ago

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"forgot to activate a gift" is a serious issue not a stupid thing, because noone can tell if you just forgot or decided to trade/regift. And such a thing is breaking one of the most important rules of SG. And you have a chance to fix the issue - cause when you're suspended you can still write to support, explain the issue, and if it was a simple mistake they will probably unban you.

1 decade ago

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As a noob to the site, the only feedback I'd have is I have way too many points. I'd like to see some strategy involved. Do I go for 3 10p indie games or the one 30p AAA title? At the moment I bid on everything I want and a whole lot of stuff simply because it isn't already in my library.

Might be worth looking at something where if you win, your odds go down for a period, or another suitable mechanic which forces people to choose carefully what they bid for and want to win.

Otherwise I have nothing but praise for the site and for the people on it.

1 decade ago

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Im just glad we all have the oppurtunity to win free games. Thats always nice.

I mean I aint paying for points and it doesnt take long for them to regenerate.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Its not responsive. This is 2013.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Azzaboi.