Traded for this game but didn't realize I already had it..
Can't know for sure if this key works but I trust the trader.. and SG doesn't have the game to create a proper giveaway.

So we'll play a little game

Replace these letters with the letters in the clues with out the " "
"X" is the first letter used in most RPG's to represent form of currency (hint what is the currency in most Final fantasy games)
"V" the first letter to another word for conjuring spells (hint its a 4 letter word)
"L" <- 4 letters behind this letter in the alphabet

9 years ago

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It's not in the giveaway list probably because it was given away for free on (I believe) IndieGala.

I already have it but thanks for the generosity nonetheless!

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by trunks10k.