This is the first in what I hope will be a continuing series of GA's that focus on gamers with lower end PCs. Not everyone has a machine that can run the newest Bethesda or CD PROJEKT game or even games that most people think are for mid-range PC's. This is for those of us out there who have to play games on PC's with the computing power of your average toaster oven. And not even the good Black & Decker Toaster ovens, I'm talking thrift store, hand-me-down, no name brand toaster ovens that only get one side of your toaster strudel warm and flaky and oh man now I want some toaster strudels.

I had a decent PC but unfortunately the GPU finally fried after several years (and after a rejection for an RMA from a manufacturer that I won't name) and then the onboard graphics went out soon after. The computer was toast, I scrapped it, sold off the parts that could be salvaged, and bought a Kangaroo Mobile Desktop. It's only for sale on the Microsoft Store and New Egg, and it doesn't have the greatest specs in the world, but 100 USD for a PC the size of a smartphone that can play Tales of Maj'Eyal, Delver, and a lot of other roguelikes that I enjoy as well as stream Netflix and give me a means to talk to all of you nice people, well, I could have done a lot worse for 100 bucks is all. Here's a link to the Kangaroo if you wanna see what I have to work with.

-If you were born after Metallica already started sucking for example and old-school games look so bad that you can't bring yourself to play them because they're too pixelated for you, then please pass on the GA's so that someone else out there who remembers how good "...And Justice for All" was can freak the frig out and bask in some nostalgic glory.
-If you can run Crysis 27 at six-hundred frames per second, then maybe sit out on these GA's so that someone else has a better chance to win what might end up being the crown jewel of their collection and their new go-to game when it comes to showing off the prowess of that new 486 DX2-50Mhz they just picked up at the landfill.

Now I only had about ten bucks to play around with on my Steam Wallet along with some ref, gems, and trading cards to use to trade for other games, but I've tried my best to put as many never-bundled games into this little train as possible and I've tried to stick to games that I would buy for myself. I don't actually own any of these I don't think, but they all look like something I would play.

Okay enough gabbing, I hope to keep this thread going and I hope to churn out as many GA's as possible with not-so-rich people with not-so-great computers in mind.

LVL 4+

Start the InSaNiTy --- LVL 4+

Whitelist GA --- Lvl 1+


7 years ago*

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thanks and bump

7 years ago

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Thanks for the train.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Thanks for making me actually laugh out loud.

7 years ago

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Glad to help. :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks and bump! :)

7 years ago

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bumped Thank you.

7 years ago

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Bump and thanks for the GAs! Pixels are our friends. :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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If i win something i will play in it but i'm not really into retro gaming since i didnt play video games as a child. I've got my hands on NES in later 90s so only way i was able to enjoy some older titles was through emulators. From old pc gaming i was able to play first doom or wolfenstein 3d or age of empires (it's not so retro but still :F). Um. I guess retro means other things for different ages. Yes. Have a good one ;)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks and BUMP!

7 years ago

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