Hi everyone.

I just wanted to show here a web site developed by me. this is my first time building a web site and i'm very new at this so any feedback would be great.

the web site it's just a calculator, something very simple. it allows you to calculate all of the fees and profits from your sells in G2A.

I know probably most of the population hates G2A (i hate it too). but sometimes i do sell some of my games there to then buy some other games or steam wallet codes and one of the things i hate about of G2A are the lack of tools to sell a game, for example if you want to sell a game. they help you showing you how to set the price properly but they don't help you calculating their fees and this could get tedious if you want to sell more of one game.

Also, not knowing the fees can make you lose money because your profit are less of what you needed. maybe you want to sell a game to buy another and since G2A doesn't show you the fees until AFTER you sell the game, you may get the surprise that you are now short on money.

Finally, in case you would like to know, the FAQ of the web site can help you understand how fees are charged to sellers in G2A.

The web site it's suppose to be mobile responsive, but i don't have a phone to verified if it's properly done.

Link to the web site.


(It's a sub domain with my name, i used for testing my stuff in a true server)

6 years ago

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Hmm, I don't get the best first impression due to this issue (screenshot below).
Firefox 56.0 (32-bit).

View attached image.
6 years ago

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Same issue. But works correctly in Maxthon 5.1.2.

6 years ago*

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ty for let me know that. :)

the site it's designed to work more in Chrome. i will check that issue later and try to fixed.

6 years ago

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I ran a quick test, it looks like working fine there. I'm also using FF56 (linux 64bits).
If I make the windows the smallest possible, I can see the same visual glitches, it occurs when text is bigger than the remaining display area (inside the input). I'd look for something related to padding in your CSS.
On a side not, my advice is not to put your email adress visible if you don't want to receive tons of spam. If you don't want to make a form contact, you can still obfuscate your adress a bit, so automated bots won't read it (userREMOVETHIS@doREMOVETHISTOOmain.com, you get the idea)

6 years ago

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Hi, thank you for your feedback and for you advise, i was also thinking it should have to be something about the sizes, my fastest fix was just tagging them with a title text while i was going to sleep haha.

6 years ago

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suggestion: %1 + 1.5 euro fixed withdraw commission
%2.5 additional exchange rate for foreign currencies

6 years ago

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also current "avaible balance after sell" section is calculating wrong

6 years ago

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Hi there, thanks for you feedback, i will think about your suggestions. i tested again the available balance after sell section compared to a manual calculation and it's seems to be working fine.

This is the formula i use.
Total Fee= (((price x10.8%)/100 + (0.35)) x Qty) + 0.15
Available Balance after sell = Available balance before sell - Total Fee

6 years ago

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