Jokes aside, this is just a circus, nothing more, hehehe. I even posted it here during the first semi-final :D
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They should all sing in their native language. Nowadays 90% are singing English, which is kinda boring.
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some even place well with songs that in their native language are barely understandable or just awful
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Go Georgia! That's my favourite
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...And by the way, I'm danish, and I'm thankful, that our crappy entry is out :)
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Ireland used to rule eurovision, now were losers :(
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I don't really care for the ESC, even though it's here in Austria where I live, but I don't think our Hipster band can win this ^^
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(For some reason it doesn't go right there, just look above your post:P)
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I actually guessed what that was going to be before I looked!
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Portugal tonight shall pass (you guys should see the portuguese transmission with subs of the first semi final, our commentator was so disrespectful to every country, since complaining about the lyrics, bad choices, horrible clothes, or because the singer is out of shape. He only didn't complain about Russia... Just see the singer to understand why lool. People all around the country complain about him and the channel on facebook was answering to complains, today for the first minutes i already can see that today he will be second commentator and not take the lead again).
It's a show that i really enjoy and never miss. After all performances are over i do my bet and i'm going 8 years in a row getting the winner right, missed the two before this streak started, so let's see what will happen this year.
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Thanks for reminding me! I completely missed Eurovision 2014 and it made me so sad. Why my fellow Americans settle for American Idol when Eurovision exists is beyond me.
Also, go Estonia! You can win it!
Edit: Ermagherd, the lady who sings for Lithuania is such a teeny little cutie. And her voice is so good!
Edit 2: Malta, por que? Your singer is both sharp and flat and has zero stage presence.
Edit 3: Bless the gender bending announcers. Eurovision wouldn't be the same without them.
Edit 4: Norway duet game too strong! Cannot resist!
Edit 5: Portugal is good, but I'm just not feeling it. I dunno why.
Edit 6: Norway vs Czech Republic in the battle of the duets. Only one can win! And I think it's Norway. Sorry, guys.
Edit 7: WTF is Israel's singer wearing on his feet? Winged shoes? Oooh, nevermind. Holy crap, that boy can sing. Love that tone of his; reminds me of Sexy Back! Justin Timberland. (If Israel doesn't end up in the top 5, I will be disappointed because daymn.)
Edit 8: Latvia, no. Why you send a pitchy singer who sings as if yelling = power? Bad. You can do better than this.
Edit 9: Why, hello there Azerbaijan. Your singer sounds great, the dancers were awesome, and I loved the spooky dark forest background. It was very fitting for a song like that.
Edit 10: Iceland's entry is cute and has a nice voice, but her English isn't that great and the stage background/setting is pretty uninspired and dull. Yes, yes, Northern Lights. Cause she's from Iceland. I get it. Meh.
Edit 11: "I kissed a girl. For the first time, I guess." Ahahahah. And "Latex? I'm familiar with that."
Edit 12: Sweden, you need to stop being so awesome. I'm gonna end up with an ear worm from listening to such a catchy song.
Edit 13: The Swiss are gambling on sex appeal, I see. Their singer is great, but the costume distracts me from enjoying her talent because I keep thinking she's gonna have a wardrobe malfunction any second.
Edit 14: Cyprus has found the winning formula for my attention. A soft rock love song sung by a man in a suit who sounds just like Billy Joel. Damn, man. You're giving me diabeetus here.
Edit 15: Outside of duets, the guys are killing it tonight. I am saddened by this - where are my ladies at?
Edit 16: I never thought I'd say this, but Poland showed up and everything became awesome for the ladies again. Oh my god, that sexy deep voice of hers. Be still my heart. Shame she sat through the performance; I bet those legs of her are just as lovely as the rest of her. <3 (Edit 18: I just realized what an asshole I am for not seeing that she's in a wheelchair. I am an idiot.)
Edit 17: Whoa, how did I miss Ireland? She started off kind of eh, but got better and better as the song went on. And the piano playing was A+.
Edit 19: Whoops, out of time due to impromptu Oscar speech. "ThankyouandgoodluckonSaturday!"
Edit 20: Austria's singer reminds me of the guys in Kings of Leon in looks and voice.
Edit 21: I always end up cheering for Spain regardless of the singer's talent because of my heritage, but dang, I'm truly impressed this year. She's gonna be a tough act to follow.
Edit 22: Sorry, Aussies. You picked a lame duck this year. He's lucky to be in the semis, and doesn't have a snowball's chance of even making the top 10.
Edit 23: Hell yes. Lithuania, Poland, Sweden, Norway, Cyprus, and Israel all made it! Woo!
Edit the last: Whoever voted Slovenia was smoking something. Seriously.
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Agreed with both, but I'd also throw in Norway and Sweden to the mix. Heroes was solid - if there's any way I can buy the album that's from, I definitely will because it's a damn catchy song.
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And that nasally voice. I wanted to send her some Mucinex so badly.
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Headphones: I read in the papers she want's to feel like she is in a recording studio (yeah i don't get it either.)
Voice: Don't know, deffinitly something messed up in the audio in the arena, since This is the way the song was supposed to be (it's live aswell so)
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Yeah, I just made an edit about that and I'm really ashamed I didn't realize that earlier. I'm American and I've never seen a wheelchair like that before.
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Yeah, ours usually have arm rests and are much bulkier then hers. The only times I've seen a wheelchair without arms, it was for sports and the wheels were bigger than usual.
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I swear, I find it freaking hilarious that they allowed Australia this year :D
Don't really like their song though but well.
I'm really excited for the finale on Saturday ^_^
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I know right? It's weird! I mean, it isn't that good, and yet people in Australia are staying up this late / get up this early to watch it! It's crazy!
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I agree with you disagreeing. Of course, it's meaningless, it's showbusiness and of course there are better ways to spend that money. But there's also a lot of worse ways to spend money. And if it helps only a tiny bit to send a positive message, share a little peace, I don't have a problem with it. In any case it's very entertaining to see what every country comes up with.
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