3rd Cake Day Celebration Train

: My Story about Steam and Steamgifts

This is full of my rambling, you can scroll down as you please. If you decided to read on, please bare in mind I’m not a native English speaker.

I put my hand on Steam in 2011 when I bought an imported package of Sid Meier’s Civilization V. I remember complaining like this.
“Why do I need to launch another service to run my retail game?”
I didn’t know what Steam is then, just a launcher to me for running Civ V.

In 2012, I purchased a package of Sid Meier’s Civilization V GOTY from licensed distributor in my country. Now I know that was foolish, but at that time, I was used to buying various version of favorite game series for example Baldur’s Gate, Icewind Dales, Neverwinter Nights, Civilization, Dragon Age: Origins, Warcraft, Diablo etc. Anyway, not long after, I found out Steam advertising pre-purchase of Gods and Kings expansion. I think I was hooked at that moment.
“This is brilliant! I need to contact local shop no more to buy games!”
Of course, I pre-ordered Gods and Kings on Steam. :)

2012 Winter sale came, I was so happy I could collect more games which was not available or too expensive in retail shops. And I found out the site of 스팀비비(SteamBB, famous generous group once) which provides sale information. I registered at SG some time later, though not active because I didn’t trust something like lottery at that time. Why? I teach math, I think I know possibility and normal distribution etc.
Anyway, I have known exact date of sign-in thanks to a certain forum thread since a month ago. It's February 24.

My first purchasing bundle was Groupees’ Topware Interactive for Steam & GOG keys, then I learned there were/are other sellers out of Steam Client and bundle sites like Groupees and Humble. A month later I bought first Humble Bundle of Alan Wake Franchise for only $1, that was steal indeed. My bundle life finally began. Steam library was getting bigger and bigger as time passed.

In October, when I bought a certain bundle from Groupees, there was a spare key which finally led to me here. At that time, I didn’t have many friends to talk or gift on Steam, so I decided to make a giveaway for the first time after reading a few documents and FAQ.
Not that impressive, right? :D Once free game, so now nobody can make a GA of The 39 Steps any more.
After that, I began to be an active member of SG. About three days after, my first win came true, though I overwrote it with the season pass later. (^-^)a
After considering my action and researching DLCs, I decided to be more careful and thoughtful, what to purchase myself, which to enter for fun and curiosity, etc.

My favorite giveaway so far is http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/EnXBq/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-legendary-edition
In fact, that was an imported package of The Elder Scrolls Anthology from Amazon US, which I purchased impulsively for $25 including shipping fee. Because I already had Steam games and EU version of the package, when I came to reality, I became troubled in mind.
“What should I do with that? Shall I sell it? Nope, I don’t like selling stuffs, it’s not my style. Have I to cancel the order? NO WAY!! It was too good deal to cancel, you know.”
So, I made a very private giveaway which demanded entries some promises to me.
The Result? I delivered the package to the winner through post office under the condition of winner paying post fee. :)

Giveaways and wins gave me many friends and comrades who enjoyed giveaway, and making other people happy satisfied me deeply. But as always, happy days don’t last long enough.

In spring 2014, there was a tragic accident in my country, many young people died by drowning. Government was/is too useless to save their lives. They died in cold sea water waiting for being saved. I felt myself a powerless and useless adult to them. I became so sad and depressed. (In addition, my financial situation became worse not long after.) Almost nothing couldn’t get my interest. I dropped all the entertainment including Steam and Steamgifts. Though I came back here somewhat recovered after an year and half, the memory of that accident still brings me tears. T-T

Old habits die hard. When I came back, SG was different, unfamiliar to me. Some changes are good, others are so-so. The thing is, as usual I said “Thanks for the chance” almost every time I entered because I want to be polite. One day I thought observing and entering was enough, I created 35 GAs with stocked keys. Then I realized my mistakes.
“Oh my! Was I spamming good people with my (simple but not necessary) message? Would they be annoyed with me?”
Yes, right. I know some people blacklisted me because of that. I explained and apologized my ignorance to persons who I found at the forum, they generously unblacklisted me later. I guess still there are persons who look upon me as a clever bot. ;)
Nowadays, I write comments after received and when there is something I want to say about the situation. I became quieter than before. Really, I swear. (Well, more talkative at Forum) :P

I have learned multi-group GA, Whitelist GA and enjoyed trains, mazes, SGTools at this forum. My wins became tripled, no wait, over 4 times for short period of time. Even I hit leech level 7 two hours ago. XD
I guess I would never make a member of Charitable Losers at this rate. ;)

Oh, right, I reached on level 8 a few weeks ago. I didn’t celebrated then, because I was busy to collect old Humble Bundles which I missed while offlined and to translate Guideline & FAQ into my mother tongue for fellow Korean users. Also introducing SGTools, writing guides about SGTools, campaigning to become clean users, and so on.
As a REALLY casual gifter, I’m content with this rate. Though long road is still awaiting me, I’m not going to hurry. (in fact, my wallet doesn’t allow me faster rate. >_<)

Well, enough rambling. This thread is also about a humble train for my cake day.
A few of my friends cooperated with me for this train, please don’t miss jump links. ;)
The tickets will be accessible to honest members of Steamgifts.
Let’s get inside.

For the people in my whitelist and clean groups, I made a special lounge for them. :)
Also other 1 Public GA, 2 Whilelist/Groups GAs are running at the same period of time.

Who’s in My Whitelist

  1. Gifters who gaveaway the game I won except featured GAs, without not activated or multiple wins.
  2. Persons who have given me a game not as trading but as a gift for the platform of Desura, Steam, Uplay, Origin, GOG, without not activated or multiple wins. If I conclude my giveback is enough, they can be removed.
  3. Gifters who I had chosen in early 2014 for their generosity. I know it’s old, but I want to remain them for good memory. Of course, if they have turned to fat leechers or rule-breakers, I would remove them.
  4. Supports, Moderators, Admin of Steamgifts. Although I added them as many as I could find, if I missed someone, please let me know.
  5. Friendly, helpful persons and Brave Gentlecat I have found. ;)

If you are in my blacklist, think about yourself. I blacklist people not because of their attitude(rude, aggressive, narrow-minded), but because of their dishonesty breaking the rules and promise.

If you ask me why, well... my English is not good enough to make distinction between jokes and serious arguing. Also I think misunderstanding often happens in online conversation without volume of one’s voice, facial expression and gesture in spite of my native language used. B.U.T. Rule breaking is easy for me to understand the person who is insincere enough not to read FAQ & Guideline or not to respect gifter or only to pursuit profit of him/herself. Simple, isn’t it?

(PS) Please don’t call me a boy or bro or guy or him or sir etc. It makes me feel weird. ;P

(PS2) These giveaways start at February 23 12:00AM, and will end at March 1 12:00AM (UTC+9. Seoul, Tokyo)

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Happy cake day, your train was amazing and thanks for all you've given in SG :)

8 years ago

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Bump! Thanks. :D

8 years ago

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Much thanks to yourself and your collaborators in these giveaways, happy sg cakeday, and thanks for letting us know a bit more about you

8 years ago

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Loved the train, thank you very much! Also have a Happy Cakeday ❤

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Bundle bump

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thanks for the train, happy cake day!
I bought Fallout 4 season pass because of you :P

8 years ago

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Happy Cake Day and Bump!

8 years ago

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Thanks for the long train!

8 years ago

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Happy Cake Day

8 years ago

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Bumpy bump and happy cake day :3

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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thank you, bump!

8 years ago

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damn, what a ride.. awesome trains everyone!

happy cake day Luthienjish! ^_^

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Thanks for the great train, to you and your generous friends!
Happy cake day!

8 years ago

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Whoa, thanks all those games in the train!

8 years ago

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It is special when it is someone's event, and they are the one who does all the giveaway.
Great train!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Big thanks to all the conductors of the trains involved, it was a great ride! :)

8 years ago

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Happy Cake Day

8 years ago

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