I always wonder if those people who always reply "thanks" to every GA they enter are really bots. Many people are blacklisting thanks'ers so if anybody went through the trouble of writing a bot then it would make more sense not to comment at all. My guess is that people with little to no proficiency in English would write a simple "thanks" instead of going through the trouble of translating a whole paragraph. I am learning Russian so I can really relate to people who are too lazy to read sometimes. Depending on your skills it sometimes requires a lot of effort.

8 years ago*

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Do you think that most thanks'ers are bots?

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No Idea

Well, i dont make tons of ga's because of money, so i dont really get it, its easy make a bot that enter to ga's and dont say anything than make a bot that say ... idk, 10 random lines.

8 years ago

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I generally give an earnest "Thank you!" on these, so if people are getting blocked for those, that's a little scary to me.

8 years ago

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I don't get why you would block people who are writing thanks. Others are botting without leaving a comment.

8 years ago

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Thanks. ~Sent by KeoBot ver 0.32 Beta

8 years ago

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0.33 released

8 years ago

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KeoBot ver 0.33 added feature... Blacklisting....
Code Error: Blacklisting url broken, attemping other listing.

Success, Mullins Status: Blue.

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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DreBot ver 2.81 detecting blue heart... Exterminating source code. Error 109: Blacklist status: full

jk wanted to see if the new gif worked :)

View attached image.
8 years ago*

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what happened to the orange hammer? :O

8 years ago

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Got thrown out with version 2.80. I might add the color back here in a little bit though. :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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my thoughts!

8 years ago

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Some people also notice that people enter and comment essentially simultaneously in their giveaways, leading them to think that they are bots.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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open tabs, ctrl tab while clicking enter

paste thanks in each

ctrl tab while clicking enter

manual botting

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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I was about to complain on such a giveaway when I reconsidered and made this forum post instead. The GA creator specifically referred to bots and until today I also was under the assumption that everyone who doesn't read the comments properly must be a bot.. So I wanted to know what the community thought about the topic.

8 years ago

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No native speakers- like me :/
My english isnΒ΄t good and for me itΒ΄s the first time I read about this,
ehm and after many "thanks" now I think IΒ΄m in a lot Blacklists.

thought it would be nice to say thanks :(

beep ;)

8 years ago

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thanks are always welcome!
but if the GA creator asks something else in the description, it's always wise to follow what he/she says :3

8 years ago

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Instead of blacklisting people for saying "thanks", what really must be implemented in this site is an option to disable notifications for comments in giveaways. That way we can thank a giveaway creator without the afraid of being blacklisted, and the giveaway creators won't get any of the notifications that seems to trigger their rage.

Or better yet: More tolerance... (:P)

8 years ago*

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Good idea. Thank you!!! ;-)

8 years ago

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For all the GAs I created I didn't really care for the comments. Sometimes I even made them very short lived just to prevent all the comments from cluttering my notifications.

8 years ago

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Not always. :)

8 years ago

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Open Multiple Tabs of giveaways games that i'm interested, calculate the points, enter giveaway, Ctrl+V on the comments instead of typing everytime. ._. does that count as botting? As i tend to do that.

8 years ago

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I also open multiple tabs and enter the GAs and CTRL+F4 to the next tab if there is no interresting description. Just by looking at the timestamps GA creators might think that we are bots.

8 years ago

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I thank the giveaway creator most of the time when I enter a giveaway. I only abstain on obvious regifts and when the description specifically ask not to be thankful. Sometimes I go with a pretty generic "Thanks!" or something similar. Other times I will write a bit more, especially if a question or some extra instructions were added to the description.

8 years ago

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I used to think that thanking, even when chances for winning would be smaller than chances of finding needle in a haystack, was just a way of showing some appreciation to the giveaway creator.
But then I started to see people blacklisting for saying such so my "thank you" record started to drop. Now, having such opportunity, I would like to thank you all who create giveaways. Now, in past, and those who will create. Thank you.

Ahh and let me add few more thanks to this.. so my conscience feels satisfied: Thank you, Thank you, thank you, thanks, thank you, thank you, thank you, thanks ya'll. ;-)

8 years ago

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To be or not be a bot.

8 years ago

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People think you are a bot, when you...

  • (don't) post the exact same comment
  • enter/comment on their five giveaways in the same second

I keep asking myself, if they never heard of tabbed-browsing...

8 years ago

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Ha ha ha ha. The irony is that the first time the site confuses me with a bot was commenting here.

8 years ago

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how did the site confused you? Did it ask you for a captcha? lol

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thanks! I love this game!

8 years ago

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I used to write thanks on every cool giveaway I entered, mostly invite only or group ones, also giveaways for games I really wanted. That was before SG v2, and during SG v2 when people didn't blacklist everybody for any reason, or for no reason.

Since then I attach my special thanks gif only to giveaways I win, and never ever otherwise, unless I want to add a comment with something else than a simple "thank you".

From friendly SG community people have changed into a cancer assuming everybody here is a bot and deserves a blacklist because of his avatar, nickname, or something as stupid as writing "thanks" comment. I'm losing faith in humanity. Blacklist feature made it so. People changed into attention whores threatening people of blacklist, and seeking for attention when adding to whitelist. From nice additions with cool concept, it changed to community-ruining tool, where nobody is happy from giving away a game, and more like building his e-penis and showing somebody how cool he is because he can choose if you're the chosen one to enter his shitty bundle giveaway.


8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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Unless the giveaway creator specifically asks for it, I almost never comment when I enter a giveaway. I feel like it's much more meaningful to thank them after I win, letting them know that I activated the game and giving some explanation of why I'm looking forward to playing it.

I do think that people who blacklist over obvious bots are overreacting, though. It's easier to stay quiet than it is to set up a bot to say thanks, so it's not like they're being lazy. And the red number just means that people are entering your giveaways. Did you want to make a giveaway that nobody enters or something? It would be exactly as much of an annoyance if every single comment was well thought out and original. Probably moreso, since those take longer to read.

In other words, I thought the whole point was to give something to other people, not find reasons to complain about them. If you don't like these people, why are you making giveaways for them at all?

8 years ago*

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For my giveaways I'm always hoping for a person to play the game and get some enjoyment out of it. On the contrary the thought of wasting my money on a bot for trading or collecting purposes is not so appealing to me. So I do relate to people who micro manage this kind of stuff.

8 years ago

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the problem with bots and autocomments is that's it's really unfair to the people who spend some time appreciating what you are giving away. appreciating as in "please reply with something sincere" and "read the description i put here".
i suppose it's ok to not leave a comment when the GA creator doesn't say anything, i usually do that too.

and on the last point, well, that's why most high-level users end up doing group/lv-restricted/whitelist-only giveaways, to filter out leeches and ungrateful people (but of course, some also complain about this because they can't enter those GAs).

8 years ago

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Quack! I mean...Oink

8 years ago

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Not bots, but I can imagine some to be copy&paste'd.

8 years ago

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I used to thanks a lot. Then I took a blacklist on thy knee.

8 years ago

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haha nice one

8 years ago

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Trust me, I've posted my fair share of thank you's, but Mostly, I Say "Thank you for the Chance".

Saying Thank you before something though was accepted Manners in society since basicly the dawn of time. It's just Easier to Say "Please and Thank You" at the same time, but Saying please would sound an awful lot like Begging. T.T

8 years ago

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please, say thank you.

8 years ago

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Since someone is giving away somethng some poeple feel like it to say a thanks unless the creator states not to tell thanks i cant see any harm to it and also i dont know why poeple blacklist poeple who says thanks make no sence

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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