ASF is a C# application that allows you to farm steam cards using multiple steam accounts simultaneously. Unlike Idle Master which works only for one account at given time, requires steam client running in background, and launches additional processes imitating "game playing" status, ASF doesn't require any steam client running in the background, doesn't launch any additional processes and is made to handle unlimited steam accounts at once. In addition to that, it's meant to be run on servers or other desktop-less machines, and features full cross-OS support, which makes it possible to launch on any .NET Core-supported operating system, such as Windows, Linux or OS X. ASF is possible thanks to gigantic amount of work done in marvelous SteamKit2 library.

ASF doesn't require and doesn't interfere in any way with Steam client. In addition to that, it doesn't require exclusive access to given account, which means that you can use your main account in Steam client, and use ASF for idling the same account at the same time. If you decide to launch a game, ASF will get disconnected, and resume idling once you finish playing your game, being as transparent as possible during entire process.

Core features

  • Automatic idling of available games with card drops using any number of active accounts
  • No requirement of running or even having official Steam client installed
  • Guarantee of being VAC-free
  • Complex error-reporting mechanism, allowing ASF to be smart and resume idling even in case of Steam or networking problems
  • Customizable cards idling algorithm which will push performance of card drops to the maximum
  • Offline idling, allowing you to skip in-game status and stop confusing your friends
  • Advanced support for alt accounts, including ability to redeem keys, redeem gifts, accept trades and more through a simple Steam chat
  • Support for latest Steam security features, including SteamGuard, SteamParental and two-factor authentication
  • Unique ASF 2FA mechanism allowing ASF to act as a mobile authenticator (if needed)
  • StreamTradeMatcher integration allowing ASF to help you in completing your steam badges by accepting dupe trades
  • Rebased on .NET Core 2.0, cross-OS compatibility, official support for Windows, Linux and OS X
  • ...and many more!

Interesting features

For comparison with other similar programs and further read about the most interesting exclusive ASF features, I recommend to visit appropriate FAQ entry that explains everything in detail. It's also a very good starting point if you want to have a glimpse on what ASF can do, besides the obvious.

Setting up

Detailed guide regarding setting up and using ASF is available in the setting up article on our wiki. It's user-friendly tutorial with helpful screenshots that compacts the whole basic knowledge about ASF into a single document.

Useful links

Main page / Source code
Latest version / Download
Wiki / Help
Steam group

You might be also interested in our side project, ASF STM listing.

Is the project still supported?

As stated in my thread closing statement, despite of SG thread being closed, I intend to keep the project up-to-date and supported through non-SG channels. You can check the date of the latest release for reference.

This thread

The thread on SG is open for discussion and support matters that are related to ASF as a program. If you have any particular issue, question or other case to discuss, feel free to leave a comment.

Have fun.

Please do not add me on steam, if you have questions or issues - ask in the thread.

Prior to doing so, make sure to read main page and the wiki, especially our FAQ.

8 years ago*

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New version is giving me strange behavior.

It seems like ASF is inserting characters into my password when I type it in -- even if I backspace the characters -- and if I don't type in the password and let it reask me to enter password it changes the characters it's injecting.

<primary> Please enter your password: 424;74R<primary> Please enter your password: 424;39R<primary> Please enter your password: 424;4R<primary> Please enter your password: 424;48R<primary> Please enter your password: 424;13R<primary> Please enter your password: 424;58R<primary> Please enter your password: 424;23R

So it literally won't log in. If I save the password in the config it works but this wasn't happening prior to

If you need elaboration or other log stuff just lmk. This shit is weird yo.

Edit: It's working now, but it did the actions I explained above in 4 different consecutive instances of running ASF.exe -- really weird Idk. XD
Edit2: Nevermind the weirdness didn't go away. Now it's asking for my password in-between every message, even when it's already logged in.

5/13/2016 2:40:55 PM [*] INFO: StartFarming() <primary> Chosen farming algorithm: Simple
5/13/2016 2:40:55 PM [*] INFO: FarmSolo() <primary> Now farming: 367580
<primary> Please enter your password: <primary> Please enter your password: <primary> Please enter your password: <primary> Please enter your password: <main> Please enter your password: <primary> Please enter your password: 5/13/2016 2:46:06 PM [*] INFO: Farm() <primary> Still farming: 367580
<main> Please enter your password: <primary> Please enter your password: <main> Please enter your password: <primary> Please enter your password: <main> Please enter your password: <primary> Please enter your password: <main> Please enter your password: <primary> Please enter your password: 5/13/2016 2:51:09 PM [*] INFO: Farm() <primary> Still farming: 367580
<main> Please enter your password: <primary> Please enter your password: <main> Please enter your password: 

I don't know wtf is going on but I'm gonna update mono and hope that'll fix it but prolly not. :\

8 years ago*

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Congratulation, you have won a VIP ticket to "daily steam fuckup" happening tomorrow 20:00 CEST.

See you soon!

Yeah, it's pretty usual thing

8 years ago

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I found one thing that could fix the problem, so wait a moment.

8 years ago

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Nope, everything works properly and I can't reproduce your issue. I also don't know why you're having main and primary bots.

8 years ago

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main and primary are two different bots, not to be confused with the programs "Main" readout.

Both were logged in but only primary had a game to idle so that's why it shows up like that in the log.

Updated mono from mono-4.4.0-branch/a3fabf1 Fri Apr 8 13:48:29 EDT 2016 build to mono-4.4.0-branch/81f38a9 Wed Apr 20 17:10:46 EDT 2016 build.

Seems to be working fine now after updating mono.

5/13/2016 3:32:43 PM [*] INFO: OnConnected() <main> Logging in...
5/13/2016 3:32:43 PM [*] INFO: OnConnected() <primary> Connected to Steam!
5/13/2016 3:32:43 PM [*] INFO: OnConnected() <primary> Logging in...
5/13/2016 3:32:44 PM [*] INFO: OnLoggedOn() <main> Successfully logged on!
5/13/2016 3:32:44 PM [*] INFO: OnLoggedOn() <primary> Successfully logged on!
5/13/2016 3:32:44 PM [*] INFO: Init() <main> Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
5/13/2016 3:32:44 PM [*] INFO: Init() <primary> Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
5/13/2016 3:32:46 PM [*] INFO: Init() <primary> Success!
5/13/2016 3:32:46 PM [*] INFO: IsAnythingToFarm() <primary> Checking badges...
5/13/2016 3:32:46 PM [*] INFO: IsAnythingToFarm() <primary> Checking first page...
5/13/2016 3:32:47 PM [*] INFO: Init() <main> Success!
5/13/2016 3:32:47 PM [*] INFO: IsAnythingToFarm() <main> Checking badges...
5/13/2016 3:32:47 PM [*] INFO: IsAnythingToFarm() <main> Checking first page...
5/13/2016 3:32:52 PM [*] INFO: StartFarming() <main> We don't have anything to farm on this account!
5/13/2016 3:32:54 PM [*] INFO: IsAnythingToFarm() <primary> Checking other pages...
5/13/2016 3:32:58 PM [*] INFO: StartFarming() <primary> We have a total of 1 games to farm on this account...
5/13/2016 3:32:58 PM [*] INFO: StartFarming() <primary> Chosen farming algorithm: Simple
5/13/2016 3:32:58 PM [*] INFO: FarmSolo() <primary> Now farming: 367580

No more password prompts at least. xD

8 years ago

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Well, probably for some reason Mono was going crazy and was denying console lock / console input, don't ask me. I'm glad it works now for you.

8 years ago

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As a result of not playing often after I got into my new job and buying a lot of bundles, I have 63 games with card drops available. So I'm going to use your software (which I must admit is quite useful in these circumstances).

But since I am a noob when it comes to these kinds of stuff that don't hold your hand, I'm a bit wary of screwing this up. So pray for me (T_T)

View attached image.
8 years ago

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How'd it go?

8 years ago

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How can I install this in Linux? Do I need Wine?

8 years ago

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If you would have looked in the wiki and/or the FAQ you would have noticed, that you will need mono.

8 years ago

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I looked up the "Set Up" section of the wiki but it is for Windows

8 years ago

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"If you're using Windows OS, make sure you have latest .NET framework installed. If you're not using Windows OS, you should install latest Mono, then you can start ASF by executing mono ASF.exe from terminal/shell."
from setting up and further

8 years ago

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Oh, thanks. I guess I didnt see that part.

8 years ago

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If you just overlooked it, it's fine, but way to many people ask questions without reading anything first ^^

8 years ago

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My bots ignores command !statusall
Answers only on !status
This is bug?

8 years ago

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You're not SteamOwnerID.

8 years ago

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Ah, new feature...

8 years ago

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Is it possible for ASF to automatically sell the cards that drop to the price that automatically sell?

8 years ago

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No, that would be against Steam ToS, and also heavily out of scope of ASF. Not going to happen.

8 years ago

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So is there a script or extension for Chrome, that sells the automatically at that price when I mark all the cards?

8 years ago

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Steam inventory helper, not fully automatic, but better then doing everything manually

8 years ago

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Which was recently sold to some third-party, I do not recommend it anymore.

8 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. is the open source version, no idea if it will get updated tho.

8 years ago

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Does steamkit2 or one of you extensions bring with it support for something like the licenses_print command? i.e. list all the owned licenses with their associated infos?

8 years ago

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Steam sends info about all owned licenses right after logging in, it's a matter of receiving it and handling properly.

8 years ago

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I haven't seen anyone else mention it but the last few days I've been unable to trade with ArchiBot. I am getting this error message:

ArchiBoT is not available to trade. More information will be shown to ArchiBoT if they invite you to trade.

I have no problems trading with other people and bots.

8 years ago

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What ArchiBoT has to do with ASF?

8 years ago

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I guess I posted in the wrong thread.

8 years ago

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Any way to make this run on my smartphone?

8 years ago

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No, unless you install ARM linux distribution, chroot into it, put mono for ARM there, and use ASF.

Which is possible, but too complex even for advanced users.

8 years ago

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Why? Curious.

8 years ago

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Because I'm not interested into porting ASF to mobile devices, even though it's physically possible with Xamarin.

I'm not paid to make ASF, and I have already enough projects for myself. Ones that I'm actually interested in and not something useless for myself.

8 years ago

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Actually there are instructions out there to get Kali Linux on the phone, just copy one of those with a debian image and install mono and asf from there. Can't confirm how well it will run though.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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You didn't post any log, and I'm out of mana to read your mind.

8 years ago

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Updated OP a little with latest features, as the list was pretty outdated.

8 years ago

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My lack of computer skills caused me to spend hours on setting this up but I made it!
If I managed to do it, anyone can.
So, now for my question... One of my alts has nothing left to farm so he doesn't connect to the group chat. Is there a way to force him to connect for the "!loot" option through group chat?
Naturally, this is not a big deal as there's always private but I'm curious :)

8 years ago

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Your alt is probably restricted and has community features disabled. Did you spend 5$ on it? ASF acts the way you configured it regardless, unless you set ShutdownOnFarmingFinished and bot simply shuts down. If you didn't - it should work, unless being restricted by Steam network.

8 years ago

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So it can join a group but it can't join the group chat? I had no idea.
Thank you <3

8 years ago

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Bot joins the chat the same moment he joins the group. If that call doesn't succeed, I say ask Volvo. Maybe he can't join because of specific reason.

8 years ago

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Hmmm, then something weird is going on. My other ones do it just fine.

8 years ago

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See? That's when I say "ask Gaben".

8 years ago

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Is there any way to send the cards once farming is finished?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Can you please tell me how?

8 years ago

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It's available as config property.

8 years ago

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Thanks, i assume it needs the trade token?

8 years ago

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No, unless you don't have your bot on your friend list. It's all explained.

8 years ago

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This reminds me: is it possible to only send cards of specific game(s)/appID(s)? Or just the entire stock.

8 years ago

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Nope, bot sends all cards, foils and booster packs. If you want to take specific items, then send master->bot specific trade in which you ask for specific items.

8 years ago

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Yep, this is what I do now. I was just curious if that can be simplified as well. Well, no biggie, it takes like 10 minutes tops and I do it 2-4 times a year.

8 years ago

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I still don't understand how to get it to work. The config part got me lost. I tried the simple one but when I run it it says it won't start because it's not executed or something like that and the console shuts itself down

8 years ago

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Did you use graphical config generator and followed the tutorial?

8 years ago

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I folowed the tutorial and read on the wiki about the config but I don't think I used the config right

8 years ago

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If you followed the tutorial (and completed it), then you should have one bot already configured - enabled, with login and password. If you screwed up, you can always start from scratch by removing all configs via generator and restarting it.

If still nothing helps, show me screenshot from config generator and I'll tell you what you did wrong, but try to guess yourself firstly.

8 years ago

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Nevermind I got it to work! Thanks!
I got a question though. Does it check itself when the game has been emptied out from cards and starts another one? So I can just leave it be and have it empty the account?

8 years ago

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Yes, everything is automatic. Your objective is to start the program and leave it running. Everything else is covered (or at least, should be, unless uncle Gaben broke something).

8 years ago

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Okay thank you :)

8 years ago

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If for some reason we wanted to blacklist a game (say for example, we are planning to play the game later and want the correct playing time to be shown), would we simply add the steamappid to blacklist section like in Idle Master? I personally don't see any problem with doing so, but in the configuration made it sound like there may be issues. "Unless you have a strong reason to edit this property, you should keep it at default."

8 years ago

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I never liked the idea of blacklisting a game just to have correct time. If you care about your time played and want to know real value, you can just take note from which point you start. Your time played is already screwed by several factors including steam servers, network malfunctions, time counting and more - it's never accurate.

But sure, if you want to, you could just add appIDs of games you want to skip to ASF blacklist to ensure that they're never farmed. However, ask yourself a question if you really need it that badly - farming already screws up with time played, and I prefer to accept the fact that I should distract 2-4 hours from every game with cards to get good approx. value, rather than keeping in mind all games I ignored only to have correct time without a need of distraction.

Blacklist is available in ASF purely for the ability of being able to correct global one with new not-yet-known entries at the time of release. While it can be used for various other purposes, such as skipping particular games, it was never intended for that, as I don't really consider that time played caused by ASF to be any significant. It's simply not worth effort imho, but the option will work correctly regardless of the reason why you want to use it.

8 years ago

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Understood, thank you for the detailed response! I don't really care all that much about gameplay times as I know they aren't accurate representations of how long you play the game (boot up time, paused game, time spent changing the settings), but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask the question in case I had a good reason to blacklist a game in the future. When I was using Idle Master, I'd occasionally blacklist a game I knew I was planning to play soon, but looking back, it really wasn't all that practical of a feature.

I think nearly everyone wish that idling didn't count for gameplay time and that we could automatically get our cards if we agreed not to refund the games Not only would it save people a lot of time, but I’d no longer have to explain to some of my friends who aren't familiar with card idling that no, I didn't spend 200 hours in the past two weeks playing video games. I guess it’s no different than explaining that I'm not rich and didn't spend $10,000+ buying games I don't even play. :)

8 years ago

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I have a giant blacklist in ASF. Works fine.

explaining that I'm not rich

Some guy was confused the other day that I didn't want to buy a five year old $15 DLC full price, apparently having many games somehow means I spend more than half a dollar on each.

8 years ago

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is it possible to idle a specific game? like I want to idle let's say "Oath of Genesis". How would I command the bot to only idle that game? thank you

8 years ago

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using !play apppid
see more info here

8 years ago

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where do I put this command, I read through all the configuration and stuff. What I dont understand is the WCF. How do I command ASF --client?

8 years ago

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You can just open a Steam chat window to the account that has the bot running and issue commands there.

8 years ago

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how do I chat to myself lol, the bot is running my main account

8 years ago

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You can't.

Easiest way is creating alt account made purely for sending commands to ASF.

Harder way involves learning how to use WCF.

8 years ago

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thank you, I will do that :D

8 years ago

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Create a private group, join chat, chat with urself

8 years ago

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Very smart idea, thanks man!

8 years ago

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Hey! It has been a while ban have you managed to make it work (specific game farming)?

7 years ago

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yes, but I used idlemaster for it. there is a decent guide here:

7 years ago

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I'll give it a try some day. Thank you!

7 years ago

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Not a problem. Message me if you cannot figure it out still!

7 years ago

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Haven't tried it because I've just simply blacklisted the games I wanted not to farm and used asf and it's working perfectly right now. Thanks either way tho!

7 years ago

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Sorry for this useless message but:
ASF is just excellent and superb application and I fell in love with it today :) It is really nice that you can configure things like getting rid of those pesky notifications of new inventory items etc!

8 years ago

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It is farming the game Heartomics 2. and it's been doing so for 5 hours. Not one card has dropped. is it because of ASF or the game, or my account?

8 years ago

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Because of Steam most likely. Just dropping it myself and 1 card has dropped at 3.4h mark so it's not the fastest one.

8 years ago

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You shouldn't really care about that. Steam fuckups and weird things are happening constantly and there is no magical fix for them, ASF already has very advanced mechanism which tries to smartly detect and workaround them on as-needed basis.

8 years ago

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Hey mate, can you help me, when the farm is up its eating all incoming messages, if somebody send me a message i wont see it in the future, and they are read :(. If i turn handle offline messages it will help? But my idlers idling online

8 years ago

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Farm offline with accounts that should receive messages, problem solved.

8 years ago

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K thanks :)

8 years ago

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Do not turn handle offline messages on?

8 years ago

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As written in the wiki, do not for primary accounts.

8 years ago

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может быть DismissInventoryNotifications переключить в False

8 years ago

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Ja też w twoim języku niezbyt potrafię coś powiedzieć.

8 years ago

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Did you just speak polish to a russian?

8 years ago

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Well the russian spoke russian to him xD

8 years ago

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Switching from Idle Master to this. Thanks!

8 years ago

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Has there been an update to the loot function recently or just volvo servers acting up again?
Just tried to loot a few bots with cards in their inventory and it returned "Nothing to send, inventory seems empty!" for every one of them.

And it works again.

8 years ago*

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SteamTradeMatcher idea: Check interval. Waiting here just to test if it works. EDIT: does it require a bot that farms online? EDIT2: Gonna restart online to check EDIT3: Still didn't accept it

8 years ago*

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STM requires API key and being able to respond to trades. If you put valid API key, then check logs, as ASF should clearly state that it's trying to accept (or ignore) the trade.

What interval are you talking about? ASF uses event-based mechanism, every new trade is announced via event.

8 years ago

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It is? It also felt like for me that the bot checks the trade offers every x hours and accepts all pending trades in a bunch.

8 years ago

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Nope, it's event-based. Maybe just Steam went crazy and stopped broadcasting some events out of sudden.

8 years ago

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Mind adding that to the configuration page on the wiki? It doesn't seem obvious enough to those who don't know how it works.

8 years ago

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But it's already written...

Keep in mind that this option depends on receiving and accepting trades, therefore it won't work without e.g. SteamApiKey properly set.

8 years ago

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TIL I was blind. Literally went there a few days ago to learn how to set it up on linux and practiced it on a VM before I was going to make my server dualboot to debian.

8 years ago

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stupid question, why does asf continue to farm cards if i'm playing. and it says: StopFarming() <MainPurple> Farming stopped!
it dropped several cards, so it's not a glitch that i can see...

8 years ago

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stupid question, why does asf continue to farm cards if i'm playing

Because ASF is patiently waiting for you to finish playing so it can resume farming.

and it says: StopFarming() <MainPurple> Farming stopped!

Because it's not possible to farm and play at the same time.

8 years ago

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yes, but it says it only "pings" or the equivalent to see if i've stopped playing.

i think you missed the point. cards continue to drop even though asf is "not" farming. it's on. the other "bot" is farming. my main is not.
meaning, it does continue to farm when it says it's not farming.

8 years ago

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I also get this, from time to time. ASF isn't farming at the moment, but suddenly a card "pops up". It's most likely steam sending the notification with delay. At least I think so, Archi will say for sure.

8 years ago

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no. it was for several hours.
isn't late. it was a new card drops.
it even changed games at some point. and all that time, the evil "stardew valley" was working.

8 years ago

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I said ASF can't farm at the same time as you play, I didn't say that cards are not dropping.

Everything works as supposed to.

8 years ago

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ok, so i was right. a stupid question.
why do cards are droping if it's not farming - not cards for the game i'm playing but for the one asf is supposedly nor farming.

8 years ago

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Because Steam registers last game sent in PlayGames request, and not the one you're currently playing.

8 years ago

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so. if i've started farming. and activates some game. the gametime on the game counts toward the farming game?

8 years ago

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I don't know what you're asking and why you're asking, be glad that ASF can farm the game through steam fuckup instead of trying to understand what is happening.

This is Steam, nothing works here the way you think it does.

8 years ago

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can't argue with that.
i'll try later on chat. if i'll remember :)

8 years ago

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Does playing a game on "another machine" (my real PC) basically force-disconnect ASF or does ASF not feel like being connected when it can't farm?
Obviously the Steam network itself does not limit multiple machines from being connected to an account, just what they can do -- could ASF (with some code changes) stay connected to let me redeem keys while I'm in a Steam game?

8 years ago

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Yes and no.

Yes, you can have multiple sessions running doing nothing.

But no, ASF tries to launch a game, and gets disconnected by steam network.

It's possible to smartly detect if client is playing already or not, and maybe it will happen in future, but definitely not today.

8 years ago

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So would it be easier to rip out the "playing games" out of ASF to have a permanently available WCF command receiver? :p

Btw, the last 4 hours now I'm both ASF-farming and playing a game. :) must be my lucky day.

EDIT: Or not, lol, it only dropped one card in those 4+ hours, but it at least accepts WCF commands happily (amusingly those four hours of playtime aren't appearing on my profile yet either -- is ASF only thinking/pretending that it's farming?)

8 years ago

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Guess what, I've taken another reverse engineering night and improved that part specially for you -

Have fun :3.

8 years ago

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Let me try to understand it in plain English:
If I run the bot, then I play a family shared game from the bot's account on my main account, the bot now will properly suspend its farming and immediately return to it once I stop playing?

8 years ago

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No, that has nothing to do with family sharing.

Although it's interesting, because if it uses the same method then it should work, untested - you can test if you wish.

8 years ago

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So, even simpler: bot is running, I decide to play a game, bot hangs up until I'm finished then resumes the farming?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Cool! Especially if it works with family sharing as well.

8 years ago

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That's incredibly beautiful, I would like to have your babies.

By the way, if an "offtopic" question is allowed -- what would be the minimum setup to compile ASF? Can some flavour of MSBuild as delivered with the .NET framework do it, or is a whole VS install required?
Don't need the GUI, so let's leave out the Win SDK that probably requires.

8 years ago

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msbuild capable of compiling .NET 4.5.1+, or Mono's xbuild from latest version.

8 years ago

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Hi, quick question, each time I open ASF somebody on my friends list "begin" to play a game, each time i close it and open it is the same, not my account or bot is from somebody else, I'm being paranoic? or the last half hour I've been doint it is the same, i don't have any interaction or download something from him is weird

8 years ago

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No, it's typical and happens when account signs into steamcommunity. You can either disable those notifications in steam settings, or use offline farming in ASF.

8 years ago

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Does ASF support windows XP anymore? As i read on wiki page it support but I installed .Net 4.0 (latest version on win XP) and Mono (latest version), still it doesnt work, pls help.

8 years ago

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ASF supports Windows XP through Mono, not natively.

8 years ago

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Sorry for not reading the rules in your wall, i will try to use Mono on my windows XP tomorrow, will tell you if it works or not :[]
Tks for great work

8 years ago

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As i search, latest version of Mono does not support windows XP anymore:
Pls check, and maybe change the guide a bit, ty.

8 years ago

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It worked last time I checked, if Mono officially dropped support for Windows XP then ASF doesn't support it either.

8 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by JustArchi.