Just wondering, considering the amount of skepticism and all the trouble with keys and such.

The only thing I can think of is "well this is Steam Gifts and they are redeemable on Steam" but again, issues with keys.

1 decade ago*

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There is nothing wrong with giving away Bundles, but the games by themselves can't be given away.

1 decade ago

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uhm if you think gifting keys is unsafe, well what about bf3 or minecraft? =D

the bundles are a very nice thing, but many people dont understand that the bundle offers have to end before they can be gifted here.

1 decade ago

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The reason individual games from the bundles cannot be given away is not that "keys are unsafe". Giving the keys away is against the Terms of Service and allows for much exploitation on steamgifts.

1 decade ago

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They're allowed because a lot of people miss them or can't buy them at the time being sold. It's nice to have bundles on the site :)

1 decade ago

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This is what I thought, and it makes sense but then you see a lot of 1 cent criticism =/ I'm think hey, at least these people are making profit of x fewer bundles.

1 decade ago

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Sometimes I also ask myself if the bundles should be permitted, simply because of this. The guy himself said he paid 1 cent for each one of them.

1 decade ago

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yeah but the bundles are setup for that. People like that are shooting themselves in the foot. let's just say the bundles and piracy have a connection. More so the dumbasses who pay a penny they'll get theirs. Seriously has no one read the TOS with these bundles? Geeze people sign you life away for a buck why not.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Sorry, I didn't understand exactly what you meant, but I think it would be best if the people who pay so low for the bundles actually pirated the games instead of "buying" them. That way at least they're not causing any damage to the developers.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I understand someone who can't afford to give a lot giving only a small amount, but just because you -can- do something, doesn't mean you should.

1 decade ago

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That's why I'm asking. I'm kind of torn between it being okay since the site allows it, but I'm also frustrated because the community disapproves. Well, the active forum community, that is. And it makes me not want to do Bundle giveaways as a result.

1 decade ago

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It's more the fact that The humble Bundle was a sociological ex that proved that avid gamers will pay an average. They won. They proved that people will support the game developers while others will abuse the system. It's foolish to think that people who abused won't see some form of repercussion. They did kinda give their personal information. One way or another They A) brought down the credibility of the gaming community and B) admitted that they are the type of people who don't support charity. Time will tell and it's only speculation but I'm sure one will find that these people are the ones who pirate like hell and it would be an easy way to track these people down.

In a Machiavellian tradition it would be a way to get your enemies to show their faces.

1 decade ago

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While I don't mind the bundles being given away, I wouldn't mind if the individual games were no longer available to be gifted here. Even though there are legit giveaways for Spacechem, Gish, Binding of Isaac, etc., everyone has to be extremely skeptical of such giveaways until the gifter confirms either "These are Steam gifts" or "Oops I didn't know the rules, SORRYZ!"

1 decade ago

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We'd lose too many good games from the catalog in that case IMO, especially with the whole thing becoming a trend in the market. I wouldn't mind seeing them removed during the sale and for a period afterwards, though.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I honestly don't see why it matters outside of the keys issue as this is a website where people win free games. Then again, hopefully people will realize it's smarter to just buy them yourselves (many giveaways are of games on sale anyway).

1 decade ago

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I think only FULL bundles including bonus games should be allowed (when payed more than average price etc) to minimize amount of smart ass kids who bought a bunch of bundles for $0.01 specifically to speculate in them.
BTW, games in Humble Bundles haven't any DRM or copy protection. So if someone couldn't buy bundle he can just ask friends to share downloaded files with him. Steam keys would not be available, of course. I don't think paying $0.01 is more ethical than just copying games for free.

1 decade ago

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The thing is that not everyone has gaming friends so that doesn't work very fairly.

And it would also be unfair to ask for proof of purchase. The best proof would be the key page itself, but that's open for people to download from.

I think the only incentive to buy so many bundles would be to try to trade for more than you paid or sell them. If not that, then an attempt to be charitable (lol) by giving them away to friends and such.

1 decade ago

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i like turtles

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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CG should really just disable them from being given away and remove them from the list during Bundle sale times. I literally have to go through about 2 pages of entries hitting report giveaway on all of them before finding a legitimate giveaway.

1 decade ago

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Seconded. That would make life a lot simpler for all parties, including mods and givers.

1 decade ago

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Humble should just be capped at a min of a dollar. A dollar is not a lot to ask for all those games and it stops people buying 60 of them and reselling/trading for them (for the most part).

1 decade ago

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And here i thought the point of HIB was so that people didn't have to pirate to get awesome games.

1 decade ago

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This. And a dollar is a meal in my home country. No one buys games there, all pirated.

1 decade ago

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Pirating the games is BETTER than buying the bundle for a penny, because it doesn't damage the humble devs. They pay an amount for each transaction. (around $0.40 or something)
So YES, they LOSE MONEY for every single scumbag who buys it for a penny. They couldn't care less if someone pirates the games, in comparison.

1 decade ago

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I really think most the people bought it for a penny, that is really scumbagy. I am not hating on the bundle, i hating the people.but would be awesome to see the bundles like humble 2 and 1. Or even 3

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by yuanislucky.