Thread is not complete yet but it will soon :) Put username in the title so you can find it easily via the search option if you need it :)

Last update: 2018-06-25 10:15 GMT+2

Real name: Davide
Birth year: 1985
Gender: M

2014-06-23 : Joined sg (Cakeday!)
2014-07-11 : 1st win (18 days later)
2015-03-14 : 1st sent (264 days later)
2015-03-23 : 10 won
2015-07-18 : 10 sent
2015-10-20 : 50 won
2016-01-10 : 50 sent
2016-03-18 : 100 won
2016-06-27 : 100 sent
2017-01-09 : Sent/Received ratio = 1 (148:148)
2017-01-12 : 150 won
2017-01-21 : 150 sent
2017-08-24 : 200 sent

Levels 0 1 2 3 4 5 * 6 7 8 9 10
Days±1 264 72 62 141 361 563 NA NA NA NA NA
Won 8 10 18 37 70 67 NA NA NA NA NA
W/D 0.0303 0.1381 0.2899 0.2627 0.1938 0.1190 NA NA NA NA NA
Sent 1 2 12 35 92 90 NA NA NA NA NA
S/D 0.0038 0.0276 0.1933 0.2485 0.2547 0.1599 NA NA NA NA NA

* Ongoing, data may not be updated.

Whitelists (169) — Highest recorded (169)
Blacklists ( 21) — Highest recorded ( 23)
Least comments per month: december 2014 (3)
Most comments per month: june 2016 (338)

Notable Avatars

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8 years ago*

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Most won per day : 3
Most sent per day: 27
Most won per month : 14
Most sent per month: 28

Levels 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
won×lvl 87 35 35 26 17 10 0 0 0 0 0
sent×lv 89 55 34 21 13 8 5 3 2 1 1
View attached image.
8 years ago*

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L+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TOT.
G 24 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29
I 25 17 17 12 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 74
P 38 15 17 13 15 9 0 0 0 0 0 107
TOT. 87 35 35 26 17 10 0 0 0 0 0 210

Group : 29
Invite : 74
Public : 108
Featured : 12
¬Received : 1
¬Bundled : 42 (according to sgtools)
DLC only : 9
Software : 1
Video : 0
AVG entries: ~1026 — P(win): 7.30%
• Most copies: 100000 Most entries: 35167 Highest P(win): 284.3575% [All in the same GA]
• Lowest P(win): 0.4903% (50/10197)
Multiple copies (<50)
• Most copies : 0.1571428571
• Least copies : 2
• Highest P(win): 83.3333% (5/6)
• Lowest P(win): 0.5263% (2/380)
Single copy
• Most entries = Lowest P(win): 0.00028 (1/2966)
• Least entries = Highest P(win): 33.3333% (1/3)

A study about my first 50 GAs won

8 years ago*

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You can read about the endless fight here. Moved here.

8 years ago*

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Events in 2017

  • Everybody Love Everybody 4th Birthday Event

    Team chosen: B
    GAs entered: 52 | ▪ AVG entries per GA: 133
    Points spent: 899 | ▪ GAs won: 0
    Probability of Winning Per (that) Day estimated by steamgifts: 74%

  • Down the Rabbit Hole

    Stopped halfway through :(

8 years ago*

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L+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TOT.
G 9 8 4 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 26
I 71 18 6 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 100
P 9 29 24 14 10 8 5 3 2 1 1 106
TOT. 89 55 34 21 13 8 5 3 2 1 1 232

Group : 26
Invite : 100
Public : 106
¬Bundled : 10 (according to sgtools)
Region restricted : 1 (according to sgtools)
DLC only : 1
Software : 0
Video : 0
Rerolls : 7
Thankful winners : 46%~63%
AVG entries : ~315 — AVG P(win): 2.29%
Most entries : 1789 — P(win): 0.0559%
Least entries : 1 — P(win): 100%
Highest number of GAs ending at the same time: 27
Most given games : Pineview Drive (6 copies)
GAs ended with 0 entries : 2
Shortest GA : 0:57:00
Longest GA : ~29 days
Average duration : ~7.8 days
Average #users joined GA per hour : ~14

A study about my first 50 created GAs

8 years ago*

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The Fibonacci side-project

Levels Fibonacci Given Ongoing Missing Progress
0 89 89 0 100%
1 55 55 0 100%
2 34 34 0 100%
3 21 21 0 100%
4 13 13 0 100%
5 8 8 0 100%
6 5 5 0 100%
7 3 3 0 100%
8 2 2 0 100%
9 1 1 0 100%
10 1 1 0 100%
TOT. 232 232 0 0 100%
2016-01-21: 25% completion reached.
2016-11-24: 50% completion reached.
2017-04-29: Reached "equilibrium", that is 60 GAs left to make and 60th GA slots gained.
            Chosen to not create them all at once. There's no turning back now.
2017-05-21: 75% completion reached.
2018-06-23: 100% completion reached!
View attached image.
8 years ago*

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Ugh... math stuff D:

Happy cake day though :D

8 years ago

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This is really cool

7 years ago

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Bump :)

7 years ago

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Bump for math

7 years ago

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Math <3

7 years ago

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Sorry, I need this one too.

8 years ago

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Sorry, I need this one too.

8 years ago

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One year ago I was giving away my first game with little knowledge about this community desires..
Time has passed since then and now I know that you all crave for great games so, without further presentation, here's the

First anniversary of my first created GA

8 years ago

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5 hours left

8 years ago

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Hi everyone ^_^
I recently had my 100th win so I'm celebrating it with 100 GAs!
Levels range from 0 to 4.

Start your journey here!

Deadline (chosen with the help of 2016-03-26 04:16 GMT+1 [countdown]

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Reserved for commenting ;-)

8 years ago

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Well, ok.. I guess you can keep it.. =P

8 years ago

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Sorry, I stole this one from you.

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Hmm, this looks like Latin to me. o.O

8 years ago

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It is gibberish Latin, the famous Lorem Ipsum :3

8 years ago

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You need this one too?
☐ Yes.
☐ Not really.
☐ Maybe.
☐ It's classified.

8 years ago

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can't click Т_Т

8 years ago

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Because it is protected by very complicated program and you aren't authorised to do this :P

8 years ago

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☑ It's Not Yellybefied.

8 years ago

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Keeping this one for...something

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Needing this for things

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Anguis in herba

8 years ago

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Bump before the bed.

8 years ago

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what's this? :O

8 years ago

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A place where I share a bunch of data I'm collecting about my casual journey here :)
One could even find "useful" infos here..
Most of you may not care but maybe some could.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I like the way you think... I've started something like this once, but I got to lazy to extract the raw data :P

8 years ago

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I created a spreadsheet when I was around 25-30 win and set all the formulas, now I just add every new game I win/send and copy-paste the result here.
A bit of work in the beginning but now it's easy and "rewarding" :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Bump for 100 :D

8 years ago

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Its too hard to find a code, help me please

8 years ago

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Have you ever seen this guide?
It gives you plenty of tips on how to find hidden GAs ;)

In this case, you may want to inspect better the OP (I'd suggest you to ask for help to your right mouse button) ;)

8 years ago

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bump ^^

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Nooooo... I found the codes, used the decipher document... but it's not working. I think I need a new hobby ;)

8 years ago

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if you have found the table and the code positions on it, maybe you're missing the last "/"

address atm can either be:

    //if you don't put the last slash you get an error
    //if you put a slash after the game's name you get an error

Same thing for discussions.
Was this the problem?

8 years ago*

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OMG thanks so much, that's exactly what happened!!
and also thanks for the train, will hop on now :)

8 years ago

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can't find any code

8 years ago

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Have you ever seen this guide?
It gives you plenty of tips on how to find hidden GAs ;)
In this case, you may want to inspect better the OP (I'd suggest you to ask for help to your right mouse button) ;)

8 years ago

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still too hard for me.

8 years ago

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it's not that hard, really :)
Once you get to see the hidden part you're done.

8 years ago

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Bump for finding the code, but is the order as numbered or is there something else? It just takes me to the main page ;)

8 years ago

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if you have found the table and the code positions on it, maybe you're missing the last "/"

address atm can either be:

    //if you don't put the last slash you get an error
    //if you put a slash after the game's name you get an error

Same thing for discussions.
Was this the problem?

8 years ago

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Nope, I got no error msg, just insta transfer to main page of SG. And btw. I tried both ways, a discussion, GA and I put the slash where it needs to be.

8 years ago

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Then you have a wrong code.
Could it be you took a character from a wrong cell? There are entries in the GAs, so the error is not on my end.
Or maybe you have the right chars but put them in the wrong order (I made explicit their position but it can happen anyhow)..

8 years ago

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Ok, I will try it again. Thanks

8 years ago

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And got it ... one wrong letter meh. So bump for the find and onward o7

8 years ago

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I like those stats.

8 years ago

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