There's no giveaway this time, I'm sorry!
There's only a little more time before the sale ends for it and I've been struggling with this decision. I even looked at Steam Trades to see if I could somehow trade to get the game. I'm hoping to get some advice/opinions from people who do own the game.

Let me explain a bit:

I'm not a multiplayer gamer by default, I'm not a fan of playing with strangers at all and find it difficult something akin to 'anxiety inducing' if that makes sense. I don't enjoy toxic gamers at all when in contact with them and would like to avoid them as much as possible. I've played Overwatch already (54 hours to be exact) during previous free weekends, so I can say that I have some idea of what I'd be getting into. I've liked the game for the most part and still haven't truly experienced a "I'm done with this" moment, still find it addictive.

But I'm concerned because that's exactly it, I've been playing during free weekends when there have been tons of other newbies trying the game out. I feel that any "success" I might have had while playing is just due to a majority just getting used to the game, and more experienced players being more tolerant of the newbies due to the free event. I find myself worrying that if I'd buy it and "play with the big boys" then the experience would be vastly different. I know Overwatch has a competitive mode, but I personally see no appeal in competitive gaming and would most likely not touch it.

So I guess my question boils down to if there's enough traffic in quick play mode even after that's not the only option?
Is the community toxic/mean/etc? Would it be better for a fragile weirdo like me to stay away until next free weekend?

6 years ago

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Should I buy it?

View Results
Ask again during next free weekend/sale

Wasn't the last weekend a free weekend to try it? If you think you will enjoy it I'd say just go for it
According to your blog post you're not very convinced to buy it either. Don't let people make decisions for you, not even the smallest ones... Idk, just my two cents in the matter

6 years ago

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I've played Overwatch already (54 hours to be exact) during previous free weekends

6 years ago

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Did you like it or not? A simple yes or no...

6 years ago

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I've liked the game for the most part

Hate to sound snippy but the answer to if I had played it (my quote from my previous reply to you) and what I thought (my quote in this reply) are already in my starting post, so I don't really get what you are doing.

6 years ago

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I haven't read a word of your post either, can you summarize it for someone like me who hangs out in forums but doesn't like to read ? :)

6 years ago

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Of course! Here ya go:
tl;dr: No giveaway

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Its only 20 dollars and recently a lot of toxic players have actually been banned from Overwatch and you can actually report toxic players for being toxic so blizzard is making sure it stays good.

6 years ago

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20? Says 30 to me on Blizzard's store.

6 years ago

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you might be checking origins edition, and unless you are wanting those skins specifically, you can get the base game for a bit less.

6 years ago

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Nah, the Origins edition was 40 and the standard was 30. (Sale is over now so of course the prices are higher now)

6 years ago

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It's not in a good state at the moment. First I gave up on competetive, then I gave up on quickplay, and now even the arcade can't keep me interested.

The game is flooded with trolls and quitters, and toxicity everywhere.

Finding a match isn't hard, but the quality is poor.

It may recover, but in it's current state I'd say no.

6 years ago

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Thanks for the input, appreciate it!

6 years ago

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I would say no. My son played it for a week when it first came out and hasn't touchex it since.

6 years ago

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Thanks for the input, appreciate it!

6 years ago

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The game itself is something
It is beautiful, full of events, more than 100 combinations of heroes (i mean support+tank+sniper, support, tank and stealth guy and so on), pretty fun to play even without friends during the discord voice chat, updates from time to time
As one wise man said:
Ned Stark(c) Everything before the word "but" is horseshit
The community is soooo toxic there
The devs are trying to hold them off and ban from the normal people but they do not succeeded (as far as I see till that moment i post it)
So If u will decide to buy it prepare to meet all the negativity and toxicity from all the Westeros, my friend :D
Edit 1: some starks wisdom moment :D

6 years ago*

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Yikes, that's exactly what I'm looking to avoid. Since I don't have people to play with I'd be forced to just try with random folk, so sounds like I'd just push myself to be a duck in duck hunting season. Thanks for the input, appreciate it!

6 years ago

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You are welcome ;)

6 years ago

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I actually love first-person shooters. Especially arena-shooters like Unreal Tournament or Quake. But I always preferred to play them with bots (long time without Internet make me like that). But I bought Overwatch back in february and had a great time even with live people. Rarely encountered any toxicity. Now I'm playing it once at a month or something. Never played competitive mode though.

6 years ago

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I prefer to play with bots as well, but Overwatch doesn't support that, which is a shame. Thanks for the input, appreciate it!

6 years ago

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you can play against bots, your team is still human though
I think the option is under "Training" where you can select the two tutorials and playing against bots :)
(I just bought it this weekend thanks to the sale)

6 years ago

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Yep, I know, but the fact that you still need five other people made me exclude it from my idea of playing with bots. For example, in TF2 you can play completely alone with AND against a server full of bots, but this can't be done in Overwatch. Five people is a lot of people who might start being rude when they decide you are a n00b, but 20 bots won't utter a word against you. :)

6 years ago

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Nah, if you can't be a n00b against bots then what do you do? XD I mean, if you can't practice against bots then how do you start learning how to get better? On the serious side, there are difficulty levels too. Easy bots, normal bots and hard bots. I don't think people are serious when playing against bots, it's perfect to getting used to the game and learning heroes.

6 years ago

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You can play against bots only. You can make a custom game with yourself on a team with 5 bots, and then set 6 bots as the enemy. Nobody else required. Although the AI is a bit... special. Even on Hard.

6 years ago

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Nice, good to know that!

6 years ago

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Bit more detail on bot practice -- not ALL characters can be bots, but you can also tweak the rules a bit to make it better practice if you want -- something I do when I'm in a binge session of OW is setup a match with me vs 5 enemy Ana AIs, with their primary fire disabled, so they can't damage me, and headshots only for damage. nice moving target headshot practice for whoever I want to practice with.

When my son wants to play, I put him in bot games all the time... he has a tendency to not push the objective, and just run around the map sometimes...

6 years ago

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If you want to play for fun I would say buy it its a really fun game and for the current price is a good deal.
I'm personally not a big multiplayer fan but I'm somewhat addicted to this game!
However I had a bad experience in the last 2 competitive seasons going solo. Blizzard says that many trolls, leavers and smurfs got banned this season but that previous experience left a bitter taste in my mouth so if I wanted to play comp I will wait and play with someone I know.

6 years ago

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I'm not into competitive gaming as I feel it encourages a really unfavorable side in people, so I highly doubt I'd dive into that side and I'd only stay in Quick Play. Specially since I'd be forced to go solo, and that just sounds like big ol' yikes fest. Thanks for the input, appreciate it! Good luck with any future efforts you might make with competitive seasons.

6 years ago

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My pleasure glad I could help and I believe In that case I can say you will have a good amount of fun playing QP and arcade and who knows you might find yourself good people to team up with :)
Thank you, I hope this season will be better for real.

6 years ago

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There are a lot of MP games out there, why Overwatch ? If it really appealed to you, then go for it.
I play Paladins myself (was going to buy Overwatch, but lack of regional servers, no support for payment methods in my locale and no friends playing it pretty much made it impossible to buy/play properly/socialize further with friends).

I hear a lot of good things about Overwatch, its far more polished and stable game than many MP games, so if you don't face any of the issues i faced... Ya know the answer.

6 years ago

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Hi, Overwatch player with an extreme anxiety disorder here!

I definitely understand what you mean by finding online multiplayer stressful. It is for this reason that I've never been able to work up the bravery to try competitive yet. However, I hope I can help to reassure you a little, because Overwatch is my favourite online multiplayer and I absolutely recommend it.

  1. I find that playing online either with a friend or with somebody in the room with me helped a lot with initial anxiety. After the first couple of matches, once you've loosened up, you'll completely forget anyone else is even there. I do, anyway!

  2. There are several different types of games, which I'm sure you've explored. One is the arcade, which has lots of fun modes that rotate, and not all of them are intense combat: for example, in the summer, Lucioball appears (think Rocket League but with Lucio!) and I'm pretty sure they're going to bring Mei's Snowball Fight back for this winter (everyone plays as Mei shooting each other with snowballs!). They also have the mode where you respawn as a random hero every time you die, which is really good because no-one is ever good at absolutely everything and I guarantee that there's a good chance the terrifying Genji that's kicking everyone's butt will get respawned as something like slow-ass tanky Winston and get taken down with ease. It's also a really good way to learn to play heroes you don't usually play with. Sure, some of the arcade challenges are generally more difficult that a regular match, but you can always leave those ones out.

  3. In terms of easing yourself into the game, I played my first ten or fifteen levels with PvB matches, and initially on easy. Sometimes I still do if I'm feeling particularly anxious that day. Honestly, when the whole team is just murdering the bots and pushing the payload like champs, it's hard not to build confidence and camaraderie. Then I moved up to normal difficulty, and found that it was just the perfect amount of challenge for me -- and again, with no players on the opposite team and no real pressure to succeed, nobody has any reason to get sour. Be warned though, you gain experience much slower.

  4. The fact that you can only pay for loot boxes -- aka, four random cosmetic items per box -- is amazing. Can we talk about how great that is? I hate that so many online multiplayers shill character upgrades or access to different characters etc. etc. etc. This way, there literally is no way to pay your way to power or exclusive gameplay, so if you want to improve, all you can do is practice. That takes a big reason for animosity between players out of the game already, since you can't be accused of being a "casual" or a "cheater".

  5. I have never, ever encountered anyone being a jerk on Overwatch. Not to me, not to anyone else. Granted, I'm not a really high level player, and there are horror stories floating around out there on the net. However, my husband is a significantly higher level player, and I'm not aware of him ever encountering trouble either. Take our testimonies with a pinch of salt, because every single online game has a whole bag of dicks in it, and I'm sure other people could elaborate on that. When you play online, you have to prepare to meet idiots at some point.

  6. Overwatch matches you with players that are close to your skill level. I know this works pretty well in regular matches, because I have never had a problem with it, except sometimes when a poor little level 1 gets stuck in with us somehow and bravely soldiers on. I am not the best player (partially because I learned to play on the PS4 and haven't even tried to learn how to use a mouse and keyboard on my PC copy yet) but I don't find myself out-of-place. I generally win more matches than I lose and very rarely feel like I'm not pulling my weight in the team. However, bear in mind that if you do decide to play competitive mode someday, I've heard that the matching system for that can be really shifty. I don't believe the stupid rumours about it being rigged, but my husband has had his butt kicked by teams who were hundreds of levels above him and clearly a professional or aspiring-professional team. Just to repeat, though: even watching him play those matches, I've never seen anyone being a twat about it. Maybe a few sore losers, but yeah. Expected.

  7. Dude, you've played 54 HOURS of a game you don't own. You clearly like playing it! Why not get a game you like playing? I know a girl who literally just plays bot matches on her own or with her sister and she's as happy as a clam that way. I'm positive that you can find a way to play it that suits you.

Hope that massive deluge of wordy words helped ease your worries a little! Don't fret over it, whatever you decide to do. I can't currently play the game due to circumstances, but once I can get in again I'd be happy to play with you and form some kind of protective anxiety wall. Us wallflowers gotta stick together.

6 years ago

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+1, good info

6 years ago

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Merci beaucoup, mon ami!

6 years ago

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Thanks for the information, really appreciate you taking the time to write it out for me! :)

Regrettably I always have to play solo, so that's a big step on its own but I guess it's a good thing that I've pushed on despite of it. Lucioball and Snowball Fight do sound like a hoot, I hadn't even heard of those before! The matchmaking system seems somewhat confusing as I'm not entirely sure how it measures your skill, if it actually gathers info on how you play and matches that with others who are near that or if it simply goes by levels - if it's the latter then I'm screwed, haha.
It's also very nice to hear that you've managed to avoid the negative players! I hope both you and your husband will never have to run into any of them! :)

6 years ago

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No problem, I'm glad I could help!~

I honestly have no idea how it matches you with opponents either, but... Let's put it this way, I get matched with people lower than my level quite often. I'm pretty sure that's a result of not being terribly good for my level! Either way, you can definitely play with bots as much as you like, so you don't even need to worry about that necessarily. I'm preeeeeeetty sure there is a way to play entirely with bots, both on your team and the opposite, because as I said I know a friend of a friend who will only play that way. Plus, I've actually set up a match before that was literally just me -- no bots or players, just me on an empty map. I did it so I could play around with the environment, because I'm ridiculous like that. Also, the environments are amazing.

I only did it once though, so I can't remember how you do it. I also haven't played in over six months, which isn't helping my memory. I'm pretty sure you've gotta set the match up yourself or something? Lemme check for you real quick...

Aaaaah, okay. So, Google tells me that when I played, there was the Custom Game feature tucked away somewhere that allowed you to play with just bots. However, they've since moved and upgraded that function to the Arcade section. (I haven't encountered this, I'm just going off the wiki.) The section you want to look for is called Game Browser, from which you can find or create specific matches. Create a match that is invite only and add all players as bots. Boom! There you go!

However, I just learned something I didn't know; the bots can only be twelve of the characters. I'm not sure why. Apparently it's always been that way, but I literally never noticed. Well, I mean, I did think there were an awful lot of Zarya bots... I guess you can decide for yourself if that's a deal-breaker.

Also, I completely forgot to tell you about another non-competitive game mode that will hopefully be re-released on the Arcade in just a couple of weeks! Last year for Halloween, they had an Arcade mode called Dr. Junkenstein's Revenge. It's basically tower defense, FPS-style. There's four players who choose one of four set characters each (Ana, McCree, I literally can't remember the other two) and then you all have to work together to defend this big castle door from waves of literal robots and boss enemies -- the bosses being other Overwatch characters in Halloween costumes. I'm pretty sure you can guess who Dr. Junkenstein is. Additionally, the entire action is constantly narrated by an overdramatic Reinhardt as if he were telling a ghost story.

If, um, that sounds like it would be fun to you? Just thought I'd throw it out there. Anyway, if you do get it, good luck!

6 years ago

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Oh, that sounds promising! I couldn't find that option but truthfully I didn't look around all that much, mostly just ended up clicking on QP by default. That would definitely be something I'd need to look more into, it's always a good boost to scorch bots in peace!

The environments sure are amazing, I liked exploring them as much as possible during skirmish (before someone would snipe me, haha) and seeing all the little details you'd miss during matches.

Wow, now that is interesting! Sounds kind of like Team Fortress 2's Mann vs Machine mode. I imagine that only being allowed to pick from a small set of heroes gives it even bigger challenge (though I must note I'm delighted one of the choices is McCree since he's my second most played hero) and it would be cool to see how that plays out.

Thank you again!

6 years ago

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Can we get a "Rather than asking us again, make up your own mind" poll option in the future?
I honestly think there's enough information out there for you to decide if the game is worth it to you, and even free weekends to try it.
If you've played 54 hours you should know if that and any future play time is worth the asking price.

6 years ago

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Nope, you can't, at least not from me. :) If I decide to ask for opinions then I'd like them from other people, not for them to tell me to make up my own since the entire point of me asking is that I can't make up my mind. Besides, it's not like I'm the first person asking "is [game] worth it?" and it seems to be perfectly allowed. And of course no one is required to answer if they find these sort of interactions insufferable. /winkwink

As I've stated, I wanted opinions from people who have played it outside of free weekends, who know what the community experience is like without the influx of newbies trying it out. I haven't said anything about asking price worth, my concerns were placed in the community, which is what I was asking about.

6 years ago*

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A poll option is for you to keep asking so having one to stop makes as much sense.
And really you shouldn't need to ask when you can just find any information you think those 54 hours haven't told you by using google.


6 years ago

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The ask again later poll option is actually a reference that I threw in there for humorous effect, but understandably it could grind someone's gears the wrong way if they don't like these sort of topics. But if there's no poll option to suit one's tastes then it's just as easy to click out of the topic.

Nope, googling something really isn't same as discussing with real people about their personal experiences, and if you can't see the difference then I don't know what else I can tell you.

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Fair point, fair point. I actually didn't try to mute anyone, but does it work for text chat too or just voice? Thanks for the input!

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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So I guess my question boils down to if there's enough traffic in quick play mode even after that's not the only option?


Is the community toxic/mean/etc? Would it be better for a fragile weirdo like me to stay away until next free weekend?

Toxic. Stay away since you apparently don't have the balls in my opinion.

6 years ago

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Yep, definitely no balls for that bs.

6 years ago

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Quick Play rarely has anyone too toxic in it. If you go in with friends especially, you will rarely find any jerks. Plenty of games at any hour of the day (or night). As for comp, it's definitely not required. But in my experience, it's not too bad. You'll get one or two toxic people here and there, but that's true for nearly any competitive game in this day and age. The best thing is you can simply mute them if they get on your nerves.
Overwatch is fun, however, I'd highly suggest playing more with friends, as randoms can get boring to play with (and most of the time, they won't talk to you in voice unless it's a competitive match).

6 years ago

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Regrettably I always have to play solo since I don't have any friends, which is a big factor on my lack of playing multiplayer in general, but Overwatch was at least manageable. Thanks for the input, appreciate it!

6 years ago

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sure thing, it's pretty popular right now and i don't think it will die any time soon.
unless you're not into co-op games or idiots insulting you. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
and it's competitive if you want to play it that way. i bet there are groups that play for fun, or game modes that are casual.

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6 years ago

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If you have enjoyed it, by all means - buy it. If money is an issue and can hold off for a couple of months, wait until Blizzard has their Black Friday sale in November.

6 years ago

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I really don't understand why you are even asking this. You got 54 hours so you should know exacltly how the game is. Do you wanna play more of it? Buy it, if not don't. Don't wanna deal with people? Disable both voice and text chat and call it a day.
Everyone seems to say the community is toxic but I really haven't seen all that much toxicity in my +300 hours, I might just be lucky tho. As for traffic - my longest queue for a game was like 3 minutes trying to queue a random arcade mode at like 3 or 4 in the morning.

6 years ago*

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6 years ago

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I know how the game works, sure, but I was asking about community specifically. Since whenever I had played it there were tons of others who are also inexperienced and thus less likely to be rude to you for not being a perfect teammate. That was the concern I was having, not the gameplay! :)
You've had good luck with queue, when I played the longest was 10 minutes in what someone called "prime time" so that was funny.

6 years ago

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From my and my friends experience till you reach level 100 you mostly get to play with people that are under 100 as well, after 100 you get all kinds of level to play against (I am 380 and I had level 150ish and level 1400ish in my team at the same time before). Also quickplay does as well try to match you up with the people on the same skill level so you don't have to worry that you are gonna get some amazing pros against you.
And if you get anyone rude to you, seriously just mute them.

It is probably just region dependent - I play on European servers.

6 years ago

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Ah, interesting. Thanks for the info!

6 years ago

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Yeap, go for it. Seems like you're already hooked, there's no reason to finally jump in. I've played for almost 300 hours and the game still feels fun, especially with friends.

6 years ago

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I’ve very very recently bought the standard after trying out during this free weekend briefly a couple days ago for like 40 bucks my country’s money TT but so far haven’t regretted so it’s pretty cool if you see yourself wanting to play it more than during free weekends

6 years ago

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Nope, donate this money to the people suffered from hurricanes.

6 years ago

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Nope,I paid 20 euros for it and regret it. The competitive meta is stale as hell and the community there is absolutely toxic. I saw less salt and shit talking when playing competitive CS:Go out of all things[tho I did played CS in like 2014,maybe things are worse in comp there now].

6 years ago

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You should go for it if you had fun playing the different heroes and game modes. If you don't mind winning or losing that much I don't see any problem with your team mates or enemies as you can just mute them if they are being rude and toxic. You can also be sure that you will get a lot of free new content in the future.
Speaking of myself I almost never get in contact with just pure toxic players that just wanna troll and insult you...

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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I'm bit surprised about the high NO votes as well, simply because I was under the impression that the game was really popular. Could just be that these "should I buy [game]" topics are annoying a lot more people than what it seemed at first. :D

6 years ago

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Buy it if you have friends to play with.

6 years ago

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Nope, no friends at all so the insight is valued.

6 years ago

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I recommend it if you have some friends cuz it makes it better.

6 years ago

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Nope, no friends at all so the insight is valued.

6 years ago

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My answer still same like last time someone asked whether should He buy PUBG

One thing that I always asked to myself when I'm in this kind of problem
"Did I really want to play this, or I want to play this because of my friends tell me to play it?"
because most of my friends who nagging me about to play certain game always end up leaving me alone after they bored

6 years ago

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Haha, good thing I don't have friends so no one would tell me to play it. ;)

6 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by Noxco.