Now with one extra exclamation mark compared to the previous topic. Seriously, I counted.

Anyway, I wanted to do something even better this time than giving a mug. I actually had this neat idea of making a T-shirt with SG logo and having that as a prize (together with a postcard, of course) but it completely slipped my mind that I won't be here in last two weeks of December, so I'm kinda making this in last minute but it's better than doing nothing at all, right? The T-shirt plan stands but I'm just postponing it for summer (and it's somewhat useless wearing that in the middle of winter, as yo can imagine).

So what are we having here now? Well, instead of one I'm sending five postcards for Christmas to anyone in the world from SG, but you will also receive a random game from your wishlist. To be eligible for this you must not add anything to it after December 6th, which is fairly difficult since we are now in 7th, so unless you have a time machine I shouldn't have anything to worry about. Also I imagine one could make a better use of that device than going back in time and adding a game to their wishlist only to participate in a giveaway that they're not guaranteed to win anyway.
But hm, where was I.....Well, as you might notice, none of these look like they're from Bosnia at all (especially that lowest one with something that looks like the Eiffel Tower) but you can contribute that to my laziness. In any case, this is where I'll be sending them from and I can't really work my way around that.

Long story short, I'll be sending 5 people from here a postcard + one game from their wishlist of my choice (unless you have Bad Rats there somehow, in that case I'm not considering anything else). To enter, you only have to post in this topic anything but generic "thanks", like anything at all. A funny story, some random wikipedia tidbit that you found interesting, you can even tell me if vaccines cause atheism or not, whatever. For everyone else who would like to post but don't want to enter, just be sure to add "I'm not entering" somewhere in your comment so I can cross you out. Oh and this is obvious, but you will have to provide me your real life address in case you are picked, so refrain from entering if you are not comfortable with that.

The giveaway will be open for 7 days (ending on December 14), after that I'm picking 5 people from this topic and sending everything by the end of the next week. Good luck!

tl;dr: enter, win postcard, also receice a wishlist game

even shorter tl;dr: entr,wn pstcrd, als rcv a wshlt gm


Oops, forgot to mention that I'll assign everyone a number according to the order of comments and run them all through once it is done so I'm not actually picking people on my own, far from that. The power of internet is doing everything for me.

In order to prevent more confusion, I should clarify that you will not be excluded if you add anything more to your wishlist since yesterday, I'm just not gonna count games that you added after December 6, everything else is fine.


OMG reddit gold thanks kind stranger!!111 *tips ushanka*

8 years ago*

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I heard that the petrol can go as low as $30/barrel by spring.

1st on page!

8 years ago

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Koji si kralj, svaka cast brate!

8 years ago

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My budgies are both currently moulting. My house is now full of feathers and I'm not sure which one looks uglier XD

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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fun story. Today someone of my team told me she heard i will be lynched at a dinner with some people who work for me. Apparently they are not happy with me...

8 years ago

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Here is a wiki page on my favourite thing in the world

8 years ago

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Companion Cube Secret

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Woohoo, thanks for the chance!

8 years ago

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Well im a classic so
A big THANKS for your generosity goes in advance.
Please have a very pacefull Xmas to you and your family.

8 years ago

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My entry is a joke. It's one of my favorites because it combines science and math.

What do you get when you cross a mosquito with a mountain climber?

Nothing! Everyone knows you can't cross a vector with a scaler!

hint: the "vec" and the "tor" in "vector" are two different links :P

8 years ago

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I had my ticket on the mug and didn't win (I cried a bit, the mug was so AWESOME) so I'll try my luck again! But don't send anynone any white powder, could be mistaken for anthrax. Although it looks cute through microscope it isn't very cute to have :/ More like deadly.

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8 years ago

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Sounds like fun! Count me in ^^

A limited edition SteamGifts merchandise... Now, that's something to be proud of :D

8 years ago

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This is white blood cell hunting down bacteria. And if anyone is interested in biology / cell biology they can find this video interesting. It's not science-fiction, it's more or less how it looks like in a living cell. I like the most those proteins that transport stuff in vessels and are "walking" along MT :D

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Thanks for the chance! (and for a creative giveaway!)

8 years ago

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Thanks again for the fun giveaways xarabas and the postcards ;D

8 years ago

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That is a very stylish ushanka. They are so lovely and fuzzy and with nice warm ear flaps <3

8 years ago

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count me in :)

8 years ago

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Oh, it seems xarabas is back :)

8 years ago

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OK, so I decided to add something educational rather than funny :P

View attached image.
8 years ago

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8 years ago

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cyka blyat

8 years ago

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Holy shit ! You are going to do all that for us? That's freaking generous of you...! I'm in. Well, umm, what can I say....not generic thanks haha :) Seriously, thank you.

8 years ago

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I'm not a funny guy so i don't know what to say...
Either way count me in!

8 years ago

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I like postcards

8 years ago

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I won the last years Christmas postcard giveaway and since this years has an extra exclamation mark (and also 5 times the chance to win) how can i not enter again :).

fun fact there's an "s" missing in the "even shorter tl;dr:" :)

great giveaway and thank you for sharing in any case

edit// if anybody's reading this i recommend watching Pushing Daisies if you haven't already

edit2// does anybody know what happens if you set your windows clock to yesterday and add a game to your wishlist? did i just invent time travel?

8 years ago

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I like to receive mail :3 Last time I got a magnet with drawing from my friend from another city. But I never receive international mail, it's fascinating! China don't count, oh cheap goodies :)
One with a pug.

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8 years ago

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Hvala unaprijed admire :D

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by xarabas.