2 years ago*

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Как русский я желаю победы моей стране. Мириться будем потом, когда Россия победит. Слава России!

2 years ago

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желаю тебе кормить червей на кладбище, никто с тобой гнилью уже мириться не будет

2 years ago

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Хахаха. Увидим.

2 years ago

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No glory to Mordor

2 years ago

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Правильно говорить "как россиянин", а не "как русский".

2 years ago

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Не стоит учить меня моему языку. Я и сам поучить могу.

2 years ago

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Почему не стоит, если ты безграмотен? Или именно поэтому не стоит, что ты безграмотен и не хочешь быть грамотным? Ну так это русофобия какая-то - сознательно получать удовольствие от насилия над своим родным языком.

2 years ago

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Вам не стоит заниматься демагогией, это не ваше.

2 years ago

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Так я ею и не занимаюсь. Я просто указываю на твою безграмотность. Или для тебя правда и демагогия - суть одно?

2 years ago

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Я тебе разрешения на ты переходить не давал. Я - русский. Усвоил? Запомнил? Русский. Если тебя корёжит от этого слова, то это твоя проблема, сходи к психологу и проработай её.

2 years ago

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А кто ты такой, чтобы мне что-то разрешать или запрещать?

2 years ago

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Это русский Хам (но когда выгодно, он становится евреем) - порода выведенная столетиями отрицательной селекции.

2 years ago

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Верно подмечено. Вылитый Клим Чугункин из "Собачьего Сердца".

2 years ago

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Одно и то же русофобское дерьмо в любом треде, мне ваши ники уже примелькались.

2 years ago

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А, так ты из тех полоумных, которые считают, что Россию все поголовно любить обязаны? С чего вдруг кто-то фашистскую страну должен любить?

2 years ago

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Не надо демагогии галимой, не нерусофобствовать не значит любить, любить никто не просит. Хотя, я начинаю понимать, это не демагогия, это у тебя так мышление устроено, как у всякого поехавшего и одержимого.

2 years ago

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А что демагогичного в том факте, что РФия - фашистское государство?

2 years ago

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Сладенький мой, по определению РФ не является фашистским гос-вом, некоторые элементы присутствуют, конечно, как то корпоративизм и подчинённость крупного бизнеса власти, но других важных элементов пока нет. Россия является многонационалочкой с автономными национальными образованиями, русские не являются титульной нацией, и тем более никто не имеет права говорить о превосходстве одной нации над другой. Но ты не переживай, когда Пыня уйдёт придём к власти мы, и вы всё увидите, Пыню будете вспоминать как доброго лампового деда. К тому времени, правда, вы все будете гимн России петь.

2 years ago

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С каких пор я твоим стал? Купчую покажи, раз уж у вас рабство вернули.
"по определению РФ не является фашистским гос-вом" По какому определению?
"Россия является многонационалочкой" И как это противоречит тому, что она - фашистское государство? А, пардон, ты же безграмотное быдло и не различаешь фашизм и национализм.
"К тому времени, правда, вы все будете гимн России петь." Да-да, Россия захватит весь мир, спасибо, посмешил. 80 лет наза такие же фашики, как вы, тоже на весь мир нацелились. Итог всем известен.

2 years ago

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Нет более жалкого и презренного зрелища, чем русский манкурт, самому себе и окружающим доказывающий, что он не русский. Я называю это синдром Смердякова. Полон ненависти к себе, презираем и своими и чужими. Судьба его печальна.

2 years ago

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А зачем ты доказываешь самому себе и окружающим, что ты не русский? И зачем своему собственному недугу придумываешь названия?

2 years ago

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Думаешь, что-то умное сейчас высрал? Я вашу демагогию колхозную наизусть знаю, надоели уже за 20 лет, все одинаковые. И перекраситесь за полчаса, будете клясться в братской любви. Тьфу. Пшёл вон.

2 years ago

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Нет, я просто над тобой насмехаюсь. Над тем, как ты пыжишься кому-то что-то доказать.

2 years ago

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Смотри-ка, уже "колхоз" у него стало ругательным словом, заговаривается гаврик, родство забыл)

2 years ago

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Нельзя забыть то, чего нет. =)

2 years ago

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Победы в чём? В кровопролитии? В этой ужасной войне? Неужели человеческие жизни в ваших глазах ничего не стоят?

2 years ago

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А чего я должен желать - поражения? Ты башкой-то подумай. Любая война заканчивается миром. И не надо вот этой требухи про «как можно воевать в 21 веке». Можно. Все воюют. Я не вижу, чтобы все страны оружие переплавили. Не вижу, чтобы люди перестали конкурировать и бороться. Может когда-нибудь демшиза будет с детства накачивать мальчиков женскими гормонами, чтобы подавить в них агрессию, но пока до этого далеко. Ты на улице хоть раз дрался? За себя способен постоять?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Утри сопли.

2 years ago

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Да ты так называемый украинец! И нафиг я на тебя время тратил. Тхьфууу

2 years ago

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Мда, и откуда только такие выродки берутся

2 years ago

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В качалку пойди, андрогин.

2 years ago

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я россиянин) и мне стыдно за тебя

2 years ago

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В Фейсбучек сходи поплачь, пораженец.

2 years ago

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я не хочу войны. если ты хочешь иди воюй. это не тот патриотизм - тебе запудрили мозги.

2 years ago

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Да что ты говоришь. А я думаю, что просто ты обычный, слабый обыватель. Это, в принципе, нормально. Большинство людей такие. Но так же нормально, когда в кризисных ситуациях вам затыкают рты, чтобы потом, когда всё кончится, снова ослабить поводок.

2 years ago

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иди и воюй сам если ты такой сильный диванный генерал. мне 40 лет и мне эта война нахер не нужна.

2 years ago

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Призовут - пойду.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

2 years ago

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Ukraine has been killing people for 7 years, what is wrong with you?

2 years ago

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Go for your 15 rubles malaka

2 years ago

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what is "malaka"???

2 years ago

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very useful spanish/greek/turkish word

2 years ago

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where is it?

2 years ago

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It means idiot, because somehow you've actually been brainwashed by putin.

2 years ago

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I just laugh...

2 years ago

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Laugh now as more sanctions hit your country and as you get older and realize what you've supported and how it affects your next generations, you'll wipe whatever laugh off your face. Give it time. :)

2 years ago

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I'm not young anymore...

2 years ago

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I said older, doesn't mean you're young. You're not making a case for yourself regardless. Just because you're old, doesn't mean you have some sort of excuse to be evil like your president. Not all old people are insane, and those who are crazy(or well in proper terms, have dementia), are usually in a care facility for people of the sort, or a mental institution if they are indeed crazy. Somehow, you guys misplaced your crazy old person, and put him as a president.

2 years ago

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why do you call me evil... you hurt my feelings

2 years ago

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To support Putler after what he just did, and to make the claims you just did here, is not ok. An overwhelming majority of the world is telling you that this is not right. Yet, here you are to defend your mentally ill president because you've been brainwashed somehow despite being able to talk to people here and there which should give you an idea whether this is right or not. There is nothing else to call you.

2 years ago

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I do not support him, but in this situation, yes, he does everything right

2 years ago

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Russia has been spreading silly lies nobody believes except retards in Russia who can't access the Internet and learn actual truth you mean?

2 years ago

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cant anybody please kill putin to end the war?

2 years ago

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Ukraine has been killing people for 7 years, what is wrong with you?

2 years ago

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Yeah, the peacefull rebells from donbas killed nobody with no weapons / troops from Russia. Bad Ukraine!!! how dare you?

2 years ago

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they only killed soldiers.

2 years ago

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Yeah sure... what ever you believe

2 years ago

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How many shells came to Kiev??

2 years ago

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Does civilians live only in Kiev?

2 years ago

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What anime world do you think you live in? How ignorant and brainwashed can you be about the reality of what's going on? There's like what, how many countries in the world imposing sanctions on yours right now? You wanna do a count? Maybe, just maybe, you happen to be wrong huh since you just so happen to be part of the country that not a single respectable country agrees with right now.

2 years ago

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sanctions so that the deputies of the State Duma could not buy rags in Milan? .... these are very funny sanctions
and who imposes sanctions is NATO allies

2 years ago

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NATO is for defence, Russia is for warmongering with a retarded mad dog ruling them. Heil Putler all you want, facts won't change and everyone in the rest of the world knows them.

2 years ago

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like in Yugoslavia?

2 years ago

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Yeah they were one of the unfortunate victims of the USSR and still struggling to get their economy fixed. Or any Eastern European country, they are all poorer than they should be because they were once ruled by Russia.

2 years ago*

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they were not part of the USSR ...

2 years ago

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"All the Communist European Countries had deferred to Stalin and rejected the Marshall Plan aid in 1947." Call it what you want.

Just like you can call the ethnic cleansing they did somehow justified, it's after all a proud russian tradition to eradicate any ethnicity you don't want.

2 years ago

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who gets cleaned up?

2 years ago

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Try to at least learn a bit of history before you troll online, that way you don't look so young and foolish.

2 years ago

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you write unreasonable nonsense and cite as an example sources where anyone can edit. Don't be stupid.

2 years ago

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No that's your job apparently, being stupid and writing unreasonable nonsense. How many rubbles do you get per message?

Russian "history" is the one which anyone in power can freely edit and people like you believe a word of it. Actual history is well known and just documented on Wikipedia, that's not the source for it.

2 years ago

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SG pays me with wins in giveaway

2 years ago

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Just like every leecher.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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You do know that you don't have to do it for free? Just get a job in one of the russian troll factories and you'll get a salary of 40k rubbish every month for trolling online.

2 years ago

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I don't know where to turn

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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have never seen anything like this ... it's fake

2 years ago

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Yeah I have a hard time believing anyone in Russia can earn that high a salary too. But sadly that's where all the leftover money in your budget goes after Putler has taken his lion's share.

2 years ago

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there's just an ad for a job as an mms manager.....
not the fact that this is due to trolling from the special services and the announcement of 2014

2 years ago

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Yes it is a well known fact in the free world.

2 years ago

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even if so ..... then it's normal if, as you say, it's like that all over the world. But it does not say whose interests to represent there. Yes, anyone can post ads.

2 years ago

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No it's not all over the world. In free democracies people troll online for fun, not get paid by the government to do it. In dictatorships without any freedom like Russia and China it's perfectly normal because nobody with any sense would support the government for free.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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The brother was talking about Yugoslavia the communist county that was the leader of the non aligned movement and had no cooperation with the soviet union
NATO did illegally bomb Yugoslavia without asking the UN and did that by saying that there was a war crime. (that was forged by NATO) So calling NATO a defensive pact is just nonsense . I don't support Russia in this but NATO is known to be an aggressive and unpredictable organization so why would they allow them to spread near their country .

2 years ago*

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Did you read all that from Russia Today? They just did a little genocide and your problem is that other countries didn't like the genocide part?

2 years ago

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Nope never said that I support Russia I was just correcting you
Also the genocide was a forged war crime (The lead Finnish investigator, anthropology expert Dr. Helena Ranta said that she was forced to remove the part of the file where it says that there was gunpowder residue on the hands of the dead KLA fighters)(that was the reason for the bombings)
KLA (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kosovo_Liberation_Army) was an terrorist organization and NATO said that too but they decided to help them anyway
Also you put ethnic cleansing link i this thread (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_cleansing_in_the_Bosnian_War) and if you look a little closer you can see that multiple ethnicities committed the same, so why didn't they bomb bosnia and croatia ? Also remember that Croats had an operation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Storm) Where they made an giant exodus of Serbs that happened before the "genocides" and yet NATO didn't do shit.
I once again say that I do not support Russia but history tells us that great powers like to do whatever they want and people support an organization that did same thing in multiple places.

2 years ago*

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So NATO has invaded several other countries with the aim of complete destruction of the country along with all its population? I haven't ever heard of a single NATO country trying to invade Finland, but I could name a couple other countries that did several times until they got their asses kicked.

What next, complaining that USA attacked Europe in the 40s?

2 years ago

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And I can't name 1 NATO country that joined before 2004 that didn't break the "defensive" part of the pact
Maybe not Finland (God i hope not them folks are nice) but who knows they showed the world that they are unpredictable
So complaining about Russia invading and not complaining about the western countries is morally right? That is what i'm seeing a lot recently ...

2 years ago

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Hope that people start to agree that both sides are terrible

2 years ago

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Both USA and Russia are terrible 3rd world countries without real democracy, nothing new there.

2 years ago

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Bombing down some genociding terrorists is usually considered far less evil than trying to annihilate a whole country and kill all civilians not to speak of his lunatic threats to use nuclear weapons and make dirty bombs out of nuclear power plants. Stop acting like a hostile rogue nation and you get to be morally right too. Putler is the only reason Finns and Swedes are starting to want to join NATO, before it wasn't that popular.

View attached image.
2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

2 years ago

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Never said that it was
Also NATO bombed civilians not terrorists and also bombed them with depleted uranium (Cancerous)
You folks look after yourself there is no guarantee that some madman may decide to ravage your countries maybe its from the west maybe its from the east you never know
Also saying we act like a hostile rogue nation and that we aren't morally right is just plain wrong but yes we are vilified by the west
At the end of the day the winners will write history not the losers
We can't do shit about people dying because the situation is out of our hands

2 years ago

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Nope. Like Checnya. Don't you remember, they want to be free from RF. Why Russia didn't give them freedom, killing chechen civilians instead?

2 years ago

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omg lol....
There are always people who want something and others don't.

2 years ago

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No contrarguments? As I expected, mr. Twoface,

2 years ago

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because those who demanded "freedom" were a minority

2 years ago

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Oh really? Then why "great" Russian military forces couldn't defeat this minority for 15 years?

2 years ago

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why did the USA lose to Vetnam?

2 years ago

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Because US army didn't have experience of fight in jungle. So what?

2 years ago

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realy....? for planes, the jungles turned out to be impassable

2 years ago

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Wars been wining with infantry, not planes. Don't you learn this in army? Or you even didn't seen an army?

2 years ago

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watch films about the war in Vietnam, but not fiction .....

2 years ago

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Once more #noarguments from you, mr. Twoface.

2 years ago

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last time I gave you an answer to a question ... I just got tired of it ... I want you to learn how to work with your head and find answers yourself. Vetnam won because the USSR helped him ....

2 years ago

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Third #noarguments from you, mr. Twoface. Third Strike!

2 years ago

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I sent you a whole video that even a stupid person can master, but it won’t be possible for you either. mr.stupid

2 years ago

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I don't care about any video if you can't argument with your own words.

2 years ago

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and I don't care about the opinion of an uneducated, mr stupid

2 years ago

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Don't lie yourself. You care a lot. That's why you write a lot.

2 years ago

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I just don't mind controversy

2 years ago

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It's easy to "don't mind" when you don't have one.

2 years ago

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it's good to be dumb right?

2 years ago

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I don't know. Ask yourself.

2 years ago

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Are you that dumb that you don't get it?

2 years ago

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Nope. It's only you don't understand sarcastic.

2 years ago

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Why did the USSR lose to Finland?

2 years ago

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you do not understand the subtext, do not get into the dialogue

2 years ago

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Spreading Soviet lies and propaganda is not a dialogue, it's just pure bullshit.

2 years ago

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the ussr has been gone for 20+ years, wake up

2 years ago

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I know that perfectly well so it's the Russian people and especially Putler who needs to wake up to this fact. Stop trying to bring back the days when your pitiful country actually mattered at all.

2 years ago

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Russians do not give up

2 years ago

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Russians do not give up. Yeah. Especially in Afghanistan. They was so "dontgiveuping", that ran from Afghanistan like rabbits.

2 years ago

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where do they run like hares?
and in Afghanistan, the United States helped them and supplied the latest weapons, such as stingers
you are not an educated person...
I want to remind you that the Black Sea was once called the Russian Sea. Maybe it will be like this again soon.

2 years ago*

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"where do they run like hares?" In place where russian forces leave alone their afganistan allies and ran out from this country.
"I want to remind you that the Black Sea was once called the Russian Sea. Maybe it will be like this again soon." By whom it was called? And when? Maybe after Crimean war? Muhaha

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Russia wants to rule everyone, nobody wants to be ruled by Russia so checks out.

2 years ago*

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Well those sanctions raised right before the war started, and they're gonna raise again, because Putler failed to meet the demands in the Minsk-2 agreement. You can look them up, but in general it has to do with the US cutting some russian military banks and freezing funds, cutting economic power for Putlers allies, germany froze approval of an in development gas line that would've doubled how much gas russia sends them right now(even tho russia thinks they will need it), japan put restrictions on visas for officials for those two rebel regions, more economic restrictions on russia and and also banned imports and exports from those two regions completely. It continues with the UK who froze 5 banks, and banned travel and froze assets for 3 russian billionaires and so and so on. This is all before russia launched the attack. This is all money they're trading around so where is puting gonna get money from now, you.

2 years ago

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I think that I wouldn’t get anything from the billionaire’s money anyway, but they spend it abroad

2 years ago

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They're gonna be pretty unhappy when they can't spend their money now how they want in the best places in the world. Maybe they move, and so your country loses even more money. Maybe they complain and things change(unlikely because your president is putler). See how that works?

2 years ago

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You mean, like the passengers of this civilian airplane ?
Don't lose your time answering with more of your delusional propaganda, no one is interested in it.

2 years ago

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so he was shot down by the military forces of ukraine

2 years ago

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"The shoot-down occurred in the War in Donbas in an area controlled by pro-Russian rebels."
Did you even read the first paragraph?

2 years ago

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I am aware of this event. I think in this case we will not know the truth, there are too many questions.

2 years ago

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Then why did you say the plane was shot down by Ukraine's military forces?

2 years ago

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because there are some facts

2 years ago

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Where did you get those "facts" from, and why don't the reports cited in the Wikipedia article count as "facts"?

2 years ago

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anyone can edit content on a wiki
on youtube, type the information you are interested in about boeing, there are a lot of things

2 years ago

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I know that Boeing has a lot of safety issues, and I know that anyone can edit a Wikipedia page. What I was talking about were the reports cited in the Wikipedia page - the sources.

And speaking of sources, where are yours?

2 years ago

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do you seriously think that the rebels decided to shoot down a peaceful plane over their heads so that they would be blamed for the death of innocent foreign citizens????

2 years ago

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You just linked a propaganda "news" network as your source.....

And try taking it the other way - do you think the Ukraine military would shoot down a peaceful plane over their heads so that they would be blamed for the death of innocent foreign citizens? Think about it. Who's more controlled? Who's more civilised? Who has an actual purpose?

2 years ago

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this is one example...

and what was the purpose of the rebels???

2 years ago

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The rebels "rebel", they challenge what they go against, their purpose is just to send a message.

But what would the Ukranian military gain from it?

2 years ago

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Well, you think that they did it, which means that their manipulations worked. If you remember, there were sanctions for this plane, and if there were more accurate data that the rebels did it, they could bring in foreign troops.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Вы думаете, что это сделали они, значит, их манипуляции сработали. Если помните, то за этот самолёт были наложены санкции, а если бы были более точные данные, что это сделали повстанцы, то могли бы ввести иностранные войска в помощь украине.

2 years ago

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I used Google Translate... and ok? I guess? Who would send troops?

2 years ago

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Everybody outside of Russia knows the truth about MH17.

2 years ago

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Inside they all know it as well, but they are at info-war, so lies are their weapons.

2 years ago

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Putin peaceful troops started liberation peacekeeping operation. They come with peace!

2 years ago

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the ukrainian buildings are weird... putin throws flowers on them and they dare to explode...

2 years ago

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I too come with peace, push putin off a cliff head down into a pit of lava, I see he needs a hot bath for when he goes where he belongs. Of course, this is all with my good intentions.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I had good reasons to avoid this thread because it was a honeypot for desaster.

Only thing I am leaving here is the following quote of Putin:

If any foreign country dares to militarily intervene in this conflict and against russian interests, there will be consequences on a scale the world has not seen yet."

So, when the first atomic bombs are dropped/first atomic missilies are fired by Putin, when World War III starts and our world as we know it will end, you will know that only Putin is to blame.

2 years ago

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According to this guy who seems to have good credentials https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7hOpT0lPGI the first a-bomb dropping wouldn't be the start of the WW3 but the end of civilization.

2 years ago

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(*p'Θ'q)Yup... soo....

Gosh gosh gosh (( ;+Θ+))o=3=3 It's nothing.
I have leaked a little bit to the "SG community" for reasons of space secrecy, but I can't say anything about it now.

I don't know how World War III will be fought. I don't know how World War III will play out, but if there is a World War IV, the weapons mankind will use then will be stones and clubs.

Anyway, it's about people getting along with each other.

No one will come to visit you when no one is around.
There will be no one from outside the earth to visit the earth🛸.

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2 years ago

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who ever intervenes would be to blame. as putin made clear. never forget who dropped the a-bombs on japan

2 years ago

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Thank you for the GA; I have many great friends from Odessa and Kiev and it pains me to see the continued threats to their culture.

2 years ago

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Looks like we've entered a worst case scenario. Either the other countries finally get off their ass and retaliate at Russia, causing a nuclear war, or Russia is given "sanctions" and given light punishments at most like Hitler during WW2, and nuclear war will happen anyway at a much later date with Russia having taken over other countries.

2 years ago

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Sanctions can hurt, Germany has felt their sting twice.
I hope the Swift sanctions will be used soon, those might trigger a Russian revolution.

2 years ago

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Just waiting for China to get back what was theirs. Putler can go rule some arctic wasteland in Siberia, that would be far more suitable for someone so out of touch with reality.

2 years ago

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China will support Russia an will recapture Taiwan.

2 years ago

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China isn't saying much anything or supporting either side, they just love to see Russia fall economically increasing their control of the world market.

2 years ago

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*Republic of China.

2 years ago

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100 years later and no lessons learned.
a truly horrific day for the ukrainian people.

2 years ago

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When Hitler occupied Sudetenland, too many people sad "it's not our war". As result "not their" war became World War

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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NATO doesn't expand with force like Russia does. A free country has to want to join and then the current members vote for it. So why is it that so many countries near Russia feel a huge threat they need to defend themselves from?

Russia could just stop being an asshole warmongering country and all this would stop on its own, simple as that.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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How do NATO spies in Hungary affect Russia at all? Or do you mean they are uncovering Russian spies there sent to destabilize the country to make it ripe for invasion?

If a country wants to join NATO, of course they want NATO troops and equipment on their soil. That's what it's all about, a joint defense against mad warmongers. If Russia would become a free democracy they could join NATO too in theory.

You still seem to live in the cold war era where everything was USA vs USSR.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Your beliefs don't really matter. USA is a 3rd world warmongering country just like Russia. But NATO is much more than just USA, it includes several free democratic countries in Europe.

If you live next to a mad warmongering country you have to build defense forces to keep peace, that's how it works. If Russia ever stops being an asshole there will be no need for that any more so it's all up to you.

Russias invasion of Ukraine makes the perfect example of why NATO is still around. I believe it's over when Russia becomes a free democracy instead of being ruled by mad dictator.

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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And your point is? Nobody is attacking Russia, they are attacking neighboring countries. So who is paying for defense and who is paying for offense? What other country near Europe is actively starting wars?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Yeah right. You're not Russian, just get paid by them to spread propaganda?

So there can't be hackers in Russia because nobody there knows English? Thanks for the laughs. It has been proven time after time that 99% of the worst hackers come from Russia and China (including North Korea).

Fake news is whatever Kremlin bullshit you are reading. Putler doesn't need to win any elections since 110% support has always been guaranteed in Soviet Russia for any leader willing to massacre all political opposition.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Aha, so you're just brainwashed. I call things by what they are, not what they are pretending to be.

Please tell me what never before heard of research have you been doing? What secret sources of information do you possess that nobody else has? Unlike me you believe everything Putler says and question nothing except actual information in the free world. Did you get all this mystical information by asking couple Russian trolls on Steam? Where you you "verify" your propaganda? Let me guess, Kremlin?

Did you ever calm down and think which goverments have both the resources and the will to cause harm to free western countries? I guess not, it's all CIA trying to damage US infrastructure since that makes a whole lot of sense and I guess MI6 doing the same in EU. And you still expect anyone to believe it?

North Korea gets on the Internet via China, which is why it got included. Without Chinese support they would be completely out of touch with the rest of the world. "Mainstream media", the obvious way to spot a Russian troll. I guess you prefer only reading government controlled media which only tells lies unlike free western media.

Yes I'm quite sure because it's actual public knowledge. This time they aren't even trying to hide it and are cyber attacking Ukraine openly from GRU/FSB ips.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I'll just leave this here for all the "but mainstream media!!!" trolls.

In a free world there are several competing independent news medias and if one lies, the rest are more than happy to make it public. In Russia all non-government news medias have been shut down by force. If you think for a while you might get why thinking all media is the same is quite silly.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Yes I believe in free independent media because that's what we have. We also have different news medias for almost every political party there is and lots of other causes. I'm not the one who lacks critical or for that matter any thinking here.

No I have no idea how game journalists work because I don't read them. I decide for myself which games I like based on much more than just 1 review. Just like for movies, if a critic says it's a masterpiece it must be boring crap.,

Did you even look at the ratings? USA is barely a civilized country with #44 and Russia is pure propaganda with #150. So are you suggesting that I should read and trust either's media or the worst possible choice, random trolls on social media?

Exposing competing medias happens all the time in the free world. You really need to figure out that it's the opposite of what's happening in Russia where every free news media gets attacked by their own government for daring to speak the truth.

2 years ago

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Here's an extra gift, almost fake news at least reporting about actual free news making fun of them.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I have tried it much more than you obviously and even succeeded unlike you. How about you go talk to people who have been in a war started and lost by Russia? Your eyes are open but your head is stuck inside of Putler's ass.

In a free world there are several competing independent news medias and if one lies, the rest are more than happy to make it public. In Russia all non-government news medias have been shut down by force. If you think for a while you might get why thinking all media is the same is quite silly.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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No I don't listen to news medias from crappy countries without press freedom. I said in the free world, not 3rd world dictatorships.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Yeah yeah, here's another classic case of a Russian troll. Go back to your cave little trolling and come back when you have anything to say you came up yourself. It's so very clear that most Russians have no idea what it's like in the free world so they assume it's the same BS as they have.

Do you still only give away curator copies BTW?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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You mean retirement? Yeah one day soon. Meanwhile you will just stay a thieving troll from a shithole country. How about you stop pretending to not be 15yo and calling everyone else a kid when it's obvious they actually know something unlike you?

2 years ago

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Wladolf Putin is acting...

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Do you think is the victim always to blame for the rapist?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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So all neighboring countries must have a pro-Russia government or get invaded by Russia? You should check actual history books not rewritten by every ruler to please them like the Russian ones are.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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And that neutrality gets washed down the toilet the moment Russia starts invading neighboring countries. If Russia wants good relationships with other countries they just need to stop being an asshole, simple as that. Nobody is afraid of your pitiful has-been superpower except innocent civilians getting bombed by you.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Russia is the sole reason for NATO in the first place.


Keep the mad warmongering up and NATO will expand much faster. See how it works in the real world? Other countries aren't joining NATO to attack Russia, they are joining to defend from Russia. Remove the threat by becoming a free country and you remove all need for NATO here.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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"Mainstream media", where did I hear that BS last from? Oh right Russia sponsored Covid misinformation which said that it's all a conspiracy and you should trust random retards and trolls on social media more than doctors. About as credible as your BS. The same BS propaganda was a major cause for Brexit as well.

We don't need any media to know what Russia is all about, if you look at the map you'd know that we know fully well what is going on there. Then if you pick up a history book you will learn that we know fully well how Russia starts wars with false flag operations just like they did in Ukraine. I trust my grandparents who lived during those horrible years a bit more than a "Canadian" spreding Kremlin propaganda.

If you think at all you will understand why all of Russia's 110% voters support Putler, everyone else opposing him just gets murdered and the voice of the people suffering from his madness ignored. And yes, he is mad like a rabid dog. Nobody really supports him unless they get paid for it. If he is so popular why does he need to murder?

2 years ago*

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Good thing NATO actually keeps accurate records, and hey, maybe add all those people in Russia that can't speak and act freely and whatever else Russia does to them to your list and you know who caused more human suffering.

"Posted at 2:172:17
Shock, horror and bewilderment in Moscow

Sergei Goryashko, BBC Russian, Moscow

Shock, horror and bewilderment - three words which could describe the mood of many in the Russian capital Moscow this morning.

As soon as the news of the military assault against Ukraine emerged, Muscovites began exchanging messages, asking each other what they should be doing - stock up on food or on US dollars?

Others question what will happen to the rouble after the Moscow Stock Exchange paused trading.

There are queues at banks and currency exchange points and the police presence in the streets has also increased.

Those opposed to the war against Ukraine are discussing the possibility of holding a rally in Moscow this evening.

Permission for such a rally is unlikely to be granted. Individual protesters who had been picketing in the past few days were quickly detained by police.

Opinion polls conducted before the military action began indicated around half of all Russians did not believe a war with Ukraine was possible.

A vast majority of those questioned blamed the current escalation of tensions with the West on Nato."


You can blame it on NATO all you want, but Russia started it, and even their own citizens that say they don't want that, Putin is silencing. Enjoy :)

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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The president of Ukraine is a comedian. Literally...
The whole country is a joke.

2 years ago

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No that's Russia and the joke is very bad. Everyone is only laughing at how pitiful they are.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Why judge the citizenship of an entire country based on poor and corrupt decisions from its leaders? Personally, I have no problems with anybody, no matter what country anyone hails from. After all, we all have the same wants and needs, just like we all bleed red. Ideally, leaders in every country should serve in the people's best interests, but it is unfortunate that most don't and too many people are left paying the price.

2 years ago*

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Thanks to the West for the fact that they didn't eliminate Putin regime on time, now reap the fruits of your sluggishness and sitting on a gas needle, Ukraine is only the beginning, he will continue.

2 years ago

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Nobody ask the Kosovo what he wanted, but since it's was done by NATO and the US, it was fine.
However, when Russia does something, it's wrong.

Double standard.

Kosovo je Srbija! Косово је Србија,!
Crimea is Russia ! Крым е Русия!

2 years ago

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Did someone ask the Croats if they want to get genocided?

2 years ago

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Slovenians? Bosnian people? Do they really wanted to be under Serbs who killed them later?
Putin's regime is a regime of war criminals

2 years ago

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But the US and NATO is perfect ?
Obama, Peace Nobel Price for bombarding the Arabs...it's fine.

Putin give independence to 2 RUSSIAN speaking region. He is bad.
Crimea vote to go back in Russia. He is bad. Catherine 2 slow clap

Afghanistan is back to the Taliban. The US did a good job, let's suck Joe Biden dick a bit.

America is even worse regime of war criminals than Russia, but this is a double standard that will never change.

I wish my region gains it's freedom as well, but France is a regime of criminals and huge morons...so...

2 years ago

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Friends of Putin are scummy dictators and criminals only, he don't have friends from civilized prosperous countries except for the rabble of all sorts like Saddam, Asad etc.

2 years ago

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EU is a 3rd Reich regime, crushing civilation and culture...and the expansion of it is seen as "perfectly fine"...
The only difference is that the USA won't send bomb in country that are a bit more stubborn (Hungary, Poland...) than normal leftist progessist who are easily brainwashed and were the American philosophy is absorbed like a sponge
(Germany, France...).

In general, world is fucked and there will always be 2 sides.

2 years ago

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Yeah, like in videogames - good parties and evil party antagonists with whom you are allied

2 years ago

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Ghandi wants to nuke you in Civ... We never know.

2 years ago

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Both USA and Russia are the opposite of perfect, third world warmongering countries which would go bankrupt if not protected by massive armed forces.

2 years ago

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As long as Russia remains a dictatorship, your opinion is stupid.

2 years ago

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Whatch out, we have a primary school political genius here.

2 years ago

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Your false comparisons and whataboutisms sure show your genius..

2 years ago

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Nobody asked Bosnian Muslims if they wanted to live, Ratko Mladic and his Serbs killed them by thousands like lambs on slaughter. Nobody asked if people of Sarajevo wanted to eat, they almost got starved to death in siege caused by Serbs. You can lick your russian master boots all you want but you will never get Balkan countries back, they remember your crimes and atrocities.

2 years ago

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I'm "French" living in Bulgaria. If we could do the exact same to Macedonia, we would do it...so...

2 years ago

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Regardless, you lack common sense and critical thinking.

2 years ago

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How to guarantee NATO's expansion 101.


At this rate there will be NATO troops in FI/SE too in no time.

2 years ago

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Just want to put it out there. People of Ukraine my heart goes out to you. I'm russian myself and I have friends in Ukraine. And today I woke up to them saying goodbye to me just in case something happens. This whole situation is scary and wrong. Stay safe everyone.

2 years ago

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Mainstream Media has always been the hounds of war.
Mainstream Media is a profit loss business, yet their owners make alot of money with every successful clickbait "public opinion" narrative.

2 years ago

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Great story, relevance?

2 years ago

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The elite have a stranglehold on what we read and see. Telling us what to think.
The media is already telling us what to think next.
I have relatives in Ukraine and trust what they say 100x more than media.

2 years ago

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So...what does this mean in this thread? You support Russia?

2 years ago

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I support the Ukrainian people and wish they could live their lives without fear.

2 years ago

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In my school a student spreaded photos of Putin with the text "ура ПутИн"
I used google to translate but am trying to figure out what this really means and why someone would put up a "Cheers Putin"
Seems like a pro-Putin message but maybe I'm missing context.
Anyone know?

2 years ago

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If anyone is interested in the issue and 1hr to spare, I highly recommend watching this video by University of Chicago on the geopolitics side of the issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrMiSQAGOS4

2 years ago

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thanks for this thread, I already blacklisted several pro-Putin fascists

2 years ago*

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Same, have a WL

2 years ago

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Fuck it, you both get a WL from me. Need to offset the amount of BLs I added.

2 years ago

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Same, been noticing a lot of deleted comments, I guess they were getting too many blacklists 😂

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2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

2 years ago

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I'll recommend delete this tread at all.
RIP Ukraine

2 years ago

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I live in Kharkiv. It is the second largest city in Ukraine. From my house I can hear the explosions, the windows are shaking. They don't shoot at the city, only at the infrastructure, but there are already victims, including children, in the region.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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What gets me is that it's 21st century. We have had 2 world wars and we have learned it's the most tragic thing that can happen.
In the age of information we know and learn about all atrocious war crimes that go around the world in a matter of hours.
People know what is brought upon the world with war and don`t want that.

But hey, we still have basically dictatorships run by sick psychopaths who outright start a war to prove a point. And while the age of information basically has allowed the whole world to learn about all the crimes russian army has done up to this point in Ukraine, propaganda still is strong with putin and I don`t doubt people still vouch for him.

China still hasn't commented on this, which is unsettling. Lukashenko is outright lying and supporting this. People are dying. It's an absolute shitshow. And of course in the end due to this useless dick measuring contest the ones who will suffer are regular people - the unfortunate people killed, driven from their homes, even the regular russians. Europe will see spikes in gas and oil prices which will again fuck up the economy. I`m no political or war expert of course - but does putin himself or his war mongering political party realize what they are doing themselves or is this his own dementia setting in from being so long in the power ?

PS. I myself am from Eastern Europe..... While it`s highly unlikely that even putin would be so crazy to outright attack a NATO country, it is still unsettling here as Baltic countries have an important asset - access to sea and we could be cut off from EU in matter of hours. Absolutely cutting any chances of getting away even if wanted to.

NATO and USA basically has two scenarios at hand - do something or do nothing. Both are equally disastrous

2 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

2 years ago

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Putin and Xi Jinping met a month ago, where Xi basically agreed with Putin's actions on Ukraine, and Putin supported Xi on any actions towards Taiwan. So they support each other, which is why China is beating around the bush hoping no one asks them how they feel about this.

2 years ago

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China already supported Russian invasion

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/2/4/chinas-xi-to-meet-russias-putin-ahead-of-olympics-opening-rites <----> for the recent meeting if it matters

https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-60454795 <----> there was also an airstrike posted just now on an apartment building just because someone said Russia is coming in "peace". Here's "peace".

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I know, I was just trying to say they met just a month ago where they discussed it again and it's been public basically.

2 years ago

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This sticky part is Amnesty International allegations over the years about the Azov Regiment from coup to raids. A name/group that Facebook blacklisted and now is allowing exception as long as conversations dont promote their ideology or their attire/tattoos.
Crimes on both sides. I'm not happy about putting arms into the hands of Azovs. I'm not happy about Russia blowing up a country.
All people are victims in any war. Ukrainians unfortunately have been a been in a battleground far too many times thru history.

2 years ago

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All the stories, ads, and memes about "If you had the chance to kill Hitler to prevent the Holocaust, would you?"
I hope this doesn't turn into that same question about Putin.
They should try the Swift sanction, but what to do about all the money fleeing into Bitcoin?

2 years ago

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Closed 6 months ago by cg.