2 years ago*

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2 years ago*

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2 years ago*

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dont donate any cents. they all scams.
"savelife.in.ua" cremea is a part of ukr.
will this money comes to war victims or cremea?
одумайдесь. одумайдесь. пока не поздно.
террористы ищут источники финансирования.

2 years ago

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the only scam is you retard

2 years ago

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Links to donations are still against the SG rules. Even in situation like this.

It would be better to leave a message that if someone wants to help - info is available on Steam profile.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

2 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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Developer 11 bit studios has announced that for the next seven days, all profits from This War Of Mine sales will be donated to the Ukrainian Red Cross.

View attached image.
2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Ukranians 8 years killed Donbass people. Where was this studio?

2 years ago

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Don't watch Putin TV for zombo-idiots without any brains. You obviously blame NATO and Ukraine when Putin troops bomb Ukraine cities now

2 years ago

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Germany is blamed for nazi, now Europe supports neo-nazi ... not good

2 years ago

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So your supported attacking aggressor and crazy dictator is a liberator and peacemaker, right

2 years ago

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Zelenskiy can stop this war in any moment. But he didn't want to do it. He want to fight until the last ukranian

2 years ago

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Of course, like every Hitler's enemy leader could stop WWII by capitulating to Hitler. Without bloodshed, but why?

2 years ago

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neo-nazi troll?

2 years ago

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Everyone who doesn't agree with you is a neo-nazi and faschist like for every Putin's scum

2 years ago

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немного про фабрику тролей.....
а вы тоже заметили как переобулся автор этого топика? вкинул он значит про язык и культуру...
а сейчас? - шапка кричит долой царя1 джоен ту нато ))))
а ещё говорят поляки норм поцаны.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

2 years ago

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Которого царя? На Украине президент, в РФии - фюррер. О каком царе ты вещаешь?

2 years ago

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коротко суть треда - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAOu0rtyKVI

2 years ago

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War... War never changes...

2 years ago

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*Sorry for text in russian, but it's hard for me to translate big text and google is not working good as I use many metaphors.

So long story short: Don't hate any social group. Please.

Я вообще очень не люблю писать про политику. Реагировать на чужие посты - да, но писать самому мне не хочется.... давайте я об этом и напишу, раз уж нас всех тут слегка поколачивает от стресса.

Что не так с постами про политику? 90% постов на политические темы - это обсуждение того, кого мы должны ненавидеть. Причём это не тенденция последних дней, это базовый подход. Это может быть ненависть к "врагам свободы" или к "убийцам" или к "капиталистам" или к "варварам". Но почти всегда это разговор про ненависть, причём ненависть массовую, ненависть к крупным социальным общностям.

Закройте окно, занавесьте шторы, выключите компьютер. Забудьте всё, что слышали о людях, задумайтесь о себе и своих близких. И в тишине скажите: а что, вы правда считаете что мы ДОЛЖНЫ ненавидеть людей(неважно каких)? Я даже не про поблекшую за годы мысль про "насилие - это не выход" и не про поблекшую за века "возлюби ближнего". Я про то, что деление людей на "своих" и "чужих"(нормальных/ненормальных) по признаку ненависти к другим - это что-то не то.... Это выстрел в голову собственной человечности, который нас просят, а порой и требуют сделать.

Я отказываюсь стрелять себе в голову.

Это не призыв к ненасилию или всепрощению. В нашем непростом мире есть место и наказанию и, порой, принуждению. Но не ненависть к другим людям должна их питать. И если вы прочитали этот текст как осуждение людей, которые ненавидят... прочитайте ещё раз. А потом закройте глаза и подумайте что делать со своей ненавистью.

Конечно я легко представляю как в ответ с любой стороны каждой баррикады в меня может сейчас полететь: "Как смеешь ты призывать успокоится, когда проклятые капиталисты/коммунисты/террористы/варвары творят ТАКОЕ!". Вот потому и смею, что с другой стороны скажут то же самое.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

2 years ago*

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Ну я писал о социальных группах, не о персоналиях.

Но вот если ты решишь расширить Путина хотя бы до "российских властей" (а я видел и расширение до "россиян") - представь себе что я писал текст, когда мне рассказывали что хохлофашистские власти хотят нас уничтожить. Это те же самые аргументы, но наизнанку. Меня они не прельщают ни в том, ни в другом виде.

И да, наказание - это наказание. Я специально про него написал. Но ненависть - это ненависть.... я отказываюсь стрелять себе в голову.

2 years ago

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пчел, зачем ты отвечаешь быдлу которое мыслит категориями. ты для него очередной "plutin" :)

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

2 years ago*

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я отказываюсь стрелять себе в голову

но не из кожаного пистолета, надеюсь?

2 years ago

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То есть не стоит ненавидеть правительство, виновное в гражданской войне на Украине, а теперь еще и развязавшее вину международную? Все ок, давайте подставим другую щеку? Да, ненавидеть весь наш народ - ненормально, но эта тема как раз отлично показывает, что вменяемые иностранцы прекрасно понимают, что проблема немножко не в нас с вами лично. Но да, я давно ненавижу этих людей, и я считаю, что это нормально. А по-вашему получается, что власть, которая сажает на 13 лет историка, разоблачавшего духовных отцов нынешних палачей, закрывает ребенка, читавшего Бакунина, объявляет страшными преступниками людей, расследовавших факты коррупции, убивает оппозиционных лидеров (и так далее, и тому подобное) - ненависти не достойна? Сейчас мальчиков-призывников заставляют подписывать контракты и отправляют на Украину (данные от "Комитета солдатских матерей"). Это не преступление простив своего народа? Почему я должна ограничивать свои эмоциональные реакции?

2 years ago

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Вы мне ничего не должны, но....
Есть вина, есть ответственность. Вина и ответственность конкретных лиц: неправосудные приговоры, принужденя к контрактам, развязывание войны (353 УК РФ между прочим).

А когда мы говорим абстрактная "власть" - мы разрешаем себе осуждать всех кто попал в эту категорию, вне зависимости от того, что они делали. И когда разрешаем себе абстрактную "власть" ненавидеть - разрешаем себе требовать кары для невиновных, лишь бы удовлетворить жажду мести.
Но требовать кару для невиновных - уничтожать свою гуманность.

Я отказываюсь стрелять себе в голову.

2 years ago

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Боже упаси, я не предлагаю как-то наказывать невиновных - и вообще, наказывать кого бы то ни было без суда. А ненависть моя (я не стесняюсь этого слова) распространяется на конкретных лиц - президента, его правительство, его дружков (вполне себе поименно), Думу и Совфед, единогласно поддержавших нынешнюю "военную операцию". На конкретных судей, выносивших неправосудные приговоры. Ну и да, к отдельным группам граждан вроде сотрудников Росгвардии, избивавших мирных протестующих у меня на глазах, или ФСИН с их пыточной системой трудно тепло относиться, конечно.

2 years ago

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Я на самом деле понимаю что это достаточно сложно: не хотеть врезать сотруднику Росгвардии после того ты видел что другие сотрудники избивали мирных протестующих.
Но это и делает нас людьми, как мне кажется - умение контролировать свои первые порывы и превращать их во что-то более конструктивное.

"И те, кого вы так настойчиво ненавидите, ненавидят то же самое, что и вы.

Больно всем. Но и счастье у всех одинаковое. Унижение, отчаяние, боль, страх... это простые понятия от которых страдают все, любой расы или пола.
А счастье - это когда их нет. Все хотят любить и быть любимыми, все хотят уюта и покоя. И когда вы, вы и стоящие рядом с вами, когда вы все осознаете, что вы все ненавидите простые, никому не нужные, несправедливые вещи..." (ц) Заговор Единорогов которым я вдохновлялся.

2 years ago

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Putin is insane! Today it's Ukraine. Tomorrow - Lithuania, Finland, Moldova and Poland. NATO, UN and USA are showing how impotent they are. Zero help to Ukraine! All these guys in suits talk about economical sanctions, while Putin and russian army are invading Ukraine. They are non-stop bombing cities with civilians and will not stop.

Stay strong Ukraine! Shame on whole world. People are more worried about black elves in new Lord of the Rings movies, than in absolutely real, disgusting, bloody war in Europe happening right now!

2 years ago

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The sanctions will hopefully start a civil war in Russia, while using armies will just make Russians side with Putin.

2 years ago

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I don't think this will happen, because Putin knows the people in Russia, most of people, are against him. They don't want to see Putin as a president. So to save his position, his stolen billions and his life Putin invested huge amount of money to build new militia and gave it full power versus civilians.

2 years ago

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официальный саундтрек этого треда - (арфаграфия сохранена, если что) -
это ассексуальный трек подойдёт как для агрессоров так и для жертв.

Korrozia Metalla - Niht Kapituliren

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago by a staff member, MSKOTOR.

2 years ago

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"we" need donate to UKR army?
better start onlyfans account with some glory "military" porn.

2 years ago

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Чот ты прям в истерику впал - отвечаешь невпопад... водички хлебни, дрочила!

2 years ago

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не стыдно за срыв покровов?

2 years ago

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Яких блять пакровов? проспись, пизда!

2 years ago

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у тебя ответов в этом треде больше чем у меня )) на момент поста.

2 years ago

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You sound like Putin.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

2 years ago*

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Need support!

View attached image.
2 years ago

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Like I wrote to OP, links to donations are not allowed on SG.

It would be better to link to this game that donates to red cross and write other ways to help are listed on your Steam profile.

2 years ago

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what if nato would have said: "No sorry ukrain you can not join us. It would create too much tention wit the russians." And on the same level the eu should have said 8 years ago: "no sorry ukrain you can not join eu. it would split ukraine and create a civil war"

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

2 years ago

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just wanted to point out that western powers also have their share in this situation we have now. interesting documentation ongoing since the beginning in 2014. mostly just video material without commentator https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU7LK-sN-gsmT6Zsh-hmxmQ its crazy that the main video on this channel from 3 years ago only has 18000 views.

2 years ago*

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no sorry ukraune you can not join UN it will anger Russia. no sorry ukraine you can not join WTO it will annoy Vladimir Vladimirovich. no sorry ukraine...ah sh*t here we go again. Take Ukraine!

2 years ago

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So Russia gets to bully everybody?

2 years ago

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With a pussy as a president what do you think? Biden is pissing himself right now. Look what he did in Afghanistan? What a coward

2 years ago

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NATO made it clear that a Ukraine membership wasn't on the table anytime soon if ever because of the situation with russia.

Anywho this isn't about NATO. It's about a failing economy due to years of an autocratic and kleptocratic regime that sees brute force as its only way to remain a "big" player on the world state. And, let's face it, it's about a 70 year old man who desperately tries to secure his place in world history as something other than the guy who failed to modernize russia....

It's petty, it's sad and it's all so completely unnecessary :/

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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The craziest thing about this is the reasoning behind it. I mean, with contemporary wars we imagine things like oil, irons, water... But Putin is actually trying to rebuild the Soviet Union. That's it. Truly a madman with too much power that wants even more power. So petty.

2 years ago

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Not sure if this information is correct, but there is a lot of reports about russian army moving to Georgia. Putin already started war with Georgia in 2008. It looks like he decided to invade it again.

STOP RUSSIA! World must wake up! New Hitler is spawned...

2 years ago

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Надеюсь, русопятышам отключат Steam вместе с карточками и PayPal к хуям собачьим. Штоб вся ихняя многолетняя дрочба на халявушку пошла прахом.

2 years ago

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Прощевай Стимгифтс, родненький, нам в ссаном Урюпинске будет тебя так не хватать... на халяву теперь - только цитатник Путина выдадут... и то только отличникам политической подготовки!

2 years ago

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Так тебя самого же отключат. Хотя сам стим вряд ли отключат, максимум отключат покупки. Так вроде в Крыму было. Да и то при условии, что соответствующие санкции введут.

2 years ago

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Я не могу понять, почему ты желаешь зла обычным россиянам? Что они тебе сделали? Все адекватные люди против войны, а ты только наоборот разжигаешь здесь межнациональные конфликты.

Чем ты отличаешься от ублюдского путина, общаясь на языке ненависти?

2 years ago

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Так это добро! Делом надо заниматься, а не в картинку дрочить. Кроме того, у нас по эту сторону останется Escape from Tarkov! Причем в реале!

2 years ago

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уже всё почалось. рыжехвост напиздел арчи - надо вводить санкции. (а тут он писал, на титульнике)
со следующего обновления ботофермы с ру локацией - упадут.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I'm sure if Putin wakes up tomorrow and decides to invade lets say Poland or Romania, no one and i mean NO ONE will oppose him. Think Biden will step up? Think again. The guy is a coward and an incompetent.

2 years ago

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100% That's why I can't understand why Poland doesn't help Ukraine. The whole NATO is completely useless.

2 years ago

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Poland is part of NATO some goes for Romania, Ukraine isn't. 2 different scenarios that don't compare.

As of why Poland or NATO doesn't help Ukraine. They can't send their of army there since Ukraine isn't part of NATO, so sending an army there would only drag more countries (and people) into a war. They're already doing what they can do with sanctions, taking in refugees and sending supplies and equipment to Ukraine. Doing more would mean being actively engage in the war itself, which would escalate the war further.

If you want something to be angry about, either be angry at Putin and/or at Germany, Italy and Cyprus for blocking the sanction to block Russia from SWIFT.

2 years ago*

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Only Trump can oppose Putin and MAGA

2 years ago

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Russia won't attack Poland or Romania. They are NATO countries, and Russia can't do anything against NATO. Even Putin himself said that.

2 years ago

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10,000 thousand elite muslim suicide troops from Kadyorov are departing to Ukraine today. Reminded me Jagged Alliance 2 scenes with dictator-queen, but this time it's serious and good to ukranians to send them all back in their coffins

2 years ago

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The following link is a Video from 2015. Take your time to understand this. Quote from video description: "John J. Mearsheimer, the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor in Political Science and Co-director of the Program on International Security Policy at the University of Chicago, assesses the causes of the present Ukraine crisis, the best way to end it, and its consequences for all of the main actors. A key assumption is that in order to come up with the optimum plan for ending the crisis, it is essential to know what caused the crisis. Regarding the all-important question of causes, the key issue is whether Russia or the West bears primary responsibility." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrMiSQAGOS4

2 years ago*

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Korrozia Metalla - Niht Kapituliren - (live!!11)

2 years ago

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in Europe neo-nazi jailed for manuals and ideology
Ukrainian neo-nazi walk with arms from Europe

bring peace!

2 years ago

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Путин: нацисты на Украине действуют как террористы, выставляют системы залпового огня в Киеве и Харькове

Roughly translated - Putin: Nazis in Ukraine act like terrorists, set up multiple launch rocket systems in Kiev and Kharkov
source : https://t.me/rian_ru/148687 - known propoganda channel

He`s actually trying to put blame on ukranians for trying to defend their country. That is mindblowing how anyone can still support putin. And there are still people who actually defend his actions by blaming others and feed upon this propoganda.

2 years ago

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To be more precise, he blames them that they can't be easily destroyed without causing significant damage to the city and civilians.

2 years ago

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Well, these people actually believe that Ukraine was going to invade Donbass and that its population needs saving from neo-nazis. Basically, they are full of anger they consider to be righteous - and yes, they think that this "military operation" (not a war, mind you!) is completely justified. In their minds, Russia is saving lives.

2 years ago

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Putin is making threats against Finland now. Guess who's next? Another White War?

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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it`s very clear and hidden by the West propaganda!

natzits and UA Government wiped their a55ses with a mandatory signed Document for 8 years continuing genocide against their OWN PEOPLE with the prohibited for use weapons.


everyone accountable like in WEST and within UA must be identified and face punishment for anti-humanity actions.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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"we have NATO who "saves" countries one-by-one"

Ask the residents of those countries who remember if they would prefer to be back under the Warsaw Pact... I'm guessing you won't see many hands raised. Perhaps there were people who knew this day was coming.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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"hundreds of thousands of innocent people" " uranium bombs, chemicals, napalm bombs"

Tell me you're a winger who makes up shit to fit their agenda without telling me you're a winger who makes up shit to fit their agenda. End of conversation.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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welcome to the club, buddy.
there are few who shares this opinion.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

2 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

2 years ago*

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Here's a three-copy GA for This War of Mine (for Russia only - damn regional limitations); all the money from the sales of the game this week will go to the Ukrainian Red Cross.

2 years ago

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а кому помогает Ukrainian Red Cross? я вижу только аккаунт в твитторе. твиттре.
лнр и днр в их списке помощи? а крыму? - ведь по данным полученным из интернетов. крым - это часть украины.

2 years ago*

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Не ври, никто их ни в Крым, ни в Донецк не пустит - пристрелят. Опять городишь хуйню.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Sorry to poke here with something like that, but posting links for money collection is not allowed on SG. Links to sales of game that support cause is all right though.

You can write in your OP post that users can read more on your Steam profile and leave the links there. We can't guarantee that money collection is always honest. Again, sorry about that.

Poland was liberated from Russian occupation / influence only around 30 years ago. It's crazy to think about it. I was literally first generation that was born in free Poland, all my cousins were born under puppet government steered by the Russia. My mum was forced to learn Russian in school. Good that Russia was too weak after USRR fall to be like "oh look, so many people in Poland speak russian, they are russians, they belong to russia, let's help them correct their ways!". Now basically no one can speak russian there.

On one end I think it would be good for Putin to finally kick the bucket. On the other hand I don't want to think what will happen there when he's gone. When they will jump on each other like rabid dogs, trying to secure power for themselves. Sad to see Russian people are caught in the middle, between crazy visions of authoritarian leaders and more democratic politicians that are sent to camps or assassinated...

2 years ago

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Poland was liberated from Russian occupation / influence only around 30 years ago // did putin do this? trump, hey hefner, joe bidon made this?

2 years ago

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No, his predecessors did. He's just next in line of authoritarian leaders that thought people in Russia don't need liberties. And get in power after previous bullies died or had to step down, as USRR was too weak to suppress democratic movements in countries they tried to subdue.

He could be something better, and instead just continued what Russia was doing for generations - dreaming of grandeur, trying to bully neighbors and look for external enemies in order to focus public opinion on something different than inside bad economy. But what else could he do, he would not be otherwise allowed to rule. Without support of Russian billionaires that benefit from current state of the country. Not from people having liberties.

2 years ago

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bully neighbors // bully nassi since 2000, that wrong

2 years ago

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ты жалок, твоя прапоганда таакже. 10-15 лет назал когда я был как бабуин.

2 years ago

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you are pathetic, your propaganda is the same. 10-15 years ago when I was like a baboon.

It kind of lost it's meaning in a translation? Not sure why you'd be like a baboon.
If you try to insult me then... well I have better things to do. Kind of counter productive to get angry over people that try to attack you on the internet. Also not possible, as we all knows there are no girls on the internet :)

2 years ago

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This was actually completely senseless in Russian as well.

2 years ago

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you're pathetic russian alkash

2 years ago

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wow, ur are nazi, collect the coins.

2 years ago

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There was user once calling everyone who they disagreed with a Naziiii. Not a fond memory.

And funny thing. In Poland if you see 1gr (it's 1/100 of 1zł, like 1 cent is 1/100 of a 1 dollar) you pick it up and put in your shoe as it brings luck. There is no custom like this in UK? So pennies just lay around on the ground and no one bothers. So I would look weird walking around, collecting coins :thinking:

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

2 years ago

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Thank you!

And again, sorry about it.

For a sec I was afraid that after this issue with refugees from middle west being used by Belarus as political weapon, Poland will try to be funky about Ukrainian refugees. But I read that they accept them without documents, provide shelter, try to simplify procedures (this could be done long time ago though...), offer free law help etc. So first time in many many years when I felt good to be a polish citizen. Let's hope it will run well and not be only for initial show off..

2 years ago

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Closed 6 months ago by cg.