that's rac- oh, wait. we're talking about white men. it's okay then.
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Faces of Michael and Max was modelled from voice actors
P.S.: Excuse me for my English
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Welp MP 1 and 2 was made by Remedy (those who made the Alan Wake series) and the third one was entirely made by Rockstar so their ideologies of the franchise are of course different that's why you have a different vibe than the previous ones :V
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Shoot that's right! MP3 was made by Rockstar, hence the GTA vibe OP talked about, personally I adored MP1 and MP3, haven't played MP2 yet
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Personally I prefer MP1 over than 2, but don't take it as MP2 is bad because I played it with my PS2 and the controls were kinda awkward (at least for me)
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yeah i know ;), i just was kinda disappointed now when i started to play MP3 that it was too much GTA, especially with all the animations and dialogue which dont fit for a MP game in my opinion... the comic strip presentation was so unique and not as long as those stupid cutscenes go. with all the filters.
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MP3 is a blast man! Yes, it's not the same dark and sinister atmosphere from MP1 (Lupino was the most memorable character for me) but it's one of the best TPS I've ever played, tons of fun and a nice story, as always a little over the top but hey, it's MAX FCKING PAYNE! He closes bullet holes and stops hemorrhage with just a couple of pills and we like him like that.
Give him a try, do not expect a dark and twisted story but a more urban story about gangs, corruption and betrayal, in which you need to open your ways across tons and tons of human filth, it's the same gameplay we love with a new flavour.
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Max Payne 3 (I refuse to call it MP3) is a great game, you should really give it a chance.
Your comment about Mona makes you sound like one of those women-hating stereotypes. Seriously, you don't like her, but she's in no way a female dog.
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MP1 was really cool, MP2 had def a different tone, maybe trying a bit too hard?? idk., i liked MP3 the action is great but it def feels like building upon MP2 rather than 1, still i would say all 3 games are worth playing.
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yup u put it on point! as you say it and i remember it and rethought now MP2 was feeling like it pushed itself too much, i also didnt like how they changed the dialogue in it "FUCK, FUCK FUCKING". MP1 showed how grritty and dark it was without having needed profanity (i love profanity! but in MP2 it felt like it wanted to be much cooler....).
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Are you fucking kidding? Max Payne 2 is BETTER than Max Payne. First of all, the story is AMAZING. It's like a neo-noir graphic novel. And for that reason Mona was A FANTASTIC character. Because what neo-noir novel is complete without a dame to die/kill for?
The themes it explored: getting a new shot at love and a chance to rebuild a broken life, the guilt of doing so... Do we just forget our loved ones and move on? Can we really do that? Having blind faith in a friend, only for a friendship to be torn apart by love? Another one torn apart by betrayal... Was Vladimir ever Max's friend? Was the lady cop his friend? When did she stop being? And did she really betray him just out of love fro Vladimir? Love certainly makes us do crazy things. But can Max really judge her? Did he not risk everything for Mona too? That sex scene between the two of them...incredible. One could actually picture one's self in Max's shoes and almost experience all the feelings he had in those moments. And Mona's tragic death, followed by Vlad's horrendous one at the hands of the man he still called his best friend, despite trying to have killed. How can that compare to Max killing some useless tool of a broad who sold madness inducing drugs on the streets and whom Max never even knew until working that case and losing his family? Two times Max got his revenge, but both times in was empty, hollow, meaningless... Because the first game was just the beginning of his spiral towards self-destruction. This is a man that tried to rebuild his life after a terrible tragedy that would have sent any other to the loony bin and the second time was an even bigger fail than the first. It's a grim exploration of fate and how some people can't ever find happiness, no matter how much they try. Mona was PIVOTAL to Max's character ark, because only through a new love could Max try to put his family's death behind him. And she had to be portrayed the way she was, because she had to be the complete opposite of the women that Max thought made up his type, the complete opposite of his wife Oh yeah, let's nto forget how the monologues are incredible.
As for the game-play, it''s the same fucking game!!! Why would you complain? Having a more varied assortment of weapons? Imagine that... How awful... Playing with Mona? Really? It was short-lived, for once and also, it was AWESOME!!!! Mona having bullet-time proved how she was the same as Max, only the complete opposite, two sides of the same coin, two numbers equal in module, but with different signs, Even the game-play in this game served the story. And Mona is BAD-ASS. She wields a Dragunov, ffs (aka best weapon in history). Imagine if in a Humphrey Bogart movie, the female lead, instead of being some rich, high society, lying, damsel in distress is instead a hired assassin that fights together side by side with him. How is that anything but awesome? Well, understand that Max Payne is a Humphrey Bogart character put in a game. That's why poor Marky Mark could NEVER have played this character well in a million years. He just doesn't have the talent.
And there are a slew of other improvements over the original, like better graphics (no more horrible, nightmare inducing facial expressions from the characters), better level design, the comic-book strip cut-scenes are much more evocative and stylized, the painkillers are much more reliable and consistent (don't heal different amounts of damage in different situations), no more stupid escort mission trying to save a companion with an imbecilic AI. Better game in EVERY WAY. Only down-side to it is that it's tad shorter than the original, but all awesome things come in small packages.
Saying that Max Payne 2 is a disappointment just proves you're very shallow and lack the understanding of subtle undertones that is required for a game of this caliber of complexity. Go ahead and [play Max Payne 3. You'll love it, it's a good game, undeniably .But it's nowhere near as profound or heart-ache inducing as the other two, especially the second one. the story is just Max complaining and being a whiny bitch about how his life sucks, despite the fact that he lives in fucking Brazil now and his rich employers pay him to be a douche, getting attendance to luxurious yacht parties, getting hit one by beautiful women and getting drunk, which is his favorite activity. It does have its shares of complexities and tells it how it is:neither black nor white, slipping somewhere in there the pain of one getting old and useless, but pales severely when looking back at what was. And you only play as Max.. There, you got your wish if that's all you think matters... Happy now?
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u are the type of persons who cannot accept other peoples' opinions, some close friends also consider MP2 as the weakest of MP1 and MP2. so sorry im not the only one, maybe u should consider freedom of speech? i wrote why i didnt like MP2 like i did with MP1. this doesnt mean u need to accept it ;).
again i need to play more MP3 i just wasnt impressed within the hour i played, only from the actiongameplay but too much blabla and gta dialogue. i always was skeptical with the scenario and bald max payne. i prefer the comic strips 100% more than those idiotic overfiltered cutscenes which take too long.
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I gave a reason why everything you said was bollocks. Hell, I gave MANY REASONS. I have no seen a pertinent one that can counter-argue anything of what I said. I bet you didn't even read them. Did you even listen to yourself? when you wrote that? You hate on a game because of a brief window in which you play with anther character. How deeply profound and intelligent. And also that character's a woman, which you did not hesitate to specify as a negative... Let's add misogyny to your list of beautiful traits, shall we?
Your only counter-argument is the very stupid and whiny one of : "it's my opinion, accept it". Same one I hear from every prick who's not capable of justifying his statements from a lack of neuron power. Well how's this: "Your opinion STUPID". And you're a shallow idiot. Max Payne is all about the story. And the one in Max Payne 2 is one of the best in video game history. But of course someone this shallow will NEVER understand that. I bet you didn't even notice all the Norse mythology symbolism in the first game(winter, desolation, Ragnarok, Valkyries, Valhalla) which you claim you love so much, nor what the dream sequences meant and what their purpose was to the story-telling. You may like that game, but you sure as hell don't understand it.
And Max Payne 3 has absolutely nothing in common with any GTA game. They changed the tone and feeling, but game-play wise it's Max Payne, only with a half-ass cover system, less weapons to carry, some crappy level design, not as agile as ever and A LOT harder (because it has more enemies and less painkiller). Which I can understand seeing how Max is an old fart now. Did I like that he made himself look like a douche by shaving his head? No, but that's not a reason to deter me from playing the game.
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again i meant the look and dialogue style + animations @gta..... please try and read again ;).
no one can deny the writing, scripting is MUCH different and more GTA-like than MP1 + 2. + the look and toning, while MP1+2 was more realistic and film noir looking.
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Wait, you hear that? No? I think it's the sound of me not giving a fuck.
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Wow, seriously?
You're the one acting like a whiny prick. Stop being an overbearing asshole. You sound like an Art director who thinks everyone is just an idiot because they're not smart enough like you.
Master Yoda would not be pleased with you.
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Dude insulted one of my favorite games ever and worse yet, did it under the guise that he's a fan of Max Payne. If he really was, he'd understand what Max Payne is about... So of course I reacted and gave him a piece of my mind. Sue me!
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Moma, they insulted my favourite game,
Edit: Ok, the "cry baby" remark was uncalled for
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WOW..some people can't take critique. And I'm the cry-bay...
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Um, didn't you see I already removed the "cry baby" remark before you replied?
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Matters not. When saying something, one has to expect negative backlash, as not everyone will agree with him, Telling someone he shouldn't tell you his point of view means censorship. We, in the civilized democratic countries have given up on that. And what media is more democratic than the Internet. In other words, if you can't take the heat, stay out of the fucking kitchen. I didn't tell my mom someone insulted my favorite game, I got out and expressed my own opinion about it, all by my lonesome. Patronize me all you want, but at least I have some bollocks in my pants and am not a kiss-ass like you. Oooh, poor OP... did I hurt his feelings? Why don't you kiss it (his ass) and make it all better?
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i remember playing mp1 for hours, probably went over 200hs at that time when i was really young :3 spend much less with mp2, played it once and when i finished it i never touched it again.
i saw some friends playing mp3 and it looked really awesome (at least the 30mins i watched).
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Considering that the only GTA game that looks even remotely like Max Payne 3 is GTA V, I don't understand why you think Max Payne 3 was too GTA like. If anything, it would be the opposite. Don't forget that Max Payne 3 is not a direct sequel to Max Payne 2. It's a reimagining of the series on next gen systems.
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well look at the toning and style
MP3 definitely has more of the ROCKSTEADY GTA-like look of faces etc. MP1+2 looked more real in my opinion. + as i already said you can hear the whole writing of rocksteady with so much blabla and GTA-like cutscenes. i dont say it's bad, it's just sadly not the MP feel :/
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Play & think of them as standalones. it'll make the pain go away. there ain't gonna be another max payne 1.
arguing with people like masteryoda will only make it worse.
walls of text bashed over internet stranger who stick to there opinion with superglue & duct tape & for what? no positive outcome at the end of thread.
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I also consider MP1 as one of the best games ever, its atmosphere was amazing! I really enjoyd MP2 as well, I found it a totally worthy sequel. Now, MP3 is a really good game, with great graphics and interesting plot. But despite my feelings for the franchise I can't say I enjoyed it as much as the first two. Maybe the years have passed and I don't enjoy hardcore shooters as I used to, maybe MP is for me connected with spooky and dark urban atmosphere. That said, I still consider MP3 as a very good game itself...
I had a similar feeling for Mafia II. I consider the first Mafia as the best game I've ever played. Though Mafia II was a very good game itself, I couldn't get of my mind the atmosphere the first game had.
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im also an older gamer now but i dont think it's the issue. if you go back to older games (no they are not always that great! and new games improved some mechanics!) then i know what im missing in newer games. e.g. FPS games, i miss the NON-linear and over the top action with silly comments and secrets etc. without 5 minute cutscenes....
as for MP, i think this confirms it already, the small part i played i enjoyed the action a lot, i would consider already that the gameplaymechanics are the best in MP3 maybe but the rest not, i connect MP to more film noir!
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I really enjoyed MP3. The beginning is a bit jarring, since we're used to Max in a gritty, noir world, but things develop nicely. The story progresses, and eventually you realize that it doesn't need to be solely shades of black to make a noir-game. The game is brutal and dark, even when Max is wearing a flowery Hawaiian shirt.
Plus, the mechanics in MP3 are great. The Bullet-time has evolved nicely, and the physics interact well with windows/furniture/etc, including what happens when you miss a window.
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someone who understands what i am saying :)! im sad that TEQUE's music wasnt in the game!
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ouch im expecting this............... well i still have 95% to play ;), but sounds not well in my opinion. seems i just have to enjoy the action and say good bye to my beloved MP1 + (2) character.
remember the whole beginning of MP1? so badass gritty and HARD BOILED-like....
i remember how often i watched those trailers....
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Whatever we may think of the Max Payne games, there is something we can all agree on:
The movie sucked.
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im a MP1 fan since the first announcement (you remember the different graphics, enemies etc. and countless delays?), MP1 is for me one of the best games ever made. MP2 was sadly for me a letdown in many aspects, many think it's a worthy sequel, i dont like it so much as MP1 and remedy wasnt doing a favor in my opinion, why? music was worse (remember those pumping adrenaline songs?), the story was lacking and too linear, mona as a char ... man i wanted to play max only not a bitch which didnt fit... the action however was great as always.
i just started MP3, normally i didnt want to as i didnt want to have my vision about MP fucked up further. but it got great reviews and i just played it until chapter 2..... well cannot say much yet, the action seems to feel great, the presentation worse with all those GTA graphicstyle (the faces etc.) i like gta a lot but somehow this MP3 feels too much GTA presentationwise and talkingwise. gone is the dark sinister atmosphere with south america and too much talking idiots as clients. i need to play further, im hoping that it will get much better and more MP1 + 2 instead of more GTA atmosphere.
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