It all comes down to this...


Final Match:

July 13 - 16:00 GERMANY (1-0) ARGENTINA Estadio do Maracana, Rio De Janeiro (FINAL MATCH)



--Group Stage--

*June 12 - BRAZIL (3-1) CROATIA Group A, Arena Corinthians, Sao Paulo*

*June 13 - MEXICO (1-0) CAMEROON Group A, Estadio das Dunas, Natal*

*June 13 - SPAIN (1-5) NETHERLANDS Group B, Arena Fonte Nova, Salvador*

*June 13 - CHILE (3-1) AUSTRALIA Group B, Arena Pantanal, Cuiabá*

*June 14 - COLOMBIA (3-0) GREECE Group C, Estadio Mineirao, Belo Horizonte*

*June 14 - URUGUAY (1-3) COSTA RICA Group D, Estadio Castelao, Fortaleza*

*June 14 - ENGLAND (1-2) ITALY GROUP D, Arena Amazonia, Manaus*

*June 14 - CÔTE D'IVOIRE (2-1) JAPAN Group C, Arena Pernambuco, Recife*

*June 15 - SWITZERLAND (2-1) ECUADOR Group E, Estadio Nacional, Brasilia*

*June 15 - FRANCE (3-0) HONDURAS Group E, Estadio Beira-Rio, Porto Alegre*

*June 15 - ARGENTINA (2-1) BOSNIA/HERZEGOVINA Group F, Maracanã - Estádio Jornalista Mário Filho, Rio De Janeiro*

*June 16 - GERMANY (4-0) PORTUGAL Group G, Arena Fonte Nova, Salvador*

*June 16 - IRAN (0-0) NIGERIA Group F, Arena da Baixada, Curitiba*

*June 16 - GHANA (1-2) USA Group G, Estadio das Dunas, Natal*

*June 17 - BELGIUM (2-1) ALGERIA Group H, Estadio Mineirao, Belo Horizonte*

*June 17 - BRAZIL (0-0) MEXICO Group A, Estadio Castelao, Fortaleza*

*June 17 - RUSSIA (1-1) KOREA REPUBLIC Group H, Arena Pantanal, Cuiabá*

*June 18 - AUSTRALIA (2-3) NETHERLANDS Group B, Estadio Beira-Rio, Porto Alegre*

*June 18 - SPAIN (0-2) CHILE Group B, Maracanã - Estádio Jornalista Mário Filho, Rio De Janeiro*

*June 18 - CAMEROON (0-4) CROATIA Group A, Arena Amazonia, Manaus*

*June 19 - COLOMBIA (2-1) CÔTE D'IVOIRE Group C, Estadio Nacional, Brasilia*

*June 19 - URUGUAY (2-1) ENGLAND Group D, Arena Corinthians, Sao Paulo*

*June 19 - JAPAN (0-0) GREECE Group C, Estadio das Dunas, Natal*

*June 20 - ITALY (0-1) COSTA RICA Group D, Arena Pernambuco, Recife*

*June 20 - SWITZERLAND (2-5) FRANCE Group E, Arena Fonte Nova, Salvador*

*June 20 - HONDURAS (1-2) ECUADOR Group E, Arena da Baixada, Curitiba*

*June 21 - ARGENTINA (1-0) IRAN Group F, Estadio Mineirao, Belo Horizonte*

*June 21 - GERMANY (2-2) GHANA Group G, Estadio Castelao, Fortaleza*

*June 21 - NIGERIA (1-0) BOSNIA/HERZEGOVINA Group F, Arena Pantanal, Cuiabá*

*June 22 - BELGIUM (1-0) RUSSIA Group H, Maracanã - Estádio Jornalista Mário Filho, Rio De Janeiro*

*June 22 - SOUTH KOREA (2-4) ALGERIA Group H, Estadio Beira-Rio, Porto Alegre*

*June 22 - USA (2-2) PORTUGAL Group G, Arena Amazonia, Manaus*

*June 23 - NETHERLANDS (2-0) CHILE Group B, Arena Corinthians, Sao Paulo*

*June 23 - AUSTRALIA (0-3) SPAIN Group B, Arena da Baixada, Curitiba*

*June 23 - CAMEROON (1-4) BRAZIL Group A, Estadio Nacional, Brasilia*

*June 23 - CROATIA (1-3) MEXICO Group A, Arena Pernambuco, Recife*

*June 24 - ITALY (0-1) URUGUAY Group D, Estadio das Dunas, Natal*

*June 24 - COSTA RICA (0-0) ENGLAND Group D, Estadio Mineirao, Belo Horizonte*

*June 24 - JAPAN (1-4) COLOMBIA Group C, Arena Pantanal, Cuiabá*

*June 24 - GREECE (2-1) CÔTE D'IVOIRE Group C, Estadio Castelao, Fortaleza*

*June 25 - NIGERIA (2-3) ARGENTINA Group F, Estadio Beira-Rio, Porto Alegre*

*June 25 - BOSNIA/HERZEGOVINA (3-1) IRAN Group F, Arena Fonte Nova, Salvador*

*June 25 - HONDURAS (0-3) SWITZERLAND Group E, Arena Amazonia, Manaus*

*June 25 - ECUADOR (0-0) FRANCE Group E, Estadio do Maracana, Rio De Janeiro*

*June 26 - PORTUGAL (2-1) GHANA Group G, Estadio Nacional, Brasilia*

*June 26 - USA (0-1) GERMANY Group G, Arena Pernambuco, Recife*

*June 26 - SOUTH KOREA (0-1) BELGIUM Group H, Arena de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo*

*June 26 - ALGERIA (1-1) RUSSIA Group H, Arena da Baixada, Curitiba*

Group A: Brazil (7), Mexico (7), Croatia (3), Cameroon (0)

Group B: Netherlands (9), Chile (6), Spain (3), Australia (0)

Group C: Colombia (9), Greece (4), Ivory Coast (3), Japan (1)

Group D: Costa Rica (7), Uruguay (6), Italy (3), England (1)

Group E: France (7), Switzerland (6), Ecuador (4), Honduras (0)

Group F: Argentina (9), Nigeria (4), Bosnia-Herzegovina (3), Iran (1)

Group G: Germany (7), USA (4), Portugal (4), Ghana (1)

Group H: Belgium (9), Algeria (4), Russia (2), South Korea (1)

--Round of 16--

*June 28 - BRAZIL (1-1 (PSO 3-2)) CHILE Estadio Mineirao, Belo Horizonte*

*June 28 - COLOMBIA (2-0) URUGUAY Estadio do Maracana, Rio De Janeiro*

*June 29 - NETHERLANDS (2-1) MEXICO Estadio Castelao, Fortaleza*

*June 29 - COSTA RICA (1-1 (PSO 5-3)) GREECE Arena Pernambuco, Recife*

*June 30 - FRANCE (2-0) NIGERIA Estadio Nacional, Brasilia*

*June 30 - GERMANY (2-1) ALGERIA Estadio Beira-Rio, Porto Alegre*

*July 1 - ARGENTINA (1-0) SWITZERLAND Arena de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo*

*July 1 - BELGIUM (2-1) USA Arena Fonte Nova, Salvador*

--Quarter Finals--

*July 4 - FRANCE (0-1) GERMANY Estadio do Maracana, Rio De Janeiro*

*July 4 - BRAZIL (2-1) COLOMBIA Estadio Castelao, Fortaleza*

*July 5 - ARGENTINA (1-0) BELGIUM Estadio Nacional, Brasilia*

*July 5 - NETHERLANDS (0-0 (PSO 4-3)) COSTA RICA Arena Fonte Nova, Salvador*

--Semi Finals--

*July 8 - BRAZIL (1-7) GERMANY Estadio Mineirao, Belo Horizonte*

*July 9 - NETHERLANDS (0-0 PSO (2-4)) ARGENTINA Arena de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo*

--Play-Off For Third Place--

*July 12 - BRAZIL (0-3) NETHERLANDS Estadio Nacional, Brasilia*

*7/9 EDIT: Oh yeah, there are some giveaways too. They all end at kickoff on Sunday. x5 COPIES x5 COPIES x4 COPIES

1 decade ago*

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MY BOSS OWES ME LUNCH!!!!! Great match!!!!

9 years ago

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Great, great game!!!! Gotta feel for Messi, but I'm pretty sure we all would have choked there

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Neuer's such a beast.

9 years ago

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Absolutely fantastic cup.

9 years ago

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Germany <3
Damn, I'm so fucking proud of my second home country <3

9 years ago

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I can't imagine how bad it must feel to go up and collect the silver medals for Argentina. The World Cup trophy is right there in their faces! :-(

9 years ago

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Aaaaaaand Germany ! Well , Congrats guys !gotta feel for messi too. Oh well , It was such a great match and a great cup too ! :)

9 years ago

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Deutschland über alles! Herzlichen Glückwunsch Deutschland!
--- from a foreigner fan since 1996

9 years ago

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Repeating myself from another thread: FIFA is incredibly biased and corrupt... Golden ball to Messi? Golden glove to Neuer? No way in hell.

9 years ago

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Yeah, Golden glove had to go to either Guillermo Ochoa, Keylor Navas or Tim Howard.

9 years ago

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Indeed. Probably Navas though, of those three you mentioned he was the only one to be nominated, and he definitely deserved it. Howard did too.

9 years ago

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This article does a great job at outlining why the "flashy" goalkeeping of this cup doesn't necessarily translate into the "best" goalkeeping. Neuer thoroughly deserved the award.

9 years ago

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Neuer deserved it way more than any other keeper in the cup.

9 years ago

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Trust FIFA to leave a bad taste at the end of a great competition. Neuer deserved his I think, but Messi no.

9 years ago

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Yeah I just saw that, kind of a weird choice for Messi

9 years ago

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Hell, I'm surprised FIFA didn't try to find some way to give it to Neymar as a consolation gift to Brazil.

9 years ago

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Oh man, i love WC finals.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Good game Germany, great match, awesome goal. it was a legit victory, no one can say the opposite... My sincere congrats.

now, shame on the Brazilians cheering for Germany... shame on them... much shame.

Last bump to my Bioshock GA.
great cup.

Mascherano, Idolo Nacional!

also, that WAS a penalty :(
9 years ago

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Yeah we did it !!!

Da sind wir nach 24 Jahren Meister geworden !

9 years ago

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A good end to an excellent WC. Would have preferred Argentina to win, but I guess Germany deserved it a little more. Best World Cup I've seen. The change from the horrible defensive tactics in the last WC was excellent, so much to enjoy and remember from this WC. And now it's 2 years until the Euros... D: Only 4 weeks until the Premier League starts though!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Official member of the reddit army here.

I like Germany as a soccer team, but as a country most of them arn't following the true religion of Atheism. They are filthy Christian and Protestant people and they need to be crushed, if or you happen to spot one of these people here on youtube or any other website please inform the le reddit army by posting their location on r/atheism and we will send some seasoned members to combat their faith.

and remember Reddit is our headquarters, youtube is our battle ground! we are the LE REDDIT ARMIE!

Le Reddit General Jack D signing out.


9 years ago

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Every other main contender relied too much on one or two players. The way I see it the germans were the only ones with both world-class players and a game plan that could deal with a few of them underperforming, like Özil did yesterday. The one true team came out on top and that's the way it should be.

As for individual awards, Neuer was the obvious choice for the Golden Glove. Messi being awarded the Golden Ball is a joke though. He wasn't even the best argentine. Pogba getting Young Player is a fine choice, Colombia netting the Fair Play award probably made many a Neymar fan do a double-take though.

9 years ago

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Got to be proud of the Anti-Gambling committee in my country for correctly predicting that Germany will win.

Anti-Gambling Ad Backfires spectacularly

Jimmy Fallon's take


9 years ago

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Yo, peeps who have won the giveaways. If I haven't contacted you yet, feel free to add me on Steam

9 years ago

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most have been sent out, one or two stragglers left.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Closed 3 years ago by doctorofjournalism.