So I went ahead and bought the new Indie Royale. Only after buying did I realize that I own every Steam key on that bundle already. Oh well. I went ahead and made an interesting (I hope) puzzle.

It's based off my screenshots because I'm an attention whore. I expect this to be quite easy due to the fact that Steam will actually tell you what game this screenshot is from.

Please don't share answers and don't share the giveaways. If you're absolutely sure you're entering the correct answer but it doesn't accept it, try the alternative variants and see if this works. I provided a bunch of answer variants to almost all the questions so you should find the accepted form. If you're 100% positive you're correct and I'm wrong, shoot me a message on Steam and tell me what you think.

Anyway, the giveaways end in about 48 hours (I think). I will share the answers here once the giveaways are closed. There are no contribution requirements. And yes I know I will not get the contribution score. Enjoy.

Shit, I pressed 'save' without double-checking. A couple of fixes:

Q16: The girl on the left.
Q8: No, not that one you immediately thought of.
Q3: Wording is a little vague, you need to enter the name of the character that is famous for wielding this type of weapon on a TV show.
Q9: Vague wording again, I guess it's hard to do intonations in written form. The screenshot has nothing to do with the question, only the name of the game does.
Q4: The post-it is not the arrow I was thinking of when I created the question. Look at the long arrow.
Q4: By actual part of the world I meant above ground but just the name, without the designation will still work as an answer.

Snapshot, AAAAAAaa - reckless disregard for gravity, Fieldrunners and Snuggle truck are the prizes.

Edit. Answers:

Q1: Nightingale armor
Q2: Kate Beckett
Q3: Xena (the weapons are chakrams)
Q4: Pacific Ocean (the map is actually a map of tectonic plates colored in by a madman, so the yellow one is a Pacific tectonic plate, just the “Pacific” would be an accepted answer)
Q5: Samantha Traynor
Q6: Katamari Damacy
Q7: Veronica Mars
Q8: Bastila Shan
Q9: Sam Lake (the guy who gave his face to Max Payne in the original game)
Q10: N99 10mm pistol (“10mm pistol” was alright too)
Q11: Jessamine Kaldwin
Q12: Your
Q13: Coal (yes it is used in locomotives but Horses can move on their own, hence the inherent locomotive abilities)
Q14: Lalo Schifrin (the writer for the original Theme from Mission Impossible, okay I had to google that)
Q15: Halo 4 (it was Geoff Keighley and Doritos/Mountain Dew)
Q16: Emma de Vrijer (just Emma is fine)

1 decade ago*

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I have consulted myself with like 6 people irl, and nofuckingbody can get the 4rth question

1 decade ago

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Either they looked at it for 5 seconds or you need to find people who aren't zeros at geography. Can't you see the basic outlines? :\

1 decade ago

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Just try entering the name part of your answer without the designation. That will work, too.

1 decade ago

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Some of those were really hard. Thanks for the giveaways!

1 decade ago

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45 minutes until it ends and I post the answers. If you want to enter the giveaways, you better hurry up with the solving!

1 decade ago

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Answers posted! Thanks to everybody who played!

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by CaspianRoach.