8 years ago

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8 years ago

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i cringe whenever i think how i was when i was fifteen.

8 years ago

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What have happened when you was 15? I also cringe when I think of some actions I did in the past.

8 years ago

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The main thing is that I remember writing fanfics filled with suicidal angst, mass shootings, and rapey relationships.
They were Lilo & Stitch: the Series fanfics.

I was a brat.

8 years ago

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"Bend over."

8 years ago

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Closeups of insects :X
People who drive under the speed limit.
Stupid people.
People in general.
The smell of rancid meat.
That slimy crap on the outside of raw chicken.
Brussel sprouts.
Whiney people.
Roseanne Barr.

I should just stop here :X

8 years ago

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i read roseanne bearr :3

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8 years ago

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You know her feet stink at the end of the day. -_-

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8 years ago

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OMG, lots of things.

  1. Daylight Savings Time it's Daylight Saving Time
  2. irregardless it's not a word...they might mean "irrespective of"
  3. misuse of its vs. it's. "its" is possessive. "it's" is a contraction of "it is"
  4. red delicious apple peels. okay, I know this one is on me...but biting into a red delicious apple peel is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me
  5. people (especially women) who call themselves stupid.
  6. and more!
8 years ago*

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Daylight Saving Times, got it. :3

#5 ... ;_;

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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yes, bananas too

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8 years ago

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In truth? I'm going to offend people because there's a lot... Conspiracy nuts, power-abusing moderators who get way too much sense of importance from a rather meaningless and insignificant role (in the grander scheme of things...), people who write "definate" or "u" instead of "you", everything on r/iamverysmart, weeaboos, trump supporters, most people on 4chan, the Oscar nominations controversy, the Kardashians, Kanye West, obsessive boy band fan girls, people who are against vaccines and vehemently detest GMOs, people who are against technology and Science, people who think video games cause violence, white knight "nice guys", Tumblr-esque social justice warriors, feminazis, recent western feminism, sociopaths, sprouts, meatheads with no intellect whatsoever, "fck boys", duck face or the way most teen girls seem to act/pose in selfies, boys as well, almost any Facebook post especially those #relationshipgoals ones, people who react to obvious bait or trolling, kids or teens trying to act tough and threatening, people trying to act like a fictional character or pretending to be someone they obviously aren't, hipsters and their opposites (people trying to live a "model" life, as if their life were on a TV show. Lots of Starbucks accompanied by a false sense of realism and identity).

(Deep breath)

Doomsday predictions (2012...), people who think the world is getting worse, people who think humanity as a whole is evil or bad, and act like they're in some way enlightened, special or apart from the rest, double standards, people who are too easily offended or sensitive, people who don't understand the purpose of humour or can't take a joke, people who can't understand that how good art/music is, is based solely on subjectivity, people who watch way too much motivational videos and attend way too many motivational talks, those with too much nationalism, Americans who think they're the centre of the world, PewDiePie, Markiplier's laugh, any fake laugh, sob story chick flick films, people who think it's okay for women to hit men, but not okay for men to do anything of the sort back, people who think making jokes or jibes against white people as a race is perfectly okay, but that done towards black people is pure racism that should not be tolerated, fake prank videos and those who refuse to realise they're fake prank videos, edgy people, and finally self obsessed people (ie: those people who feel the need to write an essay in their Steam profile). And having said all this, I could still go on...

8 years ago*

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After many edits I think I'm finally done. :p

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm with you on about 65% of those (of the ones that I knew what you were talking about). But while it's not okay for women to hit men, it is never okay for men to do anything of the sort back. If a woman hits a man, it sucks and it may feel unfair. But if a man hits a woman, it can change her life.

8 years ago

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"it can change her life" How exactly? A normal punch won't kill anybody, and I'm sure the man would suffer worse from doing anything of the sort. If a woman hits a man, people's first thought would be that the guy did something wrong. But if a guy just retaliates though? If he even just pushes her in self defence? Well then he's automatically a coward, a sexist pig and I'm sure everyone who hears will want to cut ties with him, or come to the woman's defence.

Violence is violence, and it's not a good thing whatever the case. But people should also stand up for themselves and not take bullcrap or abuse. If someone hits you, or knowingly tries to push you to the certain point, they should expect to get hit back, man or woman. And this is equality. Why I say this makes me cringe, is because there's many double standards involved, and hypocrisy as well. People today want to abolish female gender roles, they want women to be treated the same as men and thus as equals. And yet, they still expect chivalry and most of the gender roles that apply to men. This is equality as it suits them, a thing that is certainly NOT equality and NOT fair. Hopefully this explains my logic a bit better. :)

And yes, you can say proper equality has it's faults, because it does. But if they really want "equality", they should be prepared to accept them. Because if not, it's fair to one side and unfair to the other, which directly contradicts the very meaning and definition of equality in the first place. To show another popular issue facing this problem, I could also bring up the whole military requirements thing, wherein people want them lowered for women... Women SHOULD be allowed to join and do just the same things as men, that IS equality, but not under or with special treatment! Isn't that the very thing they want to avoid in so many other areas? (Where it doesn't benefit them...).

8 years ago*

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Bedtime. But I'll be back in the AM. :)

8 years ago

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I meant a psychological change, not a physical one. If a woman if resorting to hitting a guy, she probably needs some kind of counseling or anger management herself-- like you say, violence is violence. But responding with violence is also violence (whether against a man or a woman). Now if she coming at you with a knife or gun, yeah, okay. Defend yourself or your family. But other than that, restraining her is a much better response, IMO, than hitting her back. Or better yet, just get away from her and let her cool down.

If you think there's a double-standard, then, yeah, maybe there is. But I'm pretty sure there are a lot more double-standards and inequalities that women have to deal with than we do. That said, I believe one of the worst things a woman can do is goad or otherwise physically provoke a man, knowing that he "can't" retaliate.

I'm not familiar with the military requirements issue, but as far as combat operations (soldiers), I do agree that the same physical standards should be used for both genders. Man or woman, you can't be too weak to be a soldier and be a liability in combat, because it puts everybody at risk. Maybe it's more complicated than that, but off-hand it seems pretty simple.

8 years ago

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"psychological damage" I'm sorry, what? I think you're a lot closer to sexism than I am, it seems. Women aren't these helpless frail creatures you're portraying them as lol. On average they're weaker, but a hit or a shove isn't going to give them ptsd or anything. They're not THAT different to men...

And "restraining her" certainly doesn't always work. Kicking? Biting? If a person is intent on fighting or provoking you, holding their arms in the air isn't going to work out. You do realise police use handcuffs, tasers and get criminals to lay on the ground for a reason? Women can be just as violent as men. "But I'm pretty sure there are a lot more double-standards and inequalities that women have to deal with than we do". Inequalities? Maybe. But double-standards? No, certainly not. Most double standards have been a result of modern day feminism not knowing when to stop or how to do equality right.

As for the last part of that paragraph, I fully agree, and that's why reacting to it should be allowed to the same extent it is with men. Or at least, without all that stigma. Millions of women do just that, I could get dozens of videos to show it right now, and it really isn't pretty. I'm not saying violence is good, or hitting people. But no one should be able to take advantage of another so easily, and I think if a women hits you repeatedly, and tries to provoke you, you should be able to retaliate, not to the same extent as if she were a man (you probably wouldn't of let him hit you repeatedly in the first place...) but enough to defend yourself. This would at the very LEAST stop most thinking they can get away with it without little to no consequence. (A quick point I'd like to bring up, in school girls CAN, and DO bully guys. And most are utterly helpless and even more humiliated).

Most abusive relationships, where men are the victim, are a result of this. A lot of men are conditioned to do two things, never to hit women, and to stand up for themselves. And often those two don't work together, so you can understand the predicament men are in when women become the abusers.

By saying all this though, I am NOT suggesting that just going out and hitting women is a good thing, or doing so after a few insults or the odd push. That isn't acceptable to do to a man, so of course it isn't okay with a woman. I'm saying men should be allowed to defend themselves (proportionally) without all the stigma and backlash that follows, when it comes to women attacking them. Because like I said before, if you hit someone, you should expect a hit back. And this rule prevents more fights than it starts. Also, it's good we can agree (on that last paragraph) and yes it is simple. With logic involved. A lot of feminists don't seem to have that though, unfortunately.

8 years ago*

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You forgot walls of text without any breaks

8 years ago

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You're right, and that does make me cringe. xD I didn't add a break in this though because, firstly, I was listing things and as such nothing changed, so there wasn't any real reason to add one, to separate two different things, but also because I wanted to emphasise how long it is, and how I could go on, and on about it. :P But I'll try find a suitable point to add a break, for the sake of neatness.

8 years ago*

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+1 to all of that

8 years ago

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Wow, really? I was certain I had put enough in there that everyone here could find something to disagree with or get offended by. xD

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This is intense. I mostly agree, except for the 4chan people and sociopaths.

8 years ago

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I say "most " because there are plenty of decent 4chan users, the some is just referring to the more toxic ones, and the people that come off the site bragging about it and feel the need to mention it every chance they get and use green text, almost like a "look at me, I'm part of the secret kool club" thing. 4chan really isn't anything special anymore, nor should it be something to be proud of if you're a user, or something to make you seem "dark" or tough.

As for sociopaths, I put that because, quite simply, they make my skin crawl. And their perspective of "I'm a god, king of the world" really is rather cringey, not that it can be helped.

8 years ago*

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That's right, people tend to pretend they become the most edgy person on the planet when they hang out on 4chan, especially lately. I have been hanging out there for a while now and I can say that I really used to have a good time. Had fun more than anything on the internet, became sad, got into serious, deep arguments, even met with a bunch in real life. But yes, like everything on the internet, it had it's time and it's getting more and more into shit with each day. No more OC's, spam copypastas, beggars, children and everything.

Sociopaths, well, I have two friends and one of them is a client of mine at the same time, who are clinically diagnosed as sociopaths. I must say that I don't agree with your statements. There are shitton of things I could write about this case but let me put it shortly. They are like cats; they just don't care. They only pay attention whenever they want to and when it's in their interest. The rest doesn't really matter much for them, with the exception of some special occasions. This doesn't make them bad, however it's a matter of perspective and I can see your point.

8 years ago

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Glad we could agree. And I get what you're saying about sociopaths, but they often do more damage than good. Because unlike you with your client (and friend?) most of us ordinary folk don't realise they're what they are until they've fked us, cold and hard. But then again, I'm biased because I have a bad history with them. ;P

Also I'm interested to hear your case, so feel free to write as much as you want! I love psychology, and debating even more.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I was expecting to get blacklisted here, NOT whitelisted. xD Have one back!

8 years ago

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Why? You seem like a nice guy, who can present his views in a most polite manner, regardless of how controversial they may be. Plus, I agree with you more or less on almost everything you've listed that sprouts part tho, I have to agree on that one with the dragon...

8 years ago

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people who think the world is getting worse

Is it because you think the world is bad already or because you think everything is good?

people who think humanity as a whole is evil or bad

I'd say it depends on what you mean by bad, bad can mean evil as well

But overall I'd say, I'm surprised you haven't died from all the cringing :D

8 years ago

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No, because the world is actually getting better. I'm even willing to say it's the best it's ever been for us right now, but don't mistake that for thinking we live in a utopia. (I could write a list for why I think this if you want?)

And, that's why I wrote "evil" as well, so people know that's not the bad I'm referring to. I say bad, as in we're worse than animals, everyone is a cold emotionless robot with no emotion (except from the person thinking this, in this train of thought they're unique. Special. Separate from us dumb, primal beings!). And yeah lol, life's tough. I'll give you that. ;)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Now that's something I can agree 100% with.

8 years ago

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I find it hard to understand humans. That's why I isolate myself most of the times.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Triggered, my bad, open source, anything by Kanye (followed by a facepalm or facedesk)
Worst one however is "Ice Hockey".. no. it's just HOCKEY.

8 years ago

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there's no ice here, so it's either field or ice hockey.

8 years ago

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Um, you do know that there are different types of hockey, right?

8 years ago

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What's wrong with open source? :o

8 years ago

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Nothing, except generally the people touting it. Almost every time someone says "Open Source" to me, it's used as an excuse/distraction for why it won't do something, isn't as good as, etc, something that isn't.
"So it doesn't do XYZ?" "No, but it's open source." <-- Means as much to me as "No, but the icon is Green."
(for the record, before I get flamed, I don't hate open source projects. I just hate it when people try to tell me to use something inferior BECAUSE it's Open Source, or use the fact that it's open source as an Excuse for bad performance, ui, documentation, or anything else.)

8 years ago

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I think open source is great, but I agree that using it as an excuse is bullshit. Same thing when I see crappy games on Steam and everyone's like "it was made by just one guy, cut him some slack, he needs our support"--I don't care, I'm judging the game on its own merits and if it's crap, it's crap.

8 years ago

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  • Taking a bite out of a piece of food covered in fuzzy mold
  • Pulling out your own tooth with a wrench
8 years ago

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Man, you have an exiting life.

8 years ago

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  • entitled
  • sexual objectification
  • patriarchy

And before someone gets offended, I do think that equality should be met for every human being willing to be part of our societies, but we should understand our differences of gender, races and religious beliefs in order to find a balance and tolerance, not spread hate and superiority for some groups based on nonsense and cherry picking first world problems. Too many thirsty SJW looking for purpose nowadays...

8 years ago

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Any post made to a dedicated group -- here, or on Facebook or Reddit -- that begins with something along the lines of

Admins please delete if not allowed

instead of the person, y'know, actually taking the time to read the group's rules. The use of this also implies that the groups' admins can't delete a post that breaks the rules unless the poster gives them permission.

Whenever I encounter this, I reflexively want to dismiss everything else that follows.

8 years ago

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When people keep saying "cringe".

8 years ago

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Anything that comes out of my mouth in a recording

8 years ago

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For reference: clicky

8 years ago

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I'm sorry you had to hear that.

8 years ago*

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It was good...but pretty much everyone is distressed by the way their voice sounds actually...
I got cancer from my own singing(twice) ^_^

8 years ago

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Thank you, Well yeah I'm not used to hearing my voice.
I like your singing though :P

8 years ago

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Did you delete that comment?
I got a notifcation but it was already deleted and it spooked me a lot :D

8 years ago

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It was just a double post.

8 years ago

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Oh thank god, I was afraid someone was stalking me or just trying to scare me...

8 years ago

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Friends who are vegans that keep on "promoting" it by talking how it's great being a vegan... again and again... and again.
I just want to be an omnivore in peace -_-

8 years ago

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the word "hack", like an Ikea hack. they're not even using it right.

8 years ago

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Have to live in a dictatorship third world country in Middle-East!

Thank you nature!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm guilty of using "LMFAO" when I actually laugh out loud at something (usually in chat). Strangely enough, I never use "lol" though. :x

8 years ago

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Yeah, I can't stand people who abbreviate LoL like that either...

8 years ago

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Pickles actually do the trick.
Pineapple on pizza. -.-
And people. But at least they would taste well, so the first two are more cringey.

8 years ago

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Pineapple is amazing on pizza.
How dare you?

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8 years ago

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Nooooo. It's amazing in fruit salad, but not on a pizza. My taste buds get confused in a bad way when they taste salty and sweet at the same time.

8 years ago

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Pineapple, onions and jalapeno are a must on any pizza. :X

8 years ago

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And olives / anchovies.

8 years ago

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(allergic to fish) ;_;

8 years ago

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But not Feesh!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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+666 Those + spinach = perfect pizza (in my opinion).

8 years ago

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Oooohhh yes, spinach is good, too! :)
Forgot about that, since not many places near me include spinach.

8 years ago

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So good .........

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8 years ago

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Yum! (:

8 years ago

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I had to make a pizza after this thread. :X

8 years ago

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savory and sweet food is the best ;_;

8 years ago

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pineapple is sweet :O

8 years ago

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well... would you eat it raw with salt or sugar?

8 years ago

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no ;_;
but i would eat it raw XD

there isn't a lot of salt on pizza here, though, so pineapple adds to the sweetness of the sauce :P

8 years ago

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+1 Don't understand why my friends are disgusted by pinaapples in pizza.

8 years ago

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Pineapple on pizza. - agree,, pople keep saying it is "exotique" and "gives a new taste" to chicken but damn!!!!!! pineapple is sweet how don't they understand that????????????????

8 years ago

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...chicken? That seems like a weird combo, sounds too sweet to me. Maybe it'd work with onion...
I prefer pineapple and ham, aka Hawaiian pizza. Though pineapple and either bacon or pepperoni also works well.

8 years ago*

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can't agree, tastes differ

8 years ago

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All those replies praising pineapple on pizza... I think I'm gonna be sick...
Just so you know at least I agree with you and have the common sense of not putting sweet things on a pizza...

8 years ago

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Thank you, m'lord.

8 years ago

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Have you had any foreign pizza?
Maybe it's just the pineapple quality around here?

8 years ago

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If you mean legit foreign country, then no, only been out of here once, and didn't eat pizza there anyway. Pineapples are import anyway so why would there be difference...

8 years ago

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metro, future

8 years ago

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When people quote misunderstood/wrong 'facts', jump on a bandwagon for populistic opinions with dubious reasoning, or apply faulty logic to supply their arguments (bonus points if they do either thing in an extremely haughty/elitist manner).

8 years ago

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More things that make me cringe: people who get butthurt easily. Life is a game, chillax. No need to hate someone over their opinions.

8 years ago

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When people put fake Facebook job titles (ex. Model at Hollister Co.).

8 years ago

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"Full time yummy mummy"

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8 years ago

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"Helloooo, I'm the Nostalgia Critic--I remember it, so you don't have to."

Not only is that one of the stupidest slogans ever, he says it every single time, in the same nasal-y, half-assed manner.

8 years ago

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"Nukular" instead of nuclear. An atom has a nucleus, not a nukulus.

8 years ago

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I wanna axe u a queshun bout nuke-u-lar bombs...

8 years ago

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Well that was anticlimatic.

8 years ago

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Uhm don't know if you are just joking but in case this really annoys you:

There is this joke in a simpsons episode:

In german this is translated as followed:

The Simpsons are "extremely" popular in germany, and at least everyone of my friends knows this joke.
So if you meet someone who writes "Nukular" he/she might be german and is referring to this.

writing extremely makes me cringe :>

8 years ago*

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"Nukular" is a well known bushism, this is what that Simpsons episode is referring to.

8 years ago

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Ah yes i remember something like this, but i guess he used the english spelling with c?

8 years ago

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I'm not sure what you mean. It was spoken by him, not written down. :P

8 years ago

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Bush probably said "Nucular", not "Nukular", which sounds different, as it is "derived" from the german "nuklear" and not the english "nuclear".
As PieceOfMind may know this joke in english, but wouldn't understand why people write "nukular", as that's the german version of the joke, I thought I could let him know.

So the well known bushism is probably "nucular". I was asking, because if bush said "Nukular" in the first place, my whole explanation would not have made any sense, right? this is not funny anymore D:

8 years ago*

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Okay, I see what you mean now.

8 years ago

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