GAs are over but you are more than welcome to try my little game. Gates are now open for everybody -

Welcome to my first event!

I did it for YOU!

Yes YOU! I know that you know that I'm talking about you ;) You are great and I just wanted to remind you that :) I hope you will enjoy my game :D

Anyway - It's like my trains, but better. Now wait. I know what you think - there is nothing better than Kartyl's trains. Well, yeah, actually there is something better. It's called Kartyl's Events!

As you may know, I'm a game tester. I also want to create games. I still haven't figured out how AFGPRO actually works. I even use it only in offline mode so no one will disturb me but still I have some problems. Maybe I should actually watch these tutorials? Nah...
I also have a great idea about campaign that I want to create in Hotline Miami 2 Editor (that will probably make most of you hate me) but right now it's so unstable that I don't want to use it to make anything bigger than single levels because I'm afraid of getting my work erased.

Therefore, I decided to create a classic multiple choice game, with great story, that will make you feel like you are actually in the middle of events you are reading about. Multiple endings awaits you, but be ware! You will probably die few times. Don't worry tho - my game have great replayability. If you want to find all secrets and see all endings you will have to play it few times.

How to get this game? It's easy. Just check if you meet the requirements HERE and you are good to go! Once you will start it, you will be able to finish it, because levels won't rise during gameplay. It's not some P2W shenanigans!

And it's FREE. The only think you should do is bumping this thread with songs or any cool stuff that you like! It can be anything!


I want to do something like this for my birthday that will come in about a month. I had many keys stashed for that occasion (26) but I decided to use them to do something like dress rehearsal. Creating it took some sweet time. I can't even tell if it's actually me (I tend to do things slowly) or if it really should take so much time. I was creating story on the fly so maybe that's the reason? The hardest part was to remember what turn I have created and how I should connect them to make something with sense. I also did it without any plan.

Long story short, the thing you just saw was my biggest event so far, but it will be nothing when you will compare it with my birthday event. Are you excited? I am.


As you probably noticed I said Kartyl's Events. You are right, there will be more coming from me. I have few ideas for some cool periodical little events from me. I think I will start in March. Stay tuned!

8 years ago*

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Died for bump.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago*

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I'm really happy to hear that :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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bump - I died.

8 years ago

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Thank you for all your giveaways!

Bump! ^ ^

8 years ago

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Bumpity. :)

8 years ago

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Was dead.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the event. =)

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Dead bump :'c

8 years ago

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