
Winner of my (very little yes) gift didn't accept my steam invit.
I don't know if he just ignored or blocked me but now i see his profile private.

How many times before ask a reroll please ?

10 years ago*

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It's been 30 minutes. He has 7 days to respond to your contact attempts (Steam and email).

10 years ago

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oh Some people need their time on certain places, and besides it´s always good for health if you take your time without pressure or so...
I image that he is on a certain special place...focused on a certain process...a really important one......and than he hears every minute "bing"...."bing"...."bing" ....

10 years ago

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Okay thanks for your answers. Will see it in one week then.

edit : i sent to him via email

10 years ago

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Ce n'est pas CPC Gifts, ici :-P

Attends un peu qu'il se connecte et qu'il accepte ton invitation, et assure-toi de faire un screen de tes tentatives de prendre contact, ça te servira pour demander le reroll si tu n'as pas de signe de vie après une semaine (mais en général tu n'as pas besoin de courir après les gagnants très longtemps)

10 years ago

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(Ah ah coucou David ! o/
Celui-ci était online quand je lui ai envoyé une invit. Il a dû le prendre comme un tentative de scam et bloquer sans réfléchir. Du coup je lui ai envoyé son gift par email, il le prendra s'il le veut.)

10 years ago

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It's his loss. I've heard of cases where somebody marked it as not received even though they denied the steam friend's list request.

10 years ago

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send it trought email

10 years ago

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To be honest, I'd ignore most people sending me friend requests as well, I guess he doesn't realise s/he's won? Just shoot them an email explaining what's up and tell them to accept your friend request. I've had that happen to me as well.

10 years ago

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Every time I try to buy TF2 keys on Steamtrades, I get at least one random invite. Fell for it the first time: guy ran off with my $10 Amazon Gift card.

I imagine those people with larger inventories and more than 2 Rep are bombarded with invites--a lot of them from scammers.

10 years ago

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If they haven't responded to Steam or e-mail after a week, send in a re-roll request and include a link to a screenshot of the e-mail to speed things up, please.

10 years ago

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I find that an exploratory email usually get's their attention. Something with "SteamGifts" in the header, so it doesn't get trashed without being read.

10 years ago

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edit : Just seen he already has the game on his account. Have requested a reroll.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by coleypollockfilet.