Hey guys,

one thing we always should take care of is ourselves. So - how are you doing? Are your okay? Do you have social issues which you'd rather bottle up than solute professionally?

You know, I know how hard it is to be honest to yourself. But we gamers need to stick together. :)

Please do not consider this as a try to be semi-professional. I just want people to be able to enjoy their lives. :)

Have a great day!

6 years ago

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We are all alone
What is social life?
Stuck in my room, going out once a week, have only 4 people i know in my life.
Its hard

6 years ago

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Nonexistent. I know a lot of people on this thread have said such things, but I happen to be an agoraphobic recluse and leave the house maybe once every few weeks for an hour or two. I haven't seen a friend face-to-face since...

Hmm, August? And before that, it was Christmas 2015.

I could waffle on about it, but that's no fun. It's nice that you're checking up on us all, so thank you! Sometimes people just want to be heard. I hope the lonely commenters in this thread find people to take their loneliness away. :3

6 years ago

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For some reason, I picture myself as Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory patting you on the head saying "there there"

I hope this isn't too weird for you :P

6 years ago

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Nothing's ever too weird for me, matey! :p

6 years ago

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Awesome. Have a great day :)

6 years ago

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Hmm.. let's say I'm not exactly a verbal leader.

6 years ago*

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You aren't alone, does that help? Not at all.

6 years ago

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it's weird. a lifetime of PTSD, social anxiety and depression has meant my social life has usually been rather non-existent but over the last few years and especially this last year that's changed. still getting used to it all and I think my computer feels very unloved, poor thing. I still have more issues than a long running magazine subscription but it's much easier to ignore that voice of depression that's essentially emotional self harm

6 years ago

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I think that I'm autistic, that's what my imaginary friend told me.

6 years ago

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Wait, I'm too lonely that I don't even have an imaginary friend.

6 years ago*

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Well, because I live in Venezuela and almost all my friends managed to get out of the country... My social life is what I get on the univ, and playing online

So... nonexistent :)

6 years ago

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The same thing happened to me.
Everyone left for college and here I'm sitting alone.
I knew this people for like 10 years.

6 years ago

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..stuck in room, had depression and anxiety almost all of my life, tried to get away from my friend in internet because I hate talking, but they're just keep coming to me

6 years ago

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I don't have one problem solved!

6 years ago

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A bit up and down, but never nonexistant. Sometimes I can spend 2 weeks in a row not seeing friends, then there are weeks I see some 4-5 times.
Right now I'm kinda glad that this evening is going to be friendless, as party on saturday + boardgames yesterday made me kinda exhausted (being strongly introverted, I find social activities exhausting).

6 years ago

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I don't like small talk and I'm terrible at initiating conversation. I don't understand human social interaction. Everyone thinks I'm weird so they ignore me. So I'm just sitting at home.

6 years ago

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What social life?

View attached image.
6 years ago

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It's another mythical ancient thing.

6 years ago

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View attached image.
6 years ago

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I work in an office space. With other people. Thus I interact with them? :D

6 years ago

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I have no social life, if you discount my wife and kids and my mother. I'm reasonably personable, but I've always been bad at keeping in touch with people, and it feels like kind of a chore to me to meet with people (what with all the other stuff I need to do due to having a family). I talk with people at work (I have quite a few nice people at work), and that kind of fulfills my needs to vent, talk about stuff and listen to stories. For deeper stuff, I find that I relate better to women (I also don't like 'guy stuff' like sports and beer), but I'm married, and lady friends are out of the question. I used to occasionally go to movies (the kind that my wife doesn't enjoy) with my father, but he's dead now.

6 years ago

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Never heard of it.

6 years ago

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Who needs social life if we have games? If I'm feeling social, I talk to my wife. ;-)

6 years ago

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It's dead... :/

6 years ago

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After reading everyones input and answering to some I probably should include my little story too...

Being a weird mix of introverted and extroverted characteristics Ive had an interesting trip to where I am now.
I was somewhat of a outcast for my first part of my life. I was bullied, called names, lived in poor environment While my mom raised me alone on cashiers salary.
After she met a guy and we moved to city, for a time it was something like previously. But met some cool guys and started to hang out with them. And they are still one of my best friends after almost some 7 years or so.. Altough Ive managed to meet other awesome people I try to keep contact with them.
As I already mentioned previously - Uni was turning point. Became head of my class. Started my activity in student council. Try to meet and talk to as many people as possible. As a photographer Im comfortable around cars only (wich is also my major in uni) but I just try to push myself out of my comfort zone and take photos of people and social activities (and man is that difficult, me being insecure always ruins how others see me and its usually a trainwreck.. but gotta try)
Try to go to social activities and bond with other people. Its importnt for anyone who has hard time getting to know new people. I find it esier with foreigners because I can talk with them in English and thats much more easier then my native language (Try that too, maybe you find it easier too)

Anyway, Still am single. Still hard to get other friends aside from those who are already in my inner circle (altough I have tons of acquaintances). But just got to go forward. And thats what I suggest and wish to everyone on this thread who has a hard time.

6 years ago

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Btw. Its a bit saddening to see so many member here having no social life and being lonely.. just want to give a hug and talk out problems with them.

6 years ago

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The strange thing is that we're in school for 12 years + college, I mean logically we should finish college having at least a bunch of friends.

6 years ago

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School, for one, is harsh place. Its usually many different people just stuck in the same room. And if your a bit different its going to be bumpy road.
But college - this is where, i think, everyone should find someone. This is place where like minded people come.. Of course if you are in your preferred field...

6 years ago

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The point is that there is always an opportunity to find friends, at college, at work , at a bar even here on steam you can play a Co-op game and you might end up getting a new friend.

6 years ago

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Oh yeah. Definitely ;)
You reminded me actually one occasion. When I was younger I played COD online. And met cool dude there who was online buddy of mine. Awesome friend even though never met him in real life.. So yeah - even plaing online can be an opportunity.

6 years ago

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A little bit shitty and lonely, to be honest.

6 years ago

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non-existent lmao :'(

6 years ago

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3 friends close like brothers, we see each other every week or so
2 friends also close but I see them once or twice a year
1 my ex-boss who became my friend
1 friend from another country who is also close
other people that I consider acquaintances but we can be friends if I socialize more with them but I don't want to.
My neighbors who consider me a weirdo because I don't socialize with them.

6 years ago

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I have a dog, significant other and a job. I'm not much of a people person though

6 years ago

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Wow, thanks for all the input!

The reason why I was asking is because just a few years/months ago, I've great a great social life with lots of friends, being out every weekend and such. But with every day I grow older, the less interest I find in meeting up with people. I actually enjoy being alone most of my time.

6 years ago

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I'm guessing you just need new friends with more compatible interests and values. Don't ask me how to accomplish this though, or if it's even worth trying :P

6 years ago

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pretty good i think, i have several groups of friends and i get togther with Them, to have a drink, eat, play a boardgame or pnp rpg at least twice a week, still i would like to get a girlfriend, love life and social life are both equaly as important.
Still i miss having one really good friend to talk heavy stuff to, i have fun with my friends but i dont see myself opening up to any of them about serious stuff

6 years ago

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Nonexistent despite my efforts to change that. No matter what I simply can't seem to make connections with people that would inspire them to be interested.

6 years ago

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Feeling slightly less alone on this matter when reading everyone's input.

6 years ago

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