RPG Maker Resurgence Bundle

4 Tiers, 45 Items

30 Jun 2022 - 21 Jul 2022 04 Aug 2022

View this bundle on: ITAD - Barter.vg


The contents advertised on the bundle page are completely incorrect.

  • Some of the items don't include the name of the base game and there are multiple DLCs with the same name, but for different games.
    • T1: RPG Maker MV - Fantastic Buildings: Medieval requires the base game feature din T3 was changed to DRM-Free as of 08 Jul 2022; the downloadable folder contains both RPG Maker MV - Fantastic Buildings: Medieval and RPG Maker VX Ace - Fantastic Buildings: Medieval.
  • T3: RPG Maker MV - Medieval: Dungeons is advertised as DRM-Free, but it's actually an itch.io key. Redeeming it doesn't work (instead of going to https://pvgames.itch.io/medieval-dungeons (as listed on the card on the bundle page) the link goes to https://archeia.itch.io/visustella-school/ that asks to buy it for $19.99) now delivered as a DRM-Free item
  • T2: RPG Maker MV - Tyler Warren RPG - 1st 50 Battlers and T2: RPG Maker MV - Tyler Warren RPG Battlers - 2nd 50 cannot be downloaded (source) can be downloaded, as of 07 Jul 2022
  • T4: RPG Maker MV - Seraph Circle: Monster Pack 2 is advertised as Steam, but it's actually delivered as DRM-Free.
  • A lot of items are advertised as DRM-Free, but are actually delivered as Steam keys:
    T1: RPG Maker VX Ace - Dark Hero Character Pack
    T2: RPG Maker VX Ace - Wild West Tiles Pack
    T2: RPG Maker VX Ace - Fantastic Buildings: Modern
    T2: RPG Maker VX Ace - Wonderland Music Pack
    T3: RPG Maker MV - Modern Music Mega-Pack
    T3: RPG Maker MV - Seraph Circle: Monster Pack 1
    T3: RPG Maker MV - Paranormal Monsters
    T3: RPG Maker MV - Tyler Warren RPG Battlers: Monster Evolution
    T3: RPG Maker VX Ace - DS Resource Pack
    T4: RPG Maker MV - Medieval: Interiors
    T4: RPG Maker MV - FSM: Woods and Cave
    T4: RPG Maker MV - FSM: Town of Beginnings Tiles
    T4: RPG Maker MV - POP! Horror City: Character Pack 1
    T4: RPG Maker MV - POP! Horror City: Character Pack 2
    T4: RPG Maker MV - DS+ Resource Pack

The chart below shows the correct list of items, based on a T4 purchase.

🔑 Full list of subs

Tier 1 - 1 USD | 1 EUR

Game Ratings Cards Cheevos Details Platforms Bundled Retail Price
RPG Maker VX Ace 94% of 2809 ❤ - 10.50 CV app/220700 W 8 $69.99
RPG Maker VX Ace - Dark Hero Character Pack (DLC) 91% of 12 (Base game has cards) - 2.25 CV app/330650 W 0 $14.99
RPG Maker VX Ace - Wild West Music Variety Pack - - - - DRM-Free - $9.99
RPG Maker MV - Fantastic Buildings: Medieval + RPG Maker VX Ace - Fantastic Buildings: Medieval - - - - DRM-Free - -

Tier 2 - 15 USD | 14.29 EUR

Game Ratings Cards Cheevos Details Platforms Bundled Retail Price
RPG Maker VX 83% of 71 - - 6.00 CV app/521880 W 4 $39.99
RPG Maker VX Ace - Time Fantasy (DLC) 78% of 9 (Base game has cards) - 2.25 CV app/268614 W 2 $14.99
RPG Maker VX Ace - Wild West Tiles Pack (DLC) 80% of 5 (Base game has cards) - 1.50 CV app/271963 W 0 $9.99
RPG Maker VX Ace - Fantastic Buildings: Modern (DLC) 33% of 3 (Base game has cards) - 1.50 CV app/525440 W 0 $9.99
RPG Maker VX Ace - Wonderland Music Pack (DLC) No user reviews (Base game has cards) - 1.95 CV app/703471 W 0 $12.99
RPG Maker MV - Tyler Warren RPG Battlers - 1st 50 - - - cannot be downloaded (source) DRM-Free - -
RPG Maker MV - Tyler Warren RPG Battlers - 2nd 50 - - - cannot be downloaded (source) DRM-Free - -

Tier 3 - 25 USD | 23.82 EUR

Game Ratings Cards Cheevos Details Platforms Bundled Retail Price
RPG Maker MV 92% of 5108 ❤ 🏆 12.00 CV app/363890 W M L 4 $79.99
Skyborn 88% of 501 ❤ 🏆 0.00 CV ☠ app/278460 W M L 6 $14.99
RPG Maker MV - Animations Collection I: Quintessence (DLC) 81% of 16 (Base game has cards) - 1.50 CV app/542490 W M 1 $9.99
RPG Maker MV - Ancient Dungeons: Base Pack (DLC) 40% of 10 - - 3.75 CV app/974330 W M L 1 $24.99
RPG Maker MV - Fantasy Heroine Character Pack (DLC) 83% of 12 (Base game has cards) - 1.50 CV app/618700 W M L 1 $9.99
RPG Maker MV - Heroine Character Generator (DLC) 67% of 9 (Base game has cards) - 1.50 CV app/848110 W M L 1 $9.99
RPG Maker MV - POP! Horror City (DLC) 57% of 28 (Base game has cards) - 2.25 CV app/455220 W 1 $14.99
RPG Maker MV - Modern Music Mega-Pack (DLC) 50% of 2 - - 3.75 CV app/904120 W M L 0 $24.99
RPG Maker MV - Seraph Circle: Monster Pack 1 (DLC) 67% of 6 (Base game has cards) - 1.50 CV app/646550 W M L 0 $9.99
RPG Maker MV - Paranormal Monsters (DLC) 100% of 1 (Base game has cards) - 1.50 CV app/653721 W M L 0 $9.99
RPG Maker MV - Tyler Warren RPG Battlers: Monster Evolution (DLC) 100% of 1 (Base game has cards) - 1.20 CV app/809631 W M L 0 $7.99
RPG Maker MV - DS Resource Pack (DLC) 0% of 1 - - 4.50 CV app/1178872 W M L 1 $29.99
RPG Maker MV - Medieval: Dungeons - - - - DRM-Free - -

Tier 4 - 35 USD | 33.35 EUR

Game Ratings Cards Cheevos Details Platforms Bundled Retail Price
RPG Maker XP 92% of 728 - - 3.75 CV app/235900 W 6 $24.99
RPG Maker 2003 92% of 487 - - 3.00 CV app/362870 W 2 $19.99
Ara Fell: Enhanced Edition 95% of 1205 ❤ 🏆 2.25 CV app/440540 W M L 9 $14.99
RPG Maker MV - Ancient Dungeons: Winter for MV (DLC) 50% of 8 - - 3.00 CV app/1164217 W M L 0 $19.99
RPG Maker MV - Time Fantasy: Monsters (DLC) 100% of 4 - - 1.20 CV app/875152 W M L 0 $7.99
RPG Maker MV - Time Fantasy: Farm and Fort (DLC) 50% of 4 (Base game has cards) - 1.35 CV app/755757 W M L 0 $8.99
RPG Maker MV - Parallel Worlds Hero Pack (DLC) 75% of 4 (Base game has cards) - 1.80 CV app/690430 W M L 0 $11.99
RPG Maker MV - Heroine Character Generator 2 (DLC) 0% of 1 - - 1.50 CV app/1006970 W M L 0 $9.99
RPG Maker MV - Fantasy Heroine Character Pack 2 (DLC) 100% of 7 (Base game has cards) - 3.00 CV app/815160 W M L 0 $19.99
RPG Maker MV - MV Monsters HIBIKI KATAKURA ver Vol.1 (DLC) 86% of 7 (Base game has cards) - 1.50 CV app/543520 W M 1 $9.99
RPG Maker MV - MV Monsters HIBIKI KATAKURA ver Vol.2 (DLC) 67% of 3 (Base game has cards) - 1.50 CV app/764320 W M L 0 $9.99
RPG Maker MV - Sci-Fi Music Pack (DLC) 100% of 1 - - 3.75 CV app/904121 W M L 0 $24.99
RPG Maker MV - Sci-Fi Battler Pack (DLC) No user reviews - - 1.50 CV app/893000 W M L 0 $9.99
RPG Maker MV - Sci-Fi Battlers 2 (DLC) No user reviews (Base game has cards) - 1.20 CV app/618660 W M L 1 $7.99
RPG Maker MV - The Emporium of Copper and Steel (DLC) 86% of 7 (Base game has cards) - 3.00 CV app/798210 W M L 0 $19.99
RPG Maker MV - Love & Sorrow (DLC) 100% of 4 (Base game has cards) - 2.25 CV app/797671 W M L 0 $14.99
RPG Maker MV - Wonderland Forest Tileset (DLC) 0% of 1 (Base game has cards) - 1.20 CV app/755752 W M L 0 $7.99
RPG Maker MV - Tyler Warren RTP Redesign 1 (DLC) 50% of 4 - - 1.20 CV app/871260 W M L 0 $7.99
RPG Maker MV - MV Trinity Resource Pack (DLC) 100% of 7 - - 5.25 CV app/1427591 W M L 0 $34.99
RPG Maker MV - Medieval: Interiors (DLC) 67% of 3 (Base game has cards) - 1.50 CV app/455521 W 1 $9.99
RPG Maker MV - FSM: Woods and Cave (DLC) 92% of 38 (Base game has cards) - 3.75 CV app/665100 W M L 0 $24.99
RPG Maker MV - FSM: Town of Beginning (DLC) 92% of 52 (Base game has cards) - 3.75 CV app/549840 W M 1 $24.99
RPG Maker MV - Pop! Horror City: Character Pack 1 (DLC) 43% of 7 (Base game has cards) - 1.05 CV app/455221 W 0 $6.99
RPG Maker MV - POP! Horror City: Character Pack 2 (DLC) 56% of 9 (Base game has cards) - 1.05 CV app/455222 W 0 $6.99
RPG Maker MV - DS+ Resource Pack (DLC) 75% of 4 - - 4.50 CV app/1178871 W M L 1 $29.99
RPG Maker MV - Animations Collection II: Quantum - - - - DRM-Free - -
RPG Maker MV - Animations Collection III: Thaumaturgy - - - - DRM-Free - -
RPG Maker MV - Seraph Circle: Monster Pack 2 - - - - DRM-Free - -

☠ - Game was free at some time and does not grant any CV if given away.


  • Tier 1 = $84.98
  • Tier 1 + 2 = $172.93
  • Tier 1 + 2 + 3 = $420.81
  • Tier 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = $812.56


  • Tier 1 = 12.75
  • Tier 1 + 2 = 25.94
  • Tier 1 + 2 + 3 = 60.87
  • Tier 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 119.64

Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!

📝 Note about referrals

SteamGifts by default modifies all Fanatical.com, HumbleBundle.com, GamersGate.com links from all threads, adding the SteamGifts referral code. Whenever a user click or shares a link to one of the sites listed above, SteamGifts will earn a commission.
By using these reflinks, SteamGifts will receive $10 for new subscribers, 5% of Humble Store sales, 15% for bundles via the Humble Partner Program.
If you prefer, you can disable referral links from your settings panel.

Wondering what games you already own from this bundle? There's a UserScript for that! It's called the RaChart™ Enhancer!

RaChart™ Enhancer SG Thread (deleted)
RaChart™ Enhancer SG Thread (web.archive.org)

This script enhances the charts by showing you which games you already own from the ones in it. If you own it, the row will be highlighted with a green color.

Thanks to luckz for helping with the poll.

2 years ago*

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If you've actually used these before, please tell us about it in the comments below.

View Results
[T1] A dollar for something that otherwise costs more than $10 on sale? I'd be crazy to say no to that kind of Ace deal.
[T2] One RPG Maker Very Xtravagant and yet no one really wants it... apart from me.
[T3] RPG Maker I'd like More Value for this kind of money, but oh well....
[T4] RPG Maker most Xpensive Purchase ever, but hey at least I get some progress towards owning all 569 DLCs for MV!
[Have] Unless you're the kind of Paranormal Monster that doesn't even have a five digit backlog yet, you'll own the base apps anyway, and nobody needs this tiny slice of random DLCs when there's around a thousand across all RPG Maker apps.
[Skip] I've never wanted to RPGmake and it's not gonna change even if they rebundle all of this another fourty-two times.
[Greedytato] They're STILL not bundling the two years old RPG Maker MZ? IGN, I am disappoint.

why HB has so little bundles...and are so....**** bad? XD

2 years ago

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The Monthly bundle is in 4-5 days.

That can explain a bit.


But yes, seems there were fewer bundles in June.

2 years ago

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bought T1, instead of RPG Maker VX Ace - Fantastic Buildings: Medieval (DLC) i got this:

The product code you've entered requires ownership of another product before activation.

If you are trying to activate an expansion pack or downloadable content, please first activate the original game, then activate this additional content.
SteamDB - Install - RPG Maker MV - Fantastic Buildings: Medieval

2 years ago

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I created a giveaway for this DLC ... very curious to see what the winner ends up with!

2 years ago

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Got the same thing, rather odd to put DLC in a tier which the base game doesnt come in, could be a bait to upgrade to tier 3 or just a mistake as there is the "Fantastic Buildings: Medieval" DLC in 3 separate versions of RPG Makers, having all identical descriptions so who knows at this point

2 years ago

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Bought tier 4, NA region.

These are provided DRM-free:
Wild West Music Variety Pack
Animations Collection 2 - Quantum
Animations Collection III: Thaumaturgy
Tyler Warren RPG Battlers - 1st 50
Tyler Warren RPG Battlers - 2nd 50
Seraph Circle Monster Pack II

Medieval Dungeons is a unique Itch.io link, unfortunately mine is bad. Instead of going to https://pvgames.itch.io/medieval-dungeons (as listed on the card on the bundle page) it goes to https://archeia.itch.io/visustella-school/. Putting this on the back burner for now, will contact support on Monday if it's not fixed by then.

The other 45 have a Steam key and I don't see any region restrictions listed when creating a gift link.

2 years ago

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Thank you!

2 years ago

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Minor update, these two are currently unavailable. Direct download gives a "NoSuchKey" error page, and the torrent tracker returns "Unregistered torrent".
Tyler Warren RPG Battlers - 1st 50
Tyler Warren RPG Battlers - 2nd 50

Medieval Dungeons is no longer an itch.io link. It's now DRM-free under Other.

Edit: Forgot to mention that your table lists "RPG Maker MV - DS Resource Pack" in tier 4 instead of "RPG Maker MV - DS+ Resource Pack".

2 years ago

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Many thanks for the info and corrections. Much appreciated!

2 years ago

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Noticed you marked Medieval Dungeons as not available, maybe I should have said it was changed from itch.io to DRM-free. See here.

2 years ago

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Update, these are now available to download (fixed on July 7th apparently):
Tyler Warren RPG Battlers - 1st 50
Tyler Warren RPG Battlers - 2nd 50

This is a new DRM-free download as of July 8th, per aperanger's post:
Fantastic Buildings: Medieval

View attached image.
2 years ago

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I'm a bit confused though.
Before the change, T1 contained a Steam key for RPG Maker MV - Fantastic Buildings: Medieval.
But in the reply from aperanger's post, the HB support agent mentions "Fantastic Buildings: Medieval for RPG Maker VX Ace".

So, did they include a Steam key for RPG Maker MV - Fantastic Buildings: Medieval by accident when they actually wanted to include a DRM-Free of RPG Maker VX Ace - Fantastic Buildings: Medieval?
And now, after they switched it to DRM-Free, is this item for RPG Maker MV or for RPG Maker VX Ace?

2 years ago

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Good question, just checked my download and it looks like both VX Ace and MV are included as there are folders for each of them.

View attached image.
2 years ago

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Very unsure if i should buy tier 1 or not. I'm not really interested in making RPGs currently but i had in mind before to build one. But i think i own some RPG maker already from the Ukraine bundle so maybe i'll skip this.

2 years ago

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The Ukraine Bundle very ungenerously provided only RPG Maker VX. If you're actually going to be using an RPG Maker program, it's definitely worth the $1 dollar to upgrade to VX Ace, which is a lot more customizable and is still getting some degree of community support.

2 years ago

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What are the contents in the base version though? Can you actually make an RPG game without buying lots of DLCs?

2 years ago

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Oh yeah. The RPG Maker DLC on Steam is literally cosmetic (or aural, I guess, since there's some royalty-free music packs being sold as well) -- the functionality to make an RPG from start to finish is there. The default assets have been used in so many projects that a game without some degree of DLC, custom art, or Photoshopping of the existing materials is never going to be visually exciting to anyone who's played a few RPG Maker projects, but you can still create a compelling story/world/character, a balanced battle system, etc. if you're creative (or have free time) enough.

I personally bounced off VX Ace (and earlier RPG Maker engines) before things finally clicked for me in the much easier-to-use RPG Maker MV, but there are so many Youtube tutorials out there nowadays that it shouldn't be too difficult to get started. Actually finishing projects is reserved for only the most organized of brains, though...

Oh, as for regular VX vs. VX Ace: VX apparently puts crazy restrictions on how many tilesets you can use, meaning you can only choose a very limited amount of graphics per map vs. VX Ace that lets you choose up to 5 spritesheets of graphics per map. VX Ace also has some QOL improvements like letting you right click and immediately have the game set up events like doors, treasure chests, etc.

2 years ago*

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Thanks! I will consider getting it or not.

2 years ago

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Just bought Tier 1, and "RPG Maker VX Ace - Dark Hero Character Pack" comes with a Steam key.

EDIT: Should be this item.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I'm interested in RPG makers per se, but my backlog aside I fear it'd just clutter my collection in the meantime. But if I ever got to... haha, yeah right.

2 years ago

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Sub ID Activates as
https://steamdb.info/sub/209221 RPG Maker MV - Fantastic Buildings: Medieval
https://steamdb.info/sub/53585 RPG Maker VX Ace - Dark Hero Character Pack
https://steamdb.info/sub/18671 RPG Maker VX Ace


Sub ID Activates as
https://steamdb.info/sub/123838 RPG Maker VX
https://steamdb.info/sub/36539 RPG Maker VX Ace - Wild West Tiles Pack
https://steamdb.info/sub/125448 RPG Maker VX Ace - Fantastic Buildings: Modern
https://steamdb.info/sub/35611 RPG Maker VX Ace - Time Fantasy
https://steamdb.info/sub/202847 RPG Maker VX Ace - Wonderland Music Pack


Sub ID Activates as
https://steamdb.info/sub/80322 RPG Maker MV
https://steamdb.info/sub/38017 Skyborn
https://steamdb.info/sub/133473 RPG Maker MV - Animations Collection I: Quintessence
https://steamdb.info/sub/319703 RPG Maker MV - Ancient Dungeons: Base Pack
https://steamdb.info/sub/166048 RPG Maker MV - Fantasy Heroine Character Pack
https://steamdb.info/sub/265751 RPG Maker MV - Heroine Character Generator
https://steamdb.info/sub/289273 RPG Maker MV - Modern Music Mega-Pack
https://steamdb.info/sub/181605 RPG Maker MV - Seraph Circle: Monster Pack 1
https://steamdb.info/sub/184181 RPG Maker MV - Paranormal Monsters
https://steamdb.info/sub/247051 RPG Maker MV - Tyler Warren RPG Battlers: Monster Evolution
https://steamdb.info/sub/98437 RPG Maker MV - POP! Horror City
https://steamdb.info/sub/404930 RPG Maker MV - DS Resource Pack (not VX Ace)


Sub ID Activates as
https://steamdb.info/sub/35505 RPG Maker XP
https://steamdb.info/sub/65159 RPG Maker 2003
https://steamdb.info/sub/93309 Ara Fell: Enhanced Edition
https://steamdb.info/sub/397601 RPG Maker MV - Ancient Dungeons: Winter for MV
https://steamdb.info/sub/276921 RPG Maker MV - Time Fantasy: Monsters
https://steamdb.info/sub/222818 RPG Maker MV - Time Fantasy: Farm and Fort
https://steamdb.info/sub/197897 RPG Maker MV - Parallel Worlds Hero Pack
https://steamdb.info/sub/333068 RPG Maker MV - Heroine Character Generator 2
https://steamdb.info/sub/249418 RPG Maker MV - Fantasy Heroine Character Pack 2
https://steamdb.info/sub/133849 RPG Maker MV - MV Monsters HIBIKI KATAKURA ver Vol.1
https://steamdb.info/sub/225962 RPG Maker MV - MV Monsters HIBIKI KATAKURA ver Vol.2
https://steamdb.info/sub/289276 RPG Maker MV - Sci-Fi Music Pack
https://steamdb.info/sub/285041 RPG Maker MV - Sci-Fi Battler Pack
https://steamdb.info/sub/166018 RPG Maker MV - Sci-Fi Battlers 2
https://steamdb.info/sub/242452 RPG Maker MV - The Emporium of Copper and Steel
https://steamdb.info/sub/98549 RPG Maker MV - Medieval: Interiors
https://steamdb.info/sub/188874 RPG Maker MV - FSM: Woods and Cave
https://steamdb.info/sub/136111 RPG Maker MV - FSM: Town of Beginning
https://steamdb.info/sub/242269 RPG Maker MV - Love & Sorrow
https://steamdb.info/sub/222803 RPG Maker MV - Wonderland Forest Tileset
https://steamdb.info/sub/275334 RPG Maker MV - Tyler Warren RTP Redesign 1
https://steamdb.info/sub/98440 RPG Maker MV - POP! Horror City: Character Pack 1
https://steamdb.info/sub/98443 RPG Maker MV - POP! Horror City: Character Pack 2
https://steamdb.info/sub/404927 RPG Maker MV - DS+ Resource Pack
https://steamdb.info/sub/501379 RPG Maker MV - MV Trinity Resource Pack

Screenshots for the DRM-Free items:
Medieval Dungeon + Wild West Music Variety Pack
Animations Collection 2 - Quantum + Animations Collection 2 - Thaumaturgy
Seraph Circle Monster Pack II

2 years ago*

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Please do correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure T1 is RPG Maker VX Ace - Fantastic Buildings: Medieval, and not "RPG Maker MV". Haven't redeemed it to confirm and humble does not clarify, but it would make no sense for them to give away the MV version instead of the VX Ace version when everything else in T1 is for VX Ace

2 years ago*

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The subs list is from someone who purchased the bundle and tried all the keys.
It's definitely for RPG Maker MV, as absurd as it seems.
Humble Bundle made a total mess of this bundle (check the note in the OP), so it's really no wonder...

Also confirmed here.

2 years ago*

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oh lol that's quite odd, ty for replying though!

2 years ago

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No Games Bundle = No purchase 😊

2 years ago

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I'll be skipping any great deal for a couple of months now simply because I've got other better stuff to do. It's better to learn Unreal Engine, Unity or Godot.

2 years ago

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guess they're trying to trick people getting the Medieval DLC in tier 1 to upgrade to tier 3 to use it...
or Humble read the key wrong and thought it was for VX Ace...

either nefarious or incompetent... maybe both

2 years ago

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i just saw that xD shame, they probably not even check before they apply bundle

2 years ago

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Does anyone make any actually good games with these? I vaguely remember playing several many, MANY, years ago. The Way had a really good story ...I think? This seems like a good place for recommendations if anyone has any!

2 years ago

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Personally, I enjoy RPG maker for what it is and how I use it. Many "developers" of course oversaturated the market with cheapo games that have little thought put into them, which is unfortunate as someone who enjoys old school JRPG style.

Myself, I like to use it to flesh out and visualize story and progress design for games I am working on. Mostly they are internal use, though music and sound assets are nice because they can be used across multiple projects and media. Portrait assets can also be useful for other projects, though that tends to be a touch more limited depending on the type of project, and I would only use them as stand-ins until custom assets made for the project are made.

2 years ago

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Hi there,

Thanks so much for your patience while we investigated the issue at hand further.

After additional review and discussion with our partners, it appears we provided the incorrect product and keys for Fantastic Buildings: Medieval for RPG Maker VX Ace.

We have removed the incorrect product and keys from your download page and uploaded this content's intended DRM-free build. We are working on ensuring all bundle pages and other advertisements properly reflect this change and are very appreciative of your patience.

You can find the DRM-free build for Fantastic Buildings: Medieval and download it near the bottom of your download page.

As always, please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any other questions or concerns. Otherwise, I want to wish you the best of luck and happy gaming!


Humble Bundle

2 years ago

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Thank you for posting the whole reply.

They mention RPG Maker VX Ace - Fantastic Buildings: Medieval but I think you asked about RPG Maker MV - Fantastic Buildings: Medieval?
And it's not clear from their reply which item is now delivered as DRM-Free.

2 years ago

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well the whole story is this, this is what i wrote:
"gergel.nagyJuly 01, 2022 08:37
bought T1 RPGMaker bundle, instead of RPG Maker VX Ace - Fantastic Buildings: Medieval (DLC) i got this:

The product code you've entered requires ownership of another product before activation.

If you are trying to activate an expansion pack or downloadable content, please first activate the original game, then activate this additional content.
SteamDB - Install - RPG Maker MV - Fantastic Buildings: Medieval

am i not supposed to be able to use it without purchasing higher tier, or is it just a mistake?

Thanks, br

and then yesterday i got this
"MathewYesterday at 18:00
This is a mass response to address issues with keys for "Fantastic Buildings: Medieval" not activating correctly. If this response reached you in error, please let us know, and we will be happy to investigate further.

Hi there,

I sincerely apologize for the long delay in responding to your ticket. We are working through a much higher-than-average ticket volume, and I am genuinely sorry for the long wait. Your unwavering patience while waiting is deeply appreciated!

I have brought this to the attention of our operations team, as we may have the incorrect keys/version for Fantastic Buildings: Medieval. Our team will have to investigate to see what updates need to be made on our end or through the developer, to resolve this issue.

While I await further information from our operations team, I will place your ticket on a brief hold. Rest assured, I will let you know as soon as I have more information or once a fix is in place!

Please reach out to me if you have any additional issues, as I will be more than happy to address them for you!


Humble Bundle"

and then at 22:35 i got what i commented up here. and they did take away my RPG Maker MV - Fantastic Buildings: Medieval key from the download page, replaced it with a downloadable drm free version of Fantastic Buildings: Medieval, dunno which version of rpgmaker it is for exactly

2 years ago

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