When you make a character in a multiplayer game, and you get a choice of genders, what do YOU primarily choose to play as?
Do you always make a male? If you are a male player, are you comfortable enough to always make a female? Do you mix at times?

Lets all confess our sins..... I meant pleasures... I meant.... You know what I mean....

Edited due to accidental sexism. MASSIVE apologies to all that I may have offended with that bad wording.

6 years ago*

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Male, female or other?

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I make both when I have extra slots at times
Other if there is a race that is genderless IE robots
I don't play multiplayer games
II'm living in a potao head world and I am a potato head.......

Edited, FINALLY. Hopefully it's clearer. And I sincerely apologize to anyone I have offended.

6 years ago

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I pick female characters generally (unless there's a skillset that isn't available there) cause I'd rather look at a woman running around the screen than a guy :p

6 years ago

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If given the choice I always make a female character. Why? Because if I'm gonna look at someone's back for the entire duration of the game I'd at least make it a back that I would wanna look at.

I don't see why I'd be uncomfortable with making a female character. It's a computer game. :P

6 years ago

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As a guy, most of the time I play as a male character. Sometimes I'll make a female character when I'm playing certain RPGs.

6 years ago

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Team Femshep.

6 years ago

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Even the abominations from #1?

I prefer the original, Male Shep. (◑‿◐)

6 years ago

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Played i once with each gender (#1 & #2). I just prefered the female voice. Jennifer Hale was doing so incredibly well (especially the renegade talk).

6 years ago

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It's been a while since I've played an MMO but I used to play mostly female characters because they usually have better options in the character editor and most MMOs are third person.

Never had any unpleasant experiences like the ones you mentioned. The only thing that came even remotely close (but not in an unpleasant way) was ages ago in Anarchy Online sombody pointed out that my female Assassin dressed ~ like a nun in a completely white cloak looks cool and asked me if I was a redhead in RL as well. I responded No, I'm blond. and then after a short pause A blond guy. Then we both laughed.

Truth be told, more blondish actually.

6 years ago*

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I'm male, and I usually make male characters, usually even so they resemble me, since that feels natural to me.
But if there are robots, I'll make a badass one

6 years ago

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always female, if possible

6 years ago

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I always found with my friends and I that we like to choose the opposite sex to who we are. I used to always make male characters and my male friends would make female ones. Lately I mix it up though. I love playing as both male and female characters. Sometimes I see which character models look better in the character creation before deciding.

6 years ago*

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Usually male, making a bigger and better version of myself.
If I'm making alts, I might try a female, but I generally prefer to put some of me in the character.
I like the idea of knowing how people look by looking at their character.
Not that it works, since many males play females in 3rd person cameras to have a nicer ass to look at. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

6 years ago

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whichever one I like the look of the best

im gonna be staring at it for hours, it should be easy on my eyes

6 years ago

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