Steam implemented a new review-scoring system, which now fully conforms some of the complains made by game developers.

For example, now if your game wants to be review-bombed because, let's say, you added a new microtransaction system, paid mods, or lootboxes to your new single-player only game, only as many negative voices can be heard as the overall game score allows.
You had 95% rating before? Never fear review-bombs, because they may be written by the thousands, as long as you remain over 90% still, only one of them will appear in the store page, at the bottom. The other nine will always praise you.
Oh, you are a struggling indie developer who had negative reception but worked hard to improve the game? Sorry, we will still display more negative reviews to drive off customers. Please do not contact us, we at Valve think you are important, but we need to keep sucking Bethesda's and Activision's dicks 24/7 so they do not leave our store for their own platform!

Additionally, are you the leader of the "Original Curators" or similar groups taking payment for fake positive reviews? Boy, those pesky normal users with morals and such were really annoying, downvoting your carefully crafted "Good game, would recommend 10/10" reviews you paid so much extorted keys to get 1000 upvotes for. Now, do not worry about them, we will not display any downvotes or the overall feedback percentage of the reviews, so all you need to do is ask your 10k users to upvote a set of reviews, and they will remain on top forever! Getting free stuff for fake reviews have never been easier!
What, this means IMDB user score will be more accurate and dependable than Steam store feedback? Pffft.

6 years ago

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Good changes

View Results
Absolutely, best change in review system evah
I do not like them too much…

They should show a graph of reviews and allow you to select a zone if you want to limit the shown reviews to a particular time. Maybe show posts from the developer over that period too.

This news is a shame, because I relied on Steam reviews to gauge general reception and look for problems in the past - better than most of the game journalists around to be honest.

6 years ago

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Well, it's not like most game journalists care about the generic-game like a.month after release. Unless it gets DLC they have to review...

6 years ago

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They should show a graph of reviews and allow you to select a zone if you want to limit the shown reviews to a particular time. this a joke I'm not getting somehow? They do. At "customer reviews", click "show graph". Both overall and recent review graphs allow you to select a time range, and the reviews displayed are filtered accordingly.

6 years ago

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The graph was the previous review system update. You know, Valve's one good change for Steam they are allotted for every 2 years before they have to fill their mandatory "how to fuck Steam up more 20 more times in 24 months" quota.

6 years ago

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Aaah, never noticed it. Thanks for pointing it out (and not being passive aggressive about it) :D That's useful enough to be revealed by default I'd say.

6 years ago

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Not sure if poll is in the mood of the post or is completely serious (and that evah does not help) - decided to leave sarcastic vote anyway :)

6 years ago

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The first one is sarcastic and the second one is serious. Grab a pitchfork on the way out.

6 years ago

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Making Helpful User Reviews More Helpful™

Unfortunately, if you're a monopoly you can get away with basically anything.

6 years ago

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So slightly more rigged reviews. Are they keeping the most recent reviews on the side as well though? It'll be great if that was kept, regardless of the biased %.

6 years ago

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Steam reviews were hardly useful to begin with, but the recent changes to them... Now they are just there for mild entertainment, but I really feel no need to write any 'review' on Steam anymore.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

6 years ago

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I do the same thing. Are you me?

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

6 years ago

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Hey, bro!

6 years ago

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same here (the are you me part)

6 years ago

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Yeah, me too XD

6 years ago

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Just checked Fallout 4 and GTA 5 reviews. Before all shown red, now most positive.
Yes, fuck you too Valve.

Every time they royally screw up before a sale, boycotting this now too. No loss for me.

6 years ago

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Do devs still pay for reviews anymore?

Surely it's just a case of giving a few keys.

I don't pay any attention to any (steam) reviewers or curators.

I either go off my gut (probably a 50% success rate), or a few trusted reviewers on websites like eurogamer/PC Gamer.

On some games the "reviews" amount to little more than a single word, or sometimes even two!!!

Surely, in many cases, curators amount to little more than rigged reviewers, right - especially the ones who do giveaways / constantly plug some random CSGO gambling site?

6 years ago

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Do devs still pay for reviews anymore?

yes, ofc
release trash game for $0,99 steam store price. Regional price, for example in Russia - 29 RUR ($0,5)
50 reviews-$25 and your game will be with very positive score/ (ppl buy game frome their own steam-account, write review and get money on webmoney/kiwi/paypal)
or you can give 2000-3000 keys for same amount of reviews 😲
After few months change price to $4,99 and sell your game to indiegala bundle. Ppl will check chart here, on steamgifts, see 90-100% reviews score and rush to buy your trash ^^

6 years ago

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State of art marketing !

6 years ago

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i get easily frustrated or annoyed at a game.
some nasty words to publishers like BMC, microids, etc... bought a set of followers that downvote in groups of 4.
I guess i no longer got an attitude problem. :P

6 years ago

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Volvo has more toxic practises than users could ever imagine. That's time for fans stop sucking Gabe's stick and demand transparency.

6 years ago*

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That would never happen, sadly.

6 years ago

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nice, now all the construcive critics who get mass downvoted by all the fanboys cant be seen and will be completely ignored.

6 years ago

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I disliked when they implemented this system on another site I use, so obviously I don't like it here either - but as per usual, it would be incredibly surprising for them to revert this change despite negative user feedback so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

6 years ago

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As long as everyone, who only played 10mins of a game, is allowed to write a review.. the Steamreview system is not worthy to look at.
At milds it is a light indicator of the current main public community of the game, at its best stake.
(or just a random rant of a user with a bad rig complaining he cant play the game...)

They need to construct some kinda limiter to it, in combination of like playtime, special achievements & steam user level. IDK
(in general, only a small group of users check the mass on reviews , or even the guys behind one of it)

But well the rant is up and developers all kind of em, will have their issues, in combination from the steam limitaion of gamekeys in contrast to the review rates.. xD

Doesnt feel right and will force small indiegroups to leave steam, while reviewpaid achievementwhore cardscam games are always on top ^^

6 years ago*

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yeah i love how time as always a influence on the quality of the review yet after someone says something it always end in: You played 8 or "x" hours of the game and yet you dont recommend it? why you got your money worth of the game or You only touched the game for "x" hour it gets better after "y" hours

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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There are positive sides, but since the announcement only lists those, I wanted here to point out the apparent flaws. It took me mere seconds to see them and come up with ways to easily exploit the new system, so we can be assured that those who already were living on exploiting Valve's stuff came up with them even faster.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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I get what they're trying to do, but as a reviewer I like seeing the downvotes on my own reviews. It reassures me that someone not on my friends list might have actually read them =P

6 years ago

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Me too. There will be next to no real feedback on actual reviews now. Yes, I hated the feeling when I saw someone downvoting my last 40-50 reviews (they usually gave up around there), but in general I still had a review score on my review knowing where I did a bad job. :/

6 years ago

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It kind of gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside when someone does that. Aw, who's a cute little hater, yes you are!

6 years ago

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Like many others have already said, reviews are pretty useless in general. The information provided by the devs themselves is usually more than enough to figure whether the game's good or bad. Basically whenever you see "this is an innovative whatnot featuring a deep storyline, unbelievably deep characters and awesome this and that" - the game is crap. When you see something like "the game is set here and there, and tells the story of this certain someone who went somewhere to do something" - then you can proceed to step two and look at the screenshots. If those don't look like crap, then the game could be worth a try. Probably. Maybe.

Sure, nothing is certain, but what I said above is true in 9 out of 10 cases. Especially when you've played at least a couple dozen games and generally know what you like and what you don't. :)

6 years ago

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This only works if you like a particular genre or only play certain types of games and never others.
Unfortunately I know quite a few examples where both the description and the screenshots are more than adequate, yet the game is bad.
I like to think, I am someone who steps out of my gaming comfort zone. I don't like pixelart, if I see that on screenshots, I automatically have low expectations. This is where reviews could help.

6 years ago

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As a "developer of sorts", I don't like not seeing how many people didn't found a review helpful. Helpful reviews help improve games (either directly or indirectly). Knowing what people agree with and what not is always helpful.

As a "gamer of sorts" I find it really weird.

6 years ago

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The number of people who found a review helpful is a bit useless without context.

Is that 12 users out of 15, or out of 200 that found a review to be helpful?

6 years ago

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Exactly. You might have had 95% unhelpful review with 5 upvotes and 95 downvotes... and now it only says "5 people found this helpful". How is that the same?

6 years ago

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Though on the flipside, the old system really needed an overhaul. The "Did you find this review helpful?" was far too abusable by disgruntled activists and paid review riggers. Even when a normal user encounters those buttons, they tend to use it as an "I agree / disagree with this review" rather than "This review was/was not informative or useful for scouting whether I should buy this".

Though to be honest, when you're up against quasi-anonymous hoards and the general mentality of gaming communities, it's going to be a losing battle either way. Companies and sites have been trying to find the magic solution to people deliberately trying to skew results towards their own opinion since the dawn of review systems, heh. Even without this, there is the snowball effect of any kind of front-page content always having the most exposure (and therefore more likely to maintain its position, only the only merit of having got there first).

6 years ago

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In general I've always found the whole most/least helpful reviews system to be worthless. I'm not sure what Valve could do to fix that, but this isn't it.

6 years ago*

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Huh, whatever they like to do, as long as store/devs don't start hiding picked reviews from access. In any case if they will lie too much to people who pay them, system will self-regularize and people remember harm longer than good.

If I ever need to check reviews (rarely), I look only at negative and their ratings do not matter as long as I find speaker reasonable and honest. Everyone just values different things in games.

Not showing number of negative votes.. well I can relate that reviewer can be bullied by groups of people downvoting every review but it is part of life to learn to handle situations, and this one is not dangerous, hence a good lesson. Can't say this being forced is an improvement, only makes being a reviewer too comfy. If this will trigger masses of mediocre reviewers loose, then it is a terrible thing :#

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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Thing is 80% of the reviews are not reviews. It is a joke and complain box and rarely used as it should. The problem here is that its one way the costumers can make their voice heard.

6 years ago

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Have faith in that serious customers will usually browse the reviews properly before deciding whether to buy the product - and if not, they only have themselves to blame, really. No matter how hyped the product, people have always had to ignore the tons of fake/troll reviews and find some serious negative reviews in order to thoroughly line up pros and cons. This only makes it a little bit harder than usual.

6 years ago

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Might sound strange coming from someone who wrote a fair number of reviews, but do people actually pay much attention to them as an aid in buying games?

6 years ago

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Many people skim through them, yes. Do not expect random customers reading 3000-character long essays though. :)

6 years ago

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I usually skim the reviews for phrases like "does not work at all" or "asset flip" or "online is dead" etc.

6 years ago

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for me its usually a lot quicker to skim through negative review to find major issues (such as an abandoned game) than trawl through the discussions by searching for certain keywords. the accuracy and review quality differs between games of course, but its a great early warning system. sometimes ive also found useful fixes in reviews that were deleted from forums by developers / mods.

6 years ago

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Most people (of the small percentage of users who actually do reviews) don't update old reviews - that no.2 change is BS :(

6 years ago

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prioritizes showing recently-posted helpful reviews, as they are more likely to reflect the current state of the game

6 years ago

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It's still rigged anyway. The game I'm working on recently released on mobile platforms and the backend kept crashing for about an hour because of the high amount of users.
Even not helpful reviews keep being shown to fulfill the ratio which is kind of a bummer.

6 years ago

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time to hide reviews, they have became more useless than ign.

6 years ago

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