My cat had issues that ran 100 USD over estimate. There goes Christmas this year. Guess they'll just have to accept my good will, which is all I desire to begin with.
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I graduated a few weeks ago and on that afternoon I got a random phone call from a lady who wanted me to star in an ad (needed guys who did specific martial arts).
They're paying me a tidy sum for what was literally two days' work in my holiday (more than $2000).
So, just waiting on that money to come in and I'll spend a bit on family and friends...and of course my giveaway group and SG will get some love too!
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A random job offer of more than 2000$ for a 2 day work? Yeah, just keep waiting for the money to come in.
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I respect your notice of distinction between the two :)
I did karate when I was a kid for a few years, judo for a year after, and when I was a bit older, ninjutsu, for about 5 years. Or more properly, Bujinkan budo taijutsu ;). Am gonna pick it up again soon :D
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It's a coincidence.
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I do not believe in karma per say, so I think it is coincidence, but I do believe in a kind of karma caused by the fact that if I do something nice for someone he is more likely to do something nice to someone else, who in turn is more likely to do something nice to someone else, ... is more likely to do something nice for me...
Not so much magical karma as changing the world one small step at a time ;-)
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I have a saying lately, it's "Karma is a b*tch". pretty much sums it all up. yup.
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Why people insist on thinking that whenever two different yet somewhat related thing happen on the same time is something more than coincidence? Then what is coincidence, if all that seems like a coincidence is more than a coincidence?
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Personally I don't think there's any such thing as a true coincidence. Everything that happens will have happened regardless of your prior intentions or not. You can't change what will happen in the future because you don't know for sure what will happen; you can only make educated guesses. You can't change the past because in doing so it would potentially alter the future.
If you send out the good vibes you will receive the good vibes. If you're always negative and bad vibing you will attract the bad vibes.
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This is for example a person who takes 'coincidence' beyond it's literally meaning and tries to create an argument out of anything and ends up with some unrelated things. Also your argument is beyond silly. Changing the future and whether you know about it or not has nothing to do with each other. It's like saying that I can insult someone only if I know it's insulting to him, things happens regardless of your awareness to it, if something you do changes the future (despite the fact that "future" doesn't exist), it will change whether you aware of it, or not, your mind isn't the center of the universe, and if you are aware of it, the only difference is intentional and unintentional .And "future" isn't an existence, it doesn't exist, future, is simply a moment our time continuum will eventually reach using the current string of events. It doesn't exist by itself, it's just a reference to part of out time continuum. Are you an omni-science being? how the hell can you say if something possible or not? just because there's a paradox you can't comprehend? You think that because certain beings with limited understanding can't understand something, it makes it impossible? lol
EDIT: Really, you should've commented with only your last paragraph, while it's not entirely true, it's still much better and sensible than what you said before it.
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How do you know your mind (or my mind in this example) ISN'T the center of the universe? How do you know for sure that this isn't all some made up thing in my mind? You can just be a figment of my imagination. The mind is all so powerful and can conceive all kinds of things. Can you prove that to me? Just because you can't comprehend it doesn't mean it's not possible, by your own words.
I can't prove what I say to be true, just like you can't prove what you say to be true either. We don't know any of this for certain.
You are correct in that the "future" will change whether aware or not. Regardless, anything that happens will still eventually happen. You can't trick the future into being something that it may or may not be; the outcome will happen regardless.
Really, you read way to deep into my comment. MAYBE I could have worded it a bit better in the sense that I'm not trying to pass it off as fact. I did say "personally, i dont think..." meaning it's my opinion, not solid fact.
Also did not say anything was impossible... where do you see that?
Time is also something created by man. We could have 100 hour days really but would be completely illogical would it not?
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"Time is also something created by man. We could have 100 hour days really but would be completely illogical would it not?"
You are confusing the measurement of time and the concept of time. Time is not created by man, but man created a way to measure time.
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You are correct, I am confusing the two. My mistake.
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How I know? I don't know! Does it mean we need to consider every possible thing? I don't say, and you shouldn't completely deny anything (like changing the past), but on the same note, you shouldn't either consider everything that comes up to your mind. In other words, simply don't discuss anything that you have no foundations to discuss about it. And if you start discussing something, and someone says something against it, don't use the "everything possible" card, it's both a taboo, and very dumb. Yeah, and if you say something that wasn't really studied, and not much information around it, you should expect the "everything possible" card.
Urgh, so you're one of those "we can't believe anything because we can't be sure" people, we will never know anything for sure, but we still need to base our belief on something, if you not going to have a belief in anything, then don't discuss any of the beliefs, it's like going all around and shitting everywhere with the "everything is possible, we can't be sure in anything", you put an argument, but you don't put a solution, which is very dumb this, and beyond pointless.
OMG, your last paragraph, it's by far the dumbest thing someone ever argues. Time is created by man? I don't know what exactly you meant, Time itself? something can be argued as existing (in the sense you were referring to) when there's something that observes it or being affected by it, can perceive it. And I don't know if you were aware of it, but other things that take part in 'time' beside humans. And if you were referring to the time measurements created by humans; No shit Sherlock, who else would create the definition of different time measurements?
If we change the definition of day or hour, then yeah we could, what would be illogical about it?
And if you talking about changing the speed of entropy, it is impossible now, but it might be possible in the future by technology. What's your point, I don't get it.
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Buddy you seem to have me pegged right to the T. Absolutely astounding.
Why should I not discuss anything that doesn't have any pure foundation? Just because there is no B to the A doesn't mean we cant have a conversation.
A question doesn't have to have an answer if it is unsolvable at that moment.
You are really wasting a lot of your time on something that seems to me you shouldn't be wasting your time on. There's that time thing again I keep misconstruing.
Who the fuck shit in your cereal today? You turned my simple comment into a gigantic philosophical debate?
Unfortunately I need to quit replying to you because 1) i guess i really cant offer a "solution" to this debate 2) i dont want to keep having a troll fest with you and 3) i didnt to argue with god.
You COULD have taken a rather nicer way of pointing out my mistakes, instead you just went into dick mode insulting me for no reason other than (what i have to assume) is too feel better about yourself by being smarter than somebody else and pointing out how stupid they actually are.
I think you succeeded :(
Any rate, thanks for the words and enlightenment. Have a groovy day/afternoon/night (whatever it is where you are)
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Why you shouldn't? because no matter with what you will be countered with, you will just say "You can't be sure", this is NOT a discussion, this one sided rumbling, nothing more. A discussion is when there's an argument based on what you've been countered with, and not all-purpose argument like, "You can't be sure". It doesn't seem like you have a problem with accepting and trying to understand what is trying to be argued, which is very good thing, so I hope you understand it.
That's the point, you don't present a question that have an answer, not in the sense that isn't currently available, but in the sense that it doesn't exist. Because you always can say "we can't be sure", what possible answer could there be for that argument?
Oh the irony, the beginning of the argument was because you did exactly what you accusing me of, you took my simple comment, a casual word in it, and started talking about some weird things. SO yeah, I didn't eat cereal today, but you on the other hand.
You seriously call off my argument as trolling? . . . And what god has to do with anything now?
While I usually very polite in debating, but when I presented with very very silly arguments, I get abnormally pissed, so I use stronger language as a form of 'all caps', that is my fault, I'm not gonna deny it. Also, I see you don't argue alot, because if you call this as being a dick in an argument, then you haven't seen much. I used strong language, but haven't insulted you directly much. Also you should know better than get offended on the internet.
I won't act pretentious, I am probably smarter, but it silly to think this what makes a person better. Hey, I don't know you, you might be hundred times better person overall than me in reality, so by chance that you have an argument (with a stranger) that puts you downs, you need to realize that it isn't something to actually feel down about, no person in perfect, and you'll always find someone who is better than you in something.
And may you have a good day day as well. (hope this argument hasn't ended with any bad feelings in it)
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You sound like a friend of mine who hit his other friend because he didn't like that he was shrugging. In this case, you attack me because I said something you didn't like/agree with? I call it being a dick in an argument because there's no reason to start attacking the other person; i didn't come out and call you an idiot because I disagree with your opinion or thoughts. I also called both of our arguments a "troll". I did not take your "simple comment" out of context; your simple comment was a wall of text explaining how dumb I am. My original comment was a simple comment.
So you won't act pretentious but, you will slip it in there anyway. Ok, sounds right. You know what, you probably ARE smarter; but that's really subjective itself. You could be the smartest pencil I know, but you may lack general social smarts which can be the case for people with exceptionally high IQ's.
On the contrary, I don't feel down, I don't feel any more superior or inferior. I can go on about everything that many other people are better at than myself; that's a given for sure.
About the cereal, I can't eat it :( Gluten allergy, lactose allergy, general everything food allergy. I dont eat breakfast either. I don't expect you to know that (or care for that matter), but thought I would throw it out anyway.
I've got no problem admitting I'm wrong when I'm wrong. I've made many ridiculous mistakes and said things that were false; however until my opinion is proven wrong I should be free to think what I think.
"what has god to do with anything" was just a statement referring to you being god. Not really much relevance; should have edited it out but oh well, i'll just leave it for the sake of whatever it is. Hey lets get onto THAT debate now, going back and forth to try and prove or disprove if there really is a god. That's a huge can of worms.
I wouldn't have gotten as involved if you acted like Chippies and explained why I was potentially wrong instead of the "here's why your an idiot" diatribe. If you presented yourself in little better way, all good. After conversing a bit, I can see that it wasn't necessarily the case but still.... if you want to debate somebody don't attack them on it, why not nicely explain why you think the other person is misinformed. Again, that's up to you to decide if you want to be good or bad.
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The whole point is not about taste of opinion, if it was just about that, I wouldn't be so pissed, the problem was that what you said was wrong on the fundamental level. sigh this is so frustrating, you keep saying that all I do is insult you when all I did is criticize and counter your arguments, but an argument's intelligence reflects the bearer's intelligence, so I guess in some sense, calling on your arguments, is the same as calling on you, but you can't help that people would criticize what you say, when you say silly things. You can call your arguments whatever you want, it doesn't make mine the same. Even if it wasn't out of context, you didn't expect me to reply? That my counter put you down, isn't my fault, it's your fault for saying something like that, that would bring such argument.
So, I say something in your favor, and you just create an argument to reinforce against me? Very nice move.
What exactly you opinion? That "We can't be sure about anything"? when did I exactly says it isn't true? You really should try to understand the argument, I was arguing that it should be used in arguments, and other principals or arguing and such. If you tried to understand the argument, you would see that I also agree that we can't be sure about anything / everything is possible, just that it doesn't help with answering anything or reaching a solution, so it's completely pointless to debate about. And you are free to think Whatever you want, I have no rights to dictate it, I never criticize religious people about their beliefs. But when you put your opinion on display, and push it in someone's eyes, you should expect that they'll push back, and you have absolutely no rights to complain about it. If you don't like your opinion being criticized, don't give them opportunity to do so. It's like if someone releases a bad movie, and then they complain that there are bad reviews, and that they shouldn't make those bad reviews.
You just keep on singing the same tune, that I brutally attacked you, the only thing I did is completely destroy your argument with using abit stronger language here and there. If you really can't even handle something like that, you shouldn't point out your opinions at all on the internet. You can't just walk in into a dog's layer and later complain that you were bitten by a dog.
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Thinking that we are the center of the universe is just a common selfish fallacy of the human mind. We all falsely think that we are unique.
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I can agree that we are all the same. We all think the same thoughts all of the same things happen to us. Isn't it not weird though that all of these random occurrences are linked to each other that way though?
We don't know for certain that we are the centre of the universe, nor can we disprove it either. It's a thought, a possibility.
We all also breathe and die, seeming that we are our own persons. Still nothing unique about any one individual at all though that I can agree with.
I'm not saying I'm correct at all either;
I guess i have to re-hash my debate with Necro from where he says we "shouldn't either consider everything that comes up to your mind". Why shouldn't we consider everything? Apart from obvious things, why is it a crime to think things that may or may not be possible? If we dismissed all of the impossible thoughts would we still have evolved and grew like we have in the past 100 years?
I dunno, I guess queue the people who will hate on me for this comment too. I'll continue to speak my mind no matter how much nerco wants to call me names or insult my intelligence. I'm not saying by ANY means that I'm a very intelligent person or not but really; attacking me for an opinion? Well I guess thats your right to speak.
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I think we just WANT it all to be connected. I think we need to clarify the difference between association and causation. Just because two things might be related in some way does not mean that one caused the other.
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It would be comforting to know if it were or not. This conversation reminds of me a book Imagining the 10th Dimension and the Butterfly Effect
On a general note and not specifically directed towards anybody (and I need to say this is my opinion from personal observation NOT LAW, NOT LAW):
if you are ignorant towards a new idea or thought of course you won't necessarily understand it because you don't want to. If you remain open to new ideas and thoughts you give yourself an opportunity to learn about it; it may or may not be true but at least you can give yourself a better perspective on it when you try it out for yourself instead of just sluffing it off because you don't agree with it for whatever reason.
Just like I can't prove or disprove anything in my past comments, but I don't think that just because it can't be either proven or dis-proven we should dismiss it because it doesn't exist, or the research hasn't gone that far, etc.
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Well you COULD connect everything through extremely loose connections but what does that really mean? The answer is that it doesn't have to mean anything. Just because tw things are important does not mean that they are important to each other in some deep way.
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Really doesn't mean anything at all I guess, other than the fact that they are associated with each other through some means.
Maybe one day we'll figure it out. We definitely don't have all the answers, and the universe just keeps providing us with more and more.
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About the re-hash; Where have I said we need to dismiss things that are impossible? I specifically said that we shouldn't 100%-deny anything. All I said that we should think about everything that comes into mind, because not everything can be answered (if at this moment or at all), and thinking of something without the goal to reach a solution or answer, is a complete waste of time, pointless ideas, especially when there are other things to think about. And that what we really evolved on, science, researching things, not simple thoughts, philosophy.
And seriously, that last paragraph, the internet is really not a place for you.
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You are right, I should have learned by now to expect things like these on the net. Where's my head. Internet is a great place, it's the people that make it the way it is.
Your words "but on the same note, you shouldn't either consider everything that comes up to your mind." Now, we may be involved in a bit of a language barrier here, so maybe I'm not understanding what you are saying 100%; but that says to me that you shouldnt believe in everything your mind comes up with, am I on the right track?
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Just to be clear, if you think, it's people like me you should be careful with on the internet, then you really haven't seen the worst of it, and should stay away from it.
Consider =/= believe, considering means, thinking about it, trying to "research" the idea. So I say that not everything that comes to your mind can lead you to answers if you think about it enough, so it's pointless and useless thinking about all the possible possibilities (which are endless) because you have no way to determine which is real and which is not, So your only realistic option is just to choose whatever is more logical with the current logic. And not just go with "anything is possible", because that way, you can't have orderly opinion and can't debate anything properly. So only if you don't plan on having opinions to debate about, and just mind your own life, and not bothering what is real or not, only then you can live with the argument "We can't be sure of evrything" / "Anything as possible", because it's the cards to stop arguments if someone will try to argue, and that's why I said You shouldn't use them as an argument, because it's only stopping discussion, not leading or creating one.
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To save yourself and myself from further frustration (and to not further hijack OP's thread), I will back down and concede defeat.
It's not doing you any good to argue with an idiot on the internet :)
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Actually I really love arguing, and it has many good points, and generally is good at the end (aside of the really really really frustrating ones, and/or with bad feelings at the end), it helps me build my philosophy and put it in practice evolving it even further. If you yourself want to end it, fair enough, tho I'm still grateful for the debate, regardless of it's summary.
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Honestly though, I don't think it's even about the original debate anymore; it graduated to something ... else.
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Only first and second reply I argued about something you said, the rest I just lectured you that you shouldn't use any opinions based on "Everything is possible" / "We can't be sure" logic in an argument, I didn't argue against that logic. (mostly because I believe in that too, I just don't use it for an argument source, and don't let it invalidate my beliefs)
We never meant to know the absolute truth and what is true or not, no matter in what we believe, and how much we believe in it, we would never know if it's true or not, and nothing will change the truth in our favor, so there's really no point in keeping your mind completely open and keep on wondering what is possible and not, and what is true or not, because no matter what comes its way we would never know if it's true or not, so basically no belief is more true than the other on that sense, so that's why you should just believe in whatever you want. Basically what I'm saying is that you can keep believing in what you believed, there's no problem with it, but when you step into an argument it's a whole different story, because in an argument there isn't just your belief, and you don't have the luxury of believing in whatever you want, you need a reasoning and justification for your belief, because in an argument not only your opinion matters.
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We may all think that we are the center of the universe at some level, but we can not objectively prove nor disprove this.
The basic idea is that, since all experience is felt within the mind, which we assume is filtered through our senses, we cannot trust that what is being sent to our mind is truth. We have no way to prove that what we see is real, and we can only assume such things by way of reason and assumption.
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Here's some other concepts that tie into these things somewhat, but moreso to the OP's impression of karma.
Subject-expectancy effect (similar to Placebo effect)
Basically, he was raised to believe in Karma, therefore Karma works for him. He sees Karma as not something that CAN happen, but as what WILL happen, based on how he behaves.
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It's simple really, you gave something to someone who needed it and karma responded in kind, you got what you needed. Giving is receiving as they say.
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If karma was a thing then bad things wouldn't happen to good people
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+1, I was going to say that but I didn't think people would get it.
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If you look real hard, you'll find Jesus burned into your toast and Satan in your cereals.
If you listen to some music played backwards, you'll hear "sass sass sass, dirty old ass"
If you pause the Lion King at a specific moment, you will see "SEX" written in the stars.
Perception is a tricky thing. If you don't temper it, it can convince you that absurd illusions are real.
Also, I may or may not be slightly bitter about the idea of karma, given great people having absolutely horrible things happen to them for no reason.
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Seriously, that's what Karma is.
Karma says that if a child dies in childbirth, it did something bad. It says that a rape victim had it coming. It says that the mugger who gets away with it must have done something good.
People used to believe that bad things only happen to bad people. Then we grew up.
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I recently donated my old Xbox and games to some parents in a lot of financial trouble, and I got a job, plus (from another source) the money I needed to buy Christmas presents for my family. It seems a little more than coincidence that this all happened together.
Anybody else had a similar experience?
Also, I'll probably send out a giveaway in another topic in a few days, after I figure out how much change I have left over from the gift money. TIS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY.
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