So my last discussion/poll turned out really well.
I got a lot of support, and a lot of information about people. That's sort of the thing I'm hoping for here, if you're comfortable with your situation leave feedback. I'll start with my own issues which I've sparingly shared across the web here and there. Mainly at a community website where other people suffer from similar illnesses. I'm suffering from physical stuff, hip surgery, obese, bad cholesterol (so hard to maintain on antipsychotics) though overall my cholesterol is good. Let's just try to keep this focused on mental health. Some people it helps to talk about it, sometimes you make friends in the most unlikely of places. Anyway, here goes nothing.

Schizoaffective Disorder: Relating to, characterized by, or exhibiting symptoms of both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Insomnia: Prolonged and usually abnormal inability to obtain adequate sleep. (Note inability)

Anxiety: An abnormal and overwhelming sense of apprehension and fear often marked by physiological signs (as sweating, tension, and increased pulse), by doubt concerning the reality and nature of the threat, and by self-doubt about one's capacity to cope with it. (Probably one of my most crippling issues.)

Personality Disorder (Not otherwise specified): A psychopathological condition or group of conditions in which an individual's entire life pattern is considered deviant or nonadaptive although the individual shows neither neurotic symptoms nor psychotic disorganization. (This is just the most basic sense of everything, my doctor once told me the not otherwise specified isn't because he can't fit me into a category, it's because he can fit me into many categories.)

PTSD: A psychological reaction that occurs after experiencing a highly stressing event (as wartime combat, physical violence, or a natural disaster) outside the range of normal human experience and that is usually characterized by depression, anxiety, flashbacks, recurrent nightmares, and avoidance of reminders of the event.

Hypothyroidism: deficient activity of the thyroid gland; also : a resultant bodily condition characterized by lowered metabolic rate and general loss of vigor. (Weird that I put this in a mental health thing right? I'll explain below if you stick around and read the whole thing lol)

So, prior to being diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder, I was diagnosed with Bipolar 1. The difference being, that I had to have hallucinations when I was experiencing neither a manic nor depressive episode. As soon as I got my depression under control with lithium and a slew of other anti-depressants and stimulants I was still having the hallucinations so I was “upgraded”. Either way, I had all the symptoms of both the entire time, paranoia, reclusiveness, suicidal idealization (thankfully only 1 attempt on my life). The works and if you don't know about bipolar 1 it's the worst type the one where people actually off themselves frequently. So thankfully I got medicated and met a good Psychiatrist and Psychologist that actually cares about me. Covered enough about Insomnia in the other post, though again I'd like to highlight “inability” being tired and not wanting to sleep or choosing to stay up doesn't count. Laying in bed tossing and turning for 8 hours. That's where the issues arise. Anxiety, pretty self explanatory and anyone that has it severely knows what I mean about how crippling it is. It's kept me from getting jobs and other jobs it made me quit because I couldn't take it. Personality Disorder, not sure what to comment here. PTSD, this is a tough one... I think we all have memories from the past that haunt us because unless you have lived the perfect life. You've had a pet die or a friend move away, and growing up you didn't know how to handle it and no one really taunt you this is the proper way. My life was probably more traumatic than most, I'd go into it but this isn't a sob story or a torch and pitchfork mob to lynch my parents. Point is PTSD comes from not knowing how to handle those situations, my sadness turned to anger, from anger to depression, from there it was taken out on myself. I have no idea how to reverse the damage.. Thyroid problems, see this is a catch 22. I need lithium to keep my mood and suicide idealization stabilized. Lithium is literately destroying my thyroid. I'm taking Thyroid hormones but we have to guess how far it's going to shut down in a 3 to 6 month window. Problems with an under-active thyroid include depression, fatigue (severely so when your numbers drop like mine do) Cholesterol freakin problems, weight gain (can't work out because of hip surgery as mentioned above, so right now my ONLY way to lose weight is diet with no exercise... Extremely tough)

Anyway, that's enough about me, we can talk about me IF YOU want to, but I've said a lot about me. I want to hear about you. What's your story...

PS. Gibs

NEW GAs, Let's keep the conversation alive until the GAs end (bundle leftovers sorry they're not amazing...)

EDIT: GAs were added before all the sgtools drama, to be honest I still support sgtools but next time I'll just do one sgtools link and train them together like most people. I apologize for any inconvenience, and there are no serious requirements like having an insane ratio or anything.

8 years ago*

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Have you been diagnosed by a professional with a mental illness? (Sorry if that's not the PC term, I interchange disorder and illness frequently)

View Results

Anxiety and depression. Thought about writing about some of my issues but then got anxious that people wouldn't react well to it ._. And I know people's responses would be with good intentions but I'd still get anxious and stressed out. I think that in itself explains some of my problems.

8 years ago

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That's what is great about the internet who cares? And this is an open forum, so say whatever you please as long as it's on topic preferably.

I didn't know people got anxious about posting stuff on the computer though, I mean unless you have a bunch of webcams facing you recording at all times then I think you're okay. The worst thing about posting here is people can see your steam profile so you could always make it private for a few days then come back and delete your post then make your profile public again!

8 years ago

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Well, I am okay with posting stuff if it's neutral, positive, or non provocative. However, if I have in mind to say anything that people might respond negatively to, I most likely will not say it due to anxiety over the response. I don't have this anxiety ALL the time but just most of the time. Even if it's online though, the negative response of people just stresses me out too much.

8 years ago

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I take offense to that!

8 years ago

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^ This was a joke :) this might be an uncomfortable question for you but I just want clarification. I'll try to make it simple so that you don't cross too many of your boundaries at once. Do you mean provocative as in 1 sexual or as in the other 2 strong reaction, anger, annoyance etc. Reason I ask is because it's a little redundant with how you explain it. Not really trying to criticize negatively just trying to help you communicate your situation better. It almost seems like I'd change provocative to provoke. Either way though, it's an open forum where I am concerned. The worst that you have to fear is that someone might read it or comment on it and then you can just delete your posts and pretend they were never there :)

I feel like to express emotion and feelings properly you have to break the positive neutral and even non provocative barriers. Sometimes you have to trust people, not me per se, but at the same time I seem like a pretty friendly guy right? I made GAs!

So 1 or 2 so I am completely aware on where you stand, I am pretty sure it's 2 but I just want to make sure?

8 years ago

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"Neurotic disorders impairing adaptability"
Sounds scary, but it's mostly phobias, anxiety disorder, depression. Though I'm still the funny and cool guy in the society, so I'm fighting with this! :)

8 years ago

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I've played the Sims so I actually know what Neurotic is, the impairing adaptability is the troublesome part.

Sounds like you've got it under control! If you ever need us in 20 years necro this old thread and let's talk about it! ROFL.

8 years ago

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ptsd followed by insomnia, panic attacks and hypervigilance.
whole pack for extra fun.

it's interesting to see so many people sharing their problems here, easier than speaking face to face.

thanks for the giveaways. :3

8 years ago

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That's exactly it, easier than speaking face to face. I'll do it face to face but I have to be asked, it's not like I give that information out to people that don't care enough to say are you okay? What's wrong with you? Show a little compassion. Why are you disabled? and other generic questions that show me you don't care about the question you're asking other than just trying to build the stigma and you'll get generic surface answers.

Kind of just ranted there didn't I... Had nothing to do with you, I'm sorry lol...

How long does your insomnia usually last? I'm not sure if we covered it in our previous thread.

8 years ago

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usually lasts till i take a pill, but sometimes i just fall asleep without it. can't sleep for more than 4-5 hours anywyay.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I have never been diagnosed so I don't have anything.

8 years ago

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Awesome! Hope you go your whole life without any kind of mental illness! Thanks for the bump!

8 years ago

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Does depression count as a mental illness?

8 years ago

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Depends, has it been diagnosed? If it has are you taking antidepressants? It's pretty easy to say I'm depressed, I'd say everyone experiences depression. But that doesn't mean you have depression as an illness

As I do not know your case I obviously have no idea one way or the other. best way to find out is to go to the doctor!

8 years ago

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Nothing that I'm aware of. Mild allergy to CV is undiagnosed.

8 years ago

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Better than being allergic to winning Gibs

8 years ago

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Oh, I'm terribly allergic to the word "gibs" plus I never enter game giveaways. I'm sure a professional would have something to say about that. :)

8 years ago

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Okay so I'm new here... So who the heck are you? Haven't won a giveaway in almost 3 years, I assume now because you haven't entered. You've given away almost 470$. You don't have a dev tag and your games aren't all the same so I don't think you're being funded. Mod maybe? I don't know the mods, thankfully I've had no reason to meet them. Lol I repeat my previous question, who the heck are you?

8 years ago

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Just a normal user. I came here to give, entered initially until I realised that I have more than enough games and I'm buying those I'm interested in anyway, so no point in participating in the game. Got disillusioned over time and started referring to SG as a "random trading site", even stopped giving, but now I'm giving a little in the Unlucky-7 group, because the only way I get a feeling of giving charitably here is giving to those who haven't won a lot.

8 years ago

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So professional was meant as a joke as in doctor of some kind for your being allergic to the word gibs and your refusal to enter giveaways? I think I get it lol... Threw me a curveball.

I'm part of that group, little crowded nowadays. Actually just won my first non mass Giveaway but it wasn't even from the group it was from a whitelist.

8 years ago

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Yeah, that's what I meant by 'professional'.

8 years ago

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I honestly think that this is not the right place to start a discussion like this. I mean, this very site welcomes two types of people: compulsive hoarders, and people who are addicted to giving away stuff (in most cases, both :))

8 years ago

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SG is beyond just giving and winning games. It's a community and therefore I'd say almost any kind of discussion is alright in the forums. The only exceptions I could think of are threads that would spread hatred and intolerance towards certain types of people.

8 years ago

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If not in a public forum like this (where the mods do pretty well) then where?

This is a taboo topic that needs to be opened up so that future generations can talk about it more freely and we can hopefully overcome this pandemic the human race is currently facing. For every one person that actually shares, there is someone lurking that is understanding and appreciates that someone said it. If it gets out of hand I have every intention of shutting it down. I think that's why I stayed up tonight even though I have to be "up" in an hour and a half. So far it's been a very positive discussion and I've learned a lot. You should start reading, maybe you'll change your mind!

8 years ago

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Nah, I'm just pointing out that if you want a truly serious conversation about the topic, this is not the right place. Think of it like asking about alcoholism in a bar :) And no offence meant, just trying to lighten up the discussion with silliness, as I always do. And it's true that people need to be more open to things, but I got no problem with that.

8 years ago

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Sadly that's a terrible reference, this is more like a chat room. You can go to other more cheerful chat rooms or you can go to the dark and gloomy one

8 years ago

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As I wrote earlier, I was just trying to tell you in a light hearted way that everyone here can have a mental illness, and truly, no offence meant. If you look it that way, half of the worlds population could be diagnosed with some mental illness, no joking here. But to give some meaningful information to the discussion and not to joke around, I give to charities who work with disabilities or illnesses, (both physical and mental) and see that video games can have a very positive effect on people with mental problems. So everyone with a mental illness that has a willingness to play pc games can give thanks to everyone who makes gaming today possible, because this hobby can have a very positive effect on many conditions. Just look at people with phobias. It's a proven fact that phobias can be cured with slow training to accept the thing that causes phobia. Also games can help with depression and anxiety.( And of course, I want to point this out again, no offence meant above. English is not my main language, and some things have other meanings to me in my language, and of course my language's usual sayings and things directly translated can be offensive to someone. Apologies if I upset you. Happy gaming, and I wish you all the best!

8 years ago

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First off, you did not upset/offend me.
I would like to take some notes from your recent post.

"If you look it that way, half of the worlds population could be diagnosed with some mental illness."
This is so very true, look at the poll results of this thread and my last thread, but you're missing something else this thread is accomplishing especially if that person that is voting is taking the time to read. It's raising awareness, which bounces back to my taboo topic opening up thing. They don't have to talk about it, they don't have to memorize it word for word, but if they see one phrase and it helps them learn something then GREAT!

On the flip side of that (because as I've mentioned I'm a real life chess player I think 7-8 steps ahead) there are going to be people that are going to see some of this stuff and take it and say, "Oh I'm Schizophrenic" or "Oh I'm Bipolar". Which is detrimental to that person especially if they don't take the time to go get tested. Once they find out that they're negative then they can move on with life. Or who knows best case scenario this'll be a way for them to self diagnose.

I think games helping with depression and "curing" phobias (relapses are very prominent in anyone that has had their phobia cured) are a perfect example of why this thread belongs here! There are a LOT of people that play video games that have mental illnesses. If for nothing else because it's the only thing they're good at.

EDIT: I hope I did not offend you and I hope I was well understood.

8 years ago

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No, I was not offended, in contrary, I feared that I offended you, or anyone with my silliness. I wish you and anyone all the strength to overcome their illnesses.

8 years ago

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Thank you and if you have anything going on I wish you the same. Take care, thanks for the bumps!

8 years ago

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I'm a sociopath and my girlfriend broke up with me because of this. I'm also an egoist, narcisissist and an asshole.

8 years ago

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Okay, so to warn you because of how you wrote your post my walls are up, however since you took the time to post in my thread I assume your walls are down enough to communicate so I'm not going to be an asshole.

I'm sorry that your girlfriend left you, this isn't meant to be harmful but as an egoist and narcissistic person do you miss her? I honestly don't know any one of your condition, and all I have ever seen is exaggerations in films/media. It would seem that you care about yourself so much that you wouldn't care about her. Add a touch of asshole in there and good riddens? Do you miss her sometimes? All the time?

Sociopath, now this is interesting, how were you diagnosed with this? Have you actually had any criminal behavior? That's what people generally think when they think sociopath so I'm just curious it's not meant to offend you and you don't have to elaborate beyond a yes or no especially if it's incriminating. It obviously has other stuff like no moral compass and antisocial behavior.

8 years ago

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I have autism and dyslexia, if that does count. I nearly never leave the house and try to only communicate over pc. I had big problems in school and rarely have any friends.

8 years ago

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Yes, that counts. I rarely leave the house too and basically use the pc for communication. I had big problems with jobs, and my only friends are 2 kitties a girlfriend and any friends I meet on here/in MMORPGs. So just know that you're not alone! Thanks for sharing

8 years ago

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I'm healthy or at least I hope I am. I'm not suffering from any physical or mental illness. Still, whenever I want to go somewhere for a long time (like a summer job in another place) and I get to change my diet (I normally eat a fucking lot of vegetables and fruits), I tend to get sick (because I can't find a lot of vegetables and fruits there), like I'm depending a lot on my way of eating. :P But anyway, that's not even a serious problem - or a problem at all. xD Hmmm, I wanted to say something, but I have nothing to say. Nevermind, I hope you'll get better. You should start a diet and never give up.

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8 years ago

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Diets are hard :( I like vegetables but I like meat... I could do without the carb but my doctor says I need some kind of carb from time to time. So what I'm going to do tonight is slow roasted french onion pork chops, fresh green beans, and rice. Problem is I have to cut back on the meat as per Doctor's orders.

I appreciate the well wishes, the post, and the bump

8 years ago

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Well, yes, you should. I like meat too, but only the "clean" meat (without any obvious fat). Anyway, to be honest, it looks a bit too much to me that you're going to eat all these things. They look like 3 different meals to me. o.O Just hear the doctor please. :) You should have a program. I doubt that the doctor told you to eat something like this tonight. You could try eating fish. Same pleasure, no bad cholesterol.
You are welcome. I hope you get well soon and you can also try working out in your upper body only.

8 years ago

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Yeah portions are relatively small, lunch is where I'm able to have a rather large portion.

Basically it goes like this. Medium breakfast, bowl of cereal like total, large lunch leftovers from dinner the night before, snack granola bar/banana/yogurt, small dinner and really cut back on the meat.

Problem with fish is I don't really like it, so I've been experimenting. I do not like salmon patties though I do like Grilled Salmon Fillets. I do not like baked Tilapia though I do like Blackened Grilled Tilapia. Any more ideas there?

EDIT: And I just want to be able to run again right now, that's all I want. I want to just take off and run for miles.

8 years ago

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Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a beggar. ;) And generally speaking, eat a lot of small meals, rather than a few big meals. Anyway, salmon, although with a lot of good fat, as I said, it contains a lot of fat, so it surely won't help you lose weight at all. It's a very fatty fish. Sadly, never learnt anything about tilapia, so I can't help you with that. If you avoid the salt, sardine is the best fish to eat. And because big fish should usually be avoided, you can try herrings and anchovies too. You want to run, but you can't, at least for now, so try working out in your upper body part (barbells, dumbbells, things like that).

8 years ago

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Sadly most barbell dumbbell exercises require hip movement of some kind. I'm only on week 6 of a 6 month recovery. Bench Press you plant your feet, curls you rest your arm as a focal point just on the inside of your thigh so you can get full extension. I could do like 5 exercises that I can count, and that is very irritating too. Can't even do a freakin push up. I'll stick to the diet for now see how that helps, I've also basically cut out a ton of sugar. I've already lost 4 pounds just by doing that.

I always thought large breakfast too, but my doctor said times have changed. When you wake up and eat breakfast (unless you're going running or exercising early in the morning) you're burning basically no calories. However at lunch you are burning optimum calories because you've been up your body has been moving. You work out after lunch etc... Then to keep your stomach active so it never stops working you should have your snack. Then you should eat the small dinner to get ready for bed.

I can't do small fish, what kind of fish are cheap in the middle of the united states that actually taste good?

8 years ago

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Not really. There are many exercises you can do while sitting.
When I say large breakfast, I am obviously not talking about "English breakfast", with bacon, eggs, sausages, and whatever they usually eat. I can't even understand how they eat all these things in the morning. xD But you can eat cereal, honey, jam, etc.
Dunno. I'm Greek, not American. xD That's why I hardly know anything about tilapia. You don't like any small fish? Not even one? I also prefer large fish, but I'm trying to avoid them.

8 years ago

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The only one I've tried is Sardines and I like them, though they're canned and with different sauces. However there is no chance in hell my girlfriend is eating that lol...

You could always send me a 249.5kg tuna in a refrigeration unit. Most likely easier for you to get than it is for me.

So wait, what is wrong with my bowl of cereal?

8 years ago

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First of all, there are fresh sardines too. No need for canned ones. Also, why add sauce? Sauce is like the most unnecessary thing. I'm not a chef or something, but you could grill them and add lemon and oregano.....? Dunno, as I said, I'm not a chef. ;P
As I said, big fish are something to avoid. Especially tuna is usually full of heavy metals (not the music :P ).
I'm a humble food technologist with a knowledge mostly about food safety and HACCP, so I'm not really good about diets. :P Still, even though I said before about cereal, it depends on your cereal and what they have to offer. Most of the American brands are just plain sugar. In the other hand, honey and jam are very good for your health. ;) And, depending on your budget, you could even try things like royal jelly, but yeah, I'm going too "far" right now. xD

8 years ago*

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They come pre-canned with sauce, I don't think I can get them fresh unless I import them and importing fish sounds... Scary. Here's a link to a similar cereal can't find my exact one, basically mine is the exact same, little more calories for like 7g of protein added via miscellaneous nuts. Almonds etc

8 years ago

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What sounds even more scary is American fish. xD Relax, the fish of worst quality are near Asia, so you'll be fine with imported fish.

Oh, finally something that I know a lot about. :D BHT in your cereal is a possible carcinogenic substance. Taken from trustworthy sources:
1) While no evidence in the available information on BHT demonstrates a hazard to the public when it is used at levels that are now current and in the manner now practiced, uncertainties exist requiring that additional studies should be conducted.
2) BHT enhanced the induction of urinary bladder tumors and inhibited that of liver tumors, but had no effect on carcinogenesis in the forestomach. BHT could be a promoter of thyroid carcinogenesis.

Also, cereals usually have mycotoxins, because they come from the soil and mostly because they're dry. Same thing goes about nuts.

And don't be afraid of the calories you may get from cereal. You should be afraid of the calories you may get from meat.

Anyway, your dietologist won't tell you only about the dangers and the calories of some foods, but about their nutrients too, so don't mind me. xD

8 years ago

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Alright, pick out an American cereal for me to eat!

8 years ago

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I told you I'm not American, so I can't really know. xD But well, Honey Nut Cheerios have honey (obviously) and they "say" that they can lower cholesterol. Still, a dietologist will be able to inform you more about this matter and will surely know more American brands than me. :P

8 years ago

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I think we call them nutritionists here in America, problem is affording one on the ridiculous low money I'm getting then also buying food on top of that... Either way thanks for ruining my diet before it ever began! Sugar here I come!

8 years ago

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I ruined it? :O Nooooo. Keep following your diet. :(

8 years ago

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Too late alrighty drinking sugar with my coffee. I don't even like coffee! What about White bass and Crappie? Are they good fish to eat?

8 years ago

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But why do you drink it then? :'( I don't know about Crappie. I know about bass, but not about White bass. :P It's a big fish sadly. But still, it has many proteins and ω fatty acids. :D

8 years ago

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As I said, I didn't know about white bass and black crappie. xD But here is how the small fish look like:

8 years ago

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Wow, so we have some very different ideas of sizes here, I don't think there is anything like that locally and I couldn't afford to import that much fish.
Crappie would be the closest thing to a fresh water fish that is caught nearby that I know of that is edible and is relatively small. Still bigger than most of those you have linked though not by much.

Here's an example of a sardine from where I live. Then what you are referring to...

View attached image.
View attached image.
8 years ago

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Then yeah, crappie could do, although I've never eaten this fish. :B
And look at some fresh sardines below. ;P

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Was put on anti d's a while back, decided I didn't want to take them and stopped seeing the doctor, wont lie I'm a bit apathetic about it. That's about the bulk of what I can be bothered sharing. Sounds like you're getting yourself looked after though, which is good. Wish you the best.

8 years ago

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Alright man well I appreciate you sharing, I wont force anything else out of you! If you get a spur of the moment and want to chat come post away otherwise thanks for the bump!

8 years ago

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yes, I do...

8 years ago

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Well, I appreciate the bump at the very least. I hope you get better, if you can't get better I hope you learn to live with it.

8 years ago

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You certainly have quite a list there. I think with anxiety and depression it is pretty common in today world though. Medicine for it are usually prescribed very often. I think part of the anxiety and depression you just got to try to smile more and know that a better outcome can and will always be there. It may not be right away but it can come sooner than later. Good luck with everything and hope you are doing well.

8 years ago

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Yeah actually my depression is more Bipolar Depression, think of your life like an actual roller coaster. The higher the mania phase the lower the depression phase. The longer the mania phase... You get the point. And sadly I have no way to control the mood. My mania phases are awesome, all kinds of energy, I get so much accomplished, my libido is off the charts (tmi!). My depression phases are pretty crippling, even the anxiety I have is pretty severe I also posted how... Let me get a link so you don't have to dig around in case you want to read that post, worst case scenario you don't read it.
I don't really smile or show a lot of emotion, not because I can't but because when I do it feels forced and I don't like it to feel forced. I do however have a motto in life that I've taken from the movie "Meet the Robinsons" See Below:

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8 years ago

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I think that at least you are able to talk about this and willing to express yourself rather than hiding it or trying to act like everything is okay with you. And I like your motto. I think you have a great outlook despite all the unwanted problems. I don't have any of these problems and I always feel sad that so many people do despite things like anxiety and depression are so common. I do get anxiety or depressed, in fact all the time but I never let it go on for too long. I think that's just part of human nature to go through those 2 phases. And yes, being bipolar sucks since you are always on a roller coaster ride.

8 years ago

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I think I boil my outlook down to, wanting to get better... It's not always like this obviously, but I was feeling good had some games left over so figured why not?

8 years ago

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Wanting to get better is a big step already

8 years ago

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I've been through a depression recently (last year) but I'm already much better, although I've been diagnosed an avoidant personality disorder and now I'm going to therapy. I have a lot of work to do yet, but I feel stronger day after day and I feel I have more and more control over myself so I guess I'll be able to recover myself fully or at least I hope so! ^^

8 years ago

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That's the kind of attitude you need, see the image directly above your post!

8 years ago

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I also think that's a very good motto! =)

8 years ago

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I would love to partake in this discussion, but since there is no anonymous posting, I wont. Thanks for the gibs

8 years ago

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I understand, you're welcome and thanks for the bump!

8 years ago

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Define mental illness? I mean I have been diagnosed with depression, but I don't think it's a mental illness. A mental illness to me is like borderline or something. My depression was caused by external factors, mainly having to quit university (although I'm enrolling in something comparable to what they call college in the US next schoolyear, it's called HBO). It also snowballed into other problems like self-image and relationship problems. I'm mainly working on those right now. I don't get any meds, I have to do it all on my own. Which is hard sometimes but is statistically better in the long run.

8 years ago

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The line is probably really hard to define. Childhood issues that seemingly are unreasonable as an adult? Probably Illness. What you are describing I would say no? But who am I to be a judge here, I have no idea. The only thing that I'd really say no about is the fact that you're not medicated. However, some people are simply able to help themselves just fine and don't need medicine, so I don't think anyone here is qualified enough to answer this question for you. Can you access online health records?

8 years ago

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I saw a program that was part about depression and it said that mild and moderate depressions are generally worse off when taking anti-depressants. The way I learned it at therapy is that first you need to get in a better mood and then you start treating the sources of the depression. Only if that doesn't work or if you have reason to believe it won't beforehand do you prescribe anti-depressants. But the main thing is always treating the source of the depression. I don't think taking meds is the distinction. I think it's a question of nature vs. nurture. If it's nature, I'd define it as an illness.

And yes, it's weird. Some people breeze through life without a hiccup and others (like us) are struggling at some points and need help for that. Even though they may have many of the same experiences we have. If we would know why all shrinks would go out of business.

8 years ago*

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I'd argue that most people even with really severe depression like mine have a source. But I think that anyone that struggles even from mild anxiety ONLY when talking in front of crowds could benefit from talk therapy. There are thousands of free clinics around and even more sliding scale clinics, then of course there's insurance for the really good ones. Can you make it through life without it? Yes of course, but I personally think getting to the root cause for a lot of your issues and turning them into something productive. Or even just turning them from something productive into feelings. It's all moments that are very worthwhile.

8 years ago

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Every condition has a source. I just meant that some are internal and others are external. And then there's of course this enormous gray area where I wouldn't even dare to comment on. When they are strictly internal (nature) they come from the way your brain is wired from the start. When they are external, like mine (nurture), your environment is the cause. Both of these extremes exist. But like I said, there's this huge gray area as well.

You can get through life with a mental condition, and lots of people have in the past. But indeed, you should treat the cause and not just the symptoms. If you only fight depression with medication, it's almost guaranteed to return.

Luckily, I live in a country that has a proper health system (The Netherlands), so all of my therapy is covered by the insurance by law. Nobody can exclude me from it due to some 'pre-existing condition.' God, I hate US politics...

8 years ago

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Have room for a roommate?

8 years ago

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Is attention deficit considered a mental illness?
If yes, i suffer from a mental illness, if not, i don't suffer.

8 years ago

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Yes ADD would be considered a mental Illness. The question states have you been professionally diagnosed though? That's not saying you haven't just reiterating what the poll says.

II have similar symptoms to ADD in that I can't focus on any given task which makes it impossible to read or currently attend school. I hope to remedy this in the future. I was actually tested by a neuropsychologist and was negative for ADD. So I have something that is currently undiagnosed but I have bigger fish to fry.

What issues are you dealing with if you don't mind me asking?

8 years ago

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Well, a medic diagnosed it about a year ago, she's not a neuropsychologist, but she tested me and made a lot of questions.
She said something that to be diagnosed with ADD i would have to show, 65%, 70% 80%, i don't remember very well, of all the symptoms/characteristics of ADD.

My issues? I can't concentrate mostly, if reading a book, at page 3, i'll possibly forget things from page 1.
If someone asks me to do something, i'll possibly forget it.
If i'm taking classes, if I don't like much the subject or lesson, i'll start thinking of random things, i get easily distracted.
If i'm studying by my self, after i read something, or answer an exercise, i ended up taking a walk, getting some water...
I can't assimilate certain informations if they are not of my interest, i easily forget them.

Hey man, don't fry it, roasting is healthier, i think(?).

8 years ago

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My fish??? I am currently grilling/baking, which causes problems with fishy flavor! I don't have any ability to roast fish sadly lol...

Yeah that more than qualifies for a diagnosis I'd say, and sounds like the proper symptoms... Do you struggle with it or does it not really bother you?

8 years ago

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Actually it doesn't really bothers me, but it bothers the people around me and it affects negatively what i'm trying to call as "my academic life".

8 years ago

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I sometimes like round numbers. Does that count?

8 years ago

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GRRR don't continue GA trains that are 3 months old already for crying out loud! Just start a new train, did not sort through to see if there were any gems, thank you for the random addition to the thread though :)

8 years ago

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introvertism is an illness right? cuz i have that. its been 10 years since i last left my parents house . and back then was when i went to school. i couldnt stand being around ppl anymore so i dropped out. now im 27 and leave my parents house once a month IF THAT

i freak the frick out if im even around more then 2 people at a time. and when i try talking to another human i stutter even tho if i talk alone im just fine

i dont mind being alone. its not so bad when you have internet. i spend about 18 hours a day online and im cool with that

solitude is my best friend

never tried driving a car before, and never had a job before. and im doing just fine lol

8 years ago

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Yeah, that sounds pretty severe, possibly some more going on too like severe social anxiety. Ever see a doctor?

8 years ago

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def social anxiety lol, but no never went to a doctor cuz i dont see how they can do anything

8 years ago

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Well they would probably start with talk therapy, to see if the anxiety is deep rooted (born from a home that yelled a lot as a child so you became timid)

Next stage is the many variety of benzodiazepines that can help relax you, with time maybe even enough to get your license and stuff like that. Just remember if one doesn't work for you that doesn't mean another wont.

Talk therapy works for many many people though, just sorting through their issues gets them more comfortable with themselves and their surroundings, and you can learn techniques to survive in the wilderness known as the world.

8 years ago

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I don't really enjoy talking about my diagnoses in public, just because a lot of people pretend to have them and yeah.

It makes me feel better to know there's a lot of other people around though.

8 years ago

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Yeah, that's kind of a catch 22 too. Don't talk about them and you feel alone, talk about them and everyone has them. My family is especially bad about it. If I try explaining how I feel about a certain situation or like a better example is explaining my hallucinations. Turns out everyone in my family has had hallucinations for many years. Then why in the hell haven't you been suffering like I have been?!?!?

It's really hard to filter between those people unless you know them, but the internet does a good job of it I think. It's easy to call people on their bullshit because they're not friend nor family. It doesn't really matter what you or anyone thinks of me. Not that you thought negatively of me in anyway just stating the fact. A lot of people don't have that kind of attitude though, I think I was just conditioned with it as I grew up to have a I don't give a crap attitude.

8 years ago

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Before I got diagnosed I tried to tell everyone I wanted to get tested for what I thought was wrong.

All I got for it was "Everyone has difficulty you're fine."
"People who are mentally ill aren't aware of it and think they're normal so you don't have anything."

It's just, it's really hard to live like this you know? I don't doubt your problems either. You seem like you know what's up.

8 years ago

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I do suffer a mental illness, but if you actually think I'll read the whole wall of words, you are so wrong...

8 years ago

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I would say that's your loss, but it's not.

I was just stating some of my basic issues, that wasn't even getting into nitty gritty detail. Thank you though for your contribution to the thread and the bump.

8 years ago

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I have some issues... but I find that years of introspection and staying away from stressful situations and not hanging out with stupid people often help more than the shit the shrinks had me on.

If psych drugs work in YOUR body, then good. I personally had to find an alternative way of dealing with my problem.

8 years ago

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Yeah I actually started with that not that I was ever an extrovert, but I went to a few parties in high school because I was invited and I'd stay an hour or two to say I made an appearance. My biggest problem was stupid people, followed me out of high school, but more and more I became an introvert (I think I always was naturally I just tried to force myself to be more). Without getting into too much detail right now I'm facing a tough situation, remove myself from one of my last 3 connections, my mom, because it's a stressful situation. Or try to find a way to make it tolerable.

And some of my psych drugs work, some do not currently. But I'm constantly seeking my perfect "cocktail" Thanks for your feedback!

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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Sorry I missed your post I took a little power nap!

8 years ago

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I do have hypothyroidism and i don't consider it a mental illness at all. It's physical, the cause is physical, located in the thyroid, not in the brain. Sure, it has some effect on mental, like many physical illness could have also. The most mental consequence is humor change, when i wasn't under treatment (take TSH hormon daily) my humor was switching mood very quickly and often. And, the most difficult for me was the loss of imediate memory. For exemple, i was thinking about something, and 10 min ago, i would forgot what i was thinking, even if i did know i was about to do something, but couldn't remember why. It was afwull, and losing memory is really not something i wish to anyone.

But you can't consider hypothyroidism as a mental illness. There's not a lot psychological involved in. With treatment, i consider it not very impactfull on my life. The only consequence i'm having hard time to fight is the weight gain, despite having a physical job, i'm a bit overweight and found hard to lost it (although i eat poorly i must admit).

8 years ago

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The main reason I added it as Mental was it's contribution to my depression, which is pretty significant. It went really high, above 12 (while on medication AND this went from a 2.2 a month and a half earlier) and I felt like I didn't have a soul, it was the only way to describe it. I went completely emotionless. I didn't cry, didn't laugh, didn't even smile.

The other side effects are pretty much nil, I have memory loss but it could be attributed to numerous other medications I take as well. But yes, with levothyroxin my life has changed around, I just wish my lumbers didn't jump around so much.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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My thing was I was always sure they were going to lock me up. Turns out long as you're not posing a threat to yourself or others they generally don't like to keep you.

Psychologist aren't bad, they're the ones that talk thing out. Psychiatrists prescribe medicines, and that's the tough part, especially if you do not want to be on medicine. It always comes down to if you need a change and if you want a change in your life. I was at the end of my road and needed help. Hopefully you seek help before you get to that point, but if you can get through life with minimal suffering then more power to you! Thanks for your contribution to the thread and the bump!

8 years ago

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