do you guys and girls workout?

In what did you get better since you started workingout?

I do I was at the gym for about 2 months but they closed (I don't know why) so I do street workout with my friends .

i'm working out for about 4 months and I got better with pull ups 4 months ago I couldn't do 3 pull ups and now I can do about 25-30 pull ups.(btw i'm only 15.6 years old)

now you guy lets see if you sit all day in front of your computers or if there is more people here who care about their health and body so they are working out.

1 decade ago*

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Yea, been working out every day for about 3 years now, I'm no longer the fat kid xD

1 decade ago

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hell no. i'm 662lb, 4'6 tall and i'm only 11. what the hell can i do

1 decade ago

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i do nothing except sex. I'm fine with that

1 decade ago

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lol, pulls ups... that's something i won't do untill i get more muscle to do it, i'm too damn big/heaby to workout like that for a start, plus i tried a few times, my best was 5 when pushing myself too hard but i usually do 2-3 aswell (going with my head over the bar, down and up again, regain my breath, k.o.)

I used to workout in a gym, but then i left since i'm the type of guy that looses motivation fast (had 2 friends that were quitting, so i had to quit aswell, being alone working out sucks). Year and half later, i started working my muscles again at home in the summer, i was so damn rusty to the point of not being able to do push ups without getting tired after like 30 (used to make 75-100 non stop when i went to the gym, take a 10-15 minute break, repeat, do about 50-75, break, repeat 25-50, move to something else), so yeah... year and half not working out made a huge change. Right now i'm working, i don't work out, don't have time to. But it used to be something i did everyday before going to bed, 30-60 minutes workout, get more exhausted, sleep better, wake up good as new.

1 decade ago

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I actually do.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by OGNech.