do you guys and girls workout?

In what did you get better since you started workingout?

I do I was at the gym for about 2 months but they closed (I don't know why) so I do street workout with my friends .

i'm working out for about 4 months and I got better with pull ups 4 months ago I couldn't do 3 pull ups and now I can do about 25-30 pull ups.(btw i'm only 15.6 years old)

now you guy lets see if you sit all day in front of your computers or if there is more people here who care about their health and body so they are working out.

1 decade ago*

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I do light exercises to help destress, as well as maintain muscle mass. Mostly walking, yoga, and that sort of thing. In other words, nothing harsh enough to upset my fractures. I'm also hoping to get a pool with my next house so I can add aquatics to my routine. And I'd like to start riding my bike again once it gets warmer, too.

As far as what has gotten better since I started doing this, mainly a noticeable drop in back and hip pain. And I sleep much sounder the night after a good workout.

1 decade ago

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My current routine is a bit extreme but the results are amazing,

check out the basic reps, it's very easy

1 decade ago

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Worked out for 2 years, first year was just learning the basics plus halfway through I got a lower back/ spine injury from going too heavy on the squats. Second year, I put on a massive amount of muscle. I went from 155 to 178 lbs, goal was to get to 200 then cut the fat. ( I was sitting at 13% ) So that's that. Now I have stopped for 5 months, had to go on Accutane to treat my acne cause it is getting on my nerves. After that, I will go back to the gym, also plan to take Krav Maga lessons.

1 decade ago

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Of course. Working out is essential for anyone who wants to be healthy these days, daily routine being mostly sitting and clicking. I spend about hour and a half every day doing exercise -- stretching, weights, sixty squats, 120 push-ups, some breathing practice; nothing fancy, but enough to keep me fit. Haven't missed a day for more than a year now. I never was going specifically for muscular mass, however, with my constitution it's not very achievable anyway without choking on protein -- more fitness and stamina training here.

1 decade ago

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I used to practice wushu when I was young (just turned 29) but now I'm old and my joints are jacked. I even traveled to China 3 times to train 5 hours a day. Now I mainly do light weights, push-ups, and pullups to stay a little heathly. Once in a long while I will train basics in a few weapons. I would go jogging as well but my knees and ankle prevent me from that kind of activity. I really miss doing real straight sword, spear and 3-section staff practice =/

1 decade ago

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You should try a walking exercise machine for your knees, they can actually be very good for that.

1 decade ago

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Ah, those machines; I tried bike riding before but that didn't work out well. Maybe I'll see if there's any for dirt cheap on CL. Thanks a lot for the suggestion.

1 decade ago

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You're welcome. There are pretty cheap ones even in shops now, not too bad at that; my father got one recently, helped him a lot with his knee (old training injury, too).

1 decade ago

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my hand works out quite a bit..

1 decade ago

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No but I plan on it soon...not because I am fat(5,11, 150lbs), just because I feel sorta out of shape.

In other words I care...but procrastinate with everything.

1 decade ago

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do you even lift?

1 decade ago

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Nah been meaning to...

1 decade ago

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opposite of me... I used to be able to easily do about 30 pull ups, now I could do like 1-2 :(

1 decade ago

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Hmm. I wonder how do you people define a pull-up, because I have pretty good arms and chest, and my comfortable limit was 15 for a long time and continues to be now. Personally I know only one guy who could, with training, do about twenty.

1 decade ago

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+1. This is a pull up. I used extra weight for all my pull ups, and when I didn't use any weight, max I did was 22, with some hanging because my biceps were fatigued.

1 decade ago

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I've been doing weight lifting for 2 years, about 2-3 days a week. Lost about 35 kg, and gained a bit of muscle mass, too.
I went from barely being able to do squats with 20kg to 100kg, though my upper body strength is not quite as good. But I can do bench presses with about 55kg now.

1 decade ago

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Not lately. :/ All of my work and schooling is spent behind a monitor, and I'm not exactly left with a lot of free time. I used to run daily through, rain, shine, snow, you name it. It wasn't a workout, per se, but it was better than now. I do swim in the summer however, but not particularly strenuously.

edit: And also it's kinda hard for me to workout. ._. I knocked my spine out of alignment as a kid, and it just never felt right since.

1 decade ago

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You've got an excuse not to go to the gym then :) Running and swimming is ultimately all you need for a healthy lifestyle though, the gym workouts are always more about muscle toning (which is extremely strenuous and boring).

1 decade ago

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I do a street workout with my bro and friends, three times a week. We've been working out since April, and we have definitely grown stronger, bulkier and gained endurance. We'll need it for this year's snowboard vacation =)

1 decade ago

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Athletics (long distance running) for the last 7 years 4 days a week. If I where not I am afraid to even think what I would look like with all the time I spend siting in front of the PC (gaming + college)

1 decade ago

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Yeah I workout too, sitting long time in front of computer is not good for health.

1 decade ago

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Used to play rugby, broke my foot doing something else, and still have to fully recover so I can keep training.
I've practiced other stuff like Ninjutsu, basketball, handball, and some others in the past.
I'm a scary mountain of shoulders.

1 decade ago

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I work out whenever I have time. Usually I do some exercising every other day, but currently I'm really busy, so I try to work out at least once a week. My work out consist of mostly jogging and vigorous dancing (if you can call that working out :D). I love the feeling of adrenaline flowing through my body!!

I really take much effort in keeping myself in shape. I gain weight really easily :(. Since I love eating, it's really hard for me to stay at the optimal wight just by controlling my eating habits. So I really have no choice but to work out in order not to get fat.

1 decade ago

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yep few years of weight lifting gained +30% of body mass and im almost 3x stronger

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

1 decade ago

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Yea, I do. Pull ups and jogging mostly. It really makes you feel much better and for me its very relaxing.

1 decade ago

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I walk a lot, that counts as something right?

1 decade ago

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50 pushups, 60 situps every second day for some months now...that's all I do yet still it gave me some abs and xxzeps

1 decade ago

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6 days a week for over 4 months now

1 decade ago

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I have two babies, 1 year old and 4 months so my whole day is a workout ;P

1 decade ago

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Babies are great for dumbbell training. ;)

1 decade ago

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My fingers are BUFF.

1 decade ago

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I play Handball in a team and ocasionally futsal or basket with my friends. That's all the workout I do.

1 decade ago

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almoust everyday i run 8 km (Autumn / Winter) 12 - 16 km (Spring / Summer). Monday, Wednesday, Friday 2h on gym and Sunday - swimming

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by OGNech.